Java tutorial
/* jGuard is a security framework based on top of jaas (java authentication and authorization security). it is written for web applications, to resolve simply, access control problems. version $Name$ Copyright (C) 2004 Charles Lescot This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA jGuard project home page: */ package net.sf.jguard.ext.authorization.manager; import net.sf.jguard.core.ApplicationName; import net.sf.jguard.core.AuthorizationXmlFileLocation; import net.sf.jguard.core.NegativePermissions; import net.sf.jguard.core.PermissionResolutionCaching; import net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager; import net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManagerException; import net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.JGuardAuthorizationManagerMarkups; import net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.permissions.Permission; import net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.permissions.PrincipalUtils; import net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.permissions.RolePrincipal; import net.sf.jguard.core.util.XMLUtils; import org.dom4j.*; import; import; import; import org.dom4j.util.UserDataAttribute; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * AuthorizationManager implementation which enable Permission Management with an XML backend. * * @author <a href="">Charles Lescot</a> * @author <a href="">Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo</a> */ public class XmlAuthorizationManager extends AbstractAuthorizationManager implements AuthorizationManager { /** * Logger for this class */ private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlAuthorizationManager.class.getName()); private static final String NO_PERMISSIONS_ARE_BUILT_FROM_XML_FILE = "no permissions are built from xml file"; private Element root; private Document document = null; private String fileLocation; private static final String J_GUARD_PRINCIPALS_PERMISSIONS_2_00_XSD = "jGuardPrincipalsPermissions_2.0.0.xsd"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String CLASS = "class"; private static final String PERMISSIONS = "permissions"; private static final String PERMISSION = "permission"; private static final String ACTIONS = "actions"; private static final String FILE_LOCATION = "fileLocation"; private static final String ACTION = "action"; private static final String PRINCIPALS = "principals"; private static final String PRINCIPAL = "principal"; private static final String PERMISSIONS_REF = "permissionsRef"; private static final String PERMISSION_REF = "permissionRef"; private static final String DESCENDANTS = "descendants"; private static final String PRINCIPAL_REF = "principalRef"; private static final String HTTP_JGUARD_SOURCEFORGE_NET_XSD_J_GUARD_PRINCIPALS_PERMISSIONS_2_0_0 = ""; private static final String STRING_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "j"; private static final String XPATH_PERMISSIONS_ELEMENT = "//j:permissions"; private static final String XPATH_PERMISSION_BY_ID = "//j:permission[j:id='"; private static final String XPATH_PRINCIPAL_BY_NAME = "//j:principal[j:name='"; private static final String XPATH_PRINCIPAL_BY_ID = "//j:principal[j:id='"; private static final String XPATH_ALL_PRINCIPAL_ELEMENTS = "//j:principal"; private Random randomPermission; private Random randomPrincipal; /** * initialize this XML AuthorizationManager. * * @param applicationName * @param negativePermissions * @param permissionResolutionCaching * @param authorizationXmlFileLocation * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #init(java.util.Properties) */ @Inject public XmlAuthorizationManager(@ApplicationName String applicationName, @NegativePermissions boolean negativePermissions, @PermissionResolutionCaching boolean permissionResolutionCaching, @AuthorizationXmlFileLocation String authorizationXmlFileLocation) { super(applicationName, negativePermissions, permissionResolutionCaching); fileLocation = authorizationXmlFileLocation; if (fileLocation == null || "".equals(fileLocation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( JGuardAuthorizationManagerMarkups.AUTHORIZATION_XML_FILE_LOCATION.getLabel() + " argument for XMLAuthorizationManager is null or empty " + fileLocation); } init(); checkInitialState(); randomPermission = new Random(); randomPrincipal = new Random(); } /** * initialize permissions and Principals. */ private void init() { //remove white spaces on both ends fileLocation = fileLocation.trim(); //replace the white space remaining in the internal string structure // by the '%20' pattern fileLocation = fileLocation.replaceAll(" ", "%20"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("fileLocation=" + fileLocation); } URL url; try { url = new URL(XMLUtils.resolveLocation(fileLocation)); File file = new File(url.toURI()); if (file.length() == 0) { writeEmptyDocument(file); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } URL schemaUrl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResource(J_GUARD_PRINCIPALS_PERMISSIONS_2_00_XSD); document =, schemaUrl); root = document.getRootElement(); initPermissions(); initPrincipals(); } /** * build Principals and associate to them their permissions. */ private void initPrincipals() { Element principalsElement = root.element(PRINCIPALS); //convert a List into a Set because it is a functional requirement //=> you can't have two same principals List principalsElementList = principalsElement.elements(PRINCIPAL); for (Object aPrincipalsElementList : principalsElementList) { Element principalElement = (Element) aPrincipalsElementList; String className = principalElement.element(CLASS).getStringValue(); String name; if (className.equals(RolePrincipal.class.getName())) { name = RolePrincipal.getName(principalElement.element(NAME).getStringValue(), getApplicationName()); } else { name = principalElement.element(NAME).getStringValue(); } RolePrincipal ppal = (RolePrincipal) PrincipalUtils.getPrincipal(className, name); long id = Long.parseLong(principalElement.element(ID).getStringValue()); ppal.setId(id); buildJGuardPrincipal(principalElement, ppal); //add principal created to the Principals Set principalsSet.add(ppal); //add principal created to the principals map principals.put(ppal.getId(), ppal); } assemblyHierarchy(); setApplicationNameForPrincipals(applicationName); checkInitialState(); } /** * build permissions and domain maps. */ private void initPermissions() { Element domainsElement = root.element(PERMISSIONS); List permissionsElementList = domainsElement.elements(PERMISSION); for (Object permissionElementList : permissionsElementList) { Element permissionElement = (Element) permissionElementList; Permission perm = getPermission(permissionElement); //add the permission to the global map permissions.put(perm.getId(), perm); permissionsSet.add(perm); } if (0 == permissions.size()) { logger.warn(NO_PERMISSIONS_ARE_BUILT_FROM_XML_FILE); } super.urlp.addAll( new HashSet<>(RolePrincipal.translateToJavaPermissions(permissionsSet))); } private Permission getPermission(Element permissionElement) { Element actionsElement = permissionElement.element(ACTIONS); List actionsList = actionsElement.elements(); Iterator itActions = actionsList.iterator(); StringBuilder sbActions = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (itActions.hasNext()) { String actionTemp = ((Element); if (i != 0) { sbActions.append(','); } sbActions.append(actionTemp); i++; } String actions = sbActions.toString(); String permissionName = permissionElement.element(NAME).getTextTrim(); long id = Long.parseLong(permissionElement.element(ID).getTextTrim()); String className = permissionElement.element(CLASS).getTextTrim(); Permission perm = null; try { Class clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(className); perm = RolePrincipal .translateToJGuardPermission(Permission.getPermission(clazz, permissionName, actions)); perm.setId(id); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } return perm; } private Element getElement(String xpath) { XPath xp2 = DocumentHelper.createXPath(xpath); Map<String, String> uris = new HashMap<String, String>(); uris.put(STRING_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, HTTP_JGUARD_SOURCEFORGE_NET_XSD_J_GUARD_PRINCIPALS_PERMISSIONS_2_0_0); xp2.setNamespaceURIs(uris); return (Element) xp2.selectSingleNode(root); } private List getElements(String xpath) { XPath xp2 = DocumentHelper.createXPath(xpath); Map<String, String> uris = new HashMap<String, String>(); uris.put(STRING_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, HTTP_JGUARD_SOURCEFORGE_NET_XSD_J_GUARD_PRINCIPALS_PERMISSIONS_2_0_0); xp2.setNamespaceURIs(uris); return xp2.selectNodes(root); } /** * create an URLPermission int the corresponding backend. * * @param permission Permission * @throws net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManagerException * * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #createPermission(, java.lang.String) */ public void createPermission(Permission permission) throws AuthorizationManagerException { String[] actions = permission.getActions().split(","); Element permissionsElement = getElement(XPATH_PERMISSIONS_ELEMENT); //add the permissionElement reference to the permissionsElement Element permissionElement = permissionsElement.addElement(PERMISSION); Element idElement = permissionElement.addElement(ID); if (permission.getId() == 0) { permission.setId(Math.abs(randomPermission.nextLong())); } idElement.setText("" + permission.getId()); Element nameElement = permissionElement.addElement(NAME); nameElement.setText(permission.getName()); Element classElement = permissionElement.addElement(CLASS); classElement.setText(permission.getClazz()); Element actionsElement = permissionElement.addElement(ACTIONS); for (String action : actions) { Element actionElement = actionsElement.addElement(ACTION); actionElement.setText(action); } //we retrieve the domain corresponding to the domainName //and linking together the URLPermission newly created //and it permissions.put(permission.getId(), permission); permissionsSet.add(permission); urlp.add(permission.toJavaPermission()); try { XMLUtils.write(fileLocation, document); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("error when create permission " + permission, e); } } public Permission readPermission(long permissionId) throws AuthorizationManagerException { Element permissionElement = getElement(XPATH_PERMISSION_BY_ID + permissionId + "']"); return getPermission(permissionElement); } /** * replace the inital permission with the new one. * * @param permission URLPermission updated * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #updatePermission(java.lang.String,, java.lang.String) */ public void updatePermission(Permission permission) throws AuthorizationManagerException { //we set the real domain to the updated permission and not a dummy one deletePermission(permission); createPermission(permission); } /** * remove the permission. * * @param permission * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #deletePermission(java.lang.String) */ public void deletePermission(Permission permission) { Element permissionElement = getElement(XPATH_PERMISSION_BY_ID + permission.getId() + "']"); if (permissionElement == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "permission with id '" + permission.getId() + "' is not found in the xml file"); } permissionElement.remove(permissionElement); Permission oldPermission = permissions.remove(permission.getId()); permissions.remove(oldPermission.getId()); permissionsSet.remove(oldPermission); urlp.removePermission(oldPermission.toJavaPermission()); removePermissionFromPrincipals(permission.getId()); try { XMLUtils.write(fileLocation, document); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("deletePermission(String)", e); } } /** * create a new Role/principal * * @param principal principal/role to create * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #createPrincipal(net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.permissions.RolePrincipal) */ public void createPrincipal(RolePrincipal principal) throws AuthorizationManagerException { Element principalsElement = root.element(PRINCIPALS); //add the permissionElement reference to the domainElement Element principalElement = principalsElement.addElement(PRINCIPAL); Element idElement = principalElement.addElement(ID); if (principal.getId() == 0) { principal.setId(Math.abs(randomPrincipal.nextLong())); } idElement.setText("" + principal.getId()); Element nameElement = principalElement.addElement(NAME); //add 'class' Element Element classElement = principalElement.addElement(CLASS); classElement.setText(principal.getClass().getName()); nameElement.setText(getLocalName(principal)); principals.put(principal.getId(), principal); principalsSet.add(principal); insertPermissionsAndInheritance(principalElement, principal); try { XMLUtils.write(fileLocation, document); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("createRole(RolePrincipal)", e); } } private void insertPermissionsAndInheritance(Element principalElement, RolePrincipal ppal) { Element permsRefElement = principalElement.addElement(PERMISSIONS_REF); Set perms = ppal.getPermissions(); for (Object orphanedPerm : perms) { Permission perm = (Permission) orphanedPerm; Element permRef = permsRefElement.addElement(PERMISSION_REF); //add the name attribute Attribute idAttribute = new UserDataAttribute(new QName(ID)); idAttribute.setValue("" + perm.getId()); permRef.add(idAttribute); } //role inheritance is only supported by RolePrincipal if (ppal.getDescendants().size() > 0) { Element descendants = principalElement.addElement(DESCENDANTS); //add the descendants of this role for (RolePrincipal o : ppal.getDescendants()) { Element principalRef = descendants.addElement(PRINCIPAL_REF); Attribute idAttribute = new UserDataAttribute(new QName(ID)); idAttribute.setValue("" + o.getId()); principalRef.add(idAttribute); } } } /** * remove the corrspoding principal/role * * @param principal name * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #deletePrincipal( */ public void deletePrincipal(RolePrincipal principal) throws AuthorizationManagerException { if (principal == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("principal parameter is null "); } Principal ppalReference = principals.remove(principal.getId()); if ((ppalReference == null)) { logger.warn(" there is no principal intitled " + principal.getName() + " to delete"); return; } principalsSet.remove(ppalReference); Element principalsElement = root.element(PRINCIPALS); Element principalElement = getElement(XPATH_PRINCIPAL_BY_NAME + getLocalName(principal) + "']"); principalsElement.remove(principalElement); if (ppalReference.getClass().equals(RolePrincipal.class)) { deleteReferenceInHierarchy((RolePrincipal) ppalReference); //delete all the references of this principal XMLUtils.deletePrincipalRefs(root, (RolePrincipal) ppalReference); } try { XMLUtils.write(fileLocation, document); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("deleteRole(String)", e); } } /** * update a principal * * @param principal updated principal * @see net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.manager.AuthorizationManager #updatePrincipal(java.lang.String, net.sf.jguard.core.authorization.permissions.RolePrincipal) */ public void updatePrincipal(RolePrincipal principal) throws AuthorizationManagerException { Principal oldPal = principals.remove(principal.getLocalName()); if (oldPal == null) { logger.warn( " principal " + principal.getLocalName() + " cannot be updated because it does not exists "); return; } principalsSet.remove(oldPal); principals.put(principal.getId(), principal); principalsSet.add(principal); try { XMLUtils.write(fileLocation, document); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("updateRole(String, RolePrincipal)", e); } } /** * add permissions and domains references to RolePrincipal. * * @param principalElement * @param ppal */ private void buildJGuardPrincipal(Element principalElement, Principal ppal) { RolePrincipal rolePrincipal = (RolePrincipal) ppal; Element pel = principalElement.element(PERMISSIONS_REF); Collection permissionsPrincipal = pel.elements(PERMISSION_REF); //iterate over permissions defined and add them to the principal permissions Set for (Object aPermissionsPrincipal : permissionsPrincipal) { Element perm = (Element) aPermissionsPrincipal; long permissionId = Long.parseLong(perm.attributeValue(ID)); Permission permission = permissions.get(permissionId); if (permission == null) { logger.warn("initPrincipals() - principal " + rolePrincipal.getName() + " refers to a unknown permission id :" + permissionId); continue; } permissionsSet.add(permission); urlp.add(permission.toJavaPermission()); rolePrincipal.addPermission(permission); } //store the links between ascendants Element descendants = principalElement.element(DESCENDANTS); if (descendants != null) { List descendantsElements = descendants.elements(PRINCIPAL_REF); Iterator itDescendantsElements = descendantsElements.iterator(); List<RolePrincipal> descendantsNames = new ArrayList<RolePrincipal>(); while (itDescendantsElements.hasNext()) { Element descentantItem = (Element); descendantsNames.add(principals.get(Long.parseLong(descentantItem.attributeValue(ID)))); } hierarchyMap.put(rolePrincipal.getId(), descendantsNames); } } /** * @return <i>true</i> if there is no principals and no permissions. * <i>false</i> otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty() { List principalsList = getElements(XPATH_ALL_PRINCIPAL_ELEMENTS); List permissions = getElements(XPATH_PERMISSIONS_ELEMENT); return !(!principalsList.isEmpty() && !permissions.isEmpty()); } public String exportAsXMLString() { return this.document.asXML(); } public void writeAsHTML(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { HTMLWriter writer = new HTMLWriter(outputStream, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()); writer.write(this.document); writer.flush(); } public void writeAsXML(OutputStream outputStream, String encodingScheme) throws IOException { OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); outformat.setEncoding(encodingScheme); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(outputStream, outformat); writer.write(this.document); writer.flush(); } public void exportAsXMLFile(String fileName) throws IOException { XMLWriter xmlWriter = null; FileWriter fileWriter = null; try { fileWriter = new FileWriter(fileName); xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(fileWriter, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()); xmlWriter.write(document); } finally { if (fileWriter != null) { fileWriter.close(); } if (xmlWriter != null) { xmlWriter.close(); } } } public void refresh() { } private void writeEmptyDocument(File file) throws IOException { String emptyDoc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n" + "<configuration xmlns=\"\"\n" + "xmlns:xsd=\"\" >\n" + "\n" + " <permissions/>" + "<principals/>" + "</configuration>"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write(emptyDoc.getBytes()); fos.close(); } }