Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Project : LiteFetion * Package : net.solosky.litefetion * File : * Author : solosky < > * Created : 2010-10-2 * License : Apache License 2.0 */ package net.solosky.litefetion; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.ActionResult; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.Buddy; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.BuddyState; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.ClientState; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.Cord; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.Presence; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.Relation; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.Settings; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.User; import net.solosky.litefetion.bean.VerifyImage; import net.solosky.litefetion.http.Cookie; import net.solosky.litefetion.http.HttpClient; import net.solosky.litefetion.http.HttpRequest; import net.solosky.litefetion.http.HttpResponse; import net.solosky.litefetion.notify.ApplicationConfirmedNotify; import net.solosky.litefetion.notify.BuddyApplicationNotify; import net.solosky.litefetion.notify.BuddyMessageNotify; import net.solosky.litefetion.notify.BuddyStateNotify; import net.solosky.litefetion.notify.ClientStateNotify; import net.solosky.litefetion.notify.Notify; import net.solosky.litefetion.util.StringHelper; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * * LiteFetion * WebFetion???? * * @author solosky <> */ public class LiteFetion { /** * HttpClient,?http */ private HttpClient client; /** * */ private User user; /** * ? */ private ArrayList<Buddy> buddyList; /** * */ private ArrayList<Cord> cordList; /** * ? */ private volatile ClientState clientState; /** * ,? */ private int requestVersion; /** * SessionId */ private String sessionId; /** * ?Notify */ private int pollNotifyFailed; /** * Logger */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LiteFetion.class); /** * */ public LiteFetion() { this.client = new HttpClient(); this.user = new User(); this.buddyList = new ArrayList<Buddy>(); this.cordList = new ArrayList<Cord>(); this.clientState = ClientState.NEW; this.requestVersion = 0; this.pollNotifyFailed = 0; } /** * ????????? * ?? * * @param account ????? * @param password ? * @param presence ? * @param verifyImage ????? * @return ? */ public ActionResult login(String account, String password, Presence presence, VerifyImage verifyImage) { this.updateClientState(ClientState.LOGGING); // ActionResult result = this.signIn(account, password, presence, verifyImage); logger.debug("[Login] #1 SignIn:" + result.toString()); if (result != ActionResult.SUCCESS) return this.processLoginFailed(result, 1); //?? result = this.retirePersonalInfo(); logger.debug("[Login] #2 retirePersonalInfo:" + result.toString()); if (result != ActionResult.SUCCESS) return this.processLoginFailed(result, 2); //?? result = this.retireBuddyList(); logger.debug("[Login] #3 retireBuddyList:" + result.toString()); if (result != ActionResult.SUCCESS) return this.processLoginFailed(result, 3); //??? this.pollNotify(); logger.debug("[Login] #4 Poll Buddy State Notify: Success."); logger.debug("[Login] Login Success."); this.updateClientState(ClientState.ONLINE); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } /** * * @return ? */ public ActionResult logout() { this.signOut(); this.updateClientState(ClientState.LOGOUT); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } /** * ??? * @param type ???sessionId VerifyImage.TYPE_* * @return ??null */ public VerifyImage retireVerifyImage(String type) { try { String picurl = StringHelper.format(Settings.WEBIM_URL_GET_PIC, type); HttpRequest request = this.createHttpRequest(picurl, "GET"); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); VerifyImage image = new VerifyImage(); image.setVerifyType(type); image.setImageData(response.getResponseData()); image.setSessionId(this.client.getCookie(type).getValue()); return image; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } /** * * @param url ? * @param method * @return */ private HttpRequest createHttpRequest(String url, String method) { HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(url, method); request.addHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); request.addHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml,image/png,image/*;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"); request.addHeader("Accept-Language", "en-us,en;q=0.5"); request.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate"); request.addHeader("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"); return request; } /** * ?versionssid * @param url * @return */ private HttpRequest createActionHttpRequest(String url) { url = StringHelper.format(url, this.nextRequestVersion()); HttpRequest request = this.createHttpRequest(url, "POST"); request.addPostValue("ssid", this.sessionId); return request; } /** * ? * @return */ private synchronized int nextRequestVersion() { return this.requestVersion++; } /** * ?,?? * @return */ private ActionResult signIn(String account, String password, Presence presence, VerifyImage verifyImage) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_LOGIN, "POST"); request.addPostValue("UserName", account); request.addPostValue("Pwd", password); if (verifyImage != null) { request.addPostValue("Ccp", verifyImage.getVerifyCode()); } request.addPostValue("OnlineStatus", Integer.toString(presence.getValue())); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { Cookie cookie = this.client.getCookie("webim_sessionid"); if (cookie != null) { this.sessionId = cookie.getValue(); this.client.getCookieList().remove(cookie); } return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else if (status == 312) { return ActionResult.VERIFY_FAILED; } else if (status == 404) { return ActionResult.USER_NOT_FOUND; } else if (status == 321) { return ActionResult.PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ?? * @return */ private ActionResult signOut() { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_LOGOUT); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); return status == 200 ? ActionResult.SUCCESS : ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ? */ private ActionResult processLoginFailed(ActionResult result, int step) { this.updateClientState(ClientState.LOGIN_FAIL); logger.warn("Login failed: [result=" + result + ", step=" + step + "]"); return result; } /** * ? */ private synchronized void updateClientState(ClientState state) { this.clientState = state; } /** * ?? * @return */ public ClientState getClientState() { return this.clientState; } //////////////////////////////////?/////////////////////////////////////// /** * ?? */ private ActionResult retirePersonalInfo() { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_GET_PERSONAL_INFO); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); if (json.getInt("rc") == 200) { json = json.getJSONObject("rv"); user.setMobile(json.getLong("mn")); user.setNickName(json.getString("nn")); user.setUri(json.getString("uri")); user.setSid(json.getInt("sid")); user.setUserId(json.getInt("uid")); user.setImpresa(json.getString("i")); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ?? * @return ? */ private ActionResult retireBuddyList() { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_GET_CONTACT_LIST); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); if (json.getInt("rc") == 200) { json = json.getJSONObject("rv"); //? this.buddyList.clear(); JSONArray buddies = json.getJSONArray("bds"); for (int i = 0; i < buddies.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = buddies.getJSONObject(i); Buddy buddy = new Buddy(); buddy.setUri(jo.getString("uri")); buddy.setUserId(jo.getInt("uid")); buddy.setBlack(jo.getInt("isBk") == 1); buddy.setLocalName(jo.getString("ln")); buddy.setCordIds(jo.getString("bl")); buddy.setRelation(Relation.valueOf(jo.getInt("rs"))); this.buddyList.add(buddy); } // this.cordList.clear(); JSONArray cords = json.getJSONArray("bl"); for (int i = 0; i < cords.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = cords.getJSONObject(i); Cord cord = new Cord(); cord.setId(jo.getInt("id")); cord.setTitle(jo.getString("n")); this.cordList.add(cord); } return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ??? * @param buddy ? * @param message ? * @param isSendSMS ??? * @return ? */ public ActionResult sendMessage(Buddy buddy, String message, boolean isSendSMS) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_SEND_MESSAGE); request.addPostValue("To", Integer.toString(buddy.getUserId())); request.addPostValue("msg", message); request.addPostValue("IsSendSms", isSendSMS ? "1" : "0"); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ?? * @param message ? * @return ? */ public ActionResult sendSelfSMS(String message) { return this.sendMessage(this.getUser(), message, true); } /** * * @param impresa * @return ? */ public ActionResult setImpresa(String impresa) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_SET_PERSONAL_INFO); request.addPostValue("Impresa", impresa); //request.addPostValue("NickName", "haha"); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { this.user.setImpresa(impresa); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ? * @param presence ?:ONLINE, AWAY, BUSY, OFFLINE(HIDDEN) * @param custom ??AWAY?? "?~" * @return ? */ public ActionResult setPresence(Presence presence, String custom) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_SET_PERSONAL_INFO); request.addPostValue("Presence", Integer.toString(presence.getValue())); request.addPostValue("Custom", custom); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { this.user.setPresence(presence.getValue()); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ?????,??VerifyImage.TYPE_ADD_BUDDY * @param account ?? * @param desc ({$desc}) * @param localName ?? * @param cord null * @param verifyImage ????VerifyImage.TYPE_ADD_BUDDY?? * @return ? */ public ActionResult addBuddy(String account, String desc, String localName, Cord cord, VerifyImage verifyImage) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_ADD_BUDDY); request.addPostValue("AddType", account.length() == 11 ? "1" : "0"); //?1,?0 request.addPostValue("UserName", account); request.addPostValue("Desc", desc == null ? "" : desc); request.addPostValue("LocalName", localName == null ? "" : localName); request.addPostValue("Ccp", verifyImage.getVerifyCode()); request.addPostValue("CcpId", verifyImage.getSessionId()); request.addPostValue("BuddyLists", cord == null ? "0" : Integer.toString(cord.getId())); request.addPostValue("PhraseId", "0"); request.addPostValue("SubscribeFlag", "0"); this.client.removeCookie(VerifyImage.TYPE_ADD_BUDDY); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { JSONObject jo = json.getJSONObject("rv"); Buddy buddy = new Buddy(); buddy.setUri(jo.getString("uri")); buddy.setUserId(jo.getInt("uid")); buddy.setBlack(false); buddy.setLocalName(jo.getString("ln")); buddy.setRelation(Relation.UNCONFIRMED); this.buddyList.add(buddy); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else if (status == 312) { return ActionResult.VERIFY_FAILED; //? } else if (status == 404) { return ActionResult.USER_NOT_FOUND; //? } else if (status == 521) { return ActionResult.BUDDY_EXISTS; //?? } else { logger.debug("addBuddy failed, unkown status:" + status); return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ?? * @param buddy ?? * @param isAgree ????? * @param localName ????? ???null?? * @param cord ??? ???null?? * @return ? */ public ActionResult handleBuddyApplication(Buddy buddy, boolean isAgree, String localName, Cord cord) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_HANDLE_ADD_BUDDY); request.addPostValue("BuddyId", Integer.toString(buddy.getUserId())); request.addPostValue("Result", isAgree ? "1" : "0"); request.addPostValue("BuddyList", cord == null ? "0" : Integer.toString(cord.getId())); request.addPostValue("LocalName", localName == null ? "" : localName); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { if (isAgree) { buddy.setRelation(Relation.BUDDY); //? } else { this.buddyList.remove(buddy); //????? } return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ???? * @param buddy ? * @return */ public ActionResult blackBuddy(Buddy buddy) { try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_OP_BUDDY); request.addPostValue("Op", "1"); request.addPostValue("To", Integer.toString(buddy.getUserId())); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { buddy.setBlack(true); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ??? * @param toBuddies ????(litefetion.getUser()) * @param message ????? * @return ?? */ public ActionResult batchSendSMS(List<Buddy> toBuddies, String message) { try { if (toBuddies == null || toBuddies.size() == 0) return ActionResult.WRONG_PARAM; //?? 346339663,346379375? Iterator<Buddy> it = toBuddies.iterator(); StringBuffer recievers = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { Buddy b =; recievers.append(Integer.toString(b.getUserId())); if (it.hasNext()) { //??, recievers.append(","); } } HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_SEND_SMS); request.addPostValue("UserName", Integer.toString(this.user.getUserId())); request.addPostValue("Message", message); request.addPostValue("Receivers", recievers.toString()); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ?? * * @param toBuddies ????(litefetion.getUser()) * @param message ????? * @param sendDate ?? ?+11-??,? * @return ?? */ public ActionResult sendScheduleSMS(List<Buddy> toBuddies, String message, Date sendDate) { try { if (toBuddies == null || toBuddies.size() == 0) return ActionResult.WRONG_PARAM; // ?+11-?? //? 2007.7.1 22:56 2010.7.1 23:07 - 2011.7.1 22:56? Calendar calMin = Calendar.getInstance(); calMin.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 11); Calendar calMax = Calendar.getInstance(); calMax.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); //???? if (sendDate.before(calMin.getTime()) || sendDate.after(calMax.getTime())) { return ActionResult.WRONG_PARAM; } //?? 346339663,346379375? Iterator<Buddy> it = toBuddies.iterator(); StringBuffer recievers = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { Buddy b =; recievers.append(Integer.toString(b.getUserId())); if (it.hasNext()) { //??, recievers.append(","); } } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d H:m:s"); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT 0")); HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_SET_SCHEDULESMS); request.addPostValue("UserName", Integer.toString(this.user.getUserId())); request.addPostValue("Message", message); request.addPostValue("Receivers", recievers.toString()); request.addPostValue("SendTime", sdf.format(sendDate)); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.REQUEST_FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } catch (JSONException e) { return ActionResult.JSON_FAILED; } } /** * ??? * @param buddy ? * @param size ????1,2,3,4,5,6??????: * 1=24x24, 2=32x32, 3=64x64, 4=96x96, 5=16x16, 6=48x48 * @return ??buddy.portrait */ public ActionResult retirePortrait(Buddy buddy, int size) { try { if (size < 1 || size > 6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size should be those values:{1,2,3,4,5,6}"); if (buddy.getCrc() != null) { String url = Settings.WEBIM_URL_GET_PORTRAIT; url = StringHelper.format(url, buddy.getUserId(), size, buddy.getCrc(), buddy.getUserId()); HttpRequest request = this.createHttpRequest(url, "GET"); HttpResponse response = this.client.tryExecute(request, Settings.FEITON_MAX_REQUEST_EXECUTE_TIMES); BufferedImage portrait = ByteArrayInputStream(response.getResponseData())); buddy.setPortrait(portrait); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { return ActionResult.PORTRAIT_NOT_FOUND; } } catch (IOException e) { return ActionResult.HTTP_FAILED; } } /** * ????? * ???? */ public List<Notify> pollNotify() { List<Notify> notifyList = new ArrayList<Notify>(); try { HttpRequest request = this.createActionHttpRequest(Settings.WEBIM_URL_CONNECT); HttpResponse response = this.client.execute(request); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.getResponseString()); int status = json.getInt("rc"); if (status == 200) { JSONArray dataArr = json.getJSONArray("rv"); for (int i = 0; i < dataArr.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = dataArr.getJSONObject(i); Notify notify = this.processNotify(jo); if (notify != null) { notifyList.add(notify); } } } else if (status == 302) { //No Data.. } else { } } catch (IOException e) { //?IO?? this.pollNotifyFailed++; if (this.pollNotifyFailed > Settings.FETION_MAX_POLL_NOTIFY_FAILED) { this.updateClientState(ClientState.NET_ERROR); notifyList.add(new ClientStateNotify(ClientState.NET_ERROR)); this.pollNotifyFailed = 0; //? } logger.warn("Poll Notify failed.", e); } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warn("Poll Notify failed.", e); } logger.debug("Poll Notify: notify size:" + notifyList.size()); return notifyList; } /** * ???? * @param jo * @throws JSONException */ private Notify processNotify(JSONObject jo) throws JSONException { int dataType = jo.getInt("DataType"); JSONObject data = jo.getJSONObject("Data"); Buddy buddy = null; switch (dataType) { case 2: //??? int userId = data.getInt("uid"); buddy = this.getBuddyByUserId(userId); if (buddy != null) { BuddyState beforeState = buddy.getState(); if (data.optLong("mn") != 0) { buddy.setMobile(data.optLong("mn")); } if (data.optString("nn") != null && data.optString("nn").length() > 0) { buddy.setNickName(data.optString("nn")); } buddy.setImpresa(data.optString("i")); if (data.optString("sms") != null && data.optString("sms").length() > 0) { buddy.setSMSPolicy(data.optString("sms")); } buddy.setSid(data.optInt("sid")); buddy.setPresence(data.optInt("pb")); buddy.setCrc(data.optString("crc")); BuddyState currentState = buddy.getState(); logger.debug("BuddyState changed: buddy=" + buddy.getDisplayName() + ", before=" + beforeState + ", current=" + currentState); return new BuddyStateNotify(beforeState, currentState, buddy); } break; case 3: //?? int fromUserId = data.getInt("fromUid"); String message = data.getString("msg"); int msgType = data.getInt("msgType"); buddy = this.getBuddyByUserId(fromUserId); if (msgType == 2 && buddy != null) { //? logger.debug("Buddy Message received: buddy=" + buddy.getDisplayName() + ", text=" + message); return new BuddyMessageNotify(buddy, message, new Date()); } else if (msgType == 3 || msgType == 4) { //TODO ..?????.. } break; case 4: //? int exitCode = data.getInt("ec"); ClientState state = ClientState.LOGOUT; if (exitCode == 900) { state = ClientState.OTHER_LOGIN; } else if (exitCode >= 902 && exitCode <= 905) { state = ClientState.LOGOUT; } else { state = ClientState.LOGOUT; } logger.debug("ClientState changed: clientState=" + state); return new ClientStateNotify(state); case 5: //? buddy = new Buddy(); buddy.setUserId(data.getInt("uid")); buddy.setUri(data.getString("uri")); buddy.setRelation(Relation.STRANGER); this.buddyList.add(buddy); //? String desc = data.getString("desc"); logger.debug("Buddy Application received: buddy=" + buddy + ", desc=" + desc); return new BuddyApplicationNotify(buddy, desc); case 6: //??,???ba=1 if (data.getInt("ba") == 1) { buddy = this.getBuddyByUserId(data.getInt("uid")); if (buddy != null) { Relation relation = Relation.valueOf(data.getInt("rs")); buddy.setRelation(relation); logger.debug("Buddy confirmed application: buddy=" + buddy + ", isAgreed=" + (relation == Relation.DECLINED)); return new ApplicationConfirmedNotify(buddy, relation == Relation.BUDDY); } } } return null; } //////////////////////////////////??/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////?/////////////////////////////// /** * */ public User getUser() { return this.user; } /** * ?,???? */ public List<Buddy> getBuddyList() { return this.buddyList; } /** * * @return */ public List<Cord> getCordList() { return this.cordList; } /** * ?? * @return ? */ public Buddy getBuddyByUserId(int userId) { Iterator<Buddy> it = this.buddyList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Buddy buddy =; if (buddy.getUserId() == userId) { return buddy; } } return null; } /** * ?uri? * @param uri * @return */ public Buddy getBuddyByUri(String uri) { Iterator<Buddy> it = this.buddyList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Buddy buddy =; if (uri.equals(buddy.getUri())) { return buddy; } } return null; } /** * ???? */ public List<Buddy> getBlackList() { ArrayList<Buddy> list = new ArrayList<Buddy>(); Iterator<Buddy> it = this.buddyList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Buddy buddy =; if (buddy.isBlack()) { list.add(buddy); } } return list; } /** * */ public List<Buddy> getStrangerList() { ArrayList<Buddy> list = new ArrayList<Buddy>(); Iterator<Buddy> it = this.buddyList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Buddy buddy =; if (buddy.getRelation() == Relation.STRANGER) { list.add(buddy); } } return list; } /** * ? * @param cord * @return */ public List<Buddy> getBuddyListByCord(Cord cord) { ArrayList<Buddy> list = new ArrayList<Buddy>(); Iterator<Buddy> it = this.buddyList.iterator(); Buddy buddy = null; String[] buddyCordIds = null; while (it.hasNext()) { buddy =; if (buddy.getCordIds() != null) { buddyCordIds = buddy.getCordIds().split(";"); for (String cid : buddyCordIds) { if (cid.equals(Integer.toString(cord.getId()))) { list.add(buddy); } } } } return list; } /** * ?? * @return */ public synchronized List<Buddy> getBuddyListWithoutCord() { ArrayList<Buddy> list = new ArrayList<Buddy>(); Iterator<Buddy> it = this.buddyList.iterator(); Buddy buddy = null; String buddyCordId = null; while (it.hasNext()) { buddy =; buddyCordId = buddy.getCordIds(); if (buddyCordId == null || buddyCordId.length() == 0) { list.add(buddy); } } return list; } //////////////////////////////////??/////////////////////////////// }