Java tutorial
/** * @(#) * * Copyright (2003) Bro3 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Boston, MA 02111. * * Contact: **/ package net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.commands.importexport; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.MovieManager; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.commands.guistarters.MovieManagerCommandDialogIMDB; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.database.Database; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.http.HttpUtil.HTTPResult; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.imdblib.IMDb; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.imdblib.IMDbLib; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.models.ModelEntry; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.models.ModelMovie; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.models.ModelMovieInfo; import; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.swing.util.SwingWorker; import net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.util.FileUtil; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class IMDbInfoUpdater { static Logger log = Logger.getRootLogger(); private int lengthOfTask = 0; private int current = -1; private boolean done = false; private boolean canceled = false; private ArrayList<String> transferred = new ArrayList<String>(); Database database = MovieManager.getIt().getDatabase(); private boolean skipEntriesWithIMDbID = false; private boolean skipEntriesWithoutIMDbID = false; final MovieManagerCommandDialogIMDB commandIMDB = new MovieManagerCommandDialogIMDB(); public void setSkipEntriesWithIMDbID(boolean val) { skipEntriesWithIMDbID = val; skipEntriesWithoutIMDbID = false; } public void setSkipEntriesWithNoIMDbID(boolean val) { skipEntriesWithoutIMDbID = val; skipEntriesWithIMDbID = false; } String coversFolder = MovieManager.getConfig().getCoversPath(); /* 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = Yes, but only if empty */ public int title = 0; public int cover = 0; public int date = 0; public int colour = 0; public int directedBy = 0; public int writtenBy = 0; public int genre = 0; public int rating = 0; public int country = 0; public int language = 0; public int plot = 0; public int cast = 0; public int aka = 0; public int soundMix = 0; public int runtime = 0; public int awards = 0; public int mpaa = 0; public int certification = 0; int threadCount = 5; public void setThreadCount(int count) { // Verify sensible values if (count > 0 && count < 100) { threadCount = count; } } public int getThreadCount() { return threadCount; } public void go() { final SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { public Object construct() { current = -1; done = false; canceled = false; threadHandler = new ThreadHandler(); execute(); return this; } }; worker.start(); } public int getLengthOfTask() { return lengthOfTask; } /*Returns the current position in the array*/ public int getCurrent() { return current; } /* Stops the importing process */ public synchronized void stop() { threadHandler.stop(); canceled = true; } public boolean isDone() { return done; } public void setDone() { threadHandler.stop(); done = true; } /* Returns the arraylist transferred which contains all the finished database entries */ public ArrayList<String> getTransferred() { return transferred; } static boolean ready = true; ThreadHandler threadHandler = new ThreadHandler(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void execute() { /* Setting the priority of the thread to 4 to give the GUI room to update more often */ Thread.currentThread().setPriority(4); DefaultMutableTreeNode root = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) ((DefaultTreeModel) MovieManager.getDialog() .getMoviesList().getModel()).getRoot(); final Enumeration<DefaultMutableTreeNode> enumeration = root.children(); lengthOfTask = root.getChildCount(); try { Runnable threadRunner = new Runnable() { public void run() { DefaultMutableTreeNode node; ModelEntry model; ModelMovieInfo modelInfo = new ModelMovieInfo(); IMDb imdb; try { imdb = IMDbLib.newIMDb(MovieManager.getConfig().getHttpSettings()); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { if (canceled) break; // Will start only threadCount number of threads while (threadHandler.getThreadCount() > threadCount - 1) { threadHandler.waitForNextDecrease(); } node = enumeration.nextElement(); model = (ModelEntry) node.getUserObject(); if (!model.getHasGeneralInfoData()) { model.updateGeneralInfoData(); } if (!model.getHasAdditionalInfoData()) { model.updateAdditionalInfoData(); } /* wrapping each movie in a thread */ Thread t = new Thread(new GetInfo(modelInfo, model, imdb)); t.start(); // Wait till the new thread has started and increased the thread count. threadHandler.waitForNextIncrease(); } do { threadHandler.waitForNextDecrease(); if (threadHandler.getNoAction()) { log.debug("No threads have finished within timeout of " + threadHandler.getTimeout() + "ms."); ArrayList<GetInfo> active = threadHandler.getActiveThreads(); log.debug("Active threads:"); for (GetInfo t : active) { log.debug(t.getTitle()); } } } while (threadHandler.getThreadCount() > 0); setDone(); log.debug("Done updating list!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; Thread t = new Thread(threadRunner); t.start(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception:" + e.getMessage()); } } class GetInfo extends Thread { ModelMovieInfo modelInfo; ModelEntry model; IMDb imdb; private final int tryTimes = 3; InputStream stream; StringBuffer data = null; int buffer; boolean error = false; boolean skipped = false; boolean skippedNoIMDbID = false; boolean skippedIMDbID = false; GetInfo threadWorker = this; GetInfo(ModelMovieInfo modelInfo, ModelEntry model, IMDb imdb) { this.modelInfo = modelInfo; this.model = model; = imdb; } boolean changed = false; ModelIMDbEntry movie = null; public String getTitle() { return model.getTitle(); } public ModelIMDbEntry getIMDbModel(String urlKey) throws Exception { if (movie == null) { HTTPResult res = imdb.getURLData(urlKey); if (res.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { log.warn("Failed to retrieve IMDb info for urlKey:" + urlKey + " (" + res.getStatusMessage() + ")"); return null; } movie = imdb.grabInfo(urlKey, res.getData()); changed = true; } return movie; } public void run() { try { threadHandler.addThreadWorker(threadWorker); Thread.sleep(50); if (canceled) return; if (model.getUrlKey().equals("")) { log.debug("Empty UrlKey for " + model.getTitle()); if (skipEntriesWithoutIMDbID) { skipped = skippedNoIMDbID = true; return; } String urlKey = commandIMDB.getIMDBKey(model.getTitle()); if (commandIMDB.cancelAll) { canceled = true; return; } if (commandIMDB.cancel) return; if (urlKey == null || urlKey.equals("")) return; model.setUrlKey(urlKey); } else if (skipEntriesWithIMDbID) { skipped = skippedIMDbID = true; return; } for (int i = 0; i < tryTimes; i++) { error = false; try { try { handleDataUpdate(model); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to retrive info for: " + model.getUrlKey() + " (" + model.getTitle() + ")"); error = true; } if (changed && !canceled) { modelInfo.saveToDatabase(model, true, null); break; } else log.debug("Not saving " + model.getTitle()); } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal("Exception:" + e.getMessage(), e); error = true; } data = null; if (!error) break; // Sleep before next try Thread.sleep(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Fatal interrupted error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { threadHandler.removeThreadWorker(threadWorker); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (error) { addTransferred("Failed to retrive info for: " + model.getTitle()); log.warn("failed to retrieve info for entry " + model.getTitle()); } else if (skipped) { String s = "Skipped: "; if (skippedIMDbID) s = "Skipped (contains IMDb ID): "; else if (skippedNoIMDbID) s = "Skipped (Doesn't contains IMDb ID): "; addTransferred(s + model.getTitle()); } else addTransferred(model.getTitle()); } } void handleDataUpdate(ModelEntry model) throws Exception { if (title == 1 || (title == 2 && model.getTitle().equals(""))) { model.setTitle(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getTitle()); } if (date == 1 || (date == 2 && model.getDate().equals(""))) { model.setDate(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getDate()); } if (colour == 1 || (colour == 2 && model.getColour().equals(""))) { model.setColour(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getColour()); } if (directedBy == 1 || (directedBy == 2 && model.getDirectedBy().equals(""))) { model.setDirectedBy(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getDirectedBy()); } if (writtenBy == 1 || (writtenBy == 2 && model.getWrittenBy().equals(""))) { model.setWrittenBy(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getWrittenBy()); } if (genre == 1 || (genre == 2 && model.getGenre().equals(""))) { model.setGenre(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getGenre()); } if (rating == 1 || (rating == 2 && model.getRating().equals(""))) { model.setRating(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getRating()); String personalRating = getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getRating(); if (!personalRating.equals("")) model.setPersonalRating(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getPersonalRating()); } if (country == 1 || (country == 2 && model.getCountry().equals(""))) { model.setCountry(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCountry()); } if (language == 1 || (language == 2 && model.getLanguage().equals(""))) { model.setLanguage(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getLanguage()); } if (plot == 1 || (plot == 2 && model.getPlot().equals(""))) { model.setPlot(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getPlot()); } if (cast == 1 || (cast == 2 && model.getCast().equals(""))) { model.setCast(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCast()); } if (aka == 1 || (aka == 2 && model.getAka().equals(""))) { model.setAka(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getAka()); ModelMovieInfo.executeTitleModification(model); } if (soundMix == 1 || (soundMix == 2 && model.getWebSoundMix().equals(""))) { model.setWebSoundMix(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getWebSoundMix()); } if (runtime == 1 || (runtime == 2 && model.getWebRuntime().equals(""))) { model.setWebRuntime(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getWebRuntime()); } if (awards == 1 || (awards == 2 && model.getAwards().equals(""))) { model.setAwards(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getAwards()); } if (mpaa == 1 || (mpaa == 2 && model.getMpaa().equals(""))) { model.setMpaa(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getMpaa()); } if (certification == 1 || (certification == 2 && model.getCertification().equals(""))) { model.setCertification(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCertification()); } String coverPath = MovieManager.getConfig().getCoversPath(false); boolean doCover = false; if (cover == 1) doCover = true; else if (cover == 2) { if (MovieManager.getIt().getDatabase().isMySQL()) { if (model.getCoverData() == null) doCover = true; else if (MovieManager.getConfig().getStoreCoversLocally() && !new File(coverPath, model.getCover()).isFile()) { doCover = true; } } else if (!new File(coverPath, model.getCover()).isFile()) { doCover = true; } } if (doCover) { if (canceled) { changed = false; return; } try { byte[] coverData = getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCoverData(); if (coverData != null) { model.setCoverData(coverData); model.setCover(getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCoverName()); if (!((MovieManager.getIt().getDatabase().isMySQL()) && !MovieManager.getConfig().getStoreCoversLocally()) && (getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCoverURL().indexOf("/") != -1)) { if (new File(coversFolder).isDirectory()) { /* Creates the new file... */ File coverFile = new File(coversFolder, getIMDbModel(model.getUrlKey()).getCoverName()); if (coverFile.exists()) { if (!coverFile.delete() && !coverFile.createNewFile()) { throw new Exception("Cannot delete old cover file and create a new one."); } } else { if (!coverFile.createNewFile()) { throw new Exception("Cannot create cover file."); } } /* Copies the cover to the covers folder... */ FileUtil.writeToFile(coverData, coverFile); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } synchronized int setGeneralInfo(ModelMovie model) { return database.setGeneralInfo(model); } synchronized void addTransferred(String transfer) { transferred.add(transfer); } synchronized static boolean isReady() { return ready; } synchronized static void setReady(boolean rdy) { ready = rdy; } public class ThreadHandler { ThreadHandler threadHandler = this; boolean noAction = false; boolean stop = false; final int timeToWait = 5000; long lastActionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); public boolean getNoAction() { return noAction; } public void stop() { stop = true; } public int getTimeout() { return timeToWait; } ThreadHandler() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { while (!stop) { Thread.sleep(timeToWait); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((time - lastActionTime) > timeToWait) { noAction = true; synchronized (threadHandler) { threadHandler.notify(); } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("InterruptedException:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } }).start(); } ArrayList<GetInfo> activeThreads = new ArrayList<GetInfo>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<GetInfo> getActiveThreads() { return (ArrayList<GetInfo>) activeThreads.clone(); } synchronized public void addThreadWorker(GetInfo worker) { activeThreads.add(worker); lastActionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); notify(); } synchronized public void removeThreadWorker(GetInfo worker) throws Exception { activeThreads.remove(worker); lastActionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); notify(); } synchronized public int getThreadCount() { return activeThreads.size(); } public void waitForNextDecrease() throws Exception { // If no active threads, do not wait. if (threadCount == 0) return; synchronized (this) { wait(); } } public void waitForNextIncrease() throws Exception { synchronized (this) { wait(); } } } }