Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) <2012> <Bruno P. Kinoshita> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package net.sf.authorship; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import net.sf.authorship.model.Author; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink; /** * * @author Bruno P. Kinoshita - * @since 0.1 */ public class AuthorshipReportView { /** * Generates Authorship report. * * TODO: use resource bundle and locale * * @param pomAuthors * @param scmAuthors * @param srcAuthors * @param sink * @param bundle */ public void generateReport(Set<Author> pomAuthors, Set<Author> scmAuthors, Set<Author> srcAuthors, Sink sink, ResourceBundle bundle) { sink.head(); sink.title(); sink.text("Authorship report"); sink.title_(); sink.head_(); sink.body(); sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text("Authorship report"); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.section2(); sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text("pom.xml authors"); sink.sectionTitle2_(); generateDivergenceTable(pomAuthors, scmAuthors, srcAuthors, sink); sink.section2(); sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text("pom.xml authors"); sink.sectionTitle2_(); if (pomAuthors != null && pomAuthors.size() > 0) { generateAuthorsTable(pomAuthors, sink); } else { sink.paragraph(); sink.text("No authors found in pom.xml"); sink.paragraph_(); sink.horizontalRule(); } sink.section2_(); sink.section2(); sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text("SCM authors"); sink.sectionTitle2_(); if (scmAuthors != null && scmAuthors.size() > 0) { generateAuthorsTable(scmAuthors, sink); } else { sink.paragraph(); sink.text("No authors in project SCM"); sink.paragraph_(); sink.horizontalRule(); } sink.section2_(); sink.section2(); sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text("Java source files authors"); sink.sectionTitle2_(); if (scmAuthors != null && scmAuthors.size() > 0) { generateAuthorsTable(srcAuthors, sink); } else { sink.paragraph(); sink.text("No authors in project Java source files"); sink.paragraph_(); sink.horizontalRule(); } sink.section2_(); sink.section1_(); sink.body_(); sink.flush(); sink.close(); } /** * @param pomAuthors * @param scmAuthors * @param srcAuthors * @param sink */ private void generateDivergenceTable(Set<Author> pomAuthors, Set<Author> scmAuthors, Set<Author> srcAuthors, Sink sink) { sink.paragraph(); sink.bold(); sink.text("This table lists the authors NOT found in pom.xml. " + "It uses what was found by looking at the SCM commit " + "log and at the Java source files (based on the @author tag)"); sink.bold_(); sink.paragraph_(); sink.horizontalRule(); sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("Author"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("Present in SCM?"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("Present in Java source files?"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); int count = 1; // FIXME: we could merge the three data structures into one, and simplify it for (Author author : scmAuthors) { if (notInPom(author, pomAuthors)) { sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(Integer.toString(count)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getPomAuthorValue(author)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getAuthorPresentInSCM(author, scmAuthors)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getAuthorPresentInJavaSources(author, srcAuthors)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); ++count; } } for (Author author : srcAuthors) { if (notInPom(author, pomAuthors)) { sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(Integer.toString(count)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getPomAuthorValue(author)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getAuthorPresentInSCM(author, scmAuthors)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getAuthorPresentInJavaSources(author, srcAuthors)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); ++count; } } sink.table_(); } /** * @param author * @param pomAuthors * @return */ private boolean notInPom(Author author, Set<Author> pomAuthors) { boolean found = Boolean.TRUE; for (Author pomAuthor : pomAuthors) { if (author.getId() != null && pomAuthor.getId() != null && author.getId().equals(pomAuthor.getId())) { found = Boolean.FALSE; break; } if (author.getName() != null && pomAuthor.getName() != null && author.getName().equals(pomAuthor.getName())) { found = Boolean.FALSE; break; } if (author.getEmail() != null && pomAuthor.getEmail() != null && author.getEmail().equals(pomAuthor.getEmail())) { found = Boolean.FALSE; break; } } return found; } /** * @param author * @param scmAuthors * @return */ private String getAuthorPresentInSCM(Author author, Set<Author> scmAuthors) { for (Author scmAuthor : scmAuthors) { if (author.getId() != null && scmAuthor.getId() != null && author.getId().equals(scmAuthor.getId())) { return "Yup"; } if (author.getName() != null && scmAuthor.getName() != null && author.getName().equals(scmAuthor.getName())) { return "Yup"; } if (author.getEmail() != null && scmAuthor.getEmail() != null && author.getEmail().equals(scmAuthor.getEmail())) { return "Yup"; } } return "Nope"; } /** * @param author * @param srcAuthors * @return */ private String getAuthorPresentInJavaSources(Author author, Set<Author> srcAuthors) { for (Author srcAuthor : srcAuthors) { if (author.getId() != null && srcAuthor.getId() != null && author.getId().equals(srcAuthor.getId())) { return "Yup"; } if (author.getName() != null && srcAuthor.getName() != null && author.getName().equals(srcAuthor.getName())) { return "Yup"; } if (author.getEmail() != null && srcAuthor.getEmail() != null && author.getEmail().equals(srcAuthor.getEmail())) { return "Yup"; } } return "Nope"; } /** * @param author * @return */ private String getPomAuthorValue(Author author) { StringBuilder authorValue = new StringBuilder(); authorValue.append("id=" + StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getId(), "<empty>")); authorValue.append(", name=" + StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getName(), "<empty>")); authorValue.append(", email=" + StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getEmail(), "<empty>")); return authorValue.toString(); } /** * @param authors * @param sink */ private void generateAuthorsTable(Set<Author> authors, Sink sink) { sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("Id"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("Name"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("E-mail"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.bold(); sink.text("URL"); sink.bold_(); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); for (Author author : authors) { sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getId(), "")); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getName(), "")); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getEmail(), "")); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(author.getUrl(), "")); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } sink.table_(); } }