Java tutorial
/* * MIPA - Middleware Infrastructure for Predicate detection in Asynchronous * environments * * Copyright (C) 2009 the original author or authors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the term of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.sourceforge.mipa.predicatedetection.lattice; import static config.Config.LOG_DIRECTORY; import static config.Debug.DEBUG; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import net.sourceforge.mipa.application.ResultCallback; import net.sourceforge.mipa.components.Message; import net.sourceforge.mipa.predicatedetection.AbstractFIFOChecker; import net.sourceforge.mipa.predicatedetection.LocalPredicate; import net.sourceforge.mipa.predicatedetection.Structure; import net.sourceforge.mipa.test.PhysicalTimeInterval; /** * * @author Yiling Yang <> * */ public abstract class WindowedLatticeChecker extends AbstractFIFOChecker { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5970384654877012269L; /** output the lattice constructor procedure information */ // private PrintWriter out = null; /** store all the received local state */ protected ArrayList<ArrayList<LocalState>> localStateSet; protected ArrayList<ArrayList<LocalState>> windowedLocalStateSet; private int[] windowSize; private AbstractLatticeIDNode startCGS; protected AbstractLatticeIDNode minCGS; private AbstractLatticeIDNode maxCGS; // private AbstractLatticeIDNode[] extremaSurfaceNodes; private HashMap<String, AbstractLatticeIDNode> mappedLattice; public int latticeNumber = 0; public int windowedLatticeNumber = 0; private PrintWriter outTime = null; private int[] interNumArray; private boolean[] interNumFlag; public long wastedTime = 0; public long oriTime = 0; public long wastedOriTime = 0; public long responseTime = 0; public long growTime = 0; public long pruneTime = 0; public long computeTime = 0; public long updateTime = 0; public int updateNumber = 0; // private boolean jOptionPane = false; private boolean pruneFlag = false; private PrintWriter outConstruction = null; public HashMap<String, AbstractLatticeIDNode> oriMappedLattice; public AbstractLatticeIDNode oriMaxCGS; public PrintWriter outOriConstruction = null; public PrintWriter outPhysicalTime = null; public PrintWriter outDetection = null; private int DetectNumber = 0; private int OriDetectNumber = 0; private int PhysicalNumber = 0; public WindowedLatticeChecker(ResultCallback application, String predicateID, String checkerName, String[] children, Structure specification) { super(application, predicateID, checkerName, children); localStateSet = new ArrayList<ArrayList<LocalState>>(); mappedLattice = new HashMap<String, AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); windowedLocalStateSet = new ArrayList<ArrayList<LocalState>>(); interNumArray = new int[children.length]; interNumFlag = new boolean[children.length]; windowSize = new int[children.length]; if (DEBUG) { try { // out = new PrintWriter(LOG_DIRECTORY // + "/windowedLatticeChecker.log"); outTime = new PrintWriter(LOG_DIRECTORY + "/WindowedLattice_Time.log"); outConstruction = new PrintWriter(LOG_DIRECTORY + "/WindowedLattice_Construction.log"); outOriConstruction = new PrintWriter(LOG_DIRECTORY + "/OriLattice_Construction.log"); outPhysicalTime = new PrintWriter(LOG_DIRECTORY + "/PhysicalTime.log"); outDetection = new PrintWriter(LOG_DIRECTORY + "/Detection.log"); oriMappedLattice = new HashMap<String, AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } addInitialCGS(); getWindowSize(specification); } private void getWindowSize(Structure specification) { ArrayList<Structure> structure = specification.getChildren(); Structure CGSsNode = structure.get(0); ArrayList<Structure> CGSNode = CGSsNode.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < CGSNode.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Structure> LPsNode = CGSNode.get(i).getChildren(); for (int j = 0; j < LPsNode.size(); j++) { String normalProcess = ((LocalPredicate) LPsNode.get(j)).getNormalProcess(); int index = Integer.valueOf(normalProcess.split("ss")[1]); windowSize[index] = Integer.valueOf(((LocalPredicate) LPsNode.get(j)).getWindowSize()); //windowSize[index] = 4; } } } private void addInitialCGS() { String[] index = new String[children.length]; LocalState[] CGS = new LocalState[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { index[i] = "0"; interNumArray[i] = 0; interNumFlag[i] = true; LatticeVectorClock vc = new LatticeVectorClock(children.length); vc.increment(i); CGS[i] = new LocalState(i, interNumArray[i], vc, false); CGS[i].setID("0"); localStateSet.add(new ArrayList<LocalState>()); localStateSet.get(i).add(CGS[i]); windowedLocalStateSet.add(new ArrayList<LocalState>()); windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).add(CGS[i]); } startCGS = createNode(CGS, index); minCGS = startCGS; maxCGS = startCGS; oriMaxCGS = startCGS; String ID = StringUtils.join(index, ' '); mappedLattice.put(ID, startCGS); if (DEBUG) { oriMappedLattice.put(ID, startCGS); outOriConstruction.println("[In]" + ID); outOriConstruction.flush(); outConstruction.println("[In]" + ID); outConstruction.flush(); latticeNumber = 1; } windowedLatticeNumber = 1; } @Override protected void handle(ArrayList<Message> messages) { String normalProcess = messages.get(0).getSenderID(); int id = nameToID.get(normalProcess).intValue(); for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { outOriConstruction.println("receive message from NP" + messages.get(i).getSenderID() + "[" + messages.get(i).getMessageID() + ": [" + messages.get(i).getTimestamp().toString() + "]]"); outOriConstruction.flush(); } for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { // response time responseTime = 0; wastedTime = 0; growTime = pruneTime = computeTime = updateTime = updateNumber = 0; Message message = messages.get(i); LatticeMessageContent content = (LatticeMessageContent) message.getMessageContent(); outOriConstruction.println("deal with NP" + message.getSenderID() + "[" + message.getMessageID() + ": [" + message.getTimestamp().toString() + "]]"); outOriConstruction.flush(); // compute interval number of current process if (content.getlocalPredicate() == true) { if (interNumFlag[id] == true) { interNumArray[id]++; interNumFlag[id] = false; } } else { interNumFlag[id] = true; } LocalState localState = new LocalState(id, interNumArray[id], content.getlvc(), content.getlocalPredicate(), content.getPhysicalTime()); outOriConstruction.println("Get localState from message [" + message.getSenderID() + "[" + message.getMessageID() + ": [" + message.getTimestamp().toString() + "]]"); outOriConstruction.flush(); localStateSet.get(id).add(localState); localState.setID(String.valueOf(localStateSet.get(id).size() - 1)); windowedLocalStateSet.get(id).add(localState); // maintenance of window if (windowedLocalStateSet.get(id).size() > windowSize[id]) { windowedLocalStateSet.get(id).remove(0); } if (DEBUG) { outConstruction.println("------" + id + "------"); outConstruction.flush(); outOriConstruction.println("------" + id + "------"); outOriConstruction.flush(); } long time_1 = (new Date()).getTime(); growLattice(localState, id); growTime = (new Date()).getTime() - time_1; if (minCGS != null && Integer.valueOf(minCGS.getGlobalState()[id].getID()) < Integer .valueOf(windowedLocalStateSet.get(id).get(0).getID())) { pruneLattice(minCGS, id); pruneFlag = true; } boolean checkResult = check(minCGS, maxCGS, id); responseTime = (new Date()).getTime() - time_1 - wastedTime; if (checkResult == true) { if (DetectNumber == 0) { try { System.out.println("The predicate " + predicateID + " is satisfied."); application.callback(String.valueOf(true)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } DetectNumber++; outDetection.write("DetectNumber: " + DetectNumber + "\n"); outDetection.flush(); } if (DEBUG) { windowedLatticeNumber = mappedLattice.size(); outConstruction.println("windowedLattice: " + windowedLatticeNumber); outConstruction.println("updateNumber: " + updateNumber); outConstruction.flush(); outTime.println("windowTime: " + responseTime); outTime.println("windowTime': " + (growTime + pruneTime + computeTime + updateTime)); outTime.println("growTime: " + growTime); outTime.println("pruneTime: " + pruneTime); outTime.println("computeTime: " + computeTime); outTime.println("updateTime: " + updateTime); outTime.flush(); } if (DEBUG) { boolean oriDetect = false; boolean flg = false; long time_2 = (new Date()).getTime(); if (flg == true) { growOriLattice(localState, id); oriDetect = checkOriLattice(oriMaxCGS, id); } oriTime = (new Date()).getTime() - time_2; if (oriDetect == true) { OriDetectNumber++; outDetection.write("OriDetectNumber: " + OriDetectNumber + "\n"); outDetection.flush(); } latticeNumber = oriMappedLattice.size(); outOriConstruction.println("oriLattice: " + latticeNumber); outOriConstruction.println("oriTime: " + oriTime); outOriConstruction.flush(); outConstruction.println("oriLattice: " + latticeNumber); outConstruction.flush(); outTime.println("oriTime: " + oriTime); outTime.flush(); if (minCGS != null) { outConstruction.println("minCGS: " + StringUtils.join(minCGS.getID(), ' ')); outConstruction.println("maxCGS: " + StringUtils.join(maxCGS.getID(), ' ')); outConstruction.flush(); } else { outConstruction.println("minCGS: " + "null"); outConstruction.println("maxCGS: " + "null"); outConstruction.flush(); } outOriConstruction.println("oriMaxCGS: " + StringUtils.join(oriMaxCGS.getID(), ' ')); outOriConstruction.flush(); /* * // out local state set for (int j = 0; j < * localStateSet.size(); j++) { ArrayList<LocalState> local = * localStateSet.get(j); outOriConstruction.print(j + ":: "); * for (int k = 0; k < local.size(); k++) { LocalState ls = * local.get(k); outOriConstruction.print("["+ls.getID() + ": " * + ls.getvc().toString() + "] "); } * outOriConstruction.println(); } outOriConstruction.flush(); */ } if (DEBUG) { /* * if (children.length == 2) { * ArrayList<ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>> nonChecker = new * ArrayList<ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>>(); * nonChecker.add(new ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>()); * nonChecker.add(new ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>()); * boolean findHead = false; ArrayList<LocalState> window = * windowedLocalStateSet.get(0); for (int k = 0; k < * window.size(); k++) { if (window.get(k).getlocalPredicate() * == true) { if (findHead == false) { findHead = true; * PhysicalTimeInterval p = new PhysicalTimeInterval( * window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); nonChecker.get(0).add(p); } * else { PhysicalTimeInterval p = nonChecker.get(0).get( * nonChecker.get(0).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } else { if * (findHead == true) { findHead = false; PhysicalTimeInterval p * = nonChecker.get(0).get( nonChecker.get(0).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } } * * findHead = false; window = windowedLocalStateSet.get(1); for * (int k = 0; k < window.size(); k++) { if * (window.get(k).getlocalPredicate() == true) { if (findHead == * false) { findHead = true; PhysicalTimeInterval p = new * PhysicalTimeInterval( window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); * nonChecker.get(1).add(p); } else { PhysicalTimeInterval p = * nonChecker.get(1).get( nonChecker.get(1).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } else { if * (findHead == true) { findHead = false; PhysicalTimeInterval p * = nonChecker.get(1).get( nonChecker.get(1).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } } if * (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(1).size() != * 0) { while (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo()) { nonChecker.get(0).remove(0); * if (nonChecker.get(0).size() == 0) { break; } } if * (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0) { while * (nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo()) { nonChecker.get(1).remove(0); * if (nonChecker.get(1).size() == 0) { break; } } if * (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(1).size() != * 0) { if (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() == 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeHi() != 0) { if * (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() && nonChecker.get(0).get(0) * .getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker .get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi()) { * PhysicalNumber++; outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + * PhysicalNumber + "\n"); outDetection.flush(); } } else if * (nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeHi() == 0) { if * (nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() && nonChecker.get(1).get(0) * .getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker .get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi()) { * PhysicalNumber++; outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + * PhysicalNumber + "\n"); outDetection.flush(); } } else if * (nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeHi() != 0) { * PhysicalNumber++; outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + * PhysicalNumber + "\n"); outDetection.flush(); } } } } } else * if (children.length == 3) { * ArrayList<ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>> nonChecker = new * ArrayList<ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>>(); * nonChecker.add(new ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>()); * nonChecker.add(new ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>()); * nonChecker.add(new ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>()); * boolean findHead = false; ArrayList<LocalState> window = * windowedLocalStateSet.get(0); for (int k = 0; k < * window.size(); k++) { if (window.get(k).getlocalPredicate() * == true) { if (findHead == false) { findHead = true; * PhysicalTimeInterval p = new PhysicalTimeInterval( * window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); nonChecker.get(0).add(p); } * else { PhysicalTimeInterval p = nonChecker.get(0).get( * nonChecker.get(0).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } else { if * (findHead == true) { findHead = false; PhysicalTimeInterval p * = nonChecker.get(0).get( nonChecker.get(0).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } } * * findHead = false; window = windowedLocalStateSet.get(1); for * (int k = 0; k < window.size(); k++) { if * (window.get(k).getlocalPredicate() == true) { if (findHead == * false) { findHead = true; PhysicalTimeInterval p = new * PhysicalTimeInterval( window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); * nonChecker.get(1).add(p); } else { PhysicalTimeInterval p = * nonChecker.get(1).get( nonChecker.get(1).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } else { if * (findHead == true) { findHead = false; PhysicalTimeInterval p * = nonChecker.get(1).get( nonChecker.get(1).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } } * * findHead = false; window = windowedLocalStateSet.get(2); for * (int k = 0; k < window.size(); k++) { if * (window.get(k).getlocalPredicate() == true) { if (findHead == * false) { findHead = true; PhysicalTimeInterval p = new * PhysicalTimeInterval( window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); * nonChecker.get(2).add(p); } else { PhysicalTimeInterval p = * nonChecker.get(2).get( nonChecker.get(2).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } else { if * (findHead == true) { findHead = false; PhysicalTimeInterval p * = nonChecker.get(2).get( nonChecker.get(2).size() - 1); * p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } } for (int * m = 0; m < 10; m++) { while (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(2).size() != * 0 && nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() || nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo())) { nonChecker.get(0).remove(0); * } while (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(2).size() != * 0 && nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * (nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() || nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo())) { nonChecker.get(1).remove(0); * } while (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(2).size() != * 0 && nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * (nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() || nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() < nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo())) { nonChecker.get(2).remove(0); * } } if (nonChecker.get(0).size() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(2).size() != * 0) { if (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() == 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0) { if * (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() && * nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() && * nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo() && * nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi()) { PhysicalNumber++; * outDetection.println("PhysicalNumber: " + PhysicalNumber); * long lo = Math.max(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeLo(), * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); lo = Math.max(lo, * nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); long hi = * Math.min(nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeHi(), * nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeHi()); if (hi < lo) { try { * throw (new Exception("SCP error!" + hi + "-" + lo)); } catch * (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } } outDetection.println("Interval: " + * lo + "-" + hi); outDetection.flush(); } } else if * (nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() == 0 && * nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0) { if * (nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo() && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker * .get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi()) { PhysicalNumber++; * outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + PhysicalNumber + * "\n"); long lo = Math.max(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) * .getpTimeLo(), nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); lo = * Math.max(lo, nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); long hi * = Math.min(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeHi(), * nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeHi()); if (hi < lo) { try { * throw (new Exception("SCP error!" + hi + "-" + lo)); } catch * (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } } outDetection.println("Interval: " + * lo + "-" + hi); outDetection.flush(); } } else if * (nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() == 0 && * nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0) { if * (nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeLo() && * nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker * .get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() && * nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo() >= nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeLo() && * nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeLo() <= nonChecker * .get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi()) { PhysicalNumber++; * outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + PhysicalNumber + * "\n"); long lo = Math.max(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) * .getpTimeLo(), nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); lo = * Math.max(lo, nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); long hi * = Math.min(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeHi(), * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeHi()); if (hi < lo) { try { * throw (new Exception("SCP error!" + hi + "-" + lo)); } catch * (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } } outDetection.println("Interval: " + * lo + "-" + hi); outDetection.flush(); } } else if * (nonChecker.get(0).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(1).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0 && * nonChecker.get(2).get(0).getpTimeHi() != 0) { * PhysicalNumber++; outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + * PhysicalNumber + "\n"); long lo = * Math.max(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeLo(), * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); lo = Math.max(lo, * nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeLo()); long hi = * Math.min(nonChecker.get(0).get(0) .getpTimeHi(), * nonChecker.get(1).get(0) .getpTimeHi()); hi = Math.min(hi, * nonChecker.get(2).get(0) .getpTimeHi()); if (hi < lo) { try { * throw (new Exception("SCP error!" + hi + "-" + lo)); } catch * (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } } outDetection.println("Interval: " + * lo + "-" + hi); outDetection.flush(); } * * } } else */ if (children.length > 0) { ArrayList<ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>> nonChecker = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>>(); for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { nonChecker.add(new ArrayList<PhysicalTimeInterval>()); } for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { boolean findHead = false; ArrayList<LocalState> window = windowedLocalStateSet.get(j); for (int k = 0; k < window.size(); k++) { if (window.get(k).getlocalPredicate() == true) { if (findHead == false) { findHead = true; PhysicalTimeInterval p = new PhysicalTimeInterval( window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); nonChecker.get(j).add(p); } else { PhysicalTimeInterval p = nonChecker.get(j).get(nonChecker.get(j).size() - 1); p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } else { if (findHead == true) { findHead = false; PhysicalTimeInterval p = nonChecker.get(j).get(nonChecker.get(j).size() - 1); p.setpTimeHi(window.get(k).getPhysicalTime()); } } } } ArrayList<Integer> changed = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { changed.add(new Integer(j)); } while (changed.size() != 0) { ArrayList<Integer> newchanged = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int m = 0; m < changed.size(); m++) { int elem = changed.get(m).intValue(); for (int n = 0; n < children.length; n++) { if (elem == n) continue; if (nonChecker.get(elem).size() != 0 && nonChecker.get(n).size() != 0) { PhysicalTimeInterval qm = nonChecker.get(elem).get(0); PhysicalTimeInterval qn = nonChecker.get(n).get(0); if (qm.getpTimeHi() != 0 && (qn.getpTimeLo() > qm.getpTimeHi())) { addOnce(newchanged, new Integer(elem)); } if (qn.getpTimeHi() != 0 && (qm.getpTimeLo() > qn.getpTimeHi())) { addOnce(newchanged, new Integer(n)); } } } } changed = newchanged; for (int j = 0; j < changed.size(); j++) { int elem = changed.get(j).intValue(); nonChecker.get(elem).remove(0); } } boolean flg = false; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if (nonChecker.get(j).size() == 0) { flg = true; break; } } if (flg == false) { PhysicalNumber++; outDetection.write("PhysicalNumber: " + PhysicalNumber + "\n"); outDetection.flush(); long lo = 0; long hi = Long.MAX_VALUE - 1; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { lo = Math.max(lo, nonChecker.get(j).get(0).getpTimeLo()); hi = Math.min(hi, nonChecker.get(j).get(0).getpTimeHi()); } if (hi < lo) { try { throw (new Exception("SCP error!" + hi + "-" + lo)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } /* * if (jOptionPane == false) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, * "Detection complete!"); jOptionPane = true; } */ } private void addOnce(ArrayList<Integer> list, Integer num) { boolean already = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i).intValue() == num.intValue()) { already = true; break; } } if (already == false) list.add(num); } private void growOriLattice(LocalState localState, int id) { LocalState[] globalState = new LocalState[children.length]; String[] index = new String[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (i != id) { globalState[i] = oriMaxCGS.getGlobalState()[i]; index[i] = globalState[i].getID(); } } globalState[id] = localState; index[id] = localState.getID(); AbstractLatticeIDNode node = createNode(globalState, index); // only the first node is CGS, can the lattice grow. if (isCGS(node)) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); set.add(node); while (!set.isEmpty()) { AbstractLatticeIDNode newNode = set.remove(0); String ind = StringUtils.join(newNode.getID(), ' '); if (oriMappedLattice.get(ind) == null) { oriMappedLattice.put(ind, newNode); if (DEBUG) { long time_t = (new Date()).getTime(); outOriConstruction.println("[In] " + ind); outOriConstruction.flush(); wastedOriTime += (new Date()).getTime() - time_t; } for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String[] index_2 = new String[children.length]; LocalState[] globalState_2 = new LocalState[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if (j != i) { index_2[j] = newNode.getID()[j]; globalState_2[j] = newNode.getGlobalState()[j]; } } index_2[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(newNode.getID()[i]) - 1); if (indexIsOriValid(index_2, id)) { globalState_2[i] = localStateSet.get(i).get(Integer.valueOf(index_2[i])); String ID = StringUtils.join(index_2, ' '); if (oriMappedLattice.get(ID) == null) { if (isCGS(globalState_2)) { set.add(createNode(globalState_2, index_2)); } else { outOriConstruction.print("[" + ID + "]: "); for (int j = 0; j < globalState_2.length; j++) { outOriConstruction.print(globalState_2[j].getvc().toString() + ","); } outOriConstruction.println(); outOriConstruction.println("[" + ID + "] is not CGS."); outOriConstruction.println(); outOriConstruction.flush(); } } } String[] index_1 = new String[children.length]; LocalState[] globalState_1 = new LocalState[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if (j != i) { index_1[j] = newNode.getID()[j]; globalState_1[j] = newNode.getGlobalState()[j]; } } index_1[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(newNode.getID()[i]) + 1); if (indexIsOriValid(index_1, id)) { globalState_1[i] = localStateSet.get(i).get(Integer.valueOf(index_1[i])); String ID = StringUtils.join(index_1, ' '); if (oriMappedLattice.get(ID) == null) { if (isCGS(globalState_1)) { set.add(createNode(globalState_1, index_1)); } else { outOriConstruction.print("[" + ID + "]: "); for (int j = 0; j < globalState_1.length; j++) { outOriConstruction.print(globalState_1[j].getvc().toString() + ","); } outOriConstruction.println(); outOriConstruction.println("[" + ID + "] is not CGS."); outOriConstruction.println(); outOriConstruction.flush(); } } } } if (subOri(newNode, id).size() == 0) { oriMaxCGS = newNode; } } } } else { outOriConstruction.print("[" + StringUtils.join(node.getID(), ' ') + "]: "); LocalState[] local = node.getGlobalState(); for (int i = 0; i < local.length; i++) { outOriConstruction.print(local[i].getvc().toString() + ","); } outOriConstruction.println(); outOriConstruction.println("[" + StringUtils.join(node.getID(), ' ') + "] is not CGS."); outOriConstruction.println(); outOriConstruction.flush(); } } private void growLattice(LocalState localState, int id) { if (mappedLattice.size() == 0) { LocalState[] globalState = new LocalState[children.length]; String[] index = new String[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (i != id) { globalState[i] = windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).get(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).size() - 1); index[i] = globalState[i].getID(); } } globalState[id] = localState; index[id] = localState.getID(); AbstractLatticeIDNode node = createNode(globalState, index); ArrayList<String> setID = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); set.add(node); setID.add(StringUtils.join(index, ' ')); while (!set.isEmpty()) { AbstractLatticeIDNode newNode = set.remove(0); if (isCGS(newNode)) { set.clear(); setID.clear(); grow(newNode, id); break; } else { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (i == id) { continue; } index = new String[children.length]; globalState = new LocalState[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { index[j] = newNode.getID()[j]; globalState[j] = newNode.getGlobalState()[j]; } index[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(index[i]) - 1); if (!setID.contains(StringUtils.join(index, ' ')) && indexIsValid(index, id)) { globalState[i] = localStateSet.get(i).get(Integer.valueOf(index[i])); set.add(createNode(globalState, index)); setID.add(StringUtils.join(index, ' ')); } } } } } else { if (maxCGS.getGlobalState()[id] .equals(localStateSet.get(id).get(Integer.valueOf(localState.getID()) - 1))) { LocalState[] globalState = new LocalState[children.length]; String[] index = new String[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (i != id) { globalState[i] = maxCGS.getGlobalState()[i]; index[i] = globalState[i].getID(); } } index[id] = localState.getID(); globalState[id] = localState; AbstractLatticeIDNode newNode = createNode(globalState, index); if (isCGS(newNode)) { grow(newNode, id); } } } } private void grow(AbstractLatticeIDNode node, int id) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); set.add(node); while (!set.isEmpty()) { AbstractLatticeIDNode newNode = set.remove(0); String ID = StringUtils.join(newNode.getID(), ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ID) == null) { mappedLattice.put(ID, newNode); if (DEBUG) { long time_t = (new Date()).getTime(); outConstruction.println("[In]" + ID); outConstruction.flush(); wastedTime += (new Date()).getTime() - time_t; } ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> prec = prec(newNode, id); ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> sub = sub(newNode, id); if (prec.size() == 0) { minCGS = newNode; } if (sub.size() == 0) { maxCGS = newNode; } for (int i = 0; i < prec.size(); i++) { String ind = StringUtils.join(prec.get(i).getID(), ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ind) == null) { if (!set.contains(prec.get(i))) { set.add(prec.get(i)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < sub.size(); i++) { String ind = StringUtils.join(sub.get(i).getID(), ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ind) == null) { if (!set.contains(sub.get(i))) { set.add(sub.get(i)); } } } } } } private void pruneLattice(AbstractLatticeIDNode minCGS, int id) { long time = (new Date()).getTime(); long innerTime = 0; if (this.minCGS.getGlobalState()[id].getID().equals(this.maxCGS.getGlobalState()[id].getID())) { mappedLattice.clear(); if (DEBUG) { long time_t = (new Date()).getTime(); outConstruction.println("[Out] all CGSs"); outConstruction.flush(); innerTime += (new Date()).getTime() - time_t; wastedTime += (new Date()).getTime() - time_t; } this.minCGS = null; this.maxCGS = null; } else { boolean minFlag = false; ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); set.add(minCGS); this.minCGS = null; while (!set.isEmpty()) { AbstractLatticeIDNode node = set.remove(0); ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> sub = subAfterGrown(node, id); for (int i = 0; i < sub.size(); i++) { if (sub.get(i).getGlobalState()[id].getID().equals(node.getGlobalState()[id].getID())) { if (!set.contains(sub.get(i))) { set.add(sub.get(i)); } } else if (minFlag == false && sub.get(i).getGlobalState()[id].getID() .equals(windowedLocalStateSet.get(id).get(0).getID())) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> prec = precAfterGrown(sub.get(i), id); if (prec.size() == 1) { this.minCGS = sub.get(i); minFlag = true; } } } String ID = StringUtils.join(node.getID(), ' '); mappedLattice.remove(ID); if (DEBUG) { long time_t = (new Date()).getTime(); outConstruction.println("[Out]" + ID); outConstruction.flush(); innerTime += (new Date()).getTime() - time_t; wastedTime += (new Date()).getTime() - time_t; } } if (mappedLattice.size() == 0) { this.maxCGS = null; } /* * Iterator<String> it = mappedLattice.keySet().iterator(); * while(it.hasNext()) { String key =; * AbstractLatticeIDNode node = mappedLattice.get(key); * if(node.getID()[id].equals(minCGS.getID()[id])) { it.remove(); } * } * * it = mappedLattice.keySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { * String key =; AbstractLatticeIDNode node = * mappedLattice.get(key); if(precAfterGrown(node, id).size() == 0) * { this.minCGS = node; break; } } if (mappedLattice.size() == 0) { * this.maxCGS = null; } */ } pruneTime = (new Date()).getTime() - time - innerTime; } private boolean indexIsValid(String[] index, int id) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (i != id) { int min = Integer.valueOf(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).get(0).getID()); int max = Integer .valueOf(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).get(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).size() - 1).getID()); if (Integer.valueOf(index[i]) < min || Integer.valueOf(index[i]) > max) { return false; } } else { // -1 is for the to-be-deleted CGSs int min = Integer.valueOf(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).get(0).getID()) - 1; int max = Integer .valueOf(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).get(windowedLocalStateSet.get(i).size() - 1).getID()); if (Integer.valueOf(index[i]) < min || Integer.valueOf(index[i]) > max) { return false; } } } return true; } private boolean isCGS(LocalState[] CGS) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if (i != j) { if (CGS[i].getvc().lessThan(CGS[j].getvc()) || CGS[j].getvc().lessThan(CGS[i].getvc())) { return false; } } } } return true; } private boolean isCGS(AbstractLatticeIDNode node) { LocalState[] CGS = node.getGlobalState(); return isCGS(CGS); } private ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> prec(AbstractLatticeIDNode node, int id) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String[] index = new String[children.length]; LocalState[] globalState = new LocalState[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { index[j] = node.getID()[j]; globalState[j] = node.getGlobalState()[j]; } index[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(index[i]) - 1); if (indexIsValid(index, id)) { globalState[i] = localStateSet.get(i).get(Integer.valueOf(index[i])); String ID = StringUtils.join(index, ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ID) != null) { set.add(mappedLattice.get(ID)); } else { if (isCGS(globalState)) { set.add(createNode(globalState, index)); } } } } return set; } protected ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> precAfterGrown(AbstractLatticeIDNode node, int id) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String[] index = new String[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { index[j] = node.getID()[j]; } index[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(index[i]) - 1); if (indexIsValid(index, id)) { String ID = StringUtils.join(index, ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ID) != null) { set.add(mappedLattice.get(ID)); } } } return set; } protected ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> sub(AbstractLatticeIDNode node, int id) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String[] index = new String[children.length]; LocalState[] globalState = new LocalState[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { index[j] = node.getID()[j]; globalState[j] = node.getGlobalState()[j]; } index[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(index[i]) + 1); if (indexIsValid(index, id)) { globalState[i] = localStateSet.get(i).get(Integer.valueOf(index[i])); String ID = StringUtils.join(index, ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ID) != null) { set.add(mappedLattice.get(ID)); } else { if (isCGS(globalState)) { set.add(createNode(globalState, index)); } } } } return set; } private ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> subOri(AbstractLatticeIDNode node, int id) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String[] index = new String[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { index[j] = node.getID()[j]; } index[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(index[i]) + 1); if (indexIsOriValid(index, id)) { String ID = StringUtils.join(index, ' '); if (oriMappedLattice.get(ID) != null) { set.add(oriMappedLattice.get(ID)); } } } return set; } protected ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> subAfterGrown(AbstractLatticeIDNode node, int id) { ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode> set = new ArrayList<AbstractLatticeIDNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String[] index = new String[children.length]; for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if (j != i) { index[j] = node.getID()[j]; } } index[i] = Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(node.getID()[i]) + 1); if (indexIsValid(index, id)) { String ID = StringUtils.join(index, ' '); if (mappedLattice.get(ID) != null) { set.add(mappedLattice.get(ID)); } } } return set; } protected AbstractLatticeIDNode getMaxNode() { return maxCGS; } /** * @param minNode * the minNode to set */ public void setMinNode(AbstractLatticeIDNode minNode) { this.minCGS = minNode; } /** * @return the minNode */ public AbstractLatticeIDNode getMinNode() { return minCGS; } public AbstractLatticeIDNode getStartNode() { return startCGS; } public ArrayList<ArrayList<LocalState>> getLocalStateSet() { return localStateSet; } public void setLocalStateSet(ArrayList<ArrayList<LocalState>> localStateSet) { this.localStateSet = localStateSet; } public void setStartNode(AbstractLatticeIDNode startNode) { this.startCGS = startNode; } public HashMap<String, AbstractLatticeIDNode> getMappedLattice() { return mappedLattice; } public void setMappedLattice(HashMap<String, AbstractLatticeIDNode> mappedLattice) { this.mappedLattice = mappedLattice; } private boolean indexIsOriValid(String[] index, int id) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (Integer.valueOf(index[i]) > Integer.valueOf(localStateSet.get(i).size()) - 1 || Integer.valueOf(index[i]) < 0) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param pruneFlag * the pruneFlag to set */ public void setPruneFlag(boolean pruneFlag) { this.pruneFlag = pruneFlag; } /** * @return the pruneFlag */ public boolean getPruneFlag() { return pruneFlag; } public abstract AbstractLatticeIDNode createNode(LocalState[] globalState, String[] s); public abstract boolean check(AbstractLatticeIDNode minCGS, AbstractLatticeIDNode maxCGS, int id); public abstract void repeatCallBack(); public abstract boolean checkOriLattice(AbstractLatticeIDNode oriMaxCGS, int id); }