Java tutorial
/* * @copyright (c) 2014, Victor Nagy, University of Skvde * @license BSD - $root/license */ package net.pixomania.crawler.W3C.parser.rules.editors; import net.pixomania.crawler.W3C.datatypes.Person; import net.pixomania.crawler.logger.Log; import; import net.pixomania.crawler.parser.rules.Rule; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class EditorsRule2 implements Rule<ArrayList<Person>> { public String name = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); @Override public ArrayList<Person> run(String url, Document doc) { ArrayList<Person> editorList = new ArrayList<>(); Elements editors ="dt:contains(Editor) ~ dd, dt:contains(Edition Editor) ~ dd"); if (editors.size() == 0) return null; boolean skip = false; for (Element editor : editors) { Element prev = editor.previousElementSibling(); if (prev.tagName().equals("dt")) { if ((!prev.text().trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("editor") && !prev.text().trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("edition editor")) || prev.text().trim().toLowerCase().contains("version") || prev.text().trim().toLowerCase().endsWith("draft:")) { skip = true; } } if (skip) { Element next = editor.nextElementSibling(); if (next != null) { if (next.text().trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("editor") || next.text().trim().toLowerCase().contains("edition editor")) { skip = false; continue; } } continue; } if (StringUtils.countMatches(editor.text(), " - ") > 2) { Log.log("warning", "This editor may be a list of editors separated by - "); EditorsRule5 ed5 = new EditorsRule5(); return, doc); } String[] splitted = editor.html().split("<br />|<br clear=\"none\" />"); if (splitted.length < 2) { if (editor.text().toLowerCase().startsWith("(in alphabetic") || editor.text().toLowerCase().startsWith("see acknowl") || editor.text().toLowerCase().startsWith("the w3") || editor.text().toLowerCase().startsWith("(see ac") || editor.text().toLowerCase().startsWith("see participants") || editor.text().toLowerCase().contains("note:")) { Log.log("warning", "Spec " + url + " may refer to a different section!"); continue; } if (editor.text().equals("WHATWG:") || editor.text().equals("W3C:")) continue; Person result = NameParser.parse(editor.text()); if (result == null) continue; for (int i = 0; i <"a").size(); i++) { if (!"a").get(i).attr("href").isEmpty()) { if ("a").get(i).attr("href").contains("@")) { result.setEmail("a").get(i).attr("href").replace("mailto:", "")); } else { result.addWebsite("a").get(i).attr("href")); } } } editorList.add(result); } else { for (String split : splitted) { if (!split.isEmpty()) { if (split.toLowerCase().startsWith("(in alphabetic") || split.toLowerCase().startsWith("see acknowl") || split.toLowerCase().startsWith("the w3") || split.toLowerCase().startsWith("(see ac") || split.toLowerCase().startsWith("see participants") || split.toLowerCase().contains("note:")) { Log.log("warning", "Spec " + url + " may refer to a different section!"); continue; } if (split.equals("WHATWG:") || split.equals("W3C:")) continue; Document newdoc = Jsoup.parse(split.replaceAll("\n", "")); Person result = NameParser.parse(newdoc.text()); if (result == null) continue; for (int i = 0; i <"a").size(); i++) { if (!"a").get(i).attr("href").isEmpty()) { if ("a").get(i).attr("href").contains("@")) { result.setEmail("a").get(i).attr("href").replace("mailto:", "")); } else { result.addWebsite("a").get(i).attr("href")); } } } editorList.add(result); } } } Element next = editor.nextElementSibling(); if (next != null) if (next.tag().getName().equals("dt")) break; } if (editorList.size() == 0) return null; return editorList; } }