Java tutorial
/** * Computational Intelligence Library (CIlib) * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2010 * Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG@UP) * Department of Computer Science * University of Pretoria * South Africa * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, see <>. */ package net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighting; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.Entity; import net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.Fitness; import net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.InferiorFitness; import net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.WeightedObject; /** * */ public class EntityWeighting implements Weighting { private EntityFitness<Entity> entityFitness; public EntityWeighting() { this.entityFitness = new CurrentFitness(); } public EntityWeighting(EntityFitness<Entity> entityFitness) { this.entityFitness = entityFitness; } @Override public <T> Iterable<WeightedObject> weigh(Iterable<T> iterable) { Preconditions.checkArgument(Iterables.get(iterable, 0) instanceof Entity); MinMaxFitness minMaxFitness = getMinMaxFitness(Lists.newArrayList(iterable)); List<WeightedObject> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (minMaxFitness.getFirst() == InferiorFitness.instance() || minMaxFitness.getSecond() == InferiorFitness.instance()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot weigh entities where all entities have Inferior fitness."); } double minMaxDifference = minMaxFitness.getSecond().getValue() - minMaxFitness.getFirst().getValue(); for (T t : iterable) { double weight = (this.entityFitness.getFitness((Entity) t).getValue() - minMaxFitness.getFirst().getValue()) / minMaxDifference; result.add(new WeightedObject(t, weight)); } return result; } public void setEntityFitness(EntityFitness<Entity> entityFitness) { this.entityFitness = entityFitness; } public EntityFitness<Entity> getEntityFitness() { return entityFitness; } private <T> MinMaxFitness getMinMaxFitness(List<T> entities) { MinMaxFitness minMaxFitness = new MinMaxFitness(InferiorFitness.instance(), InferiorFitness.instance()); for (T entity : entities) { Fitness fitness = this.entityFitness.getFitness((Entity) entity); if (minMaxFitness.getFirst() == InferiorFitness.instance() || fitness.compareTo(minMaxFitness.getFirst()) < 0) { minMaxFitness = new MinMaxFitness(fitness, minMaxFitness.getSecond()); } if (minMaxFitness.getSecond() == InferiorFitness.instance() || fitness.compareTo(minMaxFitness.getSecond()) > 0) { minMaxFitness = new MinMaxFitness(minMaxFitness.getFirst(), fitness); } } return minMaxFitness; } private static final class MinMaxFitness { private final Fitness f1; private final Fitness f2; MinMaxFitness(Fitness f1, Fitness f2) { this.f1 = f1; this.f2 = f2; } Fitness getFirst() { return f1; } Fitness getSecond() { return f2; } } }