Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package net.pandoragames.far.ui;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import net.pandoragames.far.ui.model.FileNamePattern;
import net.pandoragames.far.ui.model.FileType;
import net.pandoragames.far.ui.model.FindForm;
import net.pandoragames.far.ui.model.RenameForm;
import net.pandoragames.far.ui.model.ReplaceForm;
import net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component.FileNamePatternComboboxModel;
import net.pandoragames.util.i18n.DummyLocalizer;
import net.pandoragames.util.i18n.Localizer;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Data container for configuration values.
 * @author Olivier Wehner
 * <!--
 *  FAR - Find And Replace
 *  Copyright (C) 2009,  Olivier Wehner
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 *  --> 
public class FARConfig {
     * The applications (short) name: FAR
    public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "FAR";
     * The application title: Find And Replace
    public static final String APPLICATION_TITLE = "Find And Replace";
     * Property name for base directory.
    public static final String PPT_BASEDIR = "far.basedir";
     * Property name for backup directory.
    public static final String PPT_BCKPDIR = "far.backupdir";
     * Property name for file list export directory.
    public static final String PPT_LISTEXDIR = "far.listexportdir";
     * Property name for group reference indicator.
    public static final String PPT_GROUPREF = "far.groupreference";
     * Property name for version number.
    public static final String PPT_VERSION = "far.version";
     * Property name for process binary flag.
    public static final String PPT_BINARY = "far.process-binary-files";
     * Property name for the treat-unknown-file-types-as-binary flag.
    public static final String PPT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY = "far.unknown-type-as-binary";
     * The set of possible group reference indicators. "\", "$" and "%".
    public static final String[] GROUPREFINDICATORLIST = new String[] { "\\", "$", "%" };
     * Standard ISO 8601 date time format.
    public static final String STANDARD_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
     * Standard date format: yyyy-MM-dd
    public static final String STANDARD_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
     * Standard time format: hh:mm
    public static final String STANDARD_TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm";

    // directory for configuration settings
    private File configDir;
    // last used base directory
    private File lastBaseDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
    // translation for label
    private Localizer localizer = new DummyLocalizer();
    // default backup directory
    private File defaultBackupDirectory = new File(System.getProperty(""));
    // file name pattern list
    private FileNamePatternComboboxModel patternListModel;
    // has the application version changed since last run?
    private boolean versionHasChanged = false;
    // currently set group reference indicator
    private char groupReferenceIndicator;
    // available character sets
    private List<Charset> charsetList;
    // last used directory for file list im/export
    private File fileListExportDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
    // java version number
    private static int effectiveJavaVersion = -1;
    // should binary files be processed in replace operations
    private boolean processBinary = false;
    // logger for I/O operations
    protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

     * Returns the "effective" java version, i.e. the "minor" verision returned
     * by the system property "java version". Returns 4 for java 1.4.x, 5 for
     * java 1.5.x and so on. Returns 0 (zero) if the System property "java.version" 
     * could not be parsed.
     * @return "effective" java version as a positive integer
    public static int getEffectiveJavaVersion() {
        if (effectiveJavaVersion < 0) {
            String versionString = System.getProperty("java.version");
            if (versionString == null)
                return 0;
            int start = versionString.indexOf('.');
            if (start < 0)
                return 0;
            start = start + 1;
            int end = versionString.indexOf('.', start);
            if (end < 0)
                end = Math.min(versionString.length(), start + 1);
            try {
                effectiveJavaVersion = Integer.parseInt(versionString.substring(start, end));
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
                return 0;
        return effectiveJavaVersion;

     * Returns the lastBaseDir.
     * @return lastBaseDir
    public File getBaseDirectory() {
        return lastBaseDir;

     * Returns the Localizer to be used for labels and messages.
     * @return Localizer instance
    public Localizer getLocalizer() {
        return localizer;

     * Sets the Localizer to be used.
     * @param localizer for labels and messages
    public void setLocalizer(Localizer localizer) {
        if (localizer != null)
            this.localizer = localizer;

     * Returns the list of predefined FileNamePatterns
     * @return predefined patterns.
    public FileNamePatternComboboxModel getFileNamePatternListModel() {
        return patternListModel;

     * Returns the default backup directory.
     * @return default backup directory
    public File getBackupDirectory() {
        return defaultBackupDirectory;

     * Returns the list of available character sets.
     * @return available character sets
    public List<Charset> getCharsetList() {
        return charsetList;

     * Returns the default character set.
     * @return default character set
    public Charset getDefaultCharset() {
        return FileType.TEXT.getCharacterset();

     *  Sets the default character set.
     *  @param charset default character set to be used
    public void setDefaultCharset(Charset charset) {
        if (charset != null) {

     * Returns the default directory for file list import and export.
     * @return default directory for file list import and export
    public File getFileListExportDirectory() {
        return fileListExportDir;

     * Returns the currently set group reference indicator.
     * This is a single character, indicating group references in 
     * regular expressions.
     * @return currently set group reference indicator
    public char getGroupReferenceIndicator() {
        return groupReferenceIndicator;

     * Sets the group reference indicator.
     * This is a single character, indicating group references in 
     * regular expressions.
     * @param groupReferenceIndicator group reference indicator
    public void setGroupReferenceIndicator(char groupReferenceIndicator) {
        this.groupReferenceIndicator = groupReferenceIndicator;

     * Returns a new FindForm with default settings.
     * @return default FindForm
    public FindForm getDefaultFindForm() {
        FindForm form = new FindForm();
        return form;

     * Returns a new ReplaceForm with default settings.
     * @return default ReplaceForm
    public ReplaceForm getDefaultReplaceForm() {
        ReplaceForm form = new ReplaceForm();
        return form;

     * Returns a new RenameForm with default settings.
     * @return default RenameForm
    public RenameForm getDefaultRenameForm() {
        RenameForm form = new RenameForm();
        return form;

     * Returns true if the application version has changed since 
     * the last run.
     * @return true if application version has changed.
    public boolean versionHasChanged() {
        return versionHasChanged;

     * Should unknown file types be treated as binary files.
     * @return treat unknown file types as binary files
    public boolean isTreatUnknownFileTypesAsBinary() {
        return FileType.TREAT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY;

     * Returns the directory for configuration options.
     * @return configuration directory
    public File getConfigDir() {
        return configDir;

     * If this flag is set to true, binary files will be processed
     * in replace operations like any others. Otherwise binary files
     * will be treated as read only if it comes to replace operations.
     * @return true if binary files should be processed in replace operations
    public boolean isProcessBinary() {
        return processBinary;

     * Sets the process binary files flag.
     * @param processBinary true if binary files should be processed in replace operations
    public void setProcessBinary(boolean processBinary) {
        this.processBinary = processBinary;

    // -- attribute setter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     *  Sets the list of available character sets.
     *  @param charsetList available character sets
    protected void setCharsetList(List<Charset> charsetList) {
        this.charsetList = charsetList;

     * Sets the default backup directory. 
     * If the specified directory does not exist, the call will be ignored.
     * @param backupDirectory default backup directory.
    public final void setBackupDirectory(File backupDirectory) {
        if ((backupDirectory != null) && (backupDirectory.isDirectory())) {
            this.defaultBackupDirectory = backupDirectory;

     * Sets the default base directory.
     * If the specified directory does not exist, the call will be ignored.
     * @param baseDir default base directory.
    public final void setBaseDirectory(File baseDir) {
        if ((baseDir != null) && (baseDir.isDirectory())) {
            this.lastBaseDir = baseDir;

     * Sets the default directory for file list import and export.
     * If the specified directory does not exist, the call will be ignored.
     * @param exportDir default directory for file list import and export
    public final void setFileListExportDirectory(File exportDir) {
        if ((exportDir != null) && (exportDir.isDirectory())) {
            fileListExportDir = exportDir;

     * Loads the base and the backupd directory from a Properties object.
     * The property names are defined as constants of this class.
     * The property values are supposed to be valid pathes, but both
     * directories are controlled for existance. Inheriting classes may overwrite
     * this method to load additional properties.
     * @param properties holding properties for base and backup directory.
    protected void loadFromProperties(Properties properties) {
        // base directory
        File baseDir = getValidDirectory(properties.getProperty(PPT_BASEDIR));
        if (baseDir != null) {
        } else {
  "Base directory " + properties.getProperty(PPT_BASEDIR)
                    + " could not be restored. Using fall back: " + lastBaseDir.getPath());
        // backup directory
        File bckpDir = getValidDirectory(properties.getProperty(PPT_BCKPDIR));
        if (bckpDir != null) {
            if (bckpDir.canWrite()) {
                if (bckpDir.equals(new File(System.getProperty("")))) {
                    bckpDir = makeDefaultBackupDir();
            } else {
                defaultBackupDirectory = makeDefaultBackupDir();
      "Backup directory " + properties.getProperty(PPT_BCKPDIR)
                        + " is not writable. Using fall back: " + defaultBackupDirectory.getPath());
        } else {
            defaultBackupDirectory = makeDefaultBackupDir();
            if (!defaultBackupDirectory.getPath().equals(properties.getProperty(PPT_BCKPDIR))) {
      "Backup directory " + properties.getProperty(PPT_BCKPDIR)
                        + " could not be restored. Using fall back: " + defaultBackupDirectory.getPath());
        // list impex directory
        // group reference indicator
        String grefind = properties.getProperty(PPT_GROUPREF);
        if (grefind == null || !(grefind.equals(GROUPREFINDICATORLIST[0])
                || grefind.equals(GROUPREFINDICATORLIST[1]) || grefind.equals(GROUPREFINDICATORLIST[2]))) {
            grefind = GROUPREFINDICATORLIST[0];
        groupReferenceIndicator = grefind.charAt(0);
        // application version
        String versionNumber = properties.getProperty(PPT_VERSION);
        String currentVersion = getCurrentApplicationVersion();
        if (currentVersion != null && !currentVersion.equals(versionNumber)) {
            versionHasChanged = true;
        processBinary = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(PPT_BINARY));
        if (properties.containsKey(PPT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY)) {
            FileType.TREAT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(PPT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY));

     * The inverse operation to <code>loadFromProperties()</code>.
     * @param properties where to write base and backup directory to
    protected void writeToProperties(Properties properties) {
        properties.setProperty(PPT_BASEDIR, lastBaseDir.getPath());
        properties.setProperty(PPT_BCKPDIR, defaultBackupDirectory.getPath());
        properties.setProperty(PPT_LISTEXDIR, fileListExportDir.getPath());
        properties.setProperty(PPT_GROUPREF, String.valueOf(groupReferenceIndicator));
        if (getCurrentApplicationVersion() != null) {
            properties.setProperty(PPT_VERSION, getCurrentApplicationVersion());
        properties.setProperty(PPT_BINARY, Boolean.valueOf(processBinary).toString());
        properties.setProperty(PPT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY, Boolean.valueOf(FileType.TREAT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY).toString());

     * Sets the file name pattern list.
     * @param fileNamepattern file name pattern list
    protected void setPatternList(List<FileNamePattern> fileNamepattern) {
        if (fileNamepattern != null) {
            //         patternList = new ArrayList<FileNamePattern>();
            //         patternList.addAll( fileNamepattern );
            patternListModel = new FileNamePatternComboboxModel(fileNamepattern);

    protected List<FileNamePattern> getFileNamePatternList() {
        return patternListModel.asList();

     * Should unknown file type be treated as binary files.
     * @param treatUnknwonFileTypesAsBinary treat unknown file types as binary files
    public void setTreatUnknownFileTypesAsBinary(boolean treatUnknwonFileTypesAsBinary) {
        FileType.TREAT_UNKNOWN_AS_BINARY = treatUnknwonFileTypesAsBinary;

     * Sets the directory for configuration options.
     * @param dir configuration directory
    protected void setConfigDir(File dir) {
        if (dir == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Configuration directory must not be null");
        configDir = dir;

    private File getValidDirectory(String path) {
        if (path == null)
            return null;
        File file = new File(path);
        if (!file.isDirectory()) {
            logger.warn("The directory " + path + " could not be found");
            return null;
        return file;

    private File makeDefaultBackupDir() {
        File tmpDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
        File bkpDir = new File(tmpDir, "FAR");
        if (!bkpDir.isDirectory())
        return bkpDir;

    private String getCurrentApplicationVersion() {
        Package pkg = getClass().getPackage();
        if (pkg != null) {
            return pkg.getSpecificationVersion();
        } else { // not in a jar
            return null;