Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Peter Kuterna * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import android.util.Log; /** * Handle a remote {@link JSONArray} that defines a set of {@link Sessions} * entries. */ public class RemoteSessionsHandler extends JSONHandler { private static final String TAG = "SessionsHandler"; private static final String TRACK_JAVA_CORE = "javacoreseee"; private static final String TRACK_WEB_FRAMEWORKS = "webframeworks"; private static final String TRACK_DESKTOP_RIA_MOBILE = "desktopriamobile"; private static final String TRACK_NEW_JVM_LANG = "newlanguagesonthejvm"; private static final String TRACK_METHODOLOGY = "methodology"; private static final String TRACK_ARCHI_SEC = "architecturesecurity"; private static final String TRACK_CLOUD_NOSQL = "cloudnosql"; private static final String TRACK_OTHER = "other"; private static final String COLOR_JAVA_CORE = "#FF2A5699"; private static final String COLOR_WEB_FRAMEWORKS = "#FFFFCC00"; private static final String COLOR_DESKTOP_RIA_MOBILE = "#FFFF2222"; private static final String COLOR_NEW_JVM_LANG = "#FF0FABFF"; private static final String COLOR_METHODOLOGY = "#FFA0CE67"; private static final String COLOR_ARCHI_SEC = "#FFEEB211"; private static final String COLOR_CLOUD_NOSQL = "#FF0066CC"; private static final String COLOR_OTHER = "#FFBF0000"; private static final String COLOR_DEFAULT = "#FF272526"; public RemoteSessionsHandler() { super(ScheduleContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY); } @Override public ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> parse(ArrayList<JSONArray> entries, ContentResolver resolver) throws JSONException { final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = Lists.newArrayList(); final HashSet<String> sessionIds = Sets.newHashSet(); final HashSet<String> trackIds = Sets.newHashSet(); final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> sessionSpeakerIds = Maps.newHashMap(); final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> sessionTagIds = Maps.newHashMap(); int nrEntries = 0; for (JSONArray sessions : entries) { Log.d(TAG, "Retrieved " + sessions.length() + " presentation entries."); nrEntries += sessions.length(); for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length(); i++) { JSONObject session = sessions.getJSONObject(i); String id = session.getString("id"); final String sessionId = sanitizeId(id); final Uri sessionUri = Sessions.buildSessionUri(sessionId); sessionIds.add(sessionId); int isStarred = isStarred(sessionUri, resolver); boolean sessionUpdated = false; boolean newSession = false; ContentProviderOperation.Builder builder; if (isRowExisting(sessionUri, SessionsQuery.PROJECTION, resolver)) { builder = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(sessionUri); builder.withValue(Sessions.NEW, false); sessionUpdated = isSessionUpdated(sessionUri, session, resolver); if (isRemoteSync()) { builder.withValue(Sessions.UPDATED, sessionUpdated); } } else { newSession = true; builder = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Sessions.CONTENT_URI); builder.withValue(Sessions.SESSION_ID, sessionId); if (!isLocalSync()) { builder.withValue(Sessions.NEW, true); } } final String type = session.getString("type"); if (newSession || sessionUpdated) { builder.withValue(Sessions.TITLE, session.getString("title")); builder.withValue(Sessions.EXPERIENCE, session.getString("experience")); builder.withValue(Sessions.TYPE, type); builder.withValue(Sessions.SUMMARY, session.getString("summary")); builder.withValue(Sessions.STARRED, isStarred); } builder.withValue(Sessions.TYPE_ID, getTypeId(type)); batch.add(; if (session.has("track")) { final String trackName = session.getString("track"); final String trackId = Tracks.generateTrackId(trackName); final Uri trackUri = Tracks.buildTrackUri(trackId); if (!trackIds.contains(trackId)) { trackIds.add(trackId); ContentProviderOperation.Builder trackBuilder; if (isRowExisting(Tracks.buildTrackUri(trackId), TracksQuery.PROJECTION, resolver)) { trackBuilder = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(trackUri); } else { trackBuilder = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Tracks.CONTENT_URI); trackBuilder.withValue(Tracks.TRACK_ID, trackId); } trackBuilder.withValue(Tracks.TRACK_NAME, trackName); final int color = Color.parseColor(getTrackColor(trackId)); trackBuilder.withValue(Tracks.TRACK_COLOR, color); batch.add(; } if (newSession || sessionUpdated) { builder.withValue(Sessions.TRACK_ID, trackId); } } if (session.has("speakers")) { final Uri speakerSessionsUri = Sessions.buildSpeakersDirUri(sessionId); final JSONArray speakers = session.getJSONArray("speakers"); final HashSet<String> speakerIds = Sets.newHashSet(); if (!isLocalSync()) { final boolean sessionSpeakersUpdated = isSessionSpeakersUpdated(speakerSessionsUri, speakers, resolver); if (sessionSpeakersUpdated) { Log.d(TAG, "Speakers of session with id " + sessionId + " was udpated."); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(sessionUri) .withValue(Sessions.UPDATED, true).build()); } } for (int j = 0; j < speakers.length(); j++) { JSONObject speaker = speakers.getJSONObject(j); final Uri speakerUri = Uri.parse(speaker.getString("speakerUri")); final String speakerId = speakerUri.getLastPathSegment(); speakerIds.add(speakerId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(speakerSessionsUri) .withValue(SessionsSpeakers.SPEAKER_ID, speakerId) .withValue(SessionsSpeakers.SESSION_ID, sessionId).build()); } sessionSpeakerIds.put(sessionId, speakerIds); } if (session.has("tags")) { final Uri tagSessionsUri = Sessions.buildTagsDirUri(sessionId); final JSONArray tags = session.getJSONArray("tags"); final HashSet<String> tagIds = Sets.newHashSet(); for (int j = 0; j < tags.length(); j++) { JSONObject tag = tags.getJSONObject(j); final String tagName = tag.getString("name").toLowerCase(); final String tagId = Tags.generateTagId(tagName); tagIds.add(tagId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Tags.CONTENT_URI).withValue(Tags.TAG_ID, tagId) .withValue(Tags.TAG_NAME, tagName).build()); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(SearchSuggest.CONTENT_URI) .withValue(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1, tagName).build()); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(tagSessionsUri) .withValue(SessionsTags.TAG_ID, tagId).withValue(SessionsTags.SESSION_ID, sessionId) .build()); } sessionTagIds.put(sessionId, tagIds); } } } if (isRemoteSync() && nrEntries > 0) { for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> entry : sessionSpeakerIds.entrySet()) { String sessionId = entry.getKey(); HashSet<String> speakerIds = entry.getValue(); final Uri speakerSessionsUri = Sessions.buildSpeakersDirUri(sessionId); HashSet<String> lostSpeakerIds = getLostIds(speakerIds, speakerSessionsUri, SpeakersQuery.PROJECTION, SpeakersQuery.SPEAKER_ID, resolver); for (String lostSpeakerId : lostSpeakerIds) { final Uri deleteUri = Sessions.buildSessionSpeakerUri(sessionId, lostSpeakerId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); } } for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> entry : sessionTagIds.entrySet()) { String sessionId = entry.getKey(); HashSet<String> tagIds = entry.getValue(); final Uri tagSessionsUri = Sessions.buildTagsDirUri(sessionId); HashSet<String> lostTagIds = getLostIds(tagIds, tagSessionsUri, TagsQuery.PROJECTION, TagsQuery.TAG_ID, resolver); for (String lostTagId : lostTagIds) { final Uri deleteUri = Sessions.buildSessionTagUri(sessionId, lostTagId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); } } HashSet<String> lostTrackIds = getLostIds(trackIds, Tracks.CONTENT_URI, TracksQuery.PROJECTION, TracksQuery.TRACK_ID, resolver); for (String lostTrackId : lostTrackIds) { Uri deleteUri = Tracks.buildSessionsUri(lostTrackId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); deleteUri = Tracks.buildTrackUri(lostTrackId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); } HashSet<String> lostSessionIds = getLostIds(sessionIds, Sessions.CONTENT_URI, SessionsQuery.PROJECTION, SessionsQuery.SESSION_ID, resolver); for (String lostSessionId : lostSessionIds) { Uri deleteUri = Sessions.buildSpeakersDirUri(lostSessionId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); deleteUri = Sessions.buildTagsDirUri(lostSessionId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); deleteUri = Sessions.buildSessionUri(lostSessionId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(deleteUri).build()); } } return batch; } private static final String getTypeId(String type) { if (type != null) { String typeId = type; int lastIndex = typeId.lastIndexOf(" ("); if (lastIndex != -1) { typeId = typeId.substring(0, lastIndex); } return ParserUtils.sanitizeId(typeId.replaceAll(" ", "_")); } return null; } private static final String getTrackColor(String trackId) { if (TRACK_ARCHI_SEC.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_ARCHI_SEC; } else if (TRACK_CLOUD_NOSQL.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_CLOUD_NOSQL; } else if (TRACK_DESKTOP_RIA_MOBILE.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_DESKTOP_RIA_MOBILE; } else if (TRACK_JAVA_CORE.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_JAVA_CORE; } else if (TRACK_METHODOLOGY.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_METHODOLOGY; } else if (TRACK_NEW_JVM_LANG.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_NEW_JVM_LANG; } else if (TRACK_OTHER.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_OTHER; } else if (TRACK_WEB_FRAMEWORKS.equalsIgnoreCase(trackId)) { return COLOR_WEB_FRAMEWORKS; } else { return COLOR_DEFAULT; } } private static int isStarred(Uri uri, ContentResolver resolver) { final Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, SessionsQuery.PROJECTION, null, null, null); int starred = 0; try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { starred = cursor.getInt(SessionsQuery.STARRED); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return starred; } private static boolean isSessionUpdated(Uri uri, JSONObject session, ContentResolver resolver) throws JSONException { final Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, SessionsQuery.PROJECTION, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) return false; final String curTitle = cursor.getString(SessionsQuery.TITLE).toLowerCase().trim(); final String curSummary = cursor.getString(SessionsQuery.SUMMARY).toLowerCase().trim(); final String curExperience = cursor.getString(SessionsQuery.EXPERIENCE).toLowerCase().trim(); final String curType = cursor.getString(SessionsQuery.TYPE).toLowerCase().trim(); final String newTitle = session.getString("title").toLowerCase().trim(); final String newSummary = session.getString("summary").toLowerCase().trim(); final String newExperience = session.getString("experience").toLowerCase().trim(); final String newType = session.getString("type").toLowerCase().trim(); return (!curTitle.equals(newTitle) || !curSummary.equals(newSummary) || !curExperience.equals(newExperience) || !curType.equals(newType)); } finally { cursor.close(); } } private static boolean isSessionSpeakersUpdated(Uri uri, JSONArray speakers, ContentResolver resolver) throws JSONException { final Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, SpeakersQuery.PROJECTION, null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) return false; return cursor.getCount() != speakers.length(); } finally { cursor.close(); } } private interface SessionsQuery { String[] PROJECTION = { Sessions.SESSION_ID, Sessions.TITLE, Sessions.SUMMARY, Sessions.EXPERIENCE, Sessions.TYPE, Sessions.TYPE_ID, Sessions.STARRED, }; int SESSION_ID = 0; int TITLE = 1; int SUMMARY = 2; int EXPERIENCE = 3; int TYPE = 4; int STARRED = 5; } private interface SpeakersQuery { String[] PROJECTION = { Speakers.SPEAKER_ID, }; int SPEAKER_ID = 0; } private interface TagsQuery { String[] PROJECTION = { Tags.TAG_ID, }; int TAG_ID = 0; } private interface TracksQuery { String[] PROJECTION = { Tracks.TRACK_ID, }; int TRACK_ID = 0; } }