Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2004 - 2013 Wayne Grant
 *           2013 - 2016 Kai Kramer
 * This file is part of KeyStore Explorer.
 * KeyStore Explorer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * KeyStore Explorer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with KeyStore Explorer.  If not, see <>.
package net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.privatekey;

import static javax.crypto.Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE;
import static javax.crypto.Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE;
import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.privatekey.EncryptionType.ENCRYPTED;
import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.privatekey.EncryptionType.UNENCRYPTED;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1InputStream;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence;

import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.CryptoException;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.Password;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.digest.DigestType;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.digest.DigestUtil;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.utilities.pem.PemAttribute;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.utilities.pem.PemAttributes;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.utilities.pem.PemInfo;
import net.sf.keystore_explorer.utilities.pem.PemUtil;

 * Provides utility methods relating to OpenSSL encoded private keys.
public class OpenSslPvkUtil {
    private static ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle

    // Begin OpenSSL RSA private key PEM
    private static final String OPENSSL_RSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE = "RSA PRIVATE KEY";

    // Begin OpenSSL DSA private key PEM
    private static final String OPENSSL_DSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE = "DSA PRIVATE KEY";

    // OpenSSL version
    private static final BigInteger VERSION = BigInteger.ZERO;

    // Proc-Type PEM header attribute name
    private static final String PROC_TYPE_ATTR_NAME = "Proc-Type";

    // Proc-Type PEM header attribute value
    private static final String PROC_TYPE_ATTR_VALUE = "4,ENCRYPTED";

    // DEK-Info PEM header attribute name
    private static final String DEK_INFO_ATTR_NAME = "DEK-Info";

    // DEK-Info PEM headere attribute value template (pbe algoithm,salt)
    private static final String DEK_INFO_ATTR_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "{0},{1}";

    private OpenSslPvkUtil() {

     * OpenSSL encode a private key.
     * @return The encoding
     * @param privateKey
     *            The private key
     * @throws CryptoException
     *             Problem encountered while getting the encoded private key
    public static byte[] get(PrivateKey privateKey) throws CryptoException {
        // DER encoding for each key type is a sequence
        ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();

        if (privateKey instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey) {
            RSAPrivateCrtKey rsaPrivateKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) privateKey;

            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(VERSION));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getModulus()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getPublicExponent()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getPrimeP()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getPrimeQ()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getPrimeExponentP()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getPrimeExponentQ()));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(rsaPrivateKey.getCrtCoefficient()));
        } else {
            DSAPrivateKey dsaPrivateKey = (DSAPrivateKey) privateKey;
            DSAParams dsaParams = dsaPrivateKey.getParams();

            BigInteger primeModulusP = dsaParams.getP();
            BigInteger primeQ = dsaParams.getQ();
            BigInteger generatorG = dsaParams.getG();
            BigInteger secretExponentX = dsaPrivateKey.getX();

            // Derive public key from private key parts, ie Y = G^X mod P
            BigInteger publicExponentY = generatorG.modPow(secretExponentX, primeModulusP);

            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(VERSION));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(primeModulusP));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(primeQ));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(generatorG));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(publicExponentY));
            vec.add(new ASN1Integer(secretExponentX));
        DERSequence derSequence = new DERSequence(vec);

        try {
            return derSequence.getEncoded();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoDerEncodeOpenSslPrivateKey.exception.message"), ex);

     * OpenSSL encode a private key and PEM the encoding.
     * @return The PEM'd encoding
     * @param privateKey
     *            The private key
     * @throws CryptoException
     *             Problem encountered while getting the encoded private key
    public static String getPem(PrivateKey privateKey) throws CryptoException {
        byte[] openSsl = get(privateKey);

        String pemType = null;

        if (privateKey instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey) {
            pemType = OPENSSL_RSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE;
        } else {
            pemType = OPENSSL_DSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE;

        PemInfo pemInfo = new PemInfo(pemType, null, openSsl);
        String openSslPem = PemUtil.encode(pemInfo);

        return openSslPem;

     * OpenSSL encode and encrypt a private key. Encrypted OpenSSL private keys
     * must always by PEM'd.
     * @return The encrypted, PEM'd encoding
     * @param privateKey
     *            The private key
     * @param pbeType
     *            PBE algorithm to use for encryption
     * @param password
     *            Encryption password
     * @throws CryptoException
     *             Problem encountered while getting the encoded private key
    public static String getEncrypted(PrivateKey privateKey, OpenSslPbeType pbeType, Password password)
            throws CryptoException {
        byte[] openSsl = get(privateKey);

        String pemType = null;

        if (privateKey instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey) {
            pemType = OPENSSL_RSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE;
        } else {
            pemType = OPENSSL_DSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE;

        byte[] salt = generateSalt(pbeType.saltSize() / 8);

        String saltHex = bytesToHex(salt);

        byte[] encOpenSsl = null;

        try {
            byte[] encryptKey = deriveKeyFromPassword(password, salt, pbeType.keySize());

            // Create cipher - use all of the salt as the IV
            Cipher cipher = createCipher(pbeType.jceCipher(), encryptKey, salt, ENCRYPT_MODE);

            encOpenSsl = cipher.doFinal(openSsl);
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
            throw new CryptoException(
                    MessageFormat.format("OpenSslEncryptionFailed.exception.message", pbeType.friendly()), ex);

        PemAttributes attributes = new PemAttributes();

        attributes.add(new PemAttribute(PROC_TYPE_ATTR_NAME, PROC_TYPE_ATTR_VALUE));

        String dekInfoAttrValue = MessageFormat.format(DEK_INFO_ATTR_VALUE_TEMPLATE, pbeType.dekInfo(), saltHex);
        attributes.add(new PemAttribute(DEK_INFO_ATTR_NAME, dekInfoAttrValue));

        PemInfo pemInfo = new PemInfo(pemType, attributes, encOpenSsl);

        return PemUtil.encode(pemInfo);

     * Load an unencrypted OpenSSL private key from the stream. The encoding of
     * the private key may be PEM or DER.
     * @param is
     *            Stream to load the unencrypted private key from
     * @return The private key
     * @throws PrivateKeyEncryptedException
     *             If private key is encrypted
     * @throws CryptoException
     *             Problem encountered while loading the private key
     * @throws IOException
     *             An I/O error occurred
    public static PrivateKey load(InputStream is) throws CryptoException, IOException {
        byte[] streamContents = ReadUtil.readFully(is);

        EncryptionType encType = getEncryptionType(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamContents));

        if (encType == null) {
            throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NotValidOpenSsl.exception.message"));

        if (encType == ENCRYPTED) {
            throw new PrivateKeyEncryptedException(res.getString("OpenSslIsEncrypted.exception.message"));

        // Check if stream is PEM encoded
        PemInfo pemInfo = PemUtil.decode(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamContents));

        if (pemInfo != null) {
            // It is - get DER from PEM
            streamContents = pemInfo.getContent();

        try {
            // Read OpenSSL der structure
            ASN1InputStream asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(streamContents);
            ASN1Primitive openSsl = asn1InputStream.readObject();

            if (openSsl instanceof ASN1Sequence) {
                ASN1Sequence sequence = (ASN1Sequence) openSsl;

                for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++) {
                    ASN1Encodable obj = sequence.getObjectAt(i);

                    if (!(obj instanceof ASN1Integer)) {
                        throw new CryptoException(

                if (sequence.size() == 9) { // RSA private key

                    BigInteger version = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(0)).getValue();
                    BigInteger modulus = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(1)).getValue();
                    BigInteger publicExponent = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(2)).getValue();
                    BigInteger privateExponent = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(3)).getValue();
                    BigInteger primeP = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(4)).getValue();
                    BigInteger primeQ = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(5)).getValue();
                    BigInteger primeExponentP = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(6)).getValue();
                    BigInteger primeExponenetQ = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(7)).getValue();
                    BigInteger crtCoefficient = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(8)).getValue();

                    if (!version.equals(VERSION)) {
                        throw new CryptoException(
                                        "" + VERSION.intValue(), "" + version.intValue()));

                    RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec rsaPrivateCrtKeySpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(modulus, publicExponent,
                            privateExponent, primeP, primeQ, primeExponentP, primeExponenetQ, crtCoefficient);

                    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
                    return keyFactory.generatePrivate(rsaPrivateCrtKeySpec);
                } else if (sequence.size() == 6) { // DSA private key

                    BigInteger version = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(0)).getValue();
                    BigInteger primeModulusP = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(1)).getValue();
                    BigInteger primeQ = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(2)).getValue();
                    BigInteger generatorG = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(3)).getValue();
                    /* publicExponentY not req for pvk */sequence.getObjectAt(4);
                    BigInteger secretExponentX = ((ASN1Integer) sequence.getObjectAt(5)).getValue();

                    if (!version.equals(VERSION)) {
                        throw new CryptoException(
                                        "" + VERSION.intValue(), "" + version.intValue()));

                    DSAPrivateKeySpec dsaPrivateKeySpec = new DSAPrivateKeySpec(secretExponentX, primeModulusP,
                            primeQ, generatorG);

                    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
                    return keyFactory.generatePrivate(dsaPrivateKeySpec);
                } else {
                    throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(
                            res.getString("OpenSslSequenceIncorrectSize.exception.message"), "" + sequence.size()));
            } else {
                throw new CryptoException(res.getString("OpenSslSequenceNotFound.exception.message"));
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
            throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoLoadOpenSslPrivateKey.exception.message"), ex);

     * Load an encrypted OpenSSL private key from the specified stream. The
     * encoding of the private key will be PEM.
     * @param is
     *            Stream load the encrypted private key from
     * @param password
     *            Password to decrypt
     * @return The private key
     * @throws PrivateKeyUnencryptedException
     *             If private key is unencrypted
     * @throws PrivateKeyPbeNotSupportedException
     *             If private key PBE algorithm is not supported
     * @throws CryptoException
     *             Problem encountered while loading the private key
     * @throws IOException
     *             An I/O error occurred
    public static PrivateKey loadEncrypted(InputStream is, Password password) throws CryptoException, IOException {
        byte[] streamContents = ReadUtil.readFully(is);

        EncryptionType encType = getEncryptionType(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamContents));

        if (encType == null) {
            throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NotValidOpenSsl.exception.message"));

        if (encType == UNENCRYPTED) {
            throw new PrivateKeyUnencryptedException(res.getString("OpenSslIsUnencrypted.exception.message"));

        // OpenSSL must be encrypted and therefore must be PEM
        PemInfo pemInfo = PemUtil.decode(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamContents));

        byte[] encKey = pemInfo.getContent();

        PemAttributes attributes = pemInfo.getAttributes();
        String dekInfo = attributes.get(DEK_INFO_ATTR_NAME).getValue();

        // Split DEK-Info into encryption pbe algorithm and salt
        int separator = dekInfo.indexOf(',');

        if (separator == -1) {
            throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format("OpenSslDekInfoMalformed.exception.message", dekInfo));

        String encAlg = dekInfo.substring(0, separator);
        String salt = dekInfo.substring(separator + 1);

        byte[] saltBytes = hexToBytes(salt);

        OpenSslPbeType pbeType = OpenSslPbeType.resolveDekInfo(encAlg);

        if (pbeType == null) {
            throw new PrivateKeyPbeNotSupportedException(encAlg, MessageFormat
                    .format(res.getString("PrivateKeyWrappingAlgUnsupported.exception.message"), encAlg));

        try {
            byte[] decryptKey = deriveKeyFromPassword(password, saltBytes, pbeType.keySize());

            // Create cipher - use all of the salt as the IV
            Cipher cipher = createCipher(pbeType.jceCipher(), decryptKey, saltBytes, DECRYPT_MODE);

            byte[] key = cipher.doFinal(encKey);

            return load(new ByteArrayInputStream(key));
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
            throw new CryptoException(
                    MessageFormat.format("OpenSslDecryptionFailed.exception.message", pbeType.friendly()), ex);

     * Detect if a OpenSSL private key is encrypted or not.
     * @param is
     *            Input stream containing OpenSSL private key
     * @return Encryption type or null if not a valid OpenSSL private key
     * @throws IOException
     *             If an I/O problem occurred
    public static EncryptionType getEncryptionType(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        byte[] openSsl = ReadUtil.readFully(is);

        // In pem format?
        PemInfo pemInfo = PemUtil.decode(new ByteArrayInputStream(openSsl));

        if (pemInfo != null) {
            String pemType = pemInfo.getType();

            // PEM type of OpenSSL?
            if ((pemType.equals(OPENSSL_RSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE)) || (pemType.equals(OPENSSL_DSA_PVK_PEM_TYPE))) {
                // Encrypted? It is if pem contains appropriate header
                // attributes/values
                PemAttributes pemAttributes = pemInfo.getAttributes();

                if ((pemAttributes != null) && (pemAttributes.get(PROC_TYPE_ATTR_NAME) != null)
                        && (pemAttributes.get(PROC_TYPE_ATTR_NAME).getValue().equals(PROC_TYPE_ATTR_VALUE))
                        && (pemAttributes.get(DEK_INFO_ATTR_NAME) != null)) {
                    return ENCRYPTED;
                } else {
                    return UNENCRYPTED;

        // In ASN.1 format?
        try {
            // If OpenSSL will be a sequence of 9 (RSA) or 6 (DSA) integers
            ASN1Primitive key = ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(openSsl);

            if (key instanceof ASN1Sequence) {
                ASN1Sequence sequence = (ASN1Sequence) key;

                for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++) {
                    if (!(sequence.getObjectAt(i) instanceof ASN1Integer)) {
                        return null; // Not OpenSSL

                if ((sequence.size() == 9) || (sequence.size() == 6)) {
                    return UNENCRYPTED; // ASN.1 OpenSSL is always unencrypted
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return null; // Not an OpenSSL file

        return null; // Not an OpenSSL file

    private static byte[] generateSalt(int size) {
        Random random = new Random();

        byte[] salt = new byte[size];


        return salt;

    private static byte[] deriveKeyFromPassword(Password password, byte[] salt, int keySize)
            throws CryptoException {
        // Derive a key of the required size from the supplied password and salt

        byte[] key = new byte[(keySize / 8)];

        byte[] passwordBytes = password.toByteArray();

        // Keep digesting password and salt until we have enough bytes for key
        MessageDigest messageDigest = DigestUtil.getMessageDigester(DigestType.MD5);

        byte[] result;
        int currentPos = 0;

        while (currentPos < key.length) {

            // Only use the first 8 bytes of salt
            messageDigest.update(salt, 0, 8);

            result = messageDigest.digest();

            // How many more bytes do we need to complete key?
            int stillNeed = key.length - currentPos;

            // If this round gave us more than we need - trim it down
            if (result.length > stillNeed) {
                byte[] b = new byte[stillNeed];
                System.arraycopy(result, 0, b, 0, b.length);
                result = b;

            // Add round's digest to key
            System.arraycopy(result, 0, key, currentPos, result.length);
            currentPos += result.length;

            if (currentPos < key.length) {
                // Next round starts with a hash this round's hash

        return key;

    private static byte[] hexToBytes(String hex) {
        byte[] b = new byte[hex.length() / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            String hexByte = hex.substring(2 * i, 2 * (i + 1));
            b[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hexByte, 16);
        return b;

    private static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
        int expectedHexLength = (bytes.length * 2);

        String hex = new BigInteger(1, bytes).toString(16).toUpperCase();

        int leadingZeros = expectedHexLength - hex.length();

        for (int i = 0; i < leadingZeros; i++) {
            hex = "0" + hex; // Use leading zeros to ensure correct string
            // length

        return hex;

    private static Cipher createCipher(String transformation, byte[] key, byte[] iv, int operation)
            throws CryptoException {
        SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, transformation);
        IvParameterSpec ivParams = new IvParameterSpec(iv);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(transformation, "BC");
            cipher.init(operation, secretKey, ivParams);
            return cipher;
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
            throw new CryptoException(
                    MessageFormat.format("OpenSslCreateCipherFailed.exception.message", transformation), ex);