Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of DroidPHP * * (c) 2013 Shushant Kumar * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ package net.pocketmine.server; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; public final class ServerUtils { final static String TAG = "com.MrARM.DroidPocketMine.ServerUtils"; static Context mContext; private static stdin; private static stdout; // private static String serverPort; // private static String httpdUri; final public static void setContext(Context mContext) { ServerUtils.mContext = mContext; } final public static String getAppDirectory() { return mContext.getApplicationInfo().dataDir; } final public static String getDataDirectory() { return android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/PocketMine"; } /** * Instead of killing process by its PID you can use this method to kill * process by specifying its name * * @param mProcessName * Name Of Process that you want to kill * @return boolean */ final public static Boolean killProcessByName(String mProcessName) { return execCommand(getAppDirectory() + "/killall " + mProcessName); } /** * This method is responsible for invoking * {@link ServerUtils.killProcessByName} which kills all the running * instances of <strong>PHP</strong>, <strong>LIGHTTPD</strong>, * <strong>MYSQLD</strong>, <strong>MYSQL Monitor </strong> * * @return */ /* * final public static void setServerPort(String port) { serverPort = port; * * } * * final public static void setHttpDocsUri(String Uri) { * * httpdUri = Uri; * * } */ final public static void stopServer() { /** * * Kill the Running Instances of all called process name. PHP is * automatically kill when instance <strong>LIGHTTPD</strong> is * destroyed. Anyway if it is unable to kill <strong>PHP</strong> lets * kill by invoking <b>killall</b> command */ // killProcessByName("lighttpd"); /** * see above doc why i called PHP here */ killProcessByName("php"); // killProcessByName("mysqld"); // killProcessByName("mysql-monitor"); } static Process serverProc; public static Boolean isRunning() { try { serverProc.exitValue(); } catch (Exception e) { // do there the rest return true; } return false; } final public static void runServer() { // restoreOrCreateServerData(); // restoreConfiguration("lighttpd.conf"); // restoreConfiguration("php.ini"); // restoreConfiguration("mysql.ini"); setPermission(); String[] serverCmd = { getAppDirectory() + "/php", // getAppDirectory() + "/php_data/PocketMine-MP.php" getDataDirectory() + "/PocketMine-MP.php" }; try { serverProc = (new ProcessBuilder(serverCmd)).redirectErrorStream(true).start(); stdout = serverProc.getInputStream(); stdin = serverProc.getOutputStream(); LogActivity.log("[PocketMine] Server is starting..."); Thread tMonitor = new Thread() { public void run() { InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stdout, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); LogActivity.log("[PocketMine] Server was started."); while (isRunning()) { try { char[] buffer = new char[8192]; int size = 0; while ((size =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char c = buffer[i]; if (c == '\r') { } // else if (c == '\n' || c == '\u0007') { String line = s.toString(); Log.d(TAG, line); String lineNoDate = ""; int iof = line.indexOf(" "); if (iof != -1) lineNoDate = line.substring(iof + 1); if (lineNoDate.startsWith("[CMD] There are ") && requestPlayerRefresh && requestPlayerRefreshCount == -1) { try { String num = lineNoDate.substring("[CMD] There are ".length()); num = num.substring(0, num.indexOf("/")); requestPlayerRefreshCount = Integer.parseInt(num); if (requestPlayerRefreshCount == 0) { HomeActivity.updatePlayerList(null); requestPlayerRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (lineNoDate.startsWith("[CMD] ") && requestPlayerRefresh && requestPlayerRefreshCount != -1) { String player = lineNoDate.substring(6); String[] players = player.split(", "); HomeActivity.updatePlayerList(players); requestPlayerRefresh = false; } else if (c == '\u0007' && line.startsWith("\u001B]0;")) { line = line.substring(4); System.out.println("[Stat] " + line); HomeActivity.setStats(getStat(line, "Online"), getStat(line, "RAM"), getStat(line, "U"), getStat(line, "D"), getStat(line, "TPS")); } else { LogActivity.log("[Server] " + (line.replace("&", "&") .replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">"))); if (line.contains("] logged in with entity id ") || line.contains("] logged out due to ")) { refreshPlayers(); } } s = new StringBuilder(); } else { s.append(buffer[i]); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } LogActivity.log("[PocketMine] Server was stopped."); HomeActivity.stopNotifyService(); HomeActivity.hideStats(); } }; tMonitor.start(); Log.i(TAG, "PHP is started"); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to start PHP", e); LogActivity.log("[PocketMine] Unable to start PHP."); HomeActivity.stopNotifyService(); HomeActivity.hideStats(); killProcessByName("php"); } return; } public static String getStat(String line, String stat) { stat = stat + " "; String result = line.substring(line.indexOf(stat) + stat.length()); int iof = result.indexOf(" "); if (iof != -1) { result = result.substring(0, iof); } return result; } private static Boolean requestPlayerRefresh = false; private static int requestPlayerRefreshCount = -1; public static void refreshPlayers() { System.out.println("Refreshing player list"); requestPlayerRefreshCount = -1; requestPlayerRefresh = true; executeCMD("list"); } /** * * @param mCommand * hold the command which will be executed by invoking {@link * Runtime.getRuntime.exec(...)} * @return boolean * @throws IOException * if it unable to execute the command */ final public static boolean execCommand(String mCommand) { /* * Create a new Instance of Runtime */ Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { /** * Executes the command */ r.exec(mCommand); } catch ( e) { Log.e(TAG, "execCommand", e); r = null; return false; } return true; } final static private void setPermission() { try { execCommand("/system/bin/chmod 777 " + getAppDirectory() + "/php"); execCommand("/system/bin/chmod 777 " + getAppDirectory() + "/killall"); // execCommand("/system/bin/chmod 755 " + getAppDirectory() + // "/tmp"); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "setPermission", e); } } /* * final private static void restoreConfiguration(String fileName) { * * File isConf = new File(getHttpDirectory() + "/conf/" + fileName); if * (!isConf.exists()) { * * try { * * String mString; * * mStream = mContext.getAssets().open( fileName, * AssetManager.ACCESS_BUFFER); * * outputStream = new new * + "/tmp/" + fileName)); * * int c; while ((c = != -1) { outputStream.write(c); } * outputStream.close(); mStream.close(); * * mString = new * File(getHttpDirectory() + "/tmp/" + fileName), "UTF-8"); * * mString = mString.replace("%app_dir%", getAppDirectory()); mString = * mString.replace("%http_dir%", getHttpDirectory()); mString = * mString.replace("%port%", serverPort); * File( * getHttpDirectory() + "/conf/" + fileName), mString, "UTF-8"); } catch * (java.lang.Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to copy " + fileName + * " from assets", e); * * } } * * } */ /* * final private static void restoreOrCreateServerData() { * * File mFile = new File(getHttpDirectory() + "/conf/"); if * (!mFile.exists()) mFile.mkdirs(); * * mFile = new File(getHttpDirectory() + "/php_data/"); * * if (!mFile.exists()) mFile.mkdir(); * * mFile = new File(getHttpDirectory() + "/logs/"); * * if (!mFile.exists()) mFile.mkdir(); mFile = new File(getHttpDirectory() + * "/tmp/"); * * if (!mFile.exists()) mFile.mkdir(); * * mFile = null; * * } */ public static boolean checkIfInstalled() { File mPhp = new File(getAppDirectory() + "/php"); File mPM = new File(getDataDirectory() + "/PocketMine-MP.php"); int saveVer = HomeActivity.prefs != null ? HomeActivity.prefs.getInt("filesVersion", 0) : 0; // File mMySql = new File(getAppDirectory() + "/mysqld"); // File mLighttpd = new File(getAppDirectory() + "/lighttpd"); // File mMySqlMon = new File(getAppDirectory() + "/mysql-monitor"); if (mPhp.exists() && mPM.exists() && saveVer == 3) { return true; } return false; } /** * StrictMode.ThreadPolicy was introduced science API level 9 and its * default implementation has been change since API Level 11 and do not * allow network operation on UI Thread and lots more reason Hence, its * better to perform These Stuff outside UI Thread you may do it in * <strong>AsyncTask</strong> And this method allow to permit all * restriction made by system itself. */ @android.annotation.TargetApi(android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) public static void StrictModePermitAll() { try { android.os.StrictMode .setThreadPolicy((new android.os.StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder()).permitAll().build()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // oops! } } /** * * @param mUsername * @param mPassword */ /* * public static void startMYSQLMointor(String mUsername, String mPassword) * { String[] query = new String[] { getAppDirectory() + "/mysql-monitor", * "-h", "", "-T", "-f", "-r", "-t", "-E", "--disable-pager", "-n", * "--user=" + mUsername, "--password=" + mPassword, * "--default-character-set=utf8", "-L" }; try { * * ProcessBuilder pb = (new ProcessBuilder(query)); * pb.redirectErrorStream(true); proc = pb.start(); stdin = * proc.getOutputStream(); stdout = proc.getInputStream(); * * } catch (IOException e) { * * Log.e(TAG, "MSQL Monitor", e); /** I have commented * <string>proc.destroy</strong> because this is usually cause bug *//* * // proc.destroy(); } * * } */ public static void executeCMD(String CCmd) { try { /** * \r\n lets the code to be executed and getBytes converts chars in * bytes Array */ stdin.write((CCmd + "\r\n").getBytes()); stdin.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { // stdin.close(); Log.e(TAG, "ERROR on Executing: " + CCmd, e); } // return readExecutedSQLShellCMD(); } /** * This Method is not in use any more because its causing bug after end of * iteration * * @see mySQLShell().ShellAsync() * @return * @throws IOException */ /* * public static String readExecutedSQLShellCMD() throws IOException { /* * Returns an input stream that is connected to the standard output stream * (stdout) of the native process represented by this object *//* * buffr = new new *; String sb = new String(); try { * while (true) { String READ = buffr.readLine(); * * if (READ == null) { break; } sb += READ + "\n"; * * } * * Log.e(TAG, "Result = " + sb.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { * * stdout.close(); Log.e(TAG, "Unable to read mysql stream", e); * * } * * return sb.toString(); * * } */ }