Java tutorial
/* * This software copyright by various authors including the * development team, and licensed under the LGPL Version 3 or, at your option, * any later version. * * Portions of this software were originally covered under the Apache Software * License, Version 1.1 or Version 2.0. * * See the file LICENSE elsewhere in this distribution for license details. */ package net.rptools.maptool.client.functions; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import net.rptools.lib.MD5Key; import net.rptools.maptool.client.MapTool; import net.rptools.maptool.language.I18N; import net.rptools.maptool.model.LookupTable; import net.rptools.maptool.model.LookupTable.LookupEntry; import net.rptools.parser.Parser; import net.rptools.parser.ParserException; import net.rptools.parser.function.AbstractFunction; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; public class LookupTableFunction extends AbstractFunction { public LookupTableFunction() { super(0, 5, "tbl", "table", "tblImage", "tableImage", "getTableNames", "getTableRoll", "setTableRoll", "clearTable", "addTableEntry", "deleteTableEntry", "createTable", "deleteTable", "getTableVisible", "setTableVisible", "getTableAccess", "setTableAccess", "getTableImage", "setTableImage", "copyTable", "setTableEntry"); } /** The singleton instance. */ private final static LookupTableFunction instance = new LookupTableFunction(); /** * Gets the instance of TableLookup. * @return the TableLookup. */ public static LookupTableFunction getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public Object childEvaluate(Parser parser, String function, List<Object> params) throws ParserException { if ("getTableNames".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkNumberOfParameters("getTableNames", params, 0, 1); String delim = ","; if (params.size() > 0) { delim = params.get(0).toString(); } if ("json".equalsIgnoreCase(delim)) return JSONArray.fromObject(getTableList(MapTool.getPlayer().isGM())); return StringUtils.join(getTableList(MapTool.getPlayer().isGM()), delim); } else if ("getTableVisible".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("getTableVisible", params, 1, 1); String name = params.get(0).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); return lookupTable.getVisible() ? "1" : "0"; } else if ("setTableVisible".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("setTableVisible", params, 2, 2); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String visible = params.get(1).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); lookupTable.setVisible(AbstractTokenAccessorFunction.getBooleanValue(visible)); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return lookupTable.getVisible() ? "1" : "0"; } else if ("getTableAccess".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("getTableAccess", params, 1, 1); String name = params.get(0).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); return lookupTable.getAllowLookup() ? "1" : "0"; } else if ("setTableAccess".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("setTableAccess", params, 2, 2); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String access = params.get(1).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); lookupTable.setAllowLookup(AbstractTokenAccessorFunction.getBooleanValue(access)); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return lookupTable.getAllowLookup() ? "1" : "0"; } else if ("getTableRoll".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkNumberOfParameters("getTableRoll", params, 1, 1); String name = params.get(0).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); return lookupTable.getRoll(); } else if ("setTableRoll".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("setTableRoll", params, 2, 2); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String roll = params.get(1).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); lookupTable.setRoll(roll); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return lookupTable.getRoll(); } else if ("clearTable".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("clearTable", params, 1, 1); String name = params.get(0).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); lookupTable.clearEntries(); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return ""; } else if ("addTableEntry".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("addTableEntry", params, 4, 5); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String min = params.get(1).toString(); String max = params.get(2).toString(); String value = params.get(3).toString(); MD5Key asset = null; if (params.size() > 4) { asset = new MD5Key(params.get(4).toString()); } LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); lookupTable.addEntry(Integer.valueOf(min), Integer.valueOf(max), value, asset); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return ""; } else if ("deleteTableEntry".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("deleteTableEntry", params, 2, 2); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String roll = params.get(1).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); LookupEntry entry = lookupTable.getLookup(roll); if (entry != null) { List<LookupEntry> oldlist = new ArrayList<LookupEntry>(lookupTable.getEntryList()); lookupTable.clearEntries(); for (LookupEntry e : oldlist) if (e != entry) lookupTable.addEntry(e.getMin(), e.getMax(), e.getValue(), e.getImageId()); } MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return ""; } else if ("createTable".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("createTable", params, 3, 4); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String visible = params.get(1).toString(); String lookups = params.get(2).toString(); MD5Key asset = null; if (params.size() > 3) { asset = new MD5Key(params.get(3).toString()); } LookupTable lookupTable = new LookupTable(); lookupTable.setName(name); lookupTable.setVisible(AbstractTokenAccessorFunction.getBooleanValue(visible)); lookupTable.setAllowLookup(AbstractTokenAccessorFunction.getBooleanValue(lookups)); if (asset != null) lookupTable.setTableImage(asset); MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().put(name, lookupTable); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return ""; } else if ("deleteTable".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("deleteTable", params, 1, 1); String name = params.get(0).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); if (lookupTable != null) { MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().remove(name); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); } return ""; } else if ("getTableImage".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("getTableImage", params, 1, 1); String name = params.get(0).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); return lookupTable.getTableImage(); } else if ("setTableImage".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("setTableImage", params, 2, 2); String name = params.get(0).toString(); MD5Key asset = new MD5Key(params.get(1).toString()); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); lookupTable.setTableImage(asset); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return ""; } else if ("copyTable".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("copyTable", params, 2, 2); String oldName = params.get(0).toString(); String newName = params.get(1).toString(); LookupTable oldTable = getMaptoolTable(oldName, function); if (oldTable != null) { LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable(oldTable); newTable.setName(newName); MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().put(newName, newTable); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); } return ""; } else if ("setTableEntry".equalsIgnoreCase(function)) { checkTrusted(function); checkNumberOfParameters("setTableEntry", params, 3, 3); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String roll = params.get(1).toString(); String result = params.get(2).toString(); LookupTable lookupTable = getMaptoolTable(name, function); LookupEntry entry = lookupTable.getLookup(roll); if (entry == null) return 0; // no entry was found int rollInt = Integer.valueOf(roll); if (rollInt < entry.getMin() || rollInt > entry.getMax()) return 0; // entry was found but doesn't match List<LookupEntry> oldlist = new ArrayList<LookupEntry>(lookupTable.getEntryList()); lookupTable.clearEntries(); for (LookupEntry e : oldlist) if (e != entry) lookupTable.addEntry(e.getMin(), e.getMax(), e.getValue(), e.getImageId()); else lookupTable.addEntry(e.getMin(), e.getMax(), result, e.getImageId()); MapTool.serverCommand().updateCampaign(MapTool.getCampaign().getCampaignProperties()); return 1; } else { checkNumberOfParameters(function, params, 1, 3); String name = params.get(0).toString(); String roll = null; if (params.size() > 1) { roll = params.get(1).toString().length() == 0 ? null : params.get(1).toString(); } LookupTable lookupTable = MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().get(name); if (!MapTool.getPlayer().isGM() && !lookupTable.getAllowLookup()) { if (lookupTable.getVisible()) { throw new ParserException(function + "(): " + I18N.getText("msg.error.tableUnknown") + name); } else { throw new ParserException( function + "(): " + I18N.getText("msg.error.tableAccessProhibited") + ": " + name); } } if (lookupTable == null) { throw new ParserException( I18N.getText("macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.unknownTable", function, name)); } LookupEntry result = lookupTable.getLookup(roll); if (function.equals("table") || function.equals("tbl")) { String val = result.getValue(); try { BigDecimal bival = new BigDecimal(val); return bival; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return val; } } else { // We want the image URI if (result.getImageId() == null) { throw new ParserException( I18N.getText("macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.noImage", function, name)); } BigDecimal size = null; if (params.size() > 2) { if (params.get(2) instanceof BigDecimal) { size = (BigDecimal) params.get(2); } else { throw new ParserException( I18N.getText("macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.invalidSize", function)); } } StringBuilder assetId = new StringBuilder("asset://"); assetId.append(result.getImageId().toString()); if (size != null) { int i = Math.max(size.intValue(), 1); // Constrain to a minimum of 1 assetId.append("-"); assetId.append(i); } return assetId.toString(); } } } /** * Checks that the number of objects in the list <code>parameters</code> * is within given bounds (inclusive). Throws a <code>ParserException</code> * if the check fails. * * @param functionName this is used in the exception message * @param parameters a list of parameters * @param min the minimum amount of parameters (inclusive) * @param max the maximum amount of parameters (inclusive) * @throws ParserException if there were more or less parameters than allowed */ private void checkNumberOfParameters(String functionName, List<Object> parameters, int min, int max) throws ParserException { int numberOfParameters = parameters.size(); if (numberOfParameters < min) { throw new ParserException( I18N.getText("macro.function.general.notEnoughParam", functionName, min, numberOfParameters)); } else if (numberOfParameters > max) { throw new ParserException( I18N.getText("macro.function.general.tooManyParam", functionName, max, numberOfParameters)); } } /** * Checks whether or not the function is trusted * * @param functionName Name of the macro function * @throws ParserException Returns trust error message and function name */ private void checkTrusted(String functionName) throws ParserException { if (!MapTool.getParser().isMacroTrusted()) { throw new ParserException(I18N.getText("macro.function.general.noPerm", functionName)); } } /*** * If GM return all tables * Otherwise only return visible tables * * @param isGm boolean Does the calling function has GM privileges * @return a list of table names */ private List<String> getTableList(boolean isGm) { List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); if (isGm) tables.addAll(MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().keySet()); else for (LookupTable lt : MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().values()) { if (lt.getVisible()) tables.add(lt.getName()); } return tables; } /** * Function to return a maptool table. * * @param tableName String containing the name of the desired table * @param functionName String containing the name of the calling function, * used by the error message. * @return LookupTable The desired maptool table object * @throws ParserException if there were more or less parameters than allowed */ private LookupTable getMaptoolTable(String tableName, String functionName) throws ParserException { LookupTable lookupTable = MapTool.getCampaign().getLookupTableMap().get(tableName); if (!MapTool.getPlayer().isGM() && !lookupTable.getAllowLookup()) { if (lookupTable.getVisible()) { throw new ParserException( functionName + "(): " + I18N.getText("msg.error.tableUnknown") + tableName); } else { throw new ParserException( functionName + "(): " + I18N.getText("msg.error.tableAccessProhibited") + ": " + tableName); } } if (lookupTable == null) { throw new ParserException( I18N.getText("macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.unknownTable", functionName, tableName)); } return lookupTable; } }