Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso; import; import; import; import net.softforlife.klich.enumeration.NOTIFICATION_TYPE; import net.softforlife.klich.model.Geopoint; import net.softforlife.klich.model.Notification; import net.softforlife.klich.model.Track; import net.softforlife.klich.model.Tuser; import net.softforlife.klich.service.NotificationService; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; //servidor @WebService(endpointInterface = "") @Transactional @XmlSeeAlso({ ResultWSMessage.class, ArrayList.class, HashMap.class }) public class KlichWSLocalImpl implements KlichWSLocal { /** El logger. */ final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private WSDataService wsDataService; private WSEmailSender wSEmailSender = null; private NotificationService notificationService = null; @Override public ResultWSMessage sendAction(Long deviceId, String license, int action, int idxActive) {"\n ** WEBSERVICE - SendAction ** "); ResultWSMessage result = null; if (action == ACTION_TYPE.LOAD.getId()) { //result = wsDataService.loadTablet(tablet, license); } else if (action == ACTION_TYPE.UNLOAD.getId()) { result = wsDataService.unloadDevice(deviceId); } else if (action == ACTION_TYPE.REFRESH_USER.getId()) { //result = wsDataService.loadCapiUser(tablet, license); } else if (action == ACTION_TYPE.PING.getId()) { result =; } else { result = new ResultWSMessage(); result.setType(ResultWSMessage.TYPE.ERROR.ordinal()); result.setMessage("Accion no reconocida por el webservice"); } return result; //return null; } @Override public ResultWSMessage unloadGeopoint(Geopoint g) {"\n ** WEBSERVICE - unloadGeopoint ** "); ResultWSMessage result = null; result = wsDataService.unloadGeopoint(g); return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage startNewTrack(String s) {"Vamos a iniciar un nuevo Track: " + s); Track track = Track.parse(s); wsDataService.saveNewTrack(track); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); result.setMessage(track.getTrackId().toString()); return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage startNewGeopoint(String s) {"Vamos a iniciar un nuevo Geopoint: " + s); Geopoint geopoint = Geopoint.parse(s); geopoint.setGeopointId(null); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); if (geopoint.getTrackId() != null) { wsDataService.saveNewGeopoint(geopoint); result.setMessage(geopoint.getGeopointId().toString()); } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage sendNormalGeopoint(String s) {"Vamos a insertar un Geopoint: " + s); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); Geopoint geopoint = Geopoint.parse(s); geopoint.setGeopointId(null); if (geopoint.getTrackId() != null) { wsDataService.saveNewGeopoint(geopoint); result.setMessage(geopoint.getGeopointId().toString()); } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage replaceLastGeopoint(String s) {"Vamos a reemplazar el ultimo Geopoint: " + s); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); Geopoint geopoint = Geopoint.parse(s); if (geopoint.getTrackId() != null) { Long id = wsDataService.replaceLastGeopoint(geopoint); if (id != null) { result.setMessage(id.toString()); } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage replaceGeopoint(String s) {"Vamos a reemplazar un Geopoint: " + s); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); Geopoint geopoint = Geopoint.parse(s); if (geopoint.getTrackId() != null) { Long id = wsDataService.replaceGeopoint(geopoint); if (id != null) { result.setMessage(id.toString()); } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage login(String s) {"Vamos a verificar si el login es correcto: " + s); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); Tuser user = Tuser.parse(s); user = wsDataService.login(user); if (user != null) { result.setMessage(user.toString()); } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage register(String s) {"Vamos a registrar un nuevo usuario: " + s); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); Tuser user = Tuser.parse(s); user = wsDataService.register(user); if (user != null) { result.setMessage(user.toString()); // TODO Mandar email al usuario para que confirme su registro } else { result.setMessage("FAIL"); } return result; } @Override public ResultWSMessage resetPassword(String s) {"Vamos a resetear la clave de un usuario: " + s); ResultWSMessage result = new ResultWSMessage(); Tuser user = Tuser.parse(s); user = wsDataService.remember(user); if (user != null) { String code = notificationService.generateCode(); String[] to = { user.getEmail() }; //boolean ret = wSEmailSender.send(to, "Correo de prueba", "estamos haciendo una pruebecilla mu chula en el remember"); boolean ret = wSEmailSender.sendResetPasswordEmail(to, user.getUserId().getUserId().toString(), code); if (ret) { Notification notification = new Notification(); // TODO meter notificacion en base de datos notification.setNotificationType(NOTIFICATION_TYPE.RESET_PASS.getObject()); notification.setReceiver(user); notification.setActive(true); notification.setAttempts(0); Date now = new Date(); notification.setSendDate(now); notification.setCode(code); notificationService.persist(notification); result.setMessage(user.toString()); } // error = -2 indica que el correo no pudo ser enviado result.setMessage("-2"); } else { // error = -1 indica que el usuario no existe result.setMessage("-1"); } return result; } /** * @param wsDataService the wsDataService to set */ public void setWsDataService(WSDataService wsDataService) { this.wsDataService = wsDataService; } /** * @return the wsDataService */ public WSDataService getWsDataService() { return wsDataService; } public WSEmailSender getwSEmailSender() { return wSEmailSender; } public void setwSEmailSender(WSEmailSender wSEmailSender) { this.wSEmailSender = wSEmailSender; } public NotificationService getNotificationService() { return notificationService; } public void setNotificationService(NotificationService notificationService) { this.notificationService = notificationService; } }