Java tutorial
package net.owl_black.vmgparser; import; import; import; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.logging.Logger; import ezvcard.Ezvcard; import ezvcard.VCard; import; import; import net.owl_black.vmgparser.VmgObj.XIrmcBox; import net.owl_black.vmgparser.VmgObj.XIrmcStatus; /* Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Louis-Paul CORDIER * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of vmgparser library. * Vmgparser library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Vmgparser library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with vmgparser library. If not, see <>. */ public class VmgParser { VmgLexer lexer; VmgToken c_tok; //current token VmgToken p_tok; //previous token Stack<String> env_stack; //Stack for storing environnement. Stack<String> opt_stack; //Stack for storing options VCard vcard; boolean parseVBody; DateTimeFormatter[] date_patterns = { DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d.M.yyyy H:m:s"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("M.d.yyyy H:m:s"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.d.M.H:m:s"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.d.M.H:m:s"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.M.d.H.m.s"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.M.d.H.m.s'Z'"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.d.M.H.m.s"), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.d.M.H.m.s'Z'"), }; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VmgParser.class.getName()); public VmgParser(File f, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException { if (f == null) throw new NullPointerException("Given file is null"); if (!f.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException("Provided VMG file does not exist."); lexer = new VmgLexer(f, encoding); env_stack = new Stack<String>(); opt_stack = new Stack<String>(); //Initialize the list of Date parser. } private void expect(VmgTokenType toktype) { if (found(toktype)) { return; } else { log.severe("Line: " + c_tok.getLineNb() + " - I expected " + toktype._name + " but got " + c_tok.type._name); System.err.flush(); //TODO: fix that shit } } private boolean found(VmgTokenType toktype) { if (c_tok.type == toktype) { getToken(); return true; } return false; } private boolean found_nostep(VmgTokenType toktype) { //Same as found, but without any token step. if (c_tok.type == toktype) { return true; } return false; } private void vmg_linefeed() { boolean already_warn = false; if (!found(VmgTokenType.CRLF)) expect(VmgTokenType.LINEFEED); while (found(VmgTokenType.LINEFEED) || found(VmgTokenType.CRLF)) { if (!already_warn) { log.warning("Line: " + p_tok.getLineNb() + " - Extra linefeed detected. This VMG does not respect the RFC norm!"); already_warn = true; } } } private VmgToken vmg_begin() { VmgToken retTok; if (!found(VmgTokenType.ID_BEGIN)) return null; //We found the "BEGIN" keyword, start to process the beacon. expect(VmgTokenType.SYM_COLON); expect(VmgTokenType.IDENTIFIER); //Store the token that we will return retTok = p_tok; //TODO: handle errors vmg_linefeed(); return retTok; } private VmgToken vmg_end() { VmgToken retTok; if (!found(VmgTokenType.ID_END)) return null; //We found the "BEGIN" keyword, start to process the beacon. expect(VmgTokenType.SYM_COLON); expect(VmgTokenType.IDENTIFIER); //Store the token that we will return retTok = p_tok; //TODO: handle errors vmg_linefeed(); return retTok; } private VmgProperty vmg_property(boolean isInVbody) { if (!found(VmgTokenType.IDENTIFIER)) return null; VmgProperty vProp; String params = null; //contentline = [group "."] name *(";" param) ":" value CRLF vProp = new VmgProperty(p_tok.content); //Check for parameters if (found(VmgTokenType.SYM_SCOLON)) { params = c_tok.content; getToken(); //Get the param list while (!found(VmgTokenType.SYM_COLON)) { //Retrieve data until cariage return params += c_tok.content; getToken(); } //Process params: vProp.params = process_params(params); } else if (found(VmgTokenType.SYM_COLON)) { //DO nothing } else { //We have full text. This can happen only when we are inside the vbody beacon. //If it is not the case, simply return an error. if (isInVbody) { vProp.value = + vProp.value; //Change the property to text = "TEXT"; } else //TODO: add line number in the backlog. log.severe("Non standard property. VMG is not well formatted."); } //READ value while (true) { //Check previous character if (found_nostep(VmgTokenType.CRLF)) { //Retrieve data until cariage return if (p_tok.type != VmgTokenType.SYM_EQUAL) break; else if (!vProp.params.quoted_printable) break; } if (found_nostep(VmgTokenType.LINEFEED)) break; getToken(); vProp.value += p_tok.content; } getToken(); return vProp; } private VCard vmg_vcard() { VmgToken tok; String vcard_txt; //TODO: add check for the number of originator. //Get the entire vcard: vcard_txt = "BEGIN:VCARD\n"; while (!found_nostep(VmgTokenType.ID_END)) { vcard_txt += c_tok.content; getToken(); } if ((tok = vmg_end()) == null) { log.severe("End of the vcard is mis-formated."); //TODO: stop algorithm. } if (!tok.content.equals("VCARD")) { log.severe(" Vcard is not closed properly (" + p_tok.content + ")"); } //Parse vcard: vcard_txt += "END:VCARD"; return Ezvcard.parse(vcard_txt).first(); } private VmgEnvelope vmg_envelope() { /*"BEGIN:VENV"<CRLF> * { * [<vmessage-recipient>]* * <vmessage-envelope> * | <vmessage-content> * } * "END:VENV"<CRLF> */ VmgEnvelope vE = new VmgEnvelope(); VmgToken tok; List<VCard> vOriginator = null; while (true) { //Check the next environment: if ((tok = vmg_begin()) == null) { log.severe("Bad VMG formatting: I expected \"BEGIN\""); return null; } if (!tok.content.equals("VCARD")) break; //[<vmessage-recipient>]* VCard vC = vmg_vcard(); if (vC != null) { if (vOriginator == null) { vOriginator = new ArrayList<VCard>(); } vOriginator.add(vC); } else { log.severe("EzVcard library wasn't able to parse correctly the vcard."); return null; } //TODO: handle correctly linefeed if (found(VmgTokenType.LINEFEED)) System.out.println("Linefeed detected after the vcard. This VMG does not respect the RFC norm!"); } //Fullfill the vEnv with the new list of originator. vE.setvOriginator(vOriginator); //<vmessage-envelope>* if (tok.content.equals("VENV")) { vE.setvEnv(vmg_envelope()); //recursively enter into the venveloppe. } else if (tok.content.equals("VBODY")) { // <vmessage-content> //Handle vbody VmgBody vB; if (parseVBody) vB = vmg_body_extended(); else vB = vmg_body(); if (vB != null) { vE.setvBody(vB); // System.out.println("[VBody]"); // System.out.print(vB.toString()); // System.out.println("end [VBody]"); } } else { //error log.severe("TO HANDLE"); } return vE; } private VmgBody vmg_body() { String bodyContent = ""; VmgToken tok; while (!found_nostep(VmgTokenType.ID_END)) { bodyContent += c_tok.content; getToken(); //TODO: handle correctly the \n that can occurs at the end of the string. //MUST be handled in the extended version of the VmgBody } if ((tok = vmg_end()) == null) { log.severe("End of the vbody is mis-formated."); return null; //TODO: stop algorithm. } if (!tok.content.equals("VBODY")) { log.severe(" Vbody is not closed properly (" + p_tok.content + ")"); return null; } //Create a new vbody object return new VmgBody(bodyContent); } /* private String streamToString(InputStream in) throws IOException { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); for(String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) out.append(line); br.close(); return out.toString(); }*/ private VmgBodyExtended vmg_body_extended() { VmgProperty vP = null; VmgBodyExtended vBe = new VmgBodyExtended(); List<VmgProperty> properties = vBe.getvProp(); QuotedPrintableCodec decoder = new QuotedPrintableCodec(); while ((vP = vmg_property(true)) != null) { if ((vP.params != null) && (vP.params.quoted_printable)) { //Process quoted printable: try { vP.value = decoder.decode(vP.value); } catch (DecoderException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.warning("Impossible to decode the property containing quoted printable text."); } } if ("TEXT")) //Retrieve text from the VMG { vBe.setContent(vP.value); } else if ("DATE")) //Retrieve date from the VMG. { boolean date_parse_suceed = false; for (DateTimeFormatter dtf : date_patterns) { try { LocalDateTime lDate = LocalDateTime.parse(vP.value, dtf); vBe.setDate(lDate); date_parse_suceed = true; break; } catch (DateTimeParseException e) { } } if (!date_parse_suceed) { log.warning("Can't parse date."); } } properties.add(vP); //System.out.println(vP.toString()); } return vBe; } public VmgObj vmg_object(boolean parseBody) { VmgObj vmg; VmgProperty vP; List<VmgProperty> vObjPro = null; VCard vC; List<VCard> vObjVcards = null; VmgEnvelope vE; VmgToken tok; this.parseVBody = parseBody; //Instantiate a new VmgObject: vmg = new VmgObj(); /* * <vmessage-object> ::= { * "BEGIN:VMSG" <CRLF> * <vmessage-property>* * [<vmessage-originator>]* * <vmessage-envelope> * "END:VMSG" <CRLF> * } */ //Read the first token: getToken(); // "BEGIN:VMSG" : check the version of the vMessage if ((tok = vmg_begin()) == null) { //TODO: handle error System.out.println("Error!"); } if (!tok.content.equals("VMSG")) { //TODO: handle error System.out.println("Error!"); } //Check that we have the correct version of VMG, that is VERSION:1.1 expect(VmgTokenType.ID_VERSION); expect(VmgTokenType.SYM_COLON); expect(VmgTokenType.NUMBER); if (!p_tok.content.equals("1.1")) { log.severe(" VMG version is invalid. Only version 1.1 is supported."); return null; } //The version is fine, let's instantiate the first property. vP = new VmgProperty("VERSION"); vP.value = "1.1"; vObjPro = vmg.getvProp(); vObjPro.add(vP); //Prevent bad linefeed formatting. vmg_linefeed(); //If the VMSG respect the vCard syntax starting from version 4.0, \r\n is replaced //by a single \n log.fine("[VMSG]"); // <vmessage-property>* //Get the list of properties in order to modify it. There is at least one property: the version. while ((vP = vmg_property(false)) != null) { if ("X-IRMC-BOX")) { //Parse Inbox/Outbox values. if (vP.value.equalsIgnoreCase("SENTBOX")) { vmg.setXIBox(XIrmcBox.SENTBOX); } else if (vP.value.equalsIgnoreCase("INBOX")) { vmg.setXIBox(XIrmcBox.INBOX); } else if (vP.value.equalsIgnoreCase("OUTBOX")) { vmg.setXIBox(XIrmcBox.OUTBOX); } } else if ("X-IRMC-STATUS")) { if (vP.value.equalsIgnoreCase("READ")) { vmg.setXIStatus(XIrmcStatus.READ); } else if (vP.value.equalsIgnoreCase("UNREAD")) { vmg.setXIStatus(XIrmcStatus.UNREAD); } } vObjPro.add(vP); //System.out.println(vP.toString()); } //Fullfill the VMG with the new list of originator. TODO: is it useful? vmg.setvProp(vObjPro); // [<vmessage-originator>]* (make it optional because of brackets. []) while (true) { if ((tok = vmg_begin()) == null) { log.severe("Bad VMG formatting: I expected \"BEGIN\""); return null; } if (!tok.content.equals("VCARD")) break; vC = vmg_vcard(); if (vC != null) { //We have successfully retrieved a vCard. If it's the first vcard we encounter, initialize it. if (vObjVcards == null) { vObjVcards = new ArrayList<VCard>(); } vObjVcards.add(vC); //System.out.println("[VCard]"); //for (Telephone phone : vC.getTelephoneNumbers()) { // System.out.println(phone.getText()); //} //System.out.println("end [VCard]"); } else { log.severe("EzVcard library wasn't able to parse correctly the vcard."); return null; } if (found(VmgTokenType.LINEFEED)) System.out.println("Linefeed detected after the vcard. This VMG does not respect the RFC norm!"); } //Fullfill the VMG with the new list of originator. vmg.setvOriginator(vObjVcards); //<vmessage-envelope> if (!tok.content.equals("VENV")) { log.severe("Bad VMG formatting: I expected an enveloppe, and got \"" + tok.content + "\" instead."); return null; } if ((vE = vmg_envelope()) == null) { log.severe("Bad VMG formatting: the returned enveloppe is not valid."); return null; } vmg.setvEnv(vE); return vmg; } private ParamType process_params(String param_string) { ParamType param = new ParamType(); //Split string into params (separated by ; scolon) String[] params = param_string.split(";"); for (String string : params) { switch (string) { //TODO: make this proper. case "ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE": param.quoted_printable = true; break; case "CHARSET=UTF-8": param.charset_utf8 = true; break; case "CHARSET=ISO-8859-1": param.charset_iso8859_1 = true; break; default: System.out.println("UNKNOWN PARAMETER"); } } return param; } private void getToken() { p_tok = c_tok; c_tok = lexer.get(); } }