Java tutorial
// Copyright 2013-2017 Esko Luontola and other Retrolambda contributors // This software is released under the Apache License 2.0. // The license text is at package net.orfjackal.retrolambda; import net.orfjackal.retrolambda.interfaces.*; import net.orfjackal.retrolambda.lambdas.*; import net.orfjackal.retrolambda.requirenonnull.RequireNonNull; import net.orfjackal.retrolambda.trywithresources.SwallowSuppressedExceptions; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class Transformers { private final int targetVersion; private final boolean defaultMethodsEnabled; private final ClassAnalyzer analyzer; public Transformers(int targetVersion, boolean defaultMethodsEnabled, ClassAnalyzer analyzer) { this.targetVersion = targetVersion; this.defaultMethodsEnabled = defaultMethodsEnabled; this.analyzer = analyzer; } public byte[] backportLambdaClass(ClassReader reader) { return transform(reader, (next) -> { if (defaultMethodsEnabled) { // Lambda classes are generated dynamically, so they were not // part of the original analytics and must be analyzed now, // in case they implement interfaces with default methods. analyzer.analyze(reader); next = new UpdateRelocatedMethodInvocations(next, analyzer); next = new AddMethodDefaultImplementations(next, analyzer); } else { next = new UpdateRelocatedMethodInvocations(next, analyzer); // needed for lambdas in an interface's constant initializer } next = new BackportLambdaClass(next); return next; }); } public byte[] backportClass(ClassReader reader) { return transform(reader, (next) -> { if (defaultMethodsEnabled) { next = new UpdateRelocatedMethodInvocations(next, analyzer); next = new AddMethodDefaultImplementations(next, analyzer); } next = new BackportLambdaInvocations(next, analyzer); return next; }); } public List<byte[]> backportInterface(ClassReader reader) { // The lambdas must be backported only once, because bad things will happen if a lambda // is called by different class name in the interface and its companion class, and then // the wrong one of them is written to disk last. ClassNode lambdasBackported = new ClassNode(); ClassVisitor next = lambdasBackported; next = new BackportLambdaInvocations(next, analyzer); reader.accept(next, 0); List<byte[]> results = new ArrayList<>(); results.add(backportInterface2(lambdasBackported)); results.addAll(extractInterfaceCompanion(lambdasBackported)); return results; } private byte[] backportInterface2(ClassNode clazz) { return transform(clazz, (next) -> { if (defaultMethodsEnabled) { next = new RemoveStaticMethods(next); next = new RemoveDefaultMethodBodies(next); next = new UpdateRelocatedMethodInvocations(next, analyzer); } else { // XXX: It would be better to remove only those static methods which are lambda implementation methods, // but that would either require the use of naming patterns (not guaranteed to work with every Java compiler) // or passing around information that which relocated static methods are because of lambdas. next = new RemoveStaticMethods(next); // needed for lambdas in an interface's constant initializer next = new WarnAboutDefaultAndStaticMethods(next); } next = new RemoveBridgeMethods(next); return next; }); } private List<byte[]> extractInterfaceCompanion(ClassNode clazz) { Optional<Type> companion = analyzer.getCompanionClass(Type.getObjectType(; if (!companion.isPresent()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Arrays.asList(transform(clazz, (next) -> { next = new UpdateRelocatedMethodInvocations(next, analyzer); next = new ExtractInterfaceCompanionClass(next, companion.get()); return next; })); } private byte[] transform(ClassNode node, ClassVisitorChain chain) { return transform(, node::accept, chain); } private byte[] transform(ClassReader reader, ClassVisitorChain chain) { return transform(reader.getClassName(), cv -> reader.accept(cv, 0), chain); } private byte[] transform(String className, Consumer<ClassVisitor> reader, ClassVisitorChain chain) { try { ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); ClassVisitor next = writer; next = new LowerBytecodeVersion(next, targetVersion); if (targetVersion < Opcodes.V1_7) { next = new SwallowSuppressedExceptions(next); next = new RemoveMethodHandlesLookupReferences(next); next = new RequireNonNull(next); } next = new FixInvokeStaticOnInterfaceMethod(next); next = new UpdateRenamedEnclosingMethods(next, analyzer); next = chain.wrap(next); reader.accept(next); return writer.toByteArray(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to backport class: " + className, t); } } private interface ClassVisitorChain { ClassVisitor wrap(ClassVisitor next); } }