Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.sf.beanlib.provider; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.beanlib.BeanGetter; import net.sf.beanlib.BeanlibException; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Bean Checker. * * @author Joe D. Velopar */ public class BeanChecker { /** Singleton instance. */ // private static final boolean debug = false; private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final BeanGetter beanGetter = new BeanGetter(); /** * Returns true if the fromBean is empty; or false otherwise. * It is considered empty if every publicly declared getter methods of the specified class * either return null or blank string. * * @param fromBean java bean to check if empty or not. * @param k specified class name from which the getter methods are derived. */ public boolean empty(Object fromBean, Class<?> k) { Class<?> fromClass = fromBean.getClass(); Method[] ma = k.getDeclaredMethods(); try { // invoking all declaring getter methods of fromBean for (int i = 0; i < ma.length; i++) { Method m = ma[i]; String name = m.getName(); try { if (name.startsWith("get") && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) { Method getter = fromClass.getMethod(name); Object attrValue = getter.invoke(fromBean); if (attrValue == null) { continue; } if (attrValue instanceof String) { String s = (String) attrValue; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) { continue; } } return false; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) { // ignore and proceed to the next method. } } return true; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("", e); throw new BeanlibException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { log.error("", e); throw new BeanlibException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error("", e.getTargetException()); throw new BeanlibException(e.getTargetException()); } } /** * @param fBean from bean * @param tBean to bean * @return true if the two beans are equal in a JavaBean sense. * ie. if they have the same number of properties, * and the properties that can be read contain the same values. * * TODO: unit test me */ public boolean beanEquals(Object fBean, Object tBean) { if (fBean == tBean) return true; if (fBean == null || tBean == null) return false; try { BeanInfo bi_f = Introspector.getBeanInfo(fBean.getClass()); PropertyDescriptor[] pda_f = bi_f.getPropertyDescriptors(); Map<?, ?> tMap = beanGetter.getPropertyName2DescriptorMap(tBean.getClass()); if (pda_f.length != tMap.size()) return false; for (int i = pda_f.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { PropertyDescriptor pd_f = pda_f[i]; PropertyDescriptor pd_t = (PropertyDescriptor) tMap.get(pd_f.getName()); Method m_f = pd_f.getReadMethod(); Method m_t = pd_t.getReadMethod(); if (m_f == null) { if (m_t == null) continue; return false; } if (m_t == null) return false; Object v_f = m_f.invoke(fBean); Object v_t = m_t.invoke(tBean); if (!new EqualsBuilder().append(v_f, v_t).isEquals()) return false; } return true; } catch (IntrospectionException e) { log.error("", e); throw new BeanlibException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("", e); throw new BeanlibException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error("", e.getTargetException()); throw new BeanlibException(e.getTargetException()); } } }