Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) The m-m-m Team, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * */ package net.sf.mmm.util.nls.impl.rebind; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.inject.Named; import net.sf.mmm.util.exception.api.ObjectMismatchException; import net.sf.mmm.util.gwt.base.rebind.AbstractIncrementalGenerator; import net.sf.mmm.util.nls.api.NlsAccess; import net.sf.mmm.util.nls.api.NlsBundle; import net.sf.mmm.util.nls.api.NlsBundleWithLookup; import net.sf.mmm.util.nls.api.NlsMessage; import net.sf.mmm.util.nls.base.AbstractNlsBundleFactory; import net.sf.mmm.util.nls.base.NlsMessagePlain; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the abstract base implementation of a GWT {@link} for rebinding * the {@link net.sf.mmm.util.nls.api.NlsBundleFactory} implementation. * * @author Joerg Hohwiller (hohwille at * @since 4.0.0 */ public abstract class AbstractNlsBundleGenerator extends AbstractIncrementalGenerator { /** @see #generateMethodMessageBlock(SourceWriter, TreeLogger, GeneratorContext, String) */ protected static final String VARIABLE_MESSAGE = "nlsL10nMessage"; /** @see #generateMethodMessageBlock(SourceWriter, TreeLogger, GeneratorContext, String) */ protected static final String VARIABLE_ARGUMENTS = "nlsArguments"; /** * The constructor. */ public AbstractNlsBundleGenerator() { super(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void generateImportStatements(JClassType inputType, TreeLogger logger, ClassSourceFileComposerFactory sourceComposerFactory, GeneratorContext context) { sourceComposerFactory.addImport(Map.class.getName()); sourceComposerFactory.addImport(HashMap.class.getName()); sourceComposerFactory.addImport(NlsBundle.class.getName()); sourceComposerFactory.addImport(NlsMessage.class.getName()); sourceComposerFactory.addImport(NlsMessagePlain.class.getName()); sourceComposerFactory.addImport(NlsAccess.class.getName()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void generateClassDeclaration(JClassType inputType, TreeLogger logger, ClassSourceFileComposerFactory sourceComposerFactory, GeneratorContext context) { sourceComposerFactory.addImplementedInterface(inputType.getQualifiedSourceName()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void generateClassContents(JClassType inputType, TreeLogger logger, SourceWriter sourceWriter, String simpleName, GeneratorContext context) { // inputType is the NlsBundle-class generateFields(sourceWriter, logger, context, inputType); // generate methods of bundle JMethod[] methods = inputType.getOverridableMethods(); for (JMethod method : methods) { JType returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (NlsMessage.class.getName().equals(returnType.getQualifiedSourceName())) { if (isLookupMethod(method)) { if (AbstractNlsBundleFactory.METHOD_NAME_LOOKUP.equals(method.getName())) { generateLookupMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method, methods); } else { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Ignoring illegal lookup method: " + method.getName()); } } else { generateMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method); } } else { throw new ObjectMismatchException(returnType.getSimpleSourceName(), NlsMessage.class, inputType.getQualifiedSourceName(), method.getName()); } } } /** * Generates the implementation of {@link NlsBundleWithLookup#getMessage(String, Map)}. * * @param sourceWriter is the {@link SourceWriter}. * @param logger is the {@link TreeLogger}. * @param context is the {@link GeneratorContext}. * @param method is the {@link NlsBundleWithLookup#getMessage(String, Map)}-method to generate an * implementation for. * @param methods is the list of all declared methods of the bundle. Likely to be ignored but may be used to * generate a switch statement with delegations. */ protected void generateLookupMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method, JMethod[] methods) { generateSourcePublicMethodDeclaration(sourceWriter, method); sourceWriter.print("String "); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_MESSAGE); sourceWriter.println("= null;"); boolean addElse = false; for (JMethod currentMethod : methods) { if (!isLookupMethod(currentMethod)) { if (addElse) { sourceWriter.print(" else "); } else { addElse = true; } sourceWriter.print("if (methodName.equals(\""); String methodName = currentMethod.getName(); sourceWriter.print(methodName); sourceWriter.println("\")) {"); sourceWriter.indent(); generateMethodMessageBlock(sourceWriter, logger, context, methodName); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.print("}"); } else { assert (method == currentMethod); } } // methodName not found/present? sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.print("if ("); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_MESSAGE); sourceWriter.println("== null) {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("return null;"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); // generate message depending on arguments sourceWriter.print("if (("); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_ARGUMENTS); sourceWriter.print(" == null) || ("); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_ARGUMENTS); sourceWriter.println(".isEmpty())) {"); sourceWriter.indent(); generateCreateMessageBlock(sourceWriter, false); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("} else {"); sourceWriter.indent(); generateCreateMessageBlock(sourceWriter, true); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); generateSourceCloseBlock(sourceWriter); } /** * Generates an implementation of an {@link NlsBundle}-method. * * @param sourceWriter is the {@link SourceWriter}. * @param logger is the {@link TreeLogger}. * @param context is the {@link GeneratorContext}. * @param method is the {@link NlsBundle}-method to generate an implementation for. */ protected void generateMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method) { generateSourcePublicMethodDeclaration(sourceWriter, method); generateMethodBody(sourceWriter, logger, context, method); generateSourceCloseBlock(sourceWriter); } /** * Generates an the body of an {@link NlsBundle}-method. * * @param sourceWriter is the {@link SourceWriter}. * @param logger is the {@link TreeLogger}. * @param context is the {@link GeneratorContext}. * @param method is the {@link NlsBundle}-method to generate an implementation for. */ protected void generateMethodBody(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method) { JParameter[] methodParameters = method.getParameters(); if (methodParameters.length > 0) { sourceWriter.print("Map<String, Object> "); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_ARGUMENTS); sourceWriter.println(" = new HashMap<String, Object>();"); // loop over parameters and generate code that puts the parameters into the arguments map for (JParameter parameter : methodParameters) { String name; Named namedAnnotation = parameter.getAnnotation(Named.class); if (namedAnnotation == null) { name = parameter.getName(); } else { name = namedAnnotation.value(); } sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_ARGUMENTS); sourceWriter.print(".put(\""); sourceWriter.print(escape(name)); sourceWriter.print("\", "); sourceWriter.print(parameter.getName()); sourceWriter.println(");"); } } sourceWriter.print("String "); generateMethodMessageBlock(sourceWriter, logger, context, method.getName()); generateCreateMessageBlock(sourceWriter, methodParameters.length > 0); } /** * Generates the source code block to create a new {@link NlsMessage}. * * @param sourceWriter is the {@link SourceWriter}. * @param hasArguments - <code>true</code> if {@link NlsMessage#getArgument(String) arguments} are given, * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private void generateCreateMessageBlock(SourceWriter sourceWriter, boolean hasArguments) { // return NlsAccess.getFactory().create(message, arguments); if (hasArguments) { sourceWriter.print("return "); sourceWriter.print(NlsAccess.class.getSimpleName()); sourceWriter.print(".getFactory().create("); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_MESSAGE); sourceWriter.print(", "); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_ARGUMENTS); sourceWriter.println(");"); } else { sourceWriter.print("return new "); sourceWriter.print(NlsMessagePlain.class.getSimpleName()); sourceWriter.print("("); sourceWriter.print(VARIABLE_MESSAGE); sourceWriter.println(");"); } } /** * Generates the block of the {@link NlsBundle}-method body that creates the code block with the * {@link String} variable {@link #VARIABLE_MESSAGE} excluding the {@link String} declaration. * * @param sourceWriter is the {@link SourceWriter}. * @param logger is the {@link TreeLogger}. * @param context is the {@link GeneratorContext}. * @param methodName is the name of the {@link NlsBundle}-method to generate. */ protected abstract void generateMethodMessageBlock(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String methodName); /** * Generates the (private) fields. * * @param sourceWriter is the {@link SourceWriter}. * @param logger is the {@link TreeLogger}. * @param context is the {@link GeneratorContext}. * @param bundleClass is the {@link JClassType} reflecting the {@link NlsBundle}. */ protected void generateFields(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JClassType bundleClass) { // nothing by default } /** * Determines if the given {@link JMethod} is declared in {@link NlsBundleWithLookup}. * * @see NlsBundleWithLookup#getMessage(String, Map) * * @param method is the {@link JMethod} to test. * @return <code>true</code> if the given method is from {@link NlsBundleWithLookup}, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ protected boolean isLookupMethod(JMethod method) { return NlsBundleWithLookup.class.getName().equals(method.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName()); } }