Java tutorial
/* * * * Created on 25. Oktober 2006, 10:03 * This File is part of PortableSigner ( * and is under the European Public License V1.1 ( * (c) Peter Pflging <> */ package net.pflaeging.PortableSigner; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; /** * * @author pfp */ public class SignCommandLine { public String input = "", output = "", signature = "", password = "", sigblock = "", sigimage = "", comment = "", reason = "", location = "", pwdFile = "", ownerPwdFile = "", ownerPwdString = ""; private String embedParams = ""; public byte[] ownerPwd = null; public Boolean nogui = false, finalize = true, noSigPage = false, lastPage = false; private Boolean help = false; public float vPos = 0f, lMargin = 0f, rMargin = 0f; String langcodes; private static final ResourceBundle rbi18n = ResourceBundle.getBundle("net/pflaeging/PortableSigner/i18n"); /** Creates a new instance of CommandLine */ public SignCommandLine(String args[]) { langcodes = ""; java.util.Enumeration<String> langCodes = ResourceBundle .getBundle("net/pflaeging/PortableSigner/SignatureblockLanguages").getKeys(); while (langCodes.hasMoreElements()) { langcodes = langcodes + langCodes.nextElement() + "|"; } langcodes = langcodes.substring(0, langcodes.length() - 1); // System.out.println("Langcodes: " + langcodes); CommandLine cmd; Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("t", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-InputFile")); options.addOption("o", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-OutputFile")); options.addOption("s", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-SignatureFile")); options.addOption("p", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-Password")); options.addOption("n", false, rbi18n.getString("CLI-WithoutGUI")); options.addOption("f", false, rbi18n.getString("CLI-Finalize")); options.addOption("h", false, rbi18n.getString("CLI-Help")); options.addOption("b", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-SigBlock") + langcodes); options.addOption("i", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-SigImage")); options.addOption("c", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-SigComment")); options.addOption("r", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-SigReason")); options.addOption("l", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-SigLocation")); options.addOption("e", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-EmbedSignature")); options.addOption("pwdfile", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-PasswdFile")); options.addOption("ownerpwd", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-OwnerPasswd")); options.addOption("ownerpwdfile", true, rbi18n.getString("CLI-OwnerPasswdFile")); options.addOption("z", false, rbi18n.getString("CLI-LastPage")); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); HelpFormatter usage = new HelpFormatter(); try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); input = cmd.getOptionValue("t", ""); output = cmd.getOptionValue("o", ""); signature = cmd.getOptionValue("s", ""); password = cmd.getOptionValue("p", ""); nogui = cmd.hasOption("n"); help = cmd.hasOption("h"); finalize = !cmd.hasOption("f"); sigblock = cmd.getOptionValue("b", ""); sigimage = cmd.getOptionValue("i", ""); comment = cmd.getOptionValue("c", ""); reason = cmd.getOptionValue("r", ""); location = cmd.getOptionValue("l", ""); embedParams = cmd.getOptionValue("e", ""); pwdFile = cmd.getOptionValue("pwdfile", ""); ownerPwdString = cmd.getOptionValue("ownerpwd", ""); ownerPwdFile = cmd.getOptionValue("ownerpwdfile", ""); lastPage = !cmd.hasOption("z"); if (cmd.getArgs().length != 0) { throw new ParseException(rbi18n.getString("CLI-UnknownArguments")); } } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(rbi18n.getString("CLI-WrongArguments")); usage.printHelp("PortableSigner", options); System.exit(3); } if (nogui) { if (input.equals("") || output.equals("") || signature.equals("")) { System.err.println(rbi18n.getString("CLI-MissingArguments")); usage.printHelp("PortableSigner", options); System.exit(2); } if (!help) { if (password.equals("")) { // password missing if (!pwdFile.equals("")) { // read the password from the given file try { FileInputStream pwdfis = new FileInputStream(pwdFile); byte[] pwd = new byte[1024]; password = ""; try { do { int r =; if (r < 0) { break; } password += new String(pwd); password = password.trim(); } while (pwdfis.available() > 0); pwdfis.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfex) { } } else { // no password file given, read from standard input System.out.print(rbi18n.getString("CLI-MissingPassword")); Console con = System.console(); if (con == null) { byte[] pwd = new byte[1024]; password = ""; try { do { int r =; if (r < 0) { break; } password += new String(pwd); password = password.trim(); } while ( > 0); } catch (IOException ex) { } } else { // Console not null. Use it to read the password without echo char[] pwd = con.readPassword(); if (pwd != null) { password = new String(pwd); } } } } if (ownerPwdString.equals("") && ownerPwdFile.equals("")) { // no owner password or owner password file given, read from standard input System.out.print(rbi18n.getString("CLI-MissingOwnerPassword") + " "); Console con = System.console(); if (con == null) { byte[] pwd = new byte[1024]; String tmppassword = ""; try { do { int r =; if (r < 0) { break; } tmppassword += new String(pwd, 0, r); tmppassword = tmppassword.trim(); } while ( > 0); } catch ( ex) { // TODO: perhaps notify the user } ownerPwd = tmppassword.getBytes(); } else { // Console not null. Use it to read the password without echo char[] pwd = con.readPassword(); if (pwd != null) { ownerPwd = new byte[pwd.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pwd.length; i++) { ownerPwd[i] = (byte) pwd[i]; } } } } else if (!ownerPwdString.equals("")) { ownerPwd = ownerPwdString.getBytes(); } else if (!ownerPwdFile.equals("")) { try { FileInputStream pwdfis = new FileInputStream(ownerPwdFile); ownerPwd = new byte[0]; byte[] tmp = new byte[1024]; byte[] full; try { do { int r =; if (r < 0) { break; } // trim the length: tmp = Arrays.copyOfRange(tmp, 0, r); //System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, tmp, 0, r); full = new byte[ownerPwd.length + tmp.length]; System.arraycopy(ownerPwd, 0, full, 0, ownerPwd.length); System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, full, ownerPwd.length, tmp.length); ownerPwd = full; } while (pwdfis.available() > 0); pwdfis.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfex) { } } } } if (!embedParams.equals("")) { String[] parameter = null; parameter = embedParams.split(","); try { Float vPosF = new Float(parameter[0]), lMarginF = new Float(parameter[1]), rMarginF = new Float(parameter[2]); vPos = vPosF.floatValue(); lMargin = lMarginF.floatValue(); rMargin = rMarginF.floatValue(); noSigPage = true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println(rbi18n.getString("CLI-embedParameter-Error")); usage.printHelp("PortableSigner", options); System.exit(5); } } if (!(langcodes.contains(sigblock) || sigblock.equals(""))) { System.err.println(rbi18n.getString("CLI-Only-german-english") + langcodes); usage.printHelp("PortableSigner", options); System.exit(4); } if (help) { usage.printHelp("PortableSigner", options); System.exit(1); } // System.err.println("CMDline: input: " + input); // System.err.println("CMDline: output: " + output); // System.err.println("CMDline: signature: " + signature); // System.err.println("CMDline: password: " + password); // System.err.println("CMDline: sigblock: " + sigblock); // System.err.println("CMDline: sigimage: " + sigimage); // System.err.println("CMDline: comment: " + comment); // System.err.println("CMDline: reason: " + reason); // System.err.println("CMDline: location: " + location); // System.err.println("CMDline: pwdFile: " + pwdFile); // System.err.println("CMDline: ownerPwdFile: " + ownerPwdFile); // System.err.println("CMDline: ownerPwdString: " + ownerPwdString); // System.err.println("CMDline: ownerPwd: " + ownerPwd.toString()); } }