Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 - 2014 Eric Myhre <> * * This file is part of mdm <>. * * mdm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.polydawn.mdm.commands; import static net.polydawn.mdm.Loco.inputPrompt; import*; import*; import net.polydawn.mdm.*; import net.polydawn.mdm.errors.*; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.*; import*; import org.eclipse.jgit.submodule.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.*; import us.exultant.ahs.iob.*; import us.exultant.ahs.util.*; public class MdmReleaseInitCommand extends MdmCommand { public MdmReleaseInitCommand(Repository repo) { super(repo); } public void parse(Namespace args) { name = args.getString("name"); path = args.getString("repo"); // check if we're in a repo root. we'll suggest slightly different default values if we are, as well as generate a gitlink in this repo to the new release repo. asSubmodule = isInRepoRoot(); // pick out the name, if not given. if (name == null) { String prompt = "what's the name of this project"; String nameSuggest = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")).getName(); if (args.getBoolean("use_defaults")) name = nameSuggest; else if (asSubmodule) prompt += " [default: " + nameSuggest + "] "; else nameSuggest = null; while (name == null) { name = inputPrompt(os, prompt + "?"); if (name.equals("") && nameSuggest != null) name = nameSuggest; name = name.trim(); if (name.equals("")) name = null; } } // the rest of args parsing is only valid if we're making releases repo that's a submodule. if (!asSubmodule) return; // ask for remote url. remotePublicUrl = args.getString("remote_url"); if (remotePublicUrl == null) if (args.getBoolean("use_defaults")) { String parentRemote = repo.getConfig().getString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_REMOTE_SECTION, "origin", ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_URL); if (parentRemote == null) parentRemote = System.getProperty("user.dir"); remotePublicUrl = "../" + name + "-releases.git"; try { remotePublicUrl = new URI(parentRemote + "/").resolve(remotePublicUrl).toString(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { } } else remotePublicUrl = inputPrompt(os, "Configure a remote url where this repo will be accessible?\n" + "This will be committed to the project's .gitmodules file, and so should be a publicly accessible url.\n" + "remote url: "); remotePublicUrl = remotePublicUrl.trim(); // and another. remotePublishUrl = args.getString("remote_publish_url"); if (remotePublishUrl == null) if (args.getBoolean("use_defaults")) remotePublishUrl = remotePublicUrl; else remotePublishUrl = inputPrompt(os, "Configure a remote url you'll use to push this repo when making releases?\n" + "This will not be committed to the project; just set in your local config.\n" + "remote url [leave blank to use the same public url]: "); remotePublishUrl = remotePublishUrl.trim(); if (remotePublishUrl.equals("")) remotePublishUrl = remotePublicUrl; } public void validate() { // pick out path, if not given. if (path == null) if (asSubmodule) // if we are initializating the releases repo as a submodule, the default location to put that submodule is "./releases" path = "releases"; else // if we're not a submodule, then the default is to make use of the current directory. path = "."; // if running on windows, flip their directory chars to normal slashes, since committing escaped backslashes to a gitmodules config file is almost certainly not what want path = (File.separatorChar != '/') ? path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') : path; // normalize the path if necessary. (jgit commit trips over relative paths. and it's pretty weird for a submodule handle, too.) if (asSubmodule && path.startsWith("./")) path = path.substring(2); } String name; public String path; boolean asSubmodule; String remotePublicUrl; String remotePublishUrl; public MdmExitMessage call() throws IOException, MdmException { // check for clean working area. try { assertReleaseRepoAreaClean(); } catch (MdmExitMessage e) { return e; } // okay! make the new releases-repo. put a first commit it in to avoid awkwardness. Repository releaserepo = makeReleaseRepo(); makeReleaseRepoFoundingCommit(releaserepo); makeReleaseRepoInitBranch(releaserepo); // if we're not a submodule, we're now done here, otherwise, the rest of the work revolves around the parent repo. if (!asSubmodule) return new MdmExitMessage(":D", "releases repo initialized"); // add the new releases-repo as a submodule to the project repo. try { writeParentGitmoduleConfig(repo); } catch (ConfigInvalidException e) { throw new MdmExitInvalidConfig(Constants.DOT_GIT_MODULES); } writeReleaseRepoConfig(releaserepo); makeParentRepoLinkCommit(repo); return new MdmExitMessage(":D", "releases repo and submodule initialized"); } /** * Check that the releases area free of clutter. * * @throws MdmExitMessage * if the location intended for the release repo is not empty or * if there are other submodules in the git index for that * location. */ void assertReleaseRepoAreaClean() throws IOException { File pathFile = new File(path).getCanonicalFile(); if (asSubmodule && SubmoduleWalk.forIndex(repo).setFilter(PathFilter.create(path)).next()) throw new MdmExitMessage(":I", "there's already a releases module! No changes made."); if (pathFile.exists() && !pathFile.isDirectory() || new File(pathFile, ".git").exists()) throw new MdmExitMessage(":(", "something already exists at the location we want to initialize the releases repo. clear it out and try again."); } /** * Initialize a new non-bare repository at {@link #path}. * * @return handle to the repository created. * * @throws MdmRepositoryIOException */ Repository makeReleaseRepo() { try { Repository releaserepo = new RepositoryBuilder().setWorkTree(new File(path).getCanonicalFile()).build(); releaserepo.create(false); return releaserepo; } catch (IOException e) { throw new MdmRepositoryIOException("create a release repo", true, path, e); } } /** * Create a text file stating the repository name and commit it. This creates a * root commit for history so that we can actually wield the repo. * * @param releaserepo */ void makeReleaseRepoFoundingCommit(Repository releaserepo) { // write readme file try { IOForge.saveFile("This is the releases repo for " + name + ".\n", new File(path, "README").getCanonicalFile()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MdmRepositoryIOException("create a release repo", true, path, e); } // add and commit String currentAction = "commit into the new releases repo"; try { new Git(releaserepo).add().addFilepattern("README").call(); } catch (NoFilepatternException e) { throw new MajorBug(e); // why would an api throw exceptions like this *checked*? } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new MdmUnrecognizedError(e); } try { new Git(releaserepo).commit().setOnly("README").setMessage("initialize releases repo for " + name + ".") .call(); } catch (NoHeadException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException( new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, releaserepo.getWorkTree().toString(), e)); } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException( new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, releaserepo.getWorkTree().toString(), e)); } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException( new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, releaserepo.getWorkTree().toString(), e)); } catch (ConcurrentRefUpdateException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException(e); } catch (NoMessageException e) { throw new MajorBug(e); // why would an api throw exceptions like this *checked*? } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new MdmUnrecognizedError(e); } } /** * Label the current commit (which in context is the root commit) with the * 'mdm/init' branch. * * This branch has two roles; firstly, it is the metadata that is considered the * official declaration of this repo as a valid mdm releases repo; secondly, when * mdm is fetching a dependency, this essentially empty branch is used as a safe * default for the remote.origin.fetch configuration of the submodule. * * @param releaserepo */ void makeReleaseRepoInitBranch(Repository releaserepo) { String currentAction = "create branches in the new releases repo"; try { new Git(releaserepo).branchCreate().setName("mdm/init").call(); } catch (RefAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException( new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, releaserepo.getWorkTree().toString(), e)); } catch (RefNotFoundException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException( new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, releaserepo.getWorkTree().toString(), e)); } catch (InvalidRefNameException e) { throw new MajorBug(e); // branch name is fixed at compile time here and is quite valid, thanks } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new MdmUnrecognizedError(e); } } /** * Writes a new submodule block to the parentRepo's .gitmodules file declaring the * release repo, and initializes the local .git/config file to match. * * @param parentRepo * @throws IOException * @throws ConfigInvalidException */ void writeParentGitmoduleConfig(Repository parentRepo) throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException { // write gitmodule config for the new submodule StoredConfig gitmodulesCfg = new FileBasedConfig( new File(parentRepo.getWorkTree(), Constants.DOT_GIT_MODULES), parentRepo.getFS()); gitmodulesCfg.load(); gitmodulesCfg.setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_SUBMODULE_SECTION, path, ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_PATH, path); gitmodulesCfg.setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_SUBMODULE_SECTION, path, ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_URL, remotePublicUrl); gitmodulesCfg.setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_SUBMODULE_SECTION, path, MdmConfigConstants.Module.MODULE_TYPE.toString(), MdmModuleType.RELEASES.toString()); gitmodulesCfg.setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_SUBMODULE_SECTION, path, ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_UPDATE, "none");; // initialize local parent repo config for the submodule MdmModuleRelease module = MdmModuleRelease.load(parentRepo, path, gitmodulesCfg); Plumbing.initLocalConfig(parentRepo, module); parentRepo.getConfig().save(); } /** * Write origin and fetch config into the release module. Only performed when * operating in submodule mode, since otherwise we don't have any requirement to * request a value for {@link #remotePublishUrl}. * * @param releaserepo * @throws IOException */ void writeReleaseRepoConfig(Repository releaserepo) throws IOException { releaserepo.getConfig().setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_REMOTE_SECTION, "origin", ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_URL, remotePublishUrl); releaserepo.getConfig().setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_REMOTE_SECTION, "origin", "fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"); releaserepo.getConfig().save(); } /** * Commits the release repo path and the gitmodules file. * * @param repo * @throws MdmRepositoryStateException * @throws NoWorkTreeException */ void makeParentRepoLinkCommit(Repository repo) throws MdmRepositoryStateException { String currentAction = "commit a link to the new releases repo into the parent repo"; try { new Git(repo).add().addFilepattern(path).addFilepattern(Constants.DOT_GIT_MODULES).call(); } catch (NoFilepatternException e) { throw new MajorBug(e); // why would an api throw exceptions like this *checked*? } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new MdmUnrecognizedError(e); } try { new Git(repo).commit().setOnly(path).setOnly(Constants.DOT_GIT_MODULES) .setMessage("initialize releases repo for " + name + ".").call(); } catch (NoHeadException e) { throw new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, repo.getWorkTree().toString(), e); } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) { throw new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, repo.getWorkTree().toString(), e); } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) { throw new MdmRepositoryStateException(currentAction, repo.getWorkTree().toString(), e); } catch (ConcurrentRefUpdateException e) { throw new MdmConcurrentException(e); } catch (NoMessageException e) { throw new MajorBug(e); // why would an api throw exceptions like this *checked*? } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new MdmUnrecognizedError(e); } } }