Java tutorial
/* * ginp - Java Web Application for Viewing Photo Collections * Copyright (C) 2004 Douglas John Culnane <> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.sf.ginp; import junit.framework.TestCase; import net.sf.ginp.commands.SetLanguageCode; import net.sf.ginp.config.Configuration; import net.sf.ginp.config.ModelUtil; import net.sf.ginp.setup.SetupException; import net.sf.ginp.util.StringTool; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; /** * Test Case Class for use with junit. * *@author Doug Culnane *@version $Revision$ */ public class TestGinpModel extends TestCase { private GinpModel model; private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TestGinpModel.class); private static boolean firstTime = true; private static String TEST_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("") + File.separator + "TestGinpModel"; private static String CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = TEST_DIRECTORY + File.separator + "ginp.xml"; private static String PICTURE_FILE_NAME = "picture.jpeg"; private static String PICTURE_FILE_LOCATION = TEST_DIRECTORY + File.separator + PICTURE_FILE_NAME; /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_Collection() { PicCollection collection = model.getCollection(0); assertEquals("Test PicCollection (id=0)", collection.getName()); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_Collection_sortPictures() { String[] ans1 = { "a.jpeg", "b.jpg", "c", "d.jpg" }; String[] tst1 = { "a.jpeg", "b.jpg", "c", "d.jpg" }; ModelUtil.getFolderManager().sortPictures(ans1); for (int i = 0; i < ans1.length; i++) { assertEquals(ans1[i], tst1[i]); } tst1[0] = "c"; tst1[2] = "a.jpeg"; ModelUtil.getFolderManager().sortPictures(tst1); for (int i = 0; i < ans1.length; i++) { assertEquals(ans1[i], tst1[i]); } tst1[0] = "/path to/c"; tst1[2] = "/path to/a.jpeg"; ModelUtil.getFolderManager().sortPictures(tst1); assertEquals("/path to/a.jpeg", tst1[0]); assertEquals("b.jpg", tst1[1]); assertEquals("/path to/c", tst1[2]); assertEquals("d.jpg", tst1[3]); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_Commands_Logon() { Vector params; params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("u", "joe")); params.add(new CommandParameter("p", "C9@mPlX*")); model.doCommand("logon", params); assertTrue(model.getCollection(0) != null); assertTrue(model.getCollection(1) != null); assertEquals("Test PicCollection (id=0)", model.getCollection(0).getName()); assertEquals("Joe's Photos", model.getCollection(1).getName()); assertEquals("Joe's Photos 2", model.getCollection(2).getName()); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("u", "joe")); params.add(new CommandParameter("p", "badpass")); model.doCommand("logon", params); assertTrue(model.getCollection(0) != null); assertEquals("logon.jsp?username=joe", model.getCurrentPage()); assertFalse(model.getUserName().equals("joe")); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); assertEquals("Test PicCollection (id=0)", model.getCollection(0).getName()); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("u", "guest")); params.add(new CommandParameter("p", "guestpass")); model.doCommand("logon", params); assertEquals("collections.jsp", model.getCurrentPage()); assertTrue(model.getCollection(0) != null); assertTrue(model.getCollection(1) != null); assertEquals("Test PicCollection (id=0)", model.getCollection(0).getName()); assertEquals("Test PicCollection (id=1)", model.getCollection(1).getName()); } /** * SelectCollection with valid parameter values */ public void test_Commands_SelectCollection() { Vector params; model = ModelUtil.getModel("test_Command_SelectCollection"); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("id", "0")); model.doCommand("selectcollection", params); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("id", "1")); model.doCommand("selectcollection", params); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("u", "joe")); params.add(new CommandParameter("p", "C9@mPlX*")); model.doCommand("logon", params); assertTrue(model.getCollection(0) != null); assertTrue(model.getCollection(1) != null); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("id", "1")); model.doCommand("selectcollection", params); assertEquals(1, model.getCurrCollectionId()); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("id", "0")); model.doCommand("selectcollection", params); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("id", "3")); model.doCommand("selectcollection", params); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); } /** * SelectCollection with invalid parameter values */ public void test_Commands_SelectCollectionInvalid() { Vector params; model = ModelUtil.getModel("test_Command_SelectCollection"); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("id", "fail")); // needs to be error to print in maven test log log.error("Please ignore next error message, it is expected..."); model.doCommand("selectcollection", params); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); } /** * Test of ResourceBundle translation. */ public void test_GinpModel_translate() { model.setLocale(new Locale("en")); assertEquals("Foo Bar", model.translate("testMessage")); model.setLocale(new Locale("de")); assertEquals("Foo Bar de", model.translate("testMessage")); } public void test_command_SetLanguageCode() { SetLanguageCode comm = new SetLanguageCode(); Vector para = new Vector(); para.add(new CommandParameter("code", "de_AT")); comm.action(model, para); assertEquals("Foo Bar de_AT", model.translate("testMessage")); para.clear(); para.add(new CommandParameter("code", "de_FR")); comm.action(model, para); assertEquals("Foo Bar de", model.translate("testMessage")); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_Model() { model = ModelUtil.getModel("new"); assertEquals(model.getPageHeight(), 500); assertEquals(0, model.getCurrCollectionId()); //assertEquals("collection.jsp", model.getCurrentPage()); model.setPageHeight(123); assertEquals(model.getPageHeight(), 123); model.setPageWidth(123); assertEquals(model.getPageWidth(), 123); assertTrue(model.getCollection() != null); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_ModelManager() { assertEquals(model, ModelUtil.getModel("test123")); assertNotSame(model, ModelUtil.getModel("test321")); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_Model_pageDimensions() { assertEquals(200, Configuration.getThumbSize()); assertEquals(600, model.getPageWidth()); } /** * processing variation for a good path and picture file */ public void test_Picture() { // path must have a trailing separator Picture pic = new Picture(TEST_DIRECTORY + File.separator, PICTURE_FILE_NAME); assertEquals(PICTURE_FILE_NAME, pic.getFileName()); } /** * processing variation for a good picture file with * path elements in both arguments */ public void test_PictureFullName() { // filename with path ignores path argument (must use "/") final String PART1 = System.getProperty("") + "/"; final String PART2 = "TestGinpModel"; final String BIG_NAME = PART2 + "/" + PICTURE_FILE_NAME; Picture pic = new Picture(PART1, BIG_NAME); assertEquals(PICTURE_FILE_NAME, pic.getFileName()); } /** * Picture data and time manipulation */ public void test_Picture_setDateTime() { Picture pic = new Picture(TEST_DIRECTORY + File.separator, PICTURE_FILE_NAME); assertFalse(pic.setDateTime(": : : :")); assertFalse(pic.setDateTime("")); assertFalse(pic.setDateTime("03:08:25 11:35:09")); assertTrue(pic.setDateTime("2003:08:25 11:35:09")); assertEquals("2003.08.25", pic.getDate("", new Locale("en"))); assertEquals("11:35:09", pic.getTime()); assertTrue(pic.setDateTime("2004:10:20 13:01:59")); assertEquals("Wed 20.10.2004", pic.getDate("EEE dd.MM.yyyy", new Locale("en"))); assertEquals("Mi 20.10.2004", pic.getDate("EEE dd.MM.yyyy", new Locale("de"))); } /** * Picture absolute location path tests */ public void test_Picture_setAbsLocation() { Picture pic = new Picture(TEST_DIRECTORY + File.separator, PICTURE_FILE_NAME); assertEquals(PICTURE_FILE_LOCATION, pic.getAbsLocation()); assertEquals(PICTURE_FILE_NAME, pic.getFileName()); // doesn't actually rename the file... final String NEW_NAME = "newfilename.jpeg"; final String NEW_PATH = "/newpath/to/picture/"; final String NEW_FILENAME = NEW_PATH + NEW_NAME; pic.setAbsLocation(NEW_FILENAME); assertEquals(NEW_FILENAME, pic.getAbsLocation()); assertEquals(NEW_NAME, pic.getFileName()); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_StringTool_getXMLTagContent() { assertEquals("content", StringTool.getXMLTagContent("tag", "<tag>content</tag>")); assertEquals(" content ", StringTool.getXMLTagContent("tag", "<tag> content </tag>")); assertEquals("content", StringTool.getXMLTagContent("tag", "bla<tag>content</tag>")); assertEquals("content", StringTool.getXMLTagContent("tag", "<tag>content</tag>bla")); // assertEquals("content", StringTool.getXMLTagContent("tag", "<tag>content</tag><tag></tag>")); assertEquals(null, StringTool.getXMLTagContent("tag", "notag")); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_StringTool_replace() { assertEquals("A+C", StringTool.replace("ABC", "B", "+")); assertEquals("ABBBBBBBBBBBC", StringTool.replace("ABC", "B", "BBBBBBBBBBB")); assertEquals("Abc", StringTool.replace("abc", "a", "A")); assertEquals("aBc", StringTool.replace("abc", "b", "B")); assertEquals("abC", StringTool.replace("abc", "c", "C")); assertEquals("abc", StringTool.replace("abc", "b", "b")); assertEquals("ABc", StringTool.replace("abc", "ab", "AB")); assertEquals("ABC", StringTool.replace("abc", "abc", "ABC")); assertEquals("abc", StringTool.replace("abc", "ABC", "ABC")); assertEquals("ABCABCABC", StringTool.replace("abcabcabc", "abc", "ABC")); assertEquals(" test, test,", StringTool.replace("test,test,", "test", " test")); assertEquals("test, test", StringTool.replace("test", "test", "test, test")); } /** * A unit test for JUnit */ public void test_StringTool_splitToArray() { String[] args1 = StringTool.splitToArray("2002:12:22 14:47:25", " "); assertEquals("2002:12:22", args1[0]); assertEquals("14:47:25", args1[1]); String[] args2 = StringTool.splitToArray(args1[0], ":"); assertEquals("2002", args2[0]); assertEquals("12", args2[1]); assertEquals("22", args2[2]); String[] args3 = StringTool.splitToArray(args1[1], ":"); assertEquals("14", args3[0]); assertEquals("47", args3[1]); assertEquals("25", args3[2]); assertEquals("hello", StringTool.splitToArray("hello", "|")[0]); assertEquals("hello", StringTool.splitToArray("hello|", "|")[0]); assertEquals("", StringTool.splitToArray("hello|", "|")[1]); assertEquals(" ", StringTool.splitToArray("hello| ", "|")[1]); assertEquals("hello ", StringTool.splitToArray("hello | ", "|")[0]); assertEquals(" world ", StringTool.splitToArray("hello | world |", "|")[1]); assertEquals("world", StringTool.splitToArray("hello |world|", "|")[1]); assertEquals("", StringTool.splitToArray("hello |world|", "|")[2]); assertEquals(" ", StringTool.splitToArray("hello |world| ", "|")[2]); assertEquals("hello", StringTool.splitToArray("hello | world | ", " | ")[0]); assertEquals("world", StringTool.splitToArray("hello | world | ", " | ")[1]); assertEquals("", StringTool.splitToArray("hello | world | ", " | ")[2]); } /** * The JUnit setup method * *@throws IOException *@throws SetupException */ protected void setUp() throws SetupException, IOException { // some setup is only needed once for all tests if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; // ensure the directory path exists for all test files setupTestDirectory(); // now create a new config file for all tests setupTestConfig(); // now copy a jpeg file for all tests setupTestJpeg(); } Configuration.setConfigfilelocation(CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION); model = ModelUtil.getModel("anon"); Vector params; model = ModelUtil.getModel("guest"); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("u", "guest")); params.add(new CommandParameter("p", "guestpass")); model.doCommand("logon", params); model = ModelUtil.getModel("joe"); params = new Vector(); params.add(new CommandParameter("u", "joe")); params.add(new CommandParameter("p", "C9@mPlX*")); model.doCommand("logon", params); model = ModelUtil.getModel("test123"); } /** * JUnit setup helper method * *@throws IOException */ private void setupTestDirectory() throws IOException { // ensure the directory path exists for all test files File testDir = new File(TEST_DIRECTORY); if (!testDir.exists()) { if (!testDir.mkdirs()) { log.warn("can not make test dir at: " + testDir.getAbsolutePath()); } } } /** * JUnit setup helper method * *@throws IOException *@throws SetupException */ protected void setupTestConfig() throws IOException { // now create a new config file for all tests FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION); fw.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" + "<!DOCTYPE ginp [\n" + " <!ELEMENT ginp ( collection*, user* ) >\n" + " <!ELEMENT collection ( name, root, users, admins ) >\n" + " <!ELEMENT user (#PCDATA)>\n" + " <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>\n" + " <!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)>\n" + " <!ELEMENT users (username*)>\n" + " <!ELEMENT username (#PCDATA)>\n" + " <!ELEMENT admins (username*)>\n" + " <!ATTLIST ginp forcelocale CDATA \"\">\n" + " <!ATTLIST ginp thumbsize CDATA \"200\">\n" + " <!ATTLIST ginp filmstripthumbsize CDATA \"100\">\n" + " <!ATTLIST ginp picturepagename CDATA \"picture.jsp\">\n" + " <!ATTLIST ginp collectionpagename CDATA \"collection.jsp\">\n" + " <!ATTLIST user username CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" + " <!ATTLIST user userpass CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" + " <!ATTLIST user fullname CDATA \"\">\n" + "] >\n" + "<ginp>\n" + " <collection>\n" + " <name>Test PicCollection (id=0)</name>\n" + " <root>/data/Photos/Demo</root>\n" + " <users></users>\n" + " <admins><username>admin</username></admins>\n" + " </collection>\n" + " <collection>\n" + " <name>Test PicCollection (id=1)</name>\n" + " <root>/data/Photos/Guest</root>\n" + " <users><username>guest</username><username>TestUser</username></users>\n" + " <admins><username>admin</username></admins>\n" + " </collection>\n" + " <collection>\n" + " <name>Joe's Photos</name>\n" + " <root>/data/Photos</root>\n" + " <users><username>joe</username></users>\n" + " <admins><username>joe</username><username>admin</username></admins>\n" + " </collection>\n" + " <collection>\n" + " <name>Joe's Photos 2</name>\n" + " <root>/data/Photos2</root>\n" + " <users><username>joe</username><username>TestUser</username></users>\n" + " <admins><username>admin</username><username>joe</username></admins>\n" + " </collection>\n" + " <user username=\"admin\" userpass=\"adminpass\" fullname=\"Administrator\" />\n" + " <user username=\"guest\" userpass=\"guestpass\" fullname=\"Guest User\" />\n" + " <user userpass=\"C9@mPlX*\" fullname=\"Joe Bloggs\" username=\"joe\"/>\n" + "</ginp>\n"); fw.flush(); fw.close(); } /** * JUnit setup helper method * *@throws IOException *@throws SetupException */ protected void setupTestJpeg() { // grab the test jpeg from the testing classpath InputStream picture = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(File.separator + PICTURE_FILE_NAME); FileOutputStream outPic = null; int size = 0; try { size = picture.available(); if (size > 0) { byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; int i =; outPic = new FileOutputStream(PICTURE_FILE_LOCATION); outPic.write(buffer); outPic.flush(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { fail("cannot create test jpeg file:" + ioe); } finally { try { if (picture != null) { picture.close(); } if (outPic != null) { outPic.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { fail("error closing test jpeg file:" + ioe); } } } /** * do nothing at the end of a test case * @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown() */ protected void tearDown() { } /** * Description of the Method * *@param args Description of the Parameter */ public static void main(String[] args) {; File fl = new File(CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION); fl.delete(); } }