Java tutorial
/* * JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library. * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2019 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program is part of JasperReports. * * JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JasperReports. If not, see <>. */ /* * Contributors: * Greg Hilton */ package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBoxContainer; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRLineBox; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintElement; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintFrame; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintPage; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.ModeEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRBoxUtil; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.Pair; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Utility class used by grid exporters to create a grid for page layout. * * @author Lucian Chirita ( */ public class JRGridLayout { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JRGridLayout.class); private final ExporterNature nature; private final List<JRPrintElement> elementList; private final Map<GridCellSize, GridCellSize> cellSizes; private final Map<GridCellStyle, GridCellStyle> cellStyles; private final Map<Pair<GridCellSize, GridCellStyle>, EmptyGridCell> emptyCells; private int width; private int height; private int offsetX; private int offsetY; private CutsInfo xCuts; private CutsInfo yCuts; private Grid grid; private Map<BoxKey, JRLineBox> boxesCache; private boolean hasTopMargin = true; private boolean hasBottomMargin = true; private boolean hasLeftMargin = true; private boolean hasRightMargin = true; private boolean isNested; /** * Constructor. * * @param elements the elements that should arranged in a grid * @param width the width available for the grid * @param height the height available for the grid * @param offsetX horizontal element position offset * @param offsetY vertical element position offset */ public JRGridLayout(ExporterNature nature, List<JRPrintElement> elements, int width, int height, int offsetX, int offsetY) { this(nature, elements, width, height, offsetX, offsetY, null //xCuts ); } /** * Constructor. * * @param elements the elements that should arranged in a grid * @param width the width available for the grid * @param height the height available for the grid * @param offsetX horizontal element position offset * @param offsetY vertical element position offset * @param xCuts An optional list of pre-calculated X cuts. */ public JRGridLayout(ExporterNature nature, List<JRPrintElement> elements, int width, int height, int offsetX, int offsetY, CutsInfo xCuts) { this.nature = nature; this.elementList = elements; // TODO lucianc cache these across report pages? this.cellSizes = new HashMap<GridCellSize, GridCellSize>(); this.cellStyles = new HashMap<GridCellStyle, GridCellStyle>(); this.emptyCells = new HashMap<Pair<GridCellSize, GridCellStyle>, EmptyGridCell>(); this.height = height; this.width = width; this.offsetX = offsetX; this.offsetY = offsetY; this.xCuts = xCuts; boxesCache = new HashMap<BoxKey, JRLineBox>(); layoutGrid(null, elements); } /** * Constructor. * * @param width the width available for the grid * @param height the height available for the grid * @param offsetX horizontal element position offset * @param offsetY vertical element position offset */ protected JRGridLayout(JRGridLayout parent, List<JRPrintElement> elements, int width, int height, int offsetX, int offsetY, PrintElementIndex parentElementIndex) { this.nature = parent.nature; this.elementList = parent.elementList; this.cellSizes = parent.cellSizes; this.cellStyles = parent.cellStyles; this.emptyCells = parent.emptyCells; this.height = height; this.width = width; this.offsetX = offsetX; this.offsetY = offsetY; //this constructor is called only in nested grids: this.isNested = true; boxesCache = new HashMap<BoxKey, JRLineBox>(); layoutGrid(parentElementIndex, elements); } public JRPrintElement getElement(PrintElementIndex parentIndex, int index) { // TODO lucianc keep a cache of current element position? JRPrintElement element; if (parentIndex == null) { element = elementList.get(index); } else { JRPrintFrame parentFrame = (JRPrintFrame) getElement(parentIndex.getParentIndex(), parentIndex.getIndex()); element = parentFrame.getElements().get(index); } return element; } /** * Constructs the element grid. * @param parentElementIndex */ protected void layoutGrid(PrintElementIndex parentElementIndex, List<JRPrintElement> elements) { boolean createXCuts = (xCuts == null); xCuts = createXCuts ? new CutsInfo() : xCuts; yCuts = nature.isIgnoreLastRow() ? new CutsInfo(0) : new CutsInfo(height); if (!isNested && nature.isIgnorePageMargins()) //FIXMEXLS left and right margins are not ignored when all pages on a single sheet { // TODO lucianc this is an extra virtualization iteration setMargins(elements); if (createXCuts) { if (hasLeftMargin) { xCuts.removeCutOffset(0); } } if (hasTopMargin) { yCuts.removeCutOffset(0); } if (hasBottomMargin) { yCuts.removeCutOffset(height); } } createCuts(elements, offsetX, offsetY, createXCuts); // add a cut at the width if it's a nested grid, or if the right margin // is not to be removed and no element goes beyond the width if (createXCuts && (isNested || (!(nature.isIgnorePageMargins() && hasRightMargin) && !(xCuts.hasCuts() && xCuts.getLastCutOffset() >= width)))) { xCuts.addCutOffset(width); } xCuts.use(); yCuts.use(); int colCount = Math.max(xCuts.size() - 1, 0); int rowCount = Math.max(yCuts.size() - 1, 0); grid = new Grid(rowCount, colCount); for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < colCount; col++) { GridCellSize size = cellSize(xCuts.getCutOffset(col + 1) - xCuts.getCutOffset(col), yCuts.getCutOffset(row + 1) - yCuts.getCutOffset(row), 1, 1); grid.set(row, col, emptyCell(size, null)); } } setGridElements(parentElementIndex, elements, offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, rowCount, colCount); width = xCuts.getTotalLength(); height = yCuts.getTotalLength(); } protected GridCellSize cellSize(int width, int height, int colSpan, int rowSpan) { GridCellSize key = new GridCellSize(width, height, colSpan, rowSpan); GridCellSize size = cellSizes.get(key); if (size == null) { size = key; cellSizes.put(key, size); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(this + " added cell size " + size); } } return size; } protected void createCuts(List<JRPrintElement> elements, int elementOffsetX, int elementOffsetY, boolean createXCuts) { for (Iterator<JRPrintElement> it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRPrintElement element =; if (nature.isToExport(element)) { if (createXCuts) { xCuts.addCutOffset(element.getX() + elementOffsetX); xCuts.addCutOffset(element.getX() + element.getWidth() + elementOffsetX); } yCuts.addCutOffset(element.getY() + elementOffsetY); yCuts.addCutOffset(element.getY() + element.getHeight() + elementOffsetY); JRPrintFrame frame = element instanceof JRPrintFrame ? (JRPrintFrame) element : null; if (frame != null && nature.isDeep(frame)) { createCuts(frame.getElements(), element.getX() + elementOffsetX + frame.getLineBox().getLeftPadding(), element.getY() + elementOffsetY + frame.getLineBox().getTopPadding(), createXCuts); } } } } protected void setMargins(List<JRPrintElement> elements) { for (Iterator<JRPrintElement> it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRPrintElement element =; if (nature.isToExport(element)) { if (hasLeftMargin && element.getX() <= 0) { hasLeftMargin = false; } if (hasRightMargin && element.getX() >= width - element.getWidth()) { hasRightMargin = false; } if (hasTopMargin && element.getY() <= 0) { hasTopMargin = false; } if (hasBottomMargin && element.getY() >= height - element.getHeight()) { hasBottomMargin = false; } } } } protected void setGridElements(PrintElementIndex parentIndex, List<JRPrintElement> elements, int elementOffsetX, int elementOffsetY, int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol) { for (ListIterator<JRPrintElement> it = elements.listIterator(elements.size()); it.hasPrevious();) { JRPrintElement element = it.previous(); int elementIndex = it.nextIndex(); if (nature.isToExport(element)) { int x = element.getX() + elementOffsetX; int y = element.getY() + elementOffsetY; int col1 = xCuts.indexOfCutOffset(x); int row1 = yCuts.indexOfCutOffset(y); int col2 = xCuts.indexOfCutOffset(x + element.getWidth()); int row2 = yCuts.indexOfCutOffset(y + element.getHeight()); if (!isOverlap(row1, col1, row2, col2)) { JRPrintFrame frame = element instanceof JRPrintFrame ? (JRPrintFrame) element : null; if (frame != null && nature.isDeep(frame)) { PrintElementIndex frameIndex = new PrintElementIndex(parentIndex, elementIndex); setGridElements(frameIndex, frame.getElements(), x + frame.getLineBox().getLeftPadding(), y + frame.getLineBox().getTopPadding(), row1, col1, row2, col2); setFrameCellsStyle(frame, row1, col1, row2, col2); } else { setGridElement(element, parentIndex, elementIndex, row1, col1, row2, col2); } } } } if (nature.isHorizontallyMergeEmptyCells()) { horizontallyMergeEmptyCells(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol); } } protected EmptyGridCell emptyCell(GridCellSize size, GridCellStyle style) { Pair<GridCellSize, GridCellStyle> key = new Pair<GridCellSize, GridCellStyle>(size, style); EmptyGridCell cell = emptyCells.get(key); if (cell == null) { cell = new EmptyGridCell(size, style); emptyCells.put(key, cell); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(this + " created empty cell for " + size + " and " + style); } } return cell; } protected void horizontallyMergeEmptyCells(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol) { for (int row = startRow; row < endRow; ++row) { int startSpan = -1; int spanWidth = 0; int col = startCol; for (; col < endCol; ++col) { JRExporterGridCell cell = grid.get(row, col); if (isEmpty(cell)) { if (startSpan == -1) { startSpan = col; } spanWidth += cell.getWidth(); } else { if (startSpan != -1 && col - startSpan > 1) { spanEmptyCell(row, startSpan, spanWidth, col - startSpan); } startSpan = -1; spanWidth = 0; } } if (startSpan != -1 && col - startSpan > 1) { spanEmptyCell(row, startSpan, spanWidth, col - startSpan); } } } protected void spanEmptyCell(int row, int col, int spanWidth, int colSpan) { EmptyGridCell spanCell = (EmptyGridCell) grid.get(row, col); GridCellSize newSize = cellSize(spanWidth, spanCell.getHeight(), colSpan, spanCell.getRowSpan()); grid.set(row, col, emptyCell(newSize, spanCell.getStyle())); //TODO set OCCUPIED_CELL? } protected boolean isEmpty(JRExporterGridCell cell) { return cell.getType() == JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_EMPTY_CELL && ((EmptyGridCell) cell).isEmpty(); } protected boolean isOverlap(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2) { boolean isOverlap = false; if (nature.isSpanCells()) { is_overlap_out: for (int row = row1; row < row2; row++) { for (int col = col1; col < col2; col++) { if (!isEmpty(grid.get(row, col))) { isOverlap = true; break is_overlap_out; } } } } else { isOverlap = !isEmpty(grid.get(row1, col1)); } return isOverlap; } protected void setGridElement(JRPrintElement element, PrintElementIndex parentIndex, int elementIndex, int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2) { yCuts.addUsage(row1, Cut.USAGE_NOT_EMPTY); xCuts.addUsage(col1, Cut.USAGE_NOT_EMPTY); int rowSpan = nature.isSpanCells() ? row2 - row1 : 1; int colSpan = nature.isSpanCells() ? col2 - col1 : 1; JRExporterGridCell gridCell = new ElementGridCell(this, parentIndex, elementIndex, cellSize(element.getWidth(), element.getHeight(), colSpan, rowSpan)); nature.setXProperties(xCuts, element, row1, col1, row2, col2); nature.setYProperties(yCuts, element, row1, col1, row2, col2); if (nature.isSpanCells()) { OccupiedGridCell occupiedGridCell = new OccupiedGridCell(gridCell); for (int row = row1; row < row2; row++) { for (int col = col1; col < col2; col++) { grid.set(row, col, occupiedGridCell); } yCuts.addUsage(row, Cut.USAGE_SPANNED); } for (int col = col1; col < col2; col++) { xCuts.addUsage(col, Cut.USAGE_SPANNED); } } if (col2 - col1 != 0 && row2 - row1 != 0) { JRLineBox box = (element instanceof JRBoxContainer) ? ((JRBoxContainer) element).getLineBox() : null; gridCell.setStyle(cellStyle(null, null, box)); if (nature.isBreakBeforeRow(element)) { yCuts.addUsage(row1, Cut.USAGE_BREAK); } if (nature.isBreakAfterRow(element)) { yCuts.addUsage(row1 + rowSpan, Cut.USAGE_BREAK); } grid.set(row1, col1, gridCell); } } protected GridCellStyle cellStyle(Color backcolor, Color forecolor, JRLineBox box) { if (backcolor == null && forecolor == null && box == null) { return null; } GridCellStyle key = new GridCellStyle(backcolor, forecolor, box); GridCellStyle style = cellStyles.get(key); if (style == null) { style = key; cellStyles.put(key, style); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(this + " added cell style " + style); } } return style; } protected void setFrameCellsStyle(JRPrintFrame frame, int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2) { Color backcolor = frame.getModeValue() == ModeEnum.OPAQUE ? frame.getBackcolor() : null; for (int row = row1; row < row2; row++) { for (int col = col1; col < col2; col++) { JRExporterGridCell cell = grid.get(row, col); boolean modifiedStyle = false; Color cellBackcolor = cell.getBackcolor(); if (cellBackcolor == null) { if (frame.getModeValue() == ModeEnum.OPAQUE) { cellBackcolor = backcolor; modifiedStyle = true; } } Color cellForecolor = cell.getForecolor(); if (cellForecolor == null) { cellForecolor = frame.getForecolor(); modifiedStyle = true; } boolean keepLeft = col == col1; boolean keepRight = col == col2 - cell.getColSpan(); boolean keepTop = row == row1; boolean keepBottom = row == row2 - cell.getRowSpan(); JRLineBox cellBox = cell.getBox(); if (keepLeft || keepRight || keepTop || keepBottom) { BoxKey key = new BoxKey(frame.getLineBox(), cellBox, keepLeft, keepRight, keepTop, keepBottom); JRLineBox modBox = boxesCache.get(key); if (modBox == null) { modBox = JRBoxUtil.copyBordersNoPadding(frame.getLineBox(), keepLeft, keepRight, keepTop, keepBottom, cellBox); boxesCache.put(key, modBox); } cellBox = modBox; modifiedStyle = true; } if (modifiedStyle) { GridCellStyle newStyle = cellStyle(cellBackcolor, cellForecolor, cellBox); grid.set(row, col, changeStyle(cell, newStyle)); } } } } protected JRExporterGridCell changeStyle(JRExporterGridCell cell, GridCellStyle newStyle) { if (cell.getType() == JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_EMPTY_CELL) { // empty cells are shared so they should not be modified return emptyCell(cell.getSize(), newStyle); } // other types of cells can be modified cell.setStyle(newStyle); return cell; } /** * Returns the constructed element grid. * * @return the constructed element grid */ public Grid getGrid() { return grid; } /** * Returns the list of cut points on the X axis for the grid. * * @return the list of cut points on the X axis for the grid */ public CutsInfo getXCuts() { return xCuts; } /** * Returns the list of cut points on the Y axis for the grid. * * @return the list of cut points on the Y axis for the grid */ public CutsInfo getYCuts() { return yCuts; } /** * Returns the width available for the grid. * * @return the width available for the grid */ public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getColumnWidth(int col) { return xCuts.getCutOffset(col + 1) - xCuts.getCutOffset(col); } public int getRowHeight(int row) { return yCuts.getCutOffset(row + 1) - yCuts.getCutOffset(row); } public int getMaxRowHeight(int rowIndex) { GridRow row = grid.getRow(rowIndex); int maxRowHeight = row.get(0).getHeight(); int rowSize = row.size(); for (int col = 0; col < rowSize; col++) { JRExporterGridCell cell = row.get(col); if (cell.getType() != JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_OCCUPIED_CELL) { if (maxRowHeight < cell.getHeight()) { maxRowHeight = cell.getHeight(); } } } return maxRowHeight; } public static int getRowHeight(GridRow row)//FIXMEODT are we still using this? { JRExporterGridCell firstCell = row.get(0); if (firstCell.getRowSpan() == 1 && firstCell.getType() != JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_OCCUPIED_CELL) //quick exit { return firstCell.getHeight(); } int rowHeight = 0; int minSpanIdx = 0; int colCount = row.size(); int col; for (col = 0; col < colCount; col++) { JRExporterGridCell cell = row.get(col); if (cell.getType() != JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_OCCUPIED_CELL) { if (cell.getRowSpan() == 1) { rowHeight = cell.getHeight(); break; } if (cell.getRowSpan() < row.get(minSpanIdx).getRowSpan()) { minSpanIdx = col; } } } if (col >= colCount) //no cell with rowSpan = 1 was found, getting the height of the cell with min rowSpan { rowHeight = row.get(minSpanIdx).getHeight(); } return rowHeight; } /** * This static method calculates all the X cuts for a list of pages. * * @param jasperPrint * The JasperPrint document. * @param startPageIndex * The first page to consider. * @param endPageIndex * The last page to consider. * @param offsetX * horizontal element position offset */ public static CutsInfo calculateXCuts(ExporterNature nature, JasperPrint jasperPrint, int startPageIndex, int endPageIndex, int offsetX) { CutsInfo xCuts = new CutsInfo(); List<JRPrintPage> pages = jasperPrint.getPages(); for (int pageIndex = startPageIndex; pageIndex <= endPageIndex; pageIndex++) { JRPrintPage page = pages.get(pageIndex); addXCuts(nature, page.getElements(), offsetX, xCuts); } // add a cut at the page width if there are not parts and if no element goes beyond the page width if (!jasperPrint.hasParts()) { int width = jasperPrint.getPageWidth(); int lastCut = xCuts.getLastCutOffset(); if (lastCut < width) { xCuts.addCutOffset(width); } } return xCuts; } /** * This static method calculates all the X cuts for a list of pages. * * @param pages * The list of pages. * @param startPageIndex * The first page to consider. * @param endPageIndex * The last page to consider. * @param width * The page width * @param offsetX * horizontal element position offset * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #calculateXCuts(ExporterNature, JasperPrint, int, int, int)}. */ public static CutsInfo calculateXCuts(ExporterNature nature, List<JRPrintPage> pages, int startPageIndex, int endPageIndex, int width, int offsetX) { CutsInfo xCuts = new CutsInfo(); for (int pageIndex = startPageIndex; pageIndex <= endPageIndex; pageIndex++) { JRPrintPage page = pages.get(pageIndex); addXCuts(nature, page.getElements(), offsetX, xCuts); } // add a cut at the page width if no element goes beyond the width int lastCut = xCuts.getLastCutOffset(); if (lastCut < width) { xCuts.addCutOffset(width); } return xCuts; } /** * This static method calculates the X cuts for a list of print elements and * stores them in the list indicated by the xCuts parameter. * * @param elementsList * The list of elements to be used to determine the X cuts. * @param elementOffsetX * horizontal element position offset * @param xCuts * The list to which the X cuts are to be added. */ protected static void addXCuts(ExporterNature nature, List<JRPrintElement> elementsList, int elementOffsetX, CutsInfo xCuts) { for (Iterator<JRPrintElement> it = elementsList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRPrintElement element =; if (nature.isToExport(element)) { xCuts.addCutOffset(element.getX() + elementOffsetX); xCuts.addCutOffset(element.getX() + element.getWidth() + elementOffsetX); if (element instanceof JRPrintFrame) { JRPrintFrame frame = (JRPrintFrame) element; addXCuts(nature, frame.getElements(), element.getX() + elementOffsetX + frame.getLineBox().getLeftPadding(), xCuts); } nature.setXProperties(xCuts.getPropertiesMap(), element); } } } /** * */ protected static class BoxKey { final JRLineBox box; final JRLineBox cellBox; final boolean left; final boolean right; final boolean top; final boolean bottom; final int hashCode; BoxKey(JRLineBox box, JRLineBox cellBox, boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom) { = box; this.cellBox = cellBox; this.left = left; this.right = right; = top; this.bottom = bottom; int hash = box.hashCode(); if (cellBox != null) { hash = 31 * hash + cellBox.hashCode(); } hash = 31 * hash + (left ? 1231 : 1237); hash = 31 * hash + (right ? 1231 : 1237); hash = 31 * hash + (top ? 1231 : 1237); hash = 31 * hash + (bottom ? 1231 : 1237); hashCode = hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } BoxKey b = (BoxKey) obj; return && (b.cellBox == null ? cellBox == null : (cellBox != null && b.cellBox.equals(cellBox))) && b.left == left && b.right == right && == top && b.bottom == bottom; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } } }