Java tutorial
/** * Japt-Proxy: The JAVA(TM) based APT-Proxy * * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Oliver Siegmar <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.siegmar.japtproxy.misc; import net.siegmar.japtproxy.exception.InitializationException; import net.siegmar.japtproxy.exception.ResourceUnavailableException; import net.siegmar.japtproxy.fetcher.FetchedResource; import net.siegmar.japtproxy.fetcher.Fetcher; import net.siegmar.japtproxy.fetcher.FetcherPool; import net.siegmar.japtproxy.poolobject.PoolObject; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; /** * The IOHandler utility class is responsible for the IO * operation between fetchers and pools. * * @author Oliver Siegmar */ public class IOHandler { /** * The logger instance. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IOHandler.class); /** * Map that contains the timestamp of the last check per resource. */ private final Map<String, Date> resourcesLastCheckedMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * Duration between new version check of mutable files. * * Default 1 minute. */ private final int cacheDuration = 60_000; /** * The FetcherFactory instance. */ private FetcherPool fetcherPool; @Required public void setFetcherPool(final FetcherPool fetcherPool) { this.fetcherPool = fetcherPool; } /** * Checks if a new version check is required for a specific resource. * * @param resourceName the resource name to check if a version check is * required for * @return if a new version check is required */ protected boolean isNewVersionCheckRequired(final PoolObject poolObject, final String resourceName) { // If the resource is known to be immutable, // no checks are required at all if (poolObject.getRepoPackage() != null && poolObject.getRepoPackage().isImmutable()) { LOG.debug("Resource '{}' is known to be immutable. No version check required.", resourceName); return false; } synchronized (resourcesLastCheckedMap) { final Date now = new Date(); final Date d = resourcesLastCheckedMap.get(resourceName); // If the map doesn't contain an entry, add one if (d == null) { resourcesLastCheckedMap.put(resourceName, now); return true; } // If the map contains an entry, check if it is exceeded if (cacheDuration > now.getTime() - d.getTime()) { return false; } resourcesLastCheckedMap.remove(resourceName); return true; } } /** * Sends a locally stored pool object to the client. This method will * send HTTP status code 304 (not modified) if the client sent a * 'If-Modified-Since' header and the pool object wasn't modified since * that date. * * @param poolObject the pool object to sent * @param requestModifiedSince the "If-Modified-Since" header * @param res the HttpServletResponse object * @throws IOException is thrown if a problem occured while sending data */ protected void sendLocalFile(final PoolObject poolObject, final long requestModifiedSince, final HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { final long poolModification = poolObject.getLastModified(); if (requestModifiedSince != -1 && poolModification <= requestModifiedSince) { LOG.debug("Requested resource wasn't modified since last request. " + "Returning status code 304 - not modified"); res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); return; } res.setContentType(poolObject.getContentType()); res.setContentLength((int) poolObject.getSize()); res.setDateHeader(HttpHeaderConstants.LAST_MODIFIED, poolObject.getLastModified()); InputStream is = null; final OutputStream sendOs = res.getOutputStream(); try {"Sending locally cached object '{}'", poolObject.getName()); is = poolObject.getInputStream(); IOUtils.copy(is, sendOs); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } /** * This method is responsible for fetching remote data (if needed) and * sending the data (locally stored, or remotely fetched) to the client. * * @param requestedData the requested data * @param poolObject the pool object * @param targetResource the remote resource link * @param res the HttpServletResponse object * @return true if the file was sent from cache, false otherwise * @throws IOException is thrown if a problem occured while sending data * @throws net.siegmar.japtproxy.exception.ResourceUnavailableException is thrown if the resource was not found */ public boolean sendAndSave(final RequestedData requestedData, final PoolObject poolObject, final URL targetResource, final HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ResourceUnavailableException, InitializationException { final String lockIdentifier = requestedData.getRequestedResource(); final ReadWriteLock lock = ResourceLock.obtainLocker(lockIdentifier); final Lock readLock = lock.readLock(); LockStatus lockStatus; readLock.lock(); lockStatus = LockStatus.READ; LOG.debug("Obtained readLock for '{}'", lockIdentifier); final long poolModification = poolObject.getLastModified(); FetchedResource fetchedResource = null; OutputStream saveOs = null; InputStream is = null; try { if (poolModification != 0) { if (!isNewVersionCheckRequired(poolObject, requestedData.getRequestedResource())) { LOG.debug("Local object exists and no need to do a version check - sending local object"); sendLocalFile(poolObject, requestedData.getRequestModifiedSince(), res); return true; } LOG.debug("Local object exists but new version check is required"); } else { LOG.debug("No local object exists - requesting remote host"); } // Get a fetcher (http, ftp) for the current targetResource final Fetcher fetcher = fetcherPool.getInstance(targetResource); if (fetcher == null) { throw new InitializationException("No fetcher found for resource '" + targetResource + "'"); } fetchedResource = fetcher.fetch(targetResource, poolModification, requestedData.getUserAgent()); final String contentType = fetchedResource.getContentType(); final long remoteModification = fetchedResource.getLastModified(); final long contentLength = fetchedResource.getContentLength(); if (remoteModification != 0 && poolModification > remoteModification) { LOG.warn( "Remote object is older than local pool object " + "(Remote timestamp: {} - Local timestamp: {}). " + "Object won't get updated! Check this manually!", Util.getSimpleDateFromTimestamp(remoteModification), Util.getSimpleDateFromTimestamp(poolModification)); } setHeader(res, fetchedResource); if (!fetchedResource.isModified()) { LOG.debug("Remote resource has no new version - sending local object"); sendLocalFile(poolObject, requestedData.getRequestModifiedSince(), res); return true; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (poolModification != 0) { // Pool file exists, but it is out of date LOG.debug( "Newer version found (old Last-Modified: {}) - Request '{}', Last-Modified: {}, " + "Content-Type: {}, Content-Length: {}", Util.getSimpleDateFromTimestamp(poolModification), targetResource, Util.getSimpleDateFromTimestamp(remoteModification), contentType, contentLength); } else { // No pool file exists LOG.debug("Request '{}', Last-Modified: {}, Content-Type: {}, Content-Length: {}", targetResource, Util.getSimpleDateFromTimestamp(remoteModification), contentType, contentLength); } } readLock.unlock(); lock.writeLock().lock(); lockStatus = LockStatus.WRITE; LOG.debug("Obtained writeLock for '{}'", lockIdentifier); is = fetchedResource.getInputStream();"Sending remote object '{}'", poolObject.getName()); saveOs = new TeeOutputStream(poolObject.getOutputStream(), res.getOutputStream()); final long bytesCopied = IOUtils.copyLarge(is, saveOs); LOG.debug("Data sent to file and client"); poolObject.setLastModified(remoteModification); if (contentLength != -1 && bytesCopied != contentLength) { throw new IOException( String.format("Received file has invalid file size - " + "only %d of %d were downloaded", bytesCopied, contentLength)); }; return false; } catch (final IOException e) { // Remove pool file if it was created by this thread if (poolModification == 0) { poolObject.remove(); } throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); IOUtils.closeQuietly(saveOs); if (fetchedResource != null) { fetchedResource.close(); } if (lockStatus == LockStatus.WRITE) { LOG.debug("Released writeLock for '{}'", lockIdentifier); lock.writeLock().unlock(); } else { LOG.debug("Released readLock for '{}'", lockIdentifier); readLock.unlock(); } ResourceLock.releaseLocker(lockIdentifier); } } protected void setHeader(final HttpServletResponse res, final FetchedResource fetchedResource) { final String contentType = fetchedResource.getContentType(); final long contentLength = fetchedResource.getContentLength(); final long remoteModification = fetchedResource.getLastModified(); if (contentType != null) { res.setContentType(contentType); } if (contentLength != -1) { res.setContentLength((int) contentLength); } if (remoteModification != 0) { res.setDateHeader(HttpHeaderConstants.LAST_MODIFIED, remoteModification); } } private enum LockStatus { READ, WRITE } }