Java tutorial
/* * This software copyright by various authors including the * development team, and licensed under the LGPL Version 3 or, at your option, * any later version. * * Portions of this software were originally covered under the Apache Software * License, Version 1.1 or Version 2.0. * * See the file LICENSE elsewhere in this distribution for license details. */ package net.rptools.maptool.client.ui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.JPanel; import net.rptools.lib.swing.SwingUtil; import net.rptools.maptool.client.AppPreferences; import net.rptools.maptool.client.AppStyle; import net.rptools.maptool.client.MapTool; import net.rptools.maptool.language.I18N; import; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ChatTypingNotification extends JPanel { /** * This component is only made visible when there are notifications to be displayed. That means the first couple of * IF statements in this method are redundant since paintComponent() will not be called unless the component is * visible, and it will only be visible when there are notifications... */ @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // System.out.println("Chat panel is painting itself..."); if (AppPreferences.getTypingNotificationDuration() == 0) { return; } LinkedMap chatTypers = MapTool.getFrame().getChatNotificationTimers().getChatTypers(); if (chatTypers == null || chatTypers.isEmpty()) { return; } Boolean showBackground = AppPreferences.getChatNotificationShowBackground(); Graphics2D statsG = (Graphics2D) g.create(); Font boldFont = AppStyle.labelFont.deriveFont(Font.BOLD); Font font = AppStyle.labelFont; FontMetrics valueFM = g.getFontMetrics(font); FontMetrics keyFM = g.getFontMetrics(boldFont); int PADDING7 = 7; int PADDING3 = 3; int PADDING2 = 2; BufferedImage img = AppStyle.panelTexture; int rowHeight = Math.max(valueFM.getHeight(), keyFM.getHeight()); setBorder(null); int width = AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getRightMargin() + AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getLeftMargin(); int height = getHeight() - PADDING2 + AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getTopMargin() + AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getBottomMargin(); statsG.setFont(font); SwingUtil.useAntiAliasing(statsG); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getLeftMargin(), height - getHeight() - AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getTopMargin(), getWidth() - width, getHeight() - AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getBottomMargin() - AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getTopMargin() + PADDING2); int y = bounds.y + rowHeight; rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, AppStyle.chatImage.getHeight()); setSize(getWidth(), ((chatTypers.size() * (PADDING3 + rowHeight)) + AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getTopMargin() + AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getBottomMargin())); if (showBackground) { g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() + PADDING7, this); AppStyle.miniMapBorder.paintAround(statsG, bounds); } Rectangle rightRow = new Rectangle(AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getLeftMargin() + PADDING7, AppStyle.miniMapBorder.getTopMargin() + PADDING7, AppStyle.chatImage.getWidth(), AppStyle.chatImage.getHeight()); Set<?> keySet = chatTypers.keySet(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> playerTimers = (Set<String>) keySet; for (String playerNamer : playerTimers) { if (showBackground) { statsG.setColor(new Color(249, 241, 230, 140)); statsG.fillRect(bounds.x + PADDING3, y - keyFM.getAscent(), (bounds.width - PADDING7 / 2) - PADDING3, rowHeight); statsG.setColor(new Color(175, 163, 149)); statsG.drawRect(bounds.x + PADDING3, y - keyFM.getAscent(), (bounds.width - PADDING7 / 2) - PADDING3, rowHeight); } g.drawImage(AppStyle.chatImage, bounds.x + 5, y - keyFM.getAscent(), (int) rightRow.getWidth(), (int) rightRow.getHeight(), this); // Values statsG.setColor(MapTool.getFrame().getChatTypingLabelColor()); statsG.setFont(boldFont); statsG.drawString(I18N.getText("msg.commandPanel.liveTyping", playerNamer), bounds.x + AppStyle.chatImage.getWidth() + PADDING7 * 2, y + 5); y += PADDING2 + rowHeight; } if (showBackground) { AppStyle.shadowBorder.paintWithin(statsG, bounds); } else { setOpaque(false); } } }