Java tutorial
/* * Jvifm - Java vifm (File Manager with vi like key binding) * * Copyright (C) 2006 wsn <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.sf.jvifm.Main; import net.sf.jvifm.control.Command; import net.sf.jvifm.control.CommandRunner; import net.sf.jvifm.control.SystemCommand; import net.sf.jvifm.model.Shortcut; import net.sf.jvifm.model.ShortcutsManager; import net.sf.jvifm.model.TipOption; import net.sf.jvifm.ui.FileLister; import net.sf.jvifm.ui.FileManager; import net.sf.jvifm.util.AutoCompleteUtil; import; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.VerifyKeyListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; public class QuickRunShell { private StyledText txtCommand; private CommandRunner commandRunner = CommandRunner.getInstance(); private Display display; private CompletionShell completionShell; private TipOption[] completeOptions = null; private int currentOptionIndex = -1; private String pwd = null; private Color color = null; private boolean needRefreshOptions = true; private int argsBeginIndex = 0; private static Shell shell; private static volatile boolean showedUp = false; public QuickRunShell() { this.pwd = Main.fileManager.getActivePanel().getPwd(); } public void open() { if (!showedUp) { showedUp = true; initGUI(); initListener();; } shell.setActive(); shell.setFocus(); shell.forceActive(); } public void initListener() { txtCommand.addVerifyKeyListener(new VerifyKeyListener() { public void verifyKey(VerifyEvent e) { if (e.character == SWT.CR) { e.doit = false; if (currentOptionIndex == -1) currentOptionIndex = 0; boolean success = doCommand(); if (success) { if (completionShell != null) { completionShell.dispose(); completionShell = null; } shell.close(); return; } } if (e.character == SWT.TAB) { e.doit = false; doComplete(); return; } if (e.character == '/') { if (Main.operatingSystem == Main.WINDOWS) { e.doit = false; String tmpText = txtCommand.getText() + "\\"; needRefreshOptions = true; txtCommand.setText(tmpText); txtCommand.setCaretOffset(tmpText.length()); return; } } if (e.keyCode == SWT.ESC || (e.keyCode == '[' && e.stateMask == SWT.CTRL)) { e.doit = false; cancelOperate(); } needRefreshOptions = true; } }); txtCommand.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent event) { if (!needRefreshOptions) return; changeCompletion(txtCommand.getText()); } }); shell.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent event) { if (color != null) color.dispose(); showedUp = false; } }); } private void cancelOperate() { if (txtCommand.getSelectionText().equals(txtCommand.getText()) || txtCommand.getText().equals("")) { if (completionShell != null) { completionShell.dispose(); completionShell = null; } shell.close(); } else { txtCommand.setSelection(0, txtCommand.getText().length()); } return; } private void changeCompletion(String txt) { completeOptions = getCompletionOptions(txt); currentOptionIndex = -1; // if (completeOptions==null) return; int x = shell.getLocation().x; int y = shell.getLocation().y + shell.getSize().y; if (completionShell == null) { completionShell = new CompletionShell(completeOptions, x, y);; txtCommand.setFocus(); } else { completionShell.setOptions(completeOptions); txtCommand.setFocus(); } } @SuppressWarnings("all") private List buildPathOptions(String[] options) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (options != null) { for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { File file = new File(options[i]); TipOption tipOption = new TipOption(); tipOption.setExtraInfo(file.getParent()); if (file.isDirectory()) { tipOption.setTipType("dir"); } else { tipOption.setTipType("file"); } tipOption.setName(file.getName()); list.add(tipOption); } } return list; } @SuppressWarnings("all") private void addOptions(HashMap optionMap, List options) { for (Iterator it = options.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TipOption option = (TipOption); String key = option.getName() + "-" + option.getExtraInfo(); optionMap.put(key, option); } } @SuppressWarnings("all") public TipOption[] getCompletionOptions(String text) { HashMap optionMap = new HashMap(); String[] options = AutoCompleteUtil.getFileCompleteOptions(pwd, text, false); addOptions(optionMap, buildPathOptions(options)); options = AutoCompleteUtil.getBookmarkFileOptions(text); addOptions(optionMap, buildPathOptions(options)); options = AutoCompleteUtil.getExeFileCompleteOptions(text); addOptions(optionMap, buildPathOptions(options)); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Shortcut[] links = AutoCompleteUtil.getShortcutsCompleteList2(text); if (links != null) { for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { TipOption tipOption = new TipOption(); tipOption.setName(links[i].getName()); tipOption.setExtraInfo(links[i].getText()); tipOption.setTipType("shortcut"); list.add(tipOption); } } addOptions(optionMap, list); TipOption[] result = new TipOption[optionMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = optionMap.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result[i++] = (TipOption); } return result; } public void doComplete() { needRefreshOptions = false; currentOptionIndex++; if (currentOptionIndex > completeOptions.length - 1) currentOptionIndex = 0; if (completeOptions.length == 1 && completeOptions[0].getTipType().equals("dir")) { String tmpText = getCompletionText() + File.separator; txtCommand.setText(tmpText); txtCommand.setCaretOffset(tmpText.length()); changeCompletion(tmpText); } else { String tmpText = getCompletionText(); if (tmpText != null) { txtCommand.setText(tmpText); txtCommand.setCaretOffset(tmpText.length()); argsBeginIndex = tmpText.length(); } if (completionShell != null) { completionShell.setOptionIndex(currentOptionIndex); } } } private String getCompletionText() { String tmpText = null; if (completeOptions == null || completeOptions.length < 1) return null; TipOption currentOption = completeOptions[currentOptionIndex]; String path = currentOption.getExtraInfo(); if (currentOption.getTipType().equals("shortcut")) { return currentOption.getExtraInfo(); } if (path.indexOf(pwd) == 0 && !pwd.equals(FileLister.FS_ROOT)) { if (path.equalsIgnoreCase(pwd) || path.endsWith(":\\")) { tmpText = currentOption.getName(); } else if (pwd.endsWith(File.separator)) { tmpText = path.substring(pwd.length()) + File.separator + currentOption.getName(); } else { tmpText = path.substring(pwd.length() + 1) + File.separator + currentOption.getName(); } } else { if (path.endsWith(File.separator)) { tmpText = path + currentOption.getName(); } else { tmpText = path + File.separator + currentOption.getName(); } } return tmpText; } public boolean doCommand() { String cmd = null; String[] args = new String[] {}; /* if (completeOptions != null && completeOptions.length > 0) { cmd = getCompletionText(); } else { */ cmd = txtCommand.getText(); int argsRealBegin = cmd.indexOf(" ", argsBeginIndex); if (argsRealBegin > 0) { // arg String arg = cmd.substring(argsRealBegin + 1); cmd = cmd.substring(0, argsRealBegin).trim(); args = arg.split("\\s+"); } ShortcutsManager scm = ShortcutsManager.getInstance(); if (scm.isShortCut(cmd)) { Shortcut cc = scm.findByName(cmd); Command command = new SystemCommand(cc.getText(), args, true); command.setPwd(Main.fileManager.getActivePanel().getPwd());; return true; } String newPath = FilenameUtils.concat(pwd, cmd); newPath = FilenameUtils.normalizeNoEndSeparator(newPath); File file = null; try { file = new File(newPath); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } if (file != null && file.exists()) { if (file.isFile()) { // Util.openFileWithDefaultApp(newPath); Command command = new SystemCommand(newPath, args, true); command.setPwd(Main.fileManager.getActivePanel().getPwd());; return true; } FileManager fileManager = Main.fileManager; FileLister activeLister = fileManager.getActivePanel(); fileManager.activeGUI(); activeLister.visit(newPath); return true; } String abPath = findExecuteInSysPath(cmd); if (abPath != null) { Command command = new SystemCommand(abPath, args, false, true); command.setPwd(Main.fileManager.getActivePanel().getPwd());; return true; } return false; } public String findExecuteInSysPath(String name) { String pathStr = System.getenv("PATH"); String[] postfixes = { "exe", "com", "bat" }; String[] paths = pathStr.split(";"); for (String path : paths) { for (String postfix : postfixes) { File file = new File(path, name + "." + postfix); if (file.exists()) { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } } } return null; } public void initGUI() { display = Display.getDefault(); shell = new Shell(display, SWT.ON_TOP); GridLayout thisLayout = new GridLayout(); thisLayout.makeColumnsEqualWidth = false; thisLayout.marginHeight = 2; thisLayout.marginWidth = 3; thisLayout.horizontalSpacing = 2; thisLayout.numColumns = 1; color = new Color(shell.getDisplay(), 248, 248, 180); shell.setLayout(thisLayout); shell.setBackground(color); GridData gridData = null; txtCommand = new StyledText(shell, SWT.NONE); txtCommand.setBackground(color); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gridData.widthHint = 300; txtCommand.setLayoutData(gridData); shell.pack(); Point size = shell.getSize(); int width = display.getBounds().width; int height = display.getBounds().height; int offsetX = (width - size.x) / 2; int offsetY = (height - size.y) / 2; shell.setLocation(offsetX, offsetY); shell.layout(); } }