Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2002 Instituto Superior Tcnico * * This file is part of FenixEdu Core. * * FenixEdu Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu Core. If not, see <>. */ package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.elections; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Degree; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.ExecutionYear; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.student.Student; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanComparator; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.Bennu; import org.joda.time.YearMonthDay; public abstract class DelegateElection extends DelegateElection_Base { public static final Comparator<DelegateElection> ELECTION_COMPARATOR_BY_CANDIDACY_START_DATE = new BeanComparator( "candidacyStartDate"); public static final Comparator<DelegateElection> ELECTION_COMPARATOR_BY_VOTING_START_DATE = new BeanComparator( "lastVotingStartDate"); public static final Comparator<DelegateElection> ELECTION_COMPARATOR_BY_VOTING_START_DATE_AND_CANDIDACY_START_DATE = new Comparator<DelegateElection>() { @Override public int compare(DelegateElection e1, DelegateElection e2) { if (e1.getLastVotingStartDate() == null && e2.getLastVotingStartDate() != null) { return -1; } else if (e1.getLastVotingStartDate() != null && e2.getLastVotingStartDate() == null) { return 1; } else if (e1.getLastVotingStartDate() == null && e2.getLastVotingStartDate() == null) { return (e1.getCandidacyStartDate().isBefore(e2.getCandidacyStartDate()) ? -1 : 1); } else { return (e1.getLastVotingStartDate().isBefore(e2.getLastVotingStartDate()) ? -1 : 1); } } }; protected DelegateElection() { super(); setRootDomainObject(Bennu.getInstance()); setSentResultsToCandidates(Boolean.FALSE); } public YearMonthDay getCandidacyStartDate() { if (getCandidacyPeriod() != null) { return getCandidacyPeriod().getStartDate(); } else { return null; } } public YearMonthDay getCandidacyEndDate() { if (getCandidacyPeriod() != null) { return getCandidacyPeriod().getEndDate(); } else { return null; } } public YearMonthDay getLastVotingStartDate() { if (hasLastVotingPeriod()) { return getLastVotingPeriod().getStartDate(); } else { return null; } } public YearMonthDay getLastVotingEndDate() { if (hasLastVotingPeriod()) { return getLastVotingPeriod().getEndDate(); } else { return null; } } /** * This method is responsible for deleting the object and all its references */ public void delete() { if (getCandidacyPeriod() != null) { getCandidacyPeriod().delete(); } if (!getVotingPeriodSet().isEmpty()) { for (DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod : getVotingPeriodSet()) { deleteVotingPeriod(votingPeriod); } } super.getStudentsSet().clear(); super.getCandidatesSet().clear(); setElectedStudent(null); setDegree(null); setExecutionYear(null); super.setRootDomainObject(null); super.deleteDomainObject(); } protected void deleteVotingPeriod(DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod) { for (; !votingPeriod.getVotesSet().isEmpty(); votingPeriod.getVotesSet().iterator().next().delete()) { ; } if (getElectedStudent() != null) { setElectedStudent(null); } votingPeriod.getVotingStudentsSet().clear(); votingPeriod.delete(); } public DelegateElectionPeriod getLastElectionPeriod() { if (hasLastVotingPeriod()) { return getLastVotingPeriod(); } else { return getCandidacyPeriod(); } } public DelegateElectionPeriod getCurrentElectionPeriod() { if (hasLastVotingPeriod() && getLastVotingPeriod().isCurrentPeriod()) { return getLastVotingPeriod(); } else if (getCandidacyPeriod().isCurrentPeriod()) { return getCandidacyPeriod(); } return null; } public boolean hasCandidacyPeriodIntersecting(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate) { if (!(startDate.isAfter(getCandidacyEndDate()) || startDate.isEqual(getCandidacyEndDate()) || endDate.isBefore(getCandidacyStartDate()) || endDate.isEqual(getCandidacyStartDate()))) { return true; } return false; } public boolean hasVotingPeriodIntersecting(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate) { if (!(startDate.isAfter(getLastVotingEndDate()) || startDate.isEqual(getLastVotingEndDate()) || endDate.isBefore(getLastVotingStartDate()) || endDate.isEqual(getLastVotingStartDate()))) { return true; } return false; } public List<Student> getCandidaciesHadVoted(DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod) { List<Student> candidateshadVoted = new ArrayList<Student>(); for (Student student : getCandidatesSet()) { if (votingPeriod.hasVotedStudent(student)) { candidateshadVoted.add(student); } } return candidateshadVoted; } public List<Student> getNotCandidaciesHadVoted(DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod) { List<Student> candidacieshadVoted = new ArrayList<Student>(); for (Student student : getNotCandidatedStudents()) { if (votingPeriod.hasVotedStudent(student)) { candidacieshadVoted.add(student); } } return candidacieshadVoted; } public DelegateElectionVotingPeriod getLastVotingPeriod() { DelegateElectionVotingPeriod lastVotingPeriod = null; for (DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod : getVotingPeriodSet()) { if (lastVotingPeriod == null) { lastVotingPeriod = votingPeriod; } else { if (!votingPeriod.endsBefore(lastVotingPeriod)) { lastVotingPeriod = votingPeriod; } } } return lastVotingPeriod; } public boolean hasLastVotingPeriod() { return getVotingPeriodSet().size() > 0; } public boolean hasVotingPeriod(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate) { return getVotingPeriod(startDate, endDate) != null; } public DelegateElectionVotingPeriod getVotingPeriod(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate) { for (DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod : getVotingPeriodSet()) { if (votingPeriod.containsPeriod(startDate, endDate)) { return votingPeriod; } } return null; } public boolean isCurrentDelegationElection() { return getExecutionYear().equals(ExecutionYear.readCurrentExecutionYear()); } public static DelegateElection readCurrentDelegateElectionByDegree(Degree degree) { for (DelegateElection election : Bennu.getInstance().getDelegateElectionsSet()) { if (election.isCurrentDelegationElection() && election.getDegree().equals(degree)) { return election; } } return null; } @Override public Set<Student> getCandidatesSet() { if (!hasLastVotingPeriod() || getLastVotingPeriod().isFirstRoundElections()) { return super.getCandidatesSet(); } return getLastVotingPeriod().getCandidatesForNewRoundElectionsSet(); } public Collection<Student> getNotCandidatedStudents() { if (!hasLastVotingPeriod() || getLastVotingPeriod().isFirstRoundElections()) { return getNotCandidates(); } // Don't have candidates return new LinkedList<Student>(); } private Collection<Student> getNotCandidates() { List<Student> result = new ArrayList<Student>(super.getStudentsSet()); result.removeAll(getCandidatesSet()); return result; } /* * DOMAIN SERVICES */ public abstract void createVotingPeriod(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate); public abstract void editCandidacyPeriod(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate); public abstract void editVotingPeriod(YearMonthDay startDate, YearMonthDay endDate, DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod); public abstract void deleteCandidacyPeriod(); public abstract void deleteVotingPeriod(DelegateElectionVotingPeriod votingPeriod, boolean removeElection); }