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 * Cobertura -
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Mark Doliner
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Jeremy Thomerson
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Grzegorz Lukasik
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Tri Bao Ho
 * Copyright (C) 2009 John Lewis
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Kunal Shah
 * Cobertura is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * Cobertura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Cobertura; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA
package net.sourceforge.cobertura.reporting;

import net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.ClassData;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.PackageData;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.ProjectData;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.SourceFileData;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.javancss.FunctionMetric;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.javancss.Javancss;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.javancss.JavancssFactory;

import net.sourceforge.cobertura.util.FileFinder;
import net.sourceforge.cobertura.util.Source;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.util.TraceSignatureVisitor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Allows complexity computing for source files, packages and a whole project. Average
 * McCabe's number for methods contained in the specified entity is returned. This class
 * depends on FileFinder which is used to map source file names to existing files.
 * <p/>
 * <p>One instance of this class should be used for the same set of source files - an
 * object of this class can cache computed results.</p>
 * @author Grzegorz Lukasik
public class ComplexityCalculator {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ComplexityCalculator.class);

    public static final Complexity ZERO_COMPLEXITY = new Complexity();

    // Finder used to map source file names to existing files
    private final FileFinder finder;

    // Factory use to get instances of {@code Javancss}
    private final JavancssFactory javancssFactory;

    // Contains pairs (String sourceFileName, Complexity complexity)
    private Map sourceFileCNNCache = new HashMap();

    // Contains pairs (String packageName, Complexity complexity)
    private Map packageCNNCache = new HashMap();

    // Cache for source file name to its function metrics parsed by {@link Javancss}
    private static final int FILE_FUNCTION_METRIC_CACHE_SIZE = 6;
    private Map<String, List<FunctionMetric>> sourceFileFunctionMetricCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<FunctionMetric>>(
            FILE_FUNCTION_METRIC_CACHE_SIZE, 0.75f, true) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<String, List<FunctionMetric>> arg0) {
            return size() > FILE_FUNCTION_METRIC_CACHE_SIZE;

    private boolean calculateMethodComplexity;

    private String encoding;

     * Creates new calculator. Passed {@link FileFinder} will be used to
     * map source file names to existing files when needed.
     * @param finder {@link FileFinder} that allows to find source files
     * @throws NullPointerException if finder is null
    public ComplexityCalculator(FileFinder finder) {
        this(finder, new JavancssFactory());

     * Creates new calculator. Passed {@link FileFinder} will be used to
     * map source file names to existing files when needed.
     * @param finder          {@link FileFinder} that allows to find source files
     * @param javancssFactory factory to get instances of {@link Javancss}
     * @throws NullPointerException if finder or javancssFactory is null
    public ComplexityCalculator(FileFinder finder, JavancssFactory javancssFactory) {
        this.finder = Validate.notNull(finder, "finder should not be null");
        this.javancssFactory = Validate.notNull(javancssFactory, "javancssFactory should not be null");

     * Calculates the code complexity number for single source file.
     * "CCN" stands for "code complexity number."  This is
     * sometimes referred to as McCabe's number.  This method
     * calculates the average cyclomatic code complexity of all
     * methods of all classes in a given directory.
     * @param sourceFileName the name of the source file for which you want to calculate the complexity
     * @return average complexity for the specified source file
     * @throws IOException
    private Complexity getAccumlatedCCNForSingleFile(String sourceFileName) throws IOException {
        List methodMetrics = getFunctionMetricsForSingleFile(sourceFileName);
        if (methodMetrics.isEmpty()) {
            return ZERO_COMPLEXITY;

        int classCcn = 0;
        for (Iterator method = methodMetrics.iterator(); method.hasNext();) {
            FunctionMetric singleMethodMetrics = (FunctionMetric);
            classCcn += singleMethodMetrics.ccn;

        return new Complexity(classCcn, methodMetrics.size());

     * Computes CCN for all sources contained in the project.
     * CCN for whole project is an average CCN for source files.
     * All source files for which CCN cannot be computed are ignored.
     * @param projectData project to compute CCN for
     * @return CCN for project or 0 if no source files were found
     * @throws NullPointerException if projectData is null
    public double getCCNForProject(ProjectData projectData) {
        // Sum complexity for all packages
        Complexity act = new Complexity();

        for (Object pkg : projectData.getPackages()) {
            PackageData packageData = (PackageData) pkg;

        // Return average CCN for source files
        return act.averageCCN();

     * Computes CCN for all sources contained in the specified package.
     * All source files that cannot be mapped to existing files are ignored.
     * @param packageData package to compute CCN for
     * @return CCN for the specified package or 0 if no source files were found
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>packageData</code> is <code>null</code>
    public double getCCNForPackage(PackageData packageData) {
        return getCCNForPackageInternal(packageData).averageCCN();

    private Complexity getCCNForPackageInternal(PackageData packageData) {
        // Return CCN if computed earlier
        Complexity cachedCCN = (Complexity) packageCNNCache.get(packageData.getName());
        if (cachedCCN != null) {
            return cachedCCN;

        // Compute CCN for all source files inside package
        Complexity act = new Complexity();
        for (Iterator it = packageData.getSourceFiles().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            SourceFileData sourceData = (SourceFileData);

        // Cache result and return it
        packageCNNCache.put(packageData.getName(), act);
        return act;

     * Computes CCN for single source file.
     * @param sourceFile source file to compute CCN for
     * @return CCN for the specified source file, 0 if cannot map <code>sourceFile</code> to existing file
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>sourceFile</code> is <code>null</code>
    public double getCCNForSourceFile(SourceFileData sourceFile) {
        return getCCNForSourceFileNameInternal(sourceFile.getName()).averageCCN();

     * Get the function metrics for the given source file. Use this over the {@link #sourceFileFunctionMetricCache} field.
     * @param sourceFileName the name of the source file
     * @return the function metrics for the given source file (parsed by {@link Javancss})
    private List<FunctionMetric> getFunctionMetricsForSingleFile(String sourceFileName) {
        List<FunctionMetric> functionMetrics = Collections.emptyList();
        if (!sourceFileFunctionMetricCache.containsKey(sourceFileName)) {
            Source source = null;
            try {
                source = finder.getSource(sourceFileName);
                if (source != null && sourceFileName.endsWith(".java")) {
                    Javancss javancss = javancssFactory.newInstance(source.getInputStream(), encoding);
                    if (javancss.getLastErrorMessage() != null) {
                        //there is an error while parsing the java file. log it
                        logger.warn("JavaNCSS got an error while parsing the java " + source.getOriginDesc() + "\n"
                                + javancss.getLastErrorMessage());
                    functionMetrics = javancss.getFunctionMetrics();
            } finally {
                if (source != null) {
            sourceFileFunctionMetricCache.put(sourceFileName, functionMetrics);
        return sourceFileFunctionMetricCache.get(sourceFileName);

    private Complexity getCCNForSourceFileNameInternal(String sourceFileName) {
        // Return CCN if computed earlier
        Complexity cachedCCN = (Complexity) sourceFileCNNCache.get(sourceFileName);
        if (cachedCCN != null) {
            return cachedCCN;

        // Compute CCN and cache it for further use
        Complexity result = ZERO_COMPLEXITY;
        try {
            result = getAccumlatedCCNForSingleFile(sourceFileName);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
  "Cannot find source file during CCN computation, source=[" + sourceFileName + "]");
        sourceFileCNNCache.put(sourceFileName, result);
        return result;

     * Computes CCN for source file the specified class belongs to.
     * @param classData package to compute CCN for
     * @return CCN for source file the specified class belongs to
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>classData</code> is <code>null</code>
    public double getCCNForClass(ClassData classData) {
        return getCCNForSourceFileNameInternal(classData.getSourceFileName()).averageCCN();

     * Computes CCN for a method.
     * @param classData        class data for the class which contains the method to compute CCN for
     * @param methodName       the name of the method to compute CCN for
     * @param methodDescriptor the descriptor of the method to compute CCN for
     * @return CCN for the method
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>classData</code> is <code>null</code>
    public int getCCNForMethod(ClassData classData, String methodName, String methodDescriptor) {
        if (!calculateMethodComplexity) {
            return 0;

        Validate.notNull(classData, "classData must not be null");
        Validate.notNull(methodName, "methodName must not be null");
        Validate.notNull(methodDescriptor, "methodDescriptor must not be null");

        int complexity = 0;
        List<FunctionMetric> methodMetrics = getFunctionMetricsForSingleFile(classData.getSourceFileName());

        // golden method = method for which we need ccn
        String goldenMethodName = methodName;
        boolean isConstructor = false;
        if (goldenMethodName.equals("<init>")) {
            isConstructor = true;
            goldenMethodName = classData.getBaseName();
        // fully-qualify the method
        goldenMethodName = classData.getName() + "." + goldenMethodName;
        // replace nested class separator $ by .
        goldenMethodName = goldenMethodName.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("$"), ".");

        TraceSignatureVisitor v = new TraceSignatureVisitor(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC);
        SignatureReader r = new SignatureReader(methodDescriptor);

        // for the scope of this method, signature = signature of the method excluding the method name
        String goldenSignature = v.getDeclaration();
        // get parameter type list string which is enclosed by round brackets ()
        goldenSignature = goldenSignature.substring(1, goldenSignature.length() - 1);

        // collect all the signatures with the same method name as golden method
        Map<String, Integer> candidateSignatureToCcn = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (FunctionMetric singleMethodMetrics : methodMetrics) {
            String candidateMethodName =,
            String candidateSignature = stripTypeParameters(
                    .substring('(') + 1, - 1));
            if (goldenMethodName.equals(candidateMethodName)) {
                candidateSignatureToCcn.put(candidateSignature, singleMethodMetrics.ccn);

        // if only one signature, no signature matching needed
        if (candidateSignatureToCcn.size() == 1) {
            return candidateSignatureToCcn.values().iterator().next();

        // else, do signature matching and find the best match

        // update golden signature using reflection
        if (!goldenSignature.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                String[] goldenParameterTypeStrings = goldenSignature.split(",");
                Class<?>[] goldenParameterTypes = new Class[goldenParameterTypeStrings.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < goldenParameterTypeStrings.length; i++) {
                    goldenParameterTypes[i] = ClassUtils.getClass(goldenParameterTypeStrings[i].trim(), false);
                Class<?> klass = ClassUtils.getClass(classData.getName(), false);
                if (isConstructor) {
                    Constructor<?> realMethod = klass.getDeclaredConstructor(goldenParameterTypes);
                    goldenSignature = realMethod.toGenericString();
                } else {
                    Method realMethod = klass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, goldenParameterTypes);
                    goldenSignature = realMethod.toGenericString();
                // replace varargs ellipsis with array notation
                goldenSignature = goldenSignature.replaceAll("\\.\\.\\.", "[]");
                // extract the parameter type list string
                goldenSignature = goldenSignature.substring(goldenSignature.indexOf("(") + 1,
                        goldenSignature.length() - 1);
                // strip the type parameters to get raw types
                goldenSignature = stripTypeParameters(goldenSignature);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error while getting method CC for " + goldenMethodName, e);
                return 0;
        // replace nested class separator $ by .
        goldenSignature = goldenSignature.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("$"), ".");

        // signature matching - due to loss of fully qualified parameter types from JavaCC, get ccn for the closest match
        double signatureMatchPercentTillNow = 0;
        for (Entry<String, Integer> candidateSignatureToCcnEntry : candidateSignatureToCcn.entrySet()) {
            String candidateSignature = candidateSignatureToCcnEntry.getKey();
            double currentMatchPercent = matchSignatures(candidateSignature, goldenSignature);
            if (currentMatchPercent == 1) {
                return candidateSignatureToCcnEntry.getValue();
            if (currentMatchPercent > signatureMatchPercentTillNow) {
                complexity = candidateSignatureToCcnEntry.getValue();
                signatureMatchPercentTillNow = currentMatchPercent;

        return complexity;

     * Strip the type parameters from the signature with parameterized types. Spaces are preserved.
     * <p/>
     * E.g. {@code stripTypeParamaters("List<String> a, Map<String, List<? extends Person>> b, int c")} returns {@code "List, Map, int"}.
     * @param signature the signature with parameterized types which needs to be stripped
     * @return the stripped signature
    private static final String stripTypeParameters(String signature) {
        StringBuilder strippedSignature = new StringBuilder();
        int openIndex = -1;
        int openCount = 0;
        final char open = '<';
        final char close = '>';
        while ((openIndex = signature.indexOf(open)) > -1) {
            strippedSignature.append(signature.substring(0, openIndex));
            for (int i = openIndex + 1; i < signature.length(); i++) {
                if (signature.charAt(i) == close) {
                    if (openCount == 0) {
                        signature = signature.substring(i + 1);
                } else if (signature.charAt(i) == open) {
        return strippedSignature.toString();

     * Match the {@code candidate} signature against the {@code golden} signature and return the match confidence.
     * A signature, for the scope of this method, is just the string of method parameter types; for e.g. signature for method
     * {@code public void process(List<String> names, int[] scores)} is {@code java.util.List, int[]}.
     * <p/>
     * Formula for calculating the return value is:<br/>
     * Match Confidence = Average of Individual Parameter Type Match Percents<br/>
     * <p/>
     * Important: As indicated by the formula, do not compare the confidences across different golden signatures since the confidence values are not
     * absolute.
     * @param candidate signature which is to be matched; can have types which are not fully qualified
     * @param golden    signature against which {@code candidate} is matched; should have only fully qualified types
     * @return a value denoting the confidence that the given {@code candidate} signature matches the {@code golden} signature; between 0 and 1; 0
     * means guaranteed mismatch and a 1 means that guaranteed match.
    private static final double matchSignatures(String candidate, String golden) {

        // assumption: golden is assumed to have fully qualified types and candidate may have types which are not fully qualified

        String[] candidateParamTypes = candidate.split(",");
        String[] goldenParamTypes = golden.split(",");

        // mismatch: if count of parameters are not same
        if (goldenParamTypes.length != candidateParamTypes.length) {
            return 0;

        int totalParamTypes = goldenParamTypes.length;

        // complete match: if no parameters
        if (totalParamTypes == 0) {
            return 1;

        double totalMatchPercent = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < totalParamTypes; i++) {
            String goldenParamType = goldenParamTypes[i].trim();
            String candidateParamType = candidateParamTypes[i].trim();

            // mismatch: if golden parameter type is smaller than candidate parameter type
            if (goldenParamType.length() < candidateParamType.length()) {
                return 0;

            if (goldenParamType.equals(candidateParamType)) {
                // complete match
                totalMatchPercent += 1;
            } else {
                int partialMatchIndex = goldenParamType.lastIndexOf(candidateParamType);
                // package separator '.' cannot be before position 1; e.g. a.type
                if (partialMatchIndex > 1
                        && goldenParamType.length() == (partialMatchIndex + candidateParamType.length())
                        && goldenParamType.charAt(partialMatchIndex - 1) == '.') {
                    // partial match
                    totalMatchPercent += (1 - (double) partialMatchIndex / goldenParamType.length());
                } else {
                    // mismatch
                    return 0;

        return totalMatchPercent / totalParamTypes;

     * Indicate whether complexity should be calculated for methods.
     * @param calculateMethodComplexity Whether to calculate method complexity
    public void setCalculateMethodComplexity(boolean calculateMethodComplexity) {
        this.calculateMethodComplexity = calculateMethodComplexity;

     * Set the encoding to be used when reading input streams.
     * @param encoding
     *            The encoding to use
    public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
        this.encoding = encoding;

     * Represents complexity of source file, package or project. Stores the number of
     * methods inside entity and accumlated complexity for these methods.
    private static class Complexity {
        private double accumlatedCCN;
        private int methodsNum;

        public Complexity(double accumlatedCCN, int methodsNum) {
            this.accumlatedCCN = accumlatedCCN;
            this.methodsNum = methodsNum;

        public Complexity() {
            this(0, 0);

        public double averageCCN() {
            if (methodsNum == 0) {
                return 0;
            return accumlatedCCN / methodsNum;

        public void add(Complexity second) {
            accumlatedCCN += second.accumlatedCCN;
            methodsNum += second.methodsNum;