Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2015 JabRef contributors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package net.sf.jabref.openoffice; import net.sf.jabref.Globals; import net.sf.jabref.JabRefPreferences; import net.sf.jabref.gui.worker.AbstractWorker; import javax.swing.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.FormBuilder; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import net.sf.jabref.logic.l10n.Localization; import net.sf.jabref.logic.util.OS; /** * Tools for automatically detecting jar and executable paths to OpenOffice and/or LibreOffice. */ public class AutoDetectPaths extends AbstractWorker { private static final String SOFFICE = "soffice"; private static final String SOFFICE_BIN = "soffice.bin"; private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(AutoDetectPaths.class); private boolean foundPaths; private boolean fileSearchCancelled; private JDialog prog; private final JDialog parent; public AutoDetectPaths(JDialog parent) { this.parent = parent; } public boolean runAutodetection() { try { if (AutoDetectPaths.checkAutoDetectedPaths()) { return true; } init(); getWorker().run(); update(); return foundPaths; } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.warn("Problem when auto-detecting paths", e); return false; } } @Override public void run() { foundPaths = autoDetectPaths(); } public boolean cancelled() { return fileSearchCancelled; } @Override public void init() throws Throwable { prog = showProgressDialog(parent, Localization.lang("Autodetecting paths..."), Localization.lang("Please wait..."), true); } @Override public void update() { prog.dispose(); } private boolean autoDetectPaths() { if (OS.WINDOWS) { List<File> progFiles = findProgramFilesDir(); File sOffice = null; List<File> sofficeFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (File dir : progFiles) { if (fileSearchCancelled) { return false; } sOffice = findFileDir(dir, "soffice.exe"); if (sOffice != null) { sofficeFiles.add(sOffice); } } if (sOffice == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, Localization.lang( "Unable to autodetect OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation. Please choose the installation directory manually."), Localization.lang("Could not find OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser(new File("C:\\")); jfc.setDialogType(JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG); jfc.setFileFilter(new javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return file.isDirectory(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return Localization.lang("Directories"); } }); jfc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); jfc.showOpenDialog(parent); if (jfc.getSelectedFile() != null) { sOffice = jfc.getSelectedFile(); } } if (sOffice == null) { return false; } if (sofficeFiles.size() > 1) { // More than one file found DefaultListModel<File> mod = new DefaultListModel<>(); for (File tmpfile : sofficeFiles) { mod.addElement(tmpfile); } JList<File> fileList = new JList<>(mod); fileList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); fileList.setSelectedIndex(0); FormBuilder b = FormBuilder.create() .layout(new FormLayout("left:pref", "pref, 2dlu, pref, 4dlu, pref")); b.add(Localization.lang("Found more than one OpenOffice/LibreOffice executable.")).xy(1, 1); b.add(Localization.lang("Please choose which one to connect to:")).xy(1, 3); b.add(fileList).xy(1, 5); int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, b.getPanel(), Localization.lang("Choose OpenOffice/LibreOffice executable"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (answer == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return false; } else { sOffice = fileList.getSelectedValue(); } } else { sOffice = sofficeFiles.get(0); } return setupPreferencesForOO(sOffice.getParentFile(), sOffice, "soffice.exe"); } else if (OS.OS_X) { File rootDir = new File("/Applications"); File[] files = rootDir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory() && ("".equals(file.getName()) || "".equals(file.getName()))) { rootDir = file; break; } } } File sOffice = findFileDir(rootDir, SOFFICE_BIN); if (fileSearchCancelled) { return false; } if (sOffice == null) { return false; } else { return setupPreferencesForOO(rootDir, sOffice, SOFFICE_BIN); } } else { // Linux: String usrRoot = "/usr/lib"; File inUsr = findFileDir(new File(usrRoot), SOFFICE); if (fileSearchCancelled) { return false; } if (inUsr == null) { inUsr = findFileDir(new File("/usr/lib64"), SOFFICE); if (inUsr != null) { usrRoot = "/usr/lib64"; } } if (fileSearchCancelled) { return false; } File inOpt = findFileDir(new File("/opt"), SOFFICE); if (fileSearchCancelled) { return false; } if ((inUsr != null) && (inOpt == null)) { return setupPreferencesForOO(usrRoot, inUsr, SOFFICE_BIN); } else if (inOpt != null) { if (inUsr == null) { return setupPreferencesForOO("/opt", inOpt, SOFFICE_BIN); } else { // Found both JRadioButton optRB = new JRadioButton(inOpt.getPath(), true); JRadioButton usrRB = new JRadioButton(inUsr.getPath(), false); ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(optRB); bg.add(usrRB); FormBuilder b = FormBuilder.create() .layout(new FormLayout("left:pref", "pref, 2dlu, pref, 2dlu, pref ")); b.add(Localization.lang( "Found more than one OpenOffice/LibreOffice executable. Please choose which one to connect to:")) .xy(1, 1); b.add(optRB).xy(1, 3); b.add(usrRB).xy(1, 5); int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, b.getPanel(), Localization.lang("Choose OpenOffice/LibreOffice executable"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (answer == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return false; } if (optRB.isSelected()) { return setupPreferencesForOO("/opt", inOpt, SOFFICE_BIN); } else { return setupPreferencesForOO(usrRoot, inUsr, SOFFICE_BIN); } } } } return false; } private boolean setupPreferencesForOO(String usrRoot, File inUsr, String sofficeName) { return setupPreferencesForOO(new File(usrRoot), inUsr, sofficeName); } private boolean setupPreferencesForOO(File rootDir, File inUsr, String sofficeName) { Globals.prefs.put(JabRefPreferences.OO_EXECUTABLE_PATH, new File(inUsr, sofficeName).getPath()); File jurt = findFileDir(rootDir, "jurt.jar"); if (fileSearchCancelled) { return false; } if (jurt == null) { return false; } else { Globals.prefs.put(JabRefPreferences.OO_JARS_PATH, jurt.getPath()); return true; } } /** * Search for Program files directory. * @return the File pointing to the Program files directory, or null if not found. * Since we are not including a library for Windows integration, this method can't * find the Program files dir in localized Windows installations. */ private static List<File> findProgramFilesDir() { List<String> sourceList = new ArrayList<>(); List<File> dirList = new ArrayList<>(); // 64-bits first String progFiles = System.getenv("ProgramFiles"); if (progFiles != null) { sourceList.add(progFiles); } // Then 32-bits progFiles = System.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"); if (progFiles != null) { sourceList.add(progFiles); } for (String rootPath : sourceList) { File root = new File(rootPath); File[] dirs = root.listFiles(File::isDirectory); if (dirs != null) { Collections.addAll(dirList, dirs); } } return dirList; } private static boolean checkAutoDetectedPaths() { if (Globals.prefs.hasKey(JabRefPreferences.OO_JARS_PATH) && Globals.prefs.hasKey(JabRefPreferences.OO_EXECUTABLE_PATH)) { return new File(Globals.prefs.get(JabRefPreferences.OO_JARS_PATH), "jurt.jar").exists() && new File(Globals.prefs.get(JabRefPreferences.OO_EXECUTABLE_PATH)).exists(); } else { return false; } } /** * Search for a file, starting at the given directory. * @param startDir The starting point. * @param filename The name of the file to search for. * @return The directory where the file was first found, or null if not found. */ private File findFileDir(File startDir, String filename) { if (fileSearchCancelled) { return null; } File[] files = startDir.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return null; } File result = null; for (File file : files) { if (fileSearchCancelled) { return null; } if (file.isDirectory()) { result = findFileDir(file, filename); if (result != null) { break; } } else if (file.getName().equals(filename)) { result = startDir; break; } } return result; } public JDialog showProgressDialog(JDialog progressParent, String title, String message, boolean includeCancelButton) { fileSearchCancelled = false; JProgressBar bar = new JProgressBar(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL); JButton cancel = new JButton(Localization.lang("Cancel")); cancel.addActionListener(event -> { fileSearchCancelled = true; ((JButton) event.getSource()).setEnabled(false); }); final JDialog progressDialog = new JDialog(progressParent, title, false); bar.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); bar.setIndeterminate(true); if (includeCancelButton) { progressDialog.add(cancel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } progressDialog.add(new JLabel(message), BorderLayout.NORTH); progressDialog.add(bar, BorderLayout.CENTER); progressDialog.pack(); progressDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); progressDialog.setVisible(true); return progressDialog; } }