Java tutorial
/* * In the name of Allah * This file is part of The Zekr Project. Use is subject to * license terms. * * Author: Mohsen Saboorian * Start Date: Nov 30, 2006 */ package net.sf.zekr.engine.bookmark.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.sf.zekr.common.config.ApplicationConfig; import net.sf.zekr.common.config.GlobalConfig; import net.sf.zekr.common.config.ResourceManager; import net.sf.zekr.common.resource.IQuranLocation; import net.sf.zekr.common.resource.QuranLocation; import net.sf.zekr.common.util.CollectionUtils; import net.sf.zekr.engine.bookmark.BookmarkItem; import net.sf.zekr.engine.bookmark.BookmarkSet; import net.sf.zekr.engine.language.LanguageEngine; import net.sf.zekr.engine.log.Logger; import net.sf.zekr.ui.helper.EventProtocol; import net.sf.zekr.ui.helper.EventUtils; import net.sf.zekr.ui.helper.FormUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; /** * This class handles a number of functions related to bookmarks as static methods. There functions include * making bookmark menu, making bookmark tree, bookmark location selector pop-up, and more. * * @author Mohsen Saboorian * @since Zekr 1.0 */ public class BookmarkUtils { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BookmarkUtils.class); private final static ApplicationConfig config = ApplicationConfig.getInstance(); private final static LanguageEngine lang = LanguageEngine.getInstance(); private final static ResourceManager resource = ResourceManager.getInstance(); public static void addBookmarkItemToMenu(Menu parentMenu, final BookmarkItem bookmarkItem) { final Shell shell = parentMenu.getShell(); MenuItem menuItem; if (bookmarkItem.isFolder()) { menuItem = new MenuItem(parentMenu, SWT.CASCADE); menuItem.setText(StringUtils.abbreviate(bookmarkItem.getName(), GlobalConfig.MAX_MENU_STRING_LENGTH)); menuItem.setImage(new Image(shell.getDisplay(), resource.getString(""))); Menu menu = new Menu(shell, SWT.DROP_DOWN | lang.getSWTDirection()); menuItem.setMenu(menu); // Windows paints the whole menu, if icon changes /* menu.addMenuListener(new MenuAdapter() { public void menuShown(MenuEvent e) { Menu m = (Menu) e.widget; MenuItem pmi = m.getParentItem(); if (pmi != null) { pmi.setImage(new Image(shell.getDisplay(), resource.getString(""))); } } public void menuHidden(MenuEvent e) { Menu m = (Menu) e.widget; MenuItem pmi = m.getParentItem(); if (pmi != null) { pmi.setImage(new Image(shell.getDisplay(), resource.getString(""))); } } }); */ List<BookmarkItem> bmChildren = bookmarkItem.getChildren(); for (BookmarkItem newBookmarkItem : bmChildren) { BookmarkUtils.addBookmarkItemToMenu(menu, newBookmarkItem); } } else { menuItem = new MenuItem(parentMenu, SWT.PUSH); menuItem.setImage(new Image(shell.getDisplay(), resource.getString(""))); menuItem.setText(StringUtils.abbreviate(bookmarkItem.getName(), GlobalConfig.MAX_MENU_STRING_LENGTH) + " - " + StringUtils.abbreviate(bookmarkItem.getLocations().toString(), 15)); menuItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { gotoBookmarkLocations(shell, bookmarkItem); } }); } } public static void addBookmarkItemToTree(TreeItem treeItem, BookmarkItem bookmarkItem) { Shell shell = treeItem.getParent().getShell(); if (bookmarkItem.isFolder()) { treeItem.setText(new String[] { bookmarkItem.getName(), "", bookmarkItem.getDescription() }); treeItem.setImage(new Image(shell.getDisplay(), resource.getString("icon.bookmark.closeFolder"))); List<BookmarkItem> bmChildren = bookmarkItem.getChildren(); for (BookmarkItem newBookmarkItem : bmChildren) { TreeItem childItem = new TreeItem(treeItem, SWT.FULL_SELECTION); BookmarkUtils.addBookmarkItemToTree(childItem, newBookmarkItem); } } else { treeItem.setImage(new Image(shell.getDisplay(), resource.getString("icon.bookmark.item"))); treeItem.setText(new String[] { bookmarkItem.getName(), CollectionUtils.toString(bookmarkItem.getLocations(), ","), bookmarkItem.getDescription() }); } treeItem.setData(bookmarkItem); } public static TreeItem moveTreeItem(Tree parentTree, TreeItem treeItem, boolean duplicate) { return _moveTreeItem(parentTree, treeItem, -1, duplicate); } public static TreeItem moveTreeItem(Tree parentTree, TreeItem treeItem, int index, boolean duplicate) { return _moveTreeItem(parentTree, treeItem, index, duplicate); } public static TreeItem moveTreeItem(TreeItem parentItem, TreeItem treeItem, boolean duplicate) { return _moveTreeItem(parentItem, treeItem, -1, duplicate); } public static TreeItem moveTreeItem(TreeItem parentItem, TreeItem treeItem, int index, boolean duplicate) { return _moveTreeItem(parentItem, treeItem, index, duplicate); } private static TreeItem _moveTreeItem(Widget parent, TreeItem treeItem, int index, boolean duplicate) { TreeItem newTreeItem; if (parent instanceof Tree) { if (index == -1) newTreeItem = new TreeItem((Tree) parent, SWT.NONE); else newTreeItem = new TreeItem((Tree) parent, SWT.NONE, index); } else { // should be of type TreeItem if (index == -1) newTreeItem = new TreeItem((TreeItem) parent, SWT.NONE); else newTreeItem = new TreeItem((TreeItem) parent, SWT.NONE, index); } BookmarkItem bookmarkItem = (BookmarkItem) treeItem.getData(); if (duplicate) { bookmarkItem = (BookmarkItem) bookmarkItem.clone(); } newTreeItem.setData(bookmarkItem); if (bookmarkItem.isFolder()) { newTreeItem.setText(new String[] { bookmarkItem.getName(), "", bookmarkItem.getDescription() }); newTreeItem.setImage(new Image(parent.getDisplay(), resource.getString("icon.bookmark.closeFolder"))); } else { newTreeItem.setText(new String[] { bookmarkItem.getName(), CollectionUtils.toString(bookmarkItem.getLocations(), ","), bookmarkItem.getDescription() }); newTreeItem.setImage(new Image(parent.getDisplay(), resource.getString("icon.bookmark.item"))); } if (treeItem.getItemCount() > 0) for (int i = 0; i < treeItem.getItems().length; i++) { _moveTreeItem(newTreeItem, treeItem.getItem(i), -1, duplicate); } return newTreeItem; } public static BookmarkItem getBookmarkItemFromTreeItem(TreeItem treeItem) { BookmarkItem bi = (BookmarkItem) treeItem.getData(); if (bi.isFolder()) { TreeItem[] items = treeItem.getItems(); bi.clearChilrden(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { bi.addChild(getBookmarkItemFromTreeItem(items[i])); } } return bi; } public static void gotoBookmarkLocations(Shell parent, BookmarkItem bookmarkItem) { List<IQuranLocation> locs = bookmarkItem.getLocations(); if (locs.size() == 0) { return; } else if (locs.size() == 1) { IQuranLocation location = locs.get(0); EventUtils.sendEvent(EventProtocol.GOTO_LOCATION + ":" + location); } else { int i = chooseBookmarkItem(parent, bookmarkItem); if (i != -1) { IQuranLocation location = locs.get(i); EventUtils.sendEvent(EventProtocol.GOTO_LOCATION + ":" + location); } } } static private int _listIndex; private static int chooseBookmarkItem(Shell parent, BookmarkItem bookmarkItem) { final Shell shell = new Shell(parent, lang.getSWTDirection() | SWT.TOOL); FillLayout fl = new FillLayout(); fl.marginHeight = fl.marginWidth = 2; shell.setLayout(fl); _listIndex = -1; Group body = new Group(shell, SWT.NONE); body.setText(StringUtils.abbreviate(bookmarkItem.getName(), GlobalConfig.MAX_MENU_STRING_LENGTH)); fl = new FillLayout(); fl.marginHeight = fl.marginWidth = 2; body.setLayout(fl); final org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List list; list = new org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List(body, SWT.BORDER | SWT.SINGLE | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); try { list.setItems( (String[]) CollectionUtils.toStringArray(bookmarkItem.getLocations(), "toDetailedString")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(e); } list.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (list.getSelectionCount() != 1) return; if (e.keyCode == '\r') { _listIndex = list.getSelectionIndex(); shell.close(); } } }); list.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) { if (list.getSelectionCount() != 1) return; _listIndex = list.getSelectionIndex(); shell.close(); } }); shell.pack(); if (shell.getSize().y > 300) shell.setSize(shell.getSize().x, 300); shell.setLocation(FormUtils.getCenter(parent, shell));; shell.addShellListener(new ShellAdapter() { public void shellDeactivated(ShellEvent e) { shell.close(); } }); while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!shell.getDisplay().readAndDispatch()) { shell.getDisplay().sleep(); } } parent.forceActive(); return _listIndex; } public static List<Object[]> findReferences(BookmarkSet bms, IQuranLocation loc) { List<BookmarkItem> bmItems = bms.getBookmarksItems(); List<Object[]> foundItems = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (BookmarkItem item : bmItems) { foundItems.addAll(_findReferences(new ArrayList<String>(), item, loc)); } return foundItems; } private static List<Object[]> _findReferences(List<String> path, BookmarkItem bmItem, IQuranLocation loc) { List<BookmarkItem> childItems = bmItem.getChildren(); List<Object[]> foundItems = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(path); l.add(bmItem.getName()); if (!bmItem.isFolder()) { if (bmItem.getLocations().contains(loc)) { foundItems.add(new Object[] { l, bmItem }); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < childItems.size(); i++) { BookmarkItem item = (BookmarkItem) childItems.get(i); foundItems.addAll(_findReferences(l, item, loc)); } } return foundItems; } public static void main(String[] args) { BookmarkSet bms = config.getBookmark(); List<Object[]> l = findReferences(bms, new QuranLocation(12, 13)); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { Object[] entry = l.get(i); System.out.println(entry[0] + ": " + entry[1]); } } }