Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005 Tavant Technologies and Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * * Original Author: subin.p (Tavant Technologies) * Contributor(s): binil.thomas; * */ package net.sf.infrared.collector.impl.persistence; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import net.sf.infrared.base.model.AggregateExecutionTime; import net.sf.infrared.base.model.AggregateOperationTree; import net.sf.infrared.base.model.ApplicationStatistics; import net.sf.infrared.base.model.ExecutionContext; import net.sf.infrared.base.model.LayerTime; import net.sf.infrared.base.model.StatisticsSnapshot; import net.sf.infrared.base.util.LoggingFactory; import net.sf.infrared.base.util.Tree; import net.sf.infrared.collector.ApplicationStatisticsDao; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchPreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor; import; public class ApplicationStatisticsDaoImpl extends JdbcDaoSupport implements ApplicationStatisticsDao { private static final String SQL_INSERT_LAYER_TIME = "insert into LAYER_TIMES (APP_NAME, HOST_NAME, LAYER, DURATION, INSERT_TIME) " + "values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_INSERT_AGGREGATE_EXECUTION_TIME = "insert into EXECUTION_TIMES(APP_NAME, HOST_NAME, LAYER, CLASS_NAME, NAME, EXEC_COUNT, " + "TOT_INCLUSIVE_TIME, MAX_INCLUSIVE_TIME, MIN_INCLUSIVE_TIME, TOT_EXCLUSIVE_TIME, " + "MAX_EXCLUSIVE_TIME, MIN_EXCLUSIVE_TIME, TIME_OF_FST_EXEC, TIME_OF_LST_EXEC, " + "INCLUSIVE_FST_EXEC_TIME, INCLUSIVE_LST_EXEC_TIME, EXCLUSIVE_FST_EXEC_TIME, " + "EXCLUSIVE_LST_EXEC_TIME, HIERARCHICAL_LAYER, INSERT_TIME) " + "values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_INSERT_TREE = "insert into AGG_OPERATION_TREE(APP_NAME, HOST_NAME, TREE, INSERT_TIME) " + "values(?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_FETCH_LAYER_TIME_BASE = "select * from LAYER_TIMES " + "WHERE ( INSERT_TIME > ? AND INSERT_TIME < ?) AND (APP_NAME IN ("; private static final String SQL_FETCH_AGGREGATE_EXECUTION_TIME = "select * from EXECUTION_TIMES " + "WHERE ( INSERT_TIME > ? AND INSERT_TIME < ?) AND (APP_NAME IN ("; private static final String SQL_FETCH_TREE = "select * from AGG_OPERATION_TREE " + "where ( INSERT_TIME > ? AND INSERT_TIME < ?) AND (APP_NAME IN ("; private static final int MAX_LENGTH_OF_NAME = 1000; private static final Logger log = LoggingFactory.getLogger(ApplicationStatisticsDaoImpl.class); private int argumentCount; private DataSource dataSource; public ApplicationStatisticsDaoImpl(DataSource ds) { setDataSource(ds); this.dataSource = ds; } public ApplicationStatisticsDaoImpl() { } public void saveStatistics(ApplicationStatistics[] stats) { for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { saveStatistics(stats[i]); } } public void saveStatistics(ApplicationStatistics stats) { if (stats == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The ApplicationStatistics to be saved is null"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Going to save " + stats + " to DB"); } synchronized (stats) { saveLayerTimes(stats); saveExecutionTimes(stats); saveAggregateOperationTree(stats); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Saved statistics " + stats + " to DB"); } } public StatisticsSnapshot fetchStatistics(Collection appNames, Collection instanceIds, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { if ((appNames == null) || (appNames.isEmpty()) || (instanceIds == null) || (instanceIds.isEmpty())) { return null; } Collection results = null; Object[] queryAndArgs = getQueryAndArgsForFetchingExecutionTimes(appNames, instanceIds, fromDate, toDate); results = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList((String) queryAndArgs[0], (Object[]) queryAndArgs[1]); Map executionTimes = getLayerToExecutionTimeMap(results); queryAndArgs = getQueryAndArgsForFetchingLayerTimes(appNames, instanceIds, fromDate, toDate); results = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList((String) queryAndArgs[0], (Object[]) queryAndArgs[1]); Map layerTimes = getLayerTimesMap(results); AggregateOperationTree aggOperTree = fetchAggregateOperationTree(appNames, instanceIds, fromDate, toDate); return StatisticsSnapshot.createSnapshot(appNames, instanceIds, layerTimes, executionTimes, aggOperTree, fromDate.getTime(), toDate.getTime()); } //Need to check if this is ok. Need for testing purpose. public DataSource getDaoDataSource() { return this.dataSource; } // @TODO probably it is inefficient to figure out the query where clause and arg array thrice // one each for fetching execution times, layer times and tree, but this way the code looks // clearer Object[] getQueryAndArgsForFetchingExecutionTimes(Collection appNames, Collection instanceIds, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { Object[] stringAndArray = getWhereStringAndArgArray(appNames, instanceIds, fromDate, toDate); String queryWhereClause = (String) stringAndArray[0]; Object[] argArray = (Object[]) stringAndArray[1]; return new Object[] { SQL_FETCH_AGGREGATE_EXECUTION_TIME + queryWhereClause, argArray }; } Object[] getQueryAndArgsForFetchingLayerTimes(Collection appNames, Collection instanceIds, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { Object[] stringAndArray = getWhereStringAndArgArray(appNames, instanceIds, fromDate, toDate); String queryWhereClause = (String) stringAndArray[0]; Object[] argArray = (Object[]) stringAndArray[1]; return new Object[] { SQL_FETCH_LAYER_TIME_BASE + queryWhereClause, argArray }; } Object[] getWhereStringAndArgArray(Collection appNames, Collection instanceIds, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { argumentCount = 1; Object[] argArray = getArgumentArray(fromDate, toDate, appNames.size() + instanceIds.size()); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); Object[] results = processQueryAndArgArrayForCollection(argArray, query, appNames); query = (StringBuffer) results[0]; argArray = (Object[]) results[1]; query.append(") AND HOST_NAME IN ("); results = processQueryAndArgArrayForCollection(argArray, query, instanceIds); query = (StringBuffer) results[0]; argArray = (Object[]) results[1]; query.append(") )"); results[0] = query.toString(); results[1] = argArray; return results; } Object[] processQueryAndArgArrayForCollection(Object[] argArray, StringBuffer query, Collection appNames) { int length = 0; Object[] returnValues = new Object[2]; for (Iterator iter = appNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String element = (String); argArray[++argumentCount] = element; query.append("?, "); } length = query.length(); query.delete(length - 2, length - 1); returnValues[0] = query; returnValues[1] = argArray; return returnValues; } Map getLayerTimesMap(Collection results) { String layerName = null; LayerTime mapLayerTime = null; long duration = 0; Map layerTimesMap = new HashMap(); for (Iterator iter = results.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map element = (Map); layerName = (String) element.get("LAYER"); if (layerTimesMap.get(layerName) == null) layerTimesMap.put(layerName, constructLayerTime(element)); else { mapLayerTime = (LayerTime) layerTimesMap.get(layerName); duration = ((BigDecimal) element.get("DURATION")).longValue(); mapLayerTime.addToTime(duration); } } return layerTimesMap; } Map getLayerToExecutionTimeMap(Collection results) { Map layerToAetsMap = new HashMap(); Class[] argumentsClass = new Class[] { String.class, String.class }; Object[] argumentObjects = new Object[2]; for (Iterator iter = results.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map element = (Map); String name = (String) element.get("NAME"); String ctxLayer = (String) element.get("LAYER"); String className = (String) element.get("CLASS_NAME"); argumentObjects[0] = name; argumentObjects[1] = ctxLayer; ExecutionContext newContext = getNewExecContextFromName(className, argumentsClass, argumentObjects); // Meaningless to save times without a valid context. if (newContext == null) { log.debug("Ignoring one row because we could not create the ExecutionContext for it"); continue; } String layerName = (String) element.get("HIERARCHICAL_LAYER"); //String layerName = (String) element.get("LAYER"); // No point proceeding to creating the AET for this if (layerName == null) { log.debug("Ignoring one row because there is no hierarchical layer info for it"); continue; } AggregateExecutionTime aet = getAggregateExecutionTime(element, newContext); List aetsInTheLayer = (List) layerToAetsMap.get(layerName); if (aetsInTheLayer == null) { aetsInTheLayer = new ArrayList(); layerToAetsMap.put(layerName, aetsInTheLayer); } aetsInTheLayer.add(aet); } return layerToAetsMap; } ExecutionContext getNewExecContextFromName(String className, Class[] argClasses, Object[] args) { ExecutionContext ctx = null; try { Class ctxClass = Class.forName(className); ctx = (ExecutionContext) ctxClass.getConstructor(argClasses).newInstance(args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { logger.error("The two arguments constructor for " + className + " doesn't exist", ex); return null; } catch (InstantiationException ex) { logger.error("The class" + className + "cannot be instantiated", ex); return null; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { logger.error("InvocationTargetException in class" + className, ex); return null; } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { logger.error("IllegalAccessException on constructor of class" + className, ex); return null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { logger.error("ClassNotFoundException on class" + className, ex); return null; } return ctx; } AggregateExecutionTime getAggregateExecutionTime(Map element, ExecutionContext context) { long longVal = 0; AggregateExecutionTime aggExecTime = new AggregateExecutionTime(context); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("EXEC_COUNT")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setExecutionCount((int) longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("EXCLUSIVE_FST_EXEC_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setExclusiveFirstExecutionTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("EXCLUSIVE_LST_EXEC_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setExclusiveLastExecutionTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("INCLUSIVE_FST_EXEC_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setInclusiveFirstExecutionTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("INCLUSIVE_LST_EXEC_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setInclusiveLastExecutionTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("MAX_EXCLUSIVE_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setMaxExclusiveTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("MAX_INCLUSIVE_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setMaxInclusiveTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("MIN_EXCLUSIVE_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setMinExclusiveTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("MIN_INCLUSIVE_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setMinInclusiveTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("TIME_OF_FST_EXEC")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setTimeOfFirstExecution(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("TIME_OF_LST_EXEC")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setTimeOfLastExecution(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("TOT_EXCLUSIVE_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setTotalExclusiveTime(longVal); longVal = ((BigDecimal) element.get("TOT_INCLUSIVE_TIME")).longValue(); aggExecTime.setTotalInclusiveTime(longVal); String layerName = ((String) element.get("HIERARCHICAL_LAYER")); aggExecTime.setLayerName(layerName); return aggExecTime; } LayerTime constructLayerTime(Map elements) { long duration = ((BigDecimal) elements.get("DURATION")).longValue(); LayerTime layerTime = new LayerTime((String) elements.get("LAYER")); layerTime.setTime(duration); return layerTime; } void saveExecutionTimes(final ApplicationStatistics stats) { final String appName = stats.getApplicationName(); final String instanceId = stats.getInstanceId(); final String[] layers = stats.getLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { final AggregateExecutionTime[] aets = stats.getExecutionsInLayer(layers[i]); final String layerName = layers[i]; getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(SQL_INSERT_AGGREGATE_EXECUTION_TIME, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public int getBatchSize() { return aets.length; } public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { String name = aets[j].getContext().getName(); ps.setString(1, appName); ps.setString(2, instanceId); ps.setString(3, aets[j].getContext().getLayer()); ps.setString(4, aets[j].getContext().getClass().getName()); // since sql query strigs can be very large and hence those shall be stored // after trimming. if (name != null && name.length() > MAX_LENGTH_OF_NAME) { name = name.substring(0, MAX_LENGTH_OF_NAME - 1); log.debug("The name element : " + name + " of the " + aets[j].getContext() + " context exceeded its maximum allotted length of " + MAX_LENGTH_OF_NAME + " and shall be trimmed down to the permitted size before persisting to database."); } ps.setString(5, name); ps.setLong(6, aets[j].getExecutionCount()); ps.setLong(7, aets[j].getTotalInclusiveTime()); ps.setLong(8, aets[j].getMaxInclusiveTime()); ps.setLong(9, aets[j].getMinInclusiveTime()); ps.setLong(10, aets[j].getTotalExclusiveTime()); ps.setLong(11, aets[j].getMaxExclusiveTime()); ps.setLong(12, aets[j].getMinExclusiveTime()); ps.setLong(13, aets[j].getTimeOfFirstExecution()); ps.setLong(14, aets[j].getTimeOfLastExecution()); ps.setLong(15, aets[j].getInclusiveFirstExecutionTime()); ps.setLong(16, aets[j].getInclusiveLastExecutionTime()); ps.setLong(17, aets[j].getExclusiveFirstExecutionTime()); ps.setLong(18, aets[j].getExclusiveLastExecutionTime()); ps.setString(19, aets[j].getLayerName()); ps.setTimestamp(20, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Scheduled batch update for saving " + aets.length + " executions times in layer " + layerName + " to DB; stats=" + stats); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Saved all execution times of " + layers.length + " layers in " + stats + " to DB"); } } void saveLayerTimes(final ApplicationStatistics stats) { final String appName = stats.getApplicationName(); final String instanceId = stats.getInstanceId(); final String[] layers = stats.getLayers(); getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(SQL_INSERT_LAYER_TIME, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public int getBatchSize() { return layers.length; } public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException { ps.setString(1, appName); ps.setString(2, instanceId); ps.setString(3, layers[i]); ps.setLong(4, stats.getTimeInLayer(layers[i])); ps.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Saved " + layers.length + " layer times in " + stats + " to DB"); } } void saveAggregateOperationTree(ApplicationStatistics stats) { String appName = stats.getApplicationName(); String instanceId = stats.getInstanceId(); AggregateOperationTree tree = stats.getTree(); if (tree == null || tree.getAggregateTree() == null) return; insertTree(appName, instanceId, tree.getAggregateTree()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Saved aggregate operation tree in " + stats + " to DB"); } } AggregateOperationTree fetchAggregateOperationTree(Collection appNames, Collection instanceIds, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { Object[] stringAndArray = getWhereStringAndArgArray(appNames, instanceIds, fromDate, toDate); String whereClause = (String) stringAndArray[0]; Object[] argArray = (Object[]) stringAndArray[1]; // making use of a spring ResultSetExtractor implementation to get the merged tree. AggregateOperationTree aggOpTree = (AggregateOperationTree) getJdbcTemplate() .query(SQL_FETCH_TREE + whereClause, argArray, new ResultSetExtractor() { public Object extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { AggregateOperationTree newTree = null; AggregateOperationTree aggOpTree = new AggregateOperationTree(); while ( { try { InputStream is = rs.getBinaryStream("TREE"); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); Tree tree = (Tree) ois.readObject(); newTree = new AggregateOperationTree(); newTree.setAggregateTree(tree); aggOpTree.merge(newTree); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return aggOpTree; } }); return aggOpTree; } Object[] getArgumentArray(Date fromDate, Date toDate, int size) { Timestamp fromTimestamp = new Timestamp(fromDate.getTime()); Timestamp toTimeStamp = null; if (toDate != null) { toTimeStamp = new Timestamp(toDate.getTime()); } else { toTimeStamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } Object[] argArray = new Object[size + 2]; argArray[0] = fromTimestamp; argArray[1] = toTimeStamp; return argArray; } private void insertTree(final String appName, final String hostName, final Tree tree) { byte[] byteArray = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = serializeObject(tree); byteArray = baos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IOException : Unable to serialize the Aggregate Operation Tree Object"); } final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray); getJdbcTemplate().update(SQL_INSERT_TREE, new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { ps.setString(1, appName); ps.setString(2, hostName); ps.setBinaryStream(3, bais, bais.available()); ps.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } }); } private ByteArrayOutputStream serializeObject(Object obj) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (null != obj) { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); out.writeObject(obj); out.flush(); } return baos; } }