Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *               In the name of Allah
 * This file is part of The Zekr Project. Use is subject to
 * license terms.
 * Author:         Mohsen Saboorian
 * Start Date:     Nov 6, 2009
package net.sf.zekr.common.config;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.sf.zekr.engine.language.LanguageEngine;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

 * @author Mohsen Saboorian
public class KeyboardShortcut {
    public static final int WINKEY = SWT.CTRL << 1; // we treat SWT.CTRL << 1 as Win key

    private Map<Integer, List<KeyboardAction>> keytoAction = new HashMap<Integer, List<KeyboardAction>>();
    private Map<Integer, List<KeyboardAction>> keyToActionRtl = new HashMap<Integer, List<KeyboardAction>>();

    private Map<String, Integer> actionToKey = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    private Map<String, Integer> actionToKeyRtl = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    private Map<String, Integer> controlMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    private Document doc;
    private PropertiesConfiguration props;
    private boolean commandAndControlAreSame;

        controlMap.put("up", SWT.ARROW_UP);
        controlMap.put("down", SWT.ARROW_DOWN);
        controlMap.put("left", SWT.ARROW_LEFT);
        controlMap.put("right", SWT.ARROW_RIGHT);
        controlMap.put("pageup", SWT.PAGE_UP);
        controlMap.put("pagedown", SWT.PAGE_DOWN);
        controlMap.put("home", SWT.HOME);
        controlMap.put("end", SWT.END);
        controlMap.put("insert", SWT.INSERT);
        controlMap.put("delete", (int) SWT.DEL);
        controlMap.put("enter", (int) SWT.CR);
        controlMap.put("space", 32);
        controlMap.put("backspace", (int) SWT.BS);
        controlMap.put("esc", (int) SWT.ESC);
        controlMap.put("tab", (int) SWT.TAB);

    public KeyboardShortcut(PropertiesConfiguration props, Document shortcut) {
        this.props = props;
        doc = shortcut;

        try {
            commandAndControlAreSame = props.getBoolean("key.commandAndControlAreSame", true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // workaround for a bug in Zekr 0.7.5 beta 4
            commandAndControlAreSame = true;
            props.setProperty("key.commandAndControlAreSame", "true");

    public void init() {
        Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
        NodeList mappings = root.getElementsByTagName("mapping");
        for (int i = 0; i < mappings.getLength(); i++) {
            Element mapping = (Element) mappings.item(i);
            String action = mapping.getAttribute("action");
            String key = mapping.getAttribute("key");
            boolean isGlobal = Boolean.parseBoolean(mapping.getAttribute("global"));
            boolean isSuperGlobal = Boolean.parseBoolean(mapping.getAttribute("superGlobal"));
            boolean suppressOnModal = Boolean.parseBoolean(mapping.getAttribute("suppressOnModal"));
            String window = isGlobal ? null : mapping.getAttribute("window");
            String rtlKey = mapping.getAttribute("rtlKey");

            int keyCode = 0, keyCodeRtl = 0;
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(action)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(key)) {
                    keyCode = extractKeyCode(key);
                } else {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rtlKey)) {
                    keyCodeRtl = extractKeyCode(rtlKey);

                KeyboardAction command = new KeyboardAction(keyCode, keyCodeRtl, isGlobal, isSuperGlobal,
                        suppressOnModal, window, action);

                if (keyCode > 0) {
                    List<KeyboardAction> actionList = keytoAction.get(keyCode);
                    if (actionList == null) {
                        actionList = new ArrayList<KeyboardAction>();
                        keytoAction.put(keyCode, actionList);

                    actionToKey.put(action, keyCode);

                if (keyCodeRtl > 0) {
                    List<KeyboardAction> actionListRtl = keyToActionRtl.get(keyCodeRtl);
                    if (actionListRtl == null) {
                        actionListRtl = new ArrayList<KeyboardAction>();
                        keyToActionRtl.put(keyCodeRtl, actionListRtl);

                    actionToKeyRtl.put(action, keyCodeRtl);

    private int extractKeyCode(String key) {
        key = key.toLowerCase();
        key = StringUtils.replace(key, "\\+", "plus");
        String[] keyParts = StringUtils.split(key, '+');
        int accel = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < keyParts.length; j++) {
            String part = keyParts[j].trim();
            if ("ctrl".equals(part)) {
                if (GlobalConfig.isMac && commandAndControlAreSame) {
                    accel |= SWT.COMMAND;
                } else {
                    accel |= SWT.CTRL;
            } else if ("cmd".equals(part)) {
                accel |= SWT.COMMAND;
            } else if ("alt".equals(part)) {
                accel |= SWT.ALT;
            } else if ("shift".equals(part)) {
                accel |= SWT.SHIFT;
            } else if ("win".equals(part)) {
                accel |= WINKEY;
            } else if ("plus".equals(part)) {
                accel |= '+';
            } else if (controlMap.containsKey(part)) {
                accel |= controlMap.get(part);
            } else if (part.length() >= 2 && part.charAt(0) == 'f' && NumberUtils.isDigits(part.substring(1))) {
                int f = Integer.parseInt(part.substring(1));
                accel |= SWT.F1 - 1 + f;
            } else if (part.length() == 1) {
                accel |= part.toUpperCase().charAt(0);
        return accel;

     * Converts SWT bitwise key combination to its string representation.
     * @param accelerator SWT bitwise key combination
     * @return string representation of the accelerator
    public static String keyCodeToString(int accelerator) {
        String accelStr = "";
        if (accelerator != 0) {
            int accKey = accelerator;
            String combKey = "";
            boolean plusNeeded = false;
            if ((accelerator & WINKEY) == WINKEY) {
                accKey ^= WINKEY;
                combKey += "Win";
                plusNeeded = true;
            if ((accelerator & SWT.CONTROL) == SWT.CONTROL) {
                accKey ^= SWT.CONTROL;
                combKey += (plusNeeded ? "+" : "") + "Ctrl";
                plusNeeded = true;
            if ((accelerator & SWT.COMMAND) == SWT.COMMAND) {
                accKey ^= SWT.COMMAND;
                combKey += (plusNeeded ? "+" : "") + "Cmd";
                plusNeeded = true;
            if ((accelerator & SWT.ALT) == SWT.ALT) {
                accKey ^= SWT.ALT;
                combKey += (plusNeeded ? "+" : "") + "Alt";
                plusNeeded = true;
            if ((accelerator & SWT.SHIFT) == SWT.SHIFT) {
                accKey ^= SWT.SHIFT;
                combKey += (plusNeeded ? "+" : "") + "Shift";
                plusNeeded = true;
            accelStr = combKey + "+";
            if (accKey >= 'A' && accKey <= 'Z') {
                accelStr = accelStr + (char) accKey;
            } else if (accKey >= SWT.ARROW_UP && accKey <= SWT.INSERT) {
                String s = "";
                switch (accKey) {
                case SWT.ARROW_UP:
                    s = "Up";
                case SWT.ARROW_DOWN:
                    s = "Down";
                case SWT.ARROW_LEFT:
                    s = "Left";
                case SWT.ARROW_RIGHT:
                    s = "Right";
                case SWT.PAGE_UP:
                    s = "PageUp";
                case SWT.PAGE_DOWN:
                    s = "PageDown";
                case SWT.HOME:
                    s = "Home";
                case SWT.END:
                    s = "End";
                case SWT.INSERT:
                    s = "Insert";
                accelStr = accelStr + s;
            } else if (accKey >= SWT.F1 && accKey <= SWT.F15) { // try function keys
                int f = accKey - SWT.F1 + 1;
                accelStr = combKey + "F" + f;
            } else {
                String s = "";
                switch (accKey) {
                case SWT.BS:
                    s = "Backspace";
                case SWT.CR:
                case SWT.LF:
                    s = "Enter";
                case SWT.DEL:
                    s = "Delete";
                case SWT.ESC:
                    s = "Esc";
                case SWT.TAB:
                    s = "Tab";
                    s = String.valueOf((char) accKey);
                accelStr = accelStr + s;
        return accelStr;

    public List<KeyboardAction> getKeyActionList(Integer key) {
        LanguageEngine lang = LanguageEngine.getInstance();
        boolean rtl = GlobalConfig.hasBidiSupport && lang.isRtl();
        if (rtl && keyToActionRtl.containsKey(key)) {
            return keyToActionRtl.get(key);
        } else {
            return keytoAction.get(key);

    public Integer getKeyForAction(String action, boolean isRtl) {
        if (isRtl && actionToKeyRtl.get(action) != null) {
            return actionToKeyRtl.get(action);
        return actionToKey.get(action);

    public Map<String, Integer> getActionToKey(boolean isRtl) {
        return isRtl ? actionToKeyRtl : actionToKey;

    public Map<String, Integer> getActionToKey() {
        return actionToKey;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int keyBit = WINKEY | SWT.SHIFT | SWT.ALT | SWT.INSERT;
        System.out.println(keyBit + " - " + KeyboardShortcut.keyCodeToString(keyBit));