Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import com.bulletphysics.dynamics.RigidBody; import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.MatrixUtil; import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.Transform; import com.hackoeur.jglm.Mat4; import com.hackoeur.jglm.Matrices; import com.hackoeur.jglm.Vec3; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f; import javax.vecmath.Quat4f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import net.skourti.superhornet.utils.ListUtils; import net.skourti.superhornet.utils.MatrixConverter; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; /** * * @author Stavros */ public class Model implements Disposable { public static final int SKYBOX = 0; public static final int RELATIVE_MODEL = 1; public RigidBody body; public int drawMode; public LinkedList<Mesh> meshes; public Mat4 traslationMatrix; public Mat4 rotationMatrix; public Mat4 scaleMatrix; public Mat4 modelMatrix; public float angle; private ShaderProgram shader; public Model() { drawMode = RELATIVE_MODEL; traslationMatrix = new Mat4(1.0f); rotationMatrix = new Mat4(1.0f); scaleMatrix = new Mat4(1.0f); meshes = new LinkedList<>(); create(); } public void create() { } public void rotate(float angle, Vec3 axis) { //this.angle += angle; rotationMatrix = rotationMatrix.multiply(Matrices.rotate(angle, axis)); } public void setAngle(float angle, Vec3 axis) { //this.angle = angle; //rotationMatrix = Matrices.rotate(this.angle, axis); } public void translate(Vec3 position) { traslationMatrix = traslationMatrix.translate(position); } public void scale(float ammount) { scaleMatrix = scaleMatrix.scale(ammount); } public Mat4 getModel() { if (modelMatrix != null) return modelMatrix; Mat4 comb = null; if (body != null) { float matrix[] = new float[16]; body.getWorldTransform(new Transform()).getOpenGLMatrix(matrix); comb = new Mat4(matrix); } else comb = (traslationMatrix.multiply(rotationMatrix)).multiply(scaleMatrix); return comb; } public void setModel(Mat4 model) { this.modelMatrix = model; } public void render(Camera camera) { shader.bind(); if (drawMode == SKYBOX) { GL11.glDepthFunc(0); traslationMatrix = new Mat4(1.0f); traslationMatrix = traslationMatrix.translate(camera.position); shader.setUniformMat4f("pr_matrix", camera.combinedMatrix.multiply(getModel())); } else { shader.setUniformMat4f("pr_matrix", camera.combinedMatrix.multiply(getModel())); } for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) { meshes.get(i).render(shader, camera, getModel()); } if (drawMode == SKYBOX) { GL11.glDepthFunc(1); } shader.unbind(); } @Override public void dispose() { for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) { meshes.get(i).dispose(); } } public void useShader(ShaderProgram shader) { this.shader = shader; } public void addMesh(Mesh mesh) { meshes.add(mesh); } public float[] getVertices() { LinkedList<Float> v = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) { ListUtils.append(v, meshes.get(i).vertices); } return ListUtils.listToFloat(v); } }