Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 The AppAuth for Android Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.openid.appauth; import static net.openid.appauth.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static net.openid.appauth.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import net.openid.appauth.AuthorizationException.GeneralErrors; import net.openid.appauth.connectivity.ConnectionBuilder; import net.openid.appauth.connectivity.DefaultConnectionBuilder; import net.openid.appauth.internal.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; /** * Configuration details required to interact with an authorization service. */ public class AuthorizationServiceConfiguration { /** * The standard base path for well-known resources on domains. * * @see "Defining Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (RFC 5785) * <>" */ public static final String WELL_KNOWN_PATH = ".well-known"; /** * The standard resource under {@link #WELL_KNOWN_PATH .well-known} at which an OpenID Connect * discovery document can be found under an issuer's base URI. * * @see "OpenID Connect discovery 1.0 * <>" */ public static final String OPENID_CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE = "openid-configuration"; private static final String KEY_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "authorizationEndpoint"; private static final String KEY_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "tokenEndpoint"; private static final String KEY_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT = "registrationEndpoint"; private static final String KEY_DISCOVERY_DOC = "discoveryDoc"; /** * The authorization service's endpoint. */ @NonNull public final Uri authorizationEndpoint; /** * The authorization service's token exchange and refresh endpoint. */ @NonNull public final Uri tokenEndpoint; /** * The authorization service's client registration endpoint. */ @Nullable public final Uri registrationEndpoint; /** * The discovery document describing the service, if it is an OpenID Connect provider. */ @Nullable public final AuthorizationServiceDiscovery discoveryDoc; /** * Creates a service configuration for a basic OAuth2 provider. * * @param authorizationEndpoint The * [authorization endpoint URI]( * for the service. * @param tokenEndpoint The * [token endpoint URI]( * for the service. */ public AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(@NonNull Uri authorizationEndpoint, @NonNull Uri tokenEndpoint, @Nullable Uri registrationEndpoint) { this.authorizationEndpoint = checkNotNull(authorizationEndpoint); this.tokenEndpoint = checkNotNull(tokenEndpoint); this.registrationEndpoint = registrationEndpoint; this.discoveryDoc = null; } /** * Creates an service configuration for an OpenID Connect provider, based on its * {@link AuthorizationServiceDiscovery discovery document}. * * @param discoveryDoc The OpenID Connect discovery document which describes this service. */ public AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(@NonNull AuthorizationServiceDiscovery discoveryDoc) { checkNotNull(discoveryDoc, "docJson cannot be null"); this.discoveryDoc = discoveryDoc; this.authorizationEndpoint = discoveryDoc.getAuthorizationEndpoint(); this.tokenEndpoint = discoveryDoc.getTokenEndpoint(); this.registrationEndpoint = discoveryDoc.getRegistrationEndpoint(); } /** * Converts the authorization service configuration to JSON for storage or transmission. */ @NonNull public JSONObject toJson() { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JsonUtil.put(json, KEY_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, authorizationEndpoint.toString()); JsonUtil.put(json, KEY_TOKEN_ENDPOINT, tokenEndpoint.toString()); if (registrationEndpoint != null) { JsonUtil.put(json, KEY_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT, registrationEndpoint.toString()); } if (discoveryDoc != null) { JsonUtil.put(json, KEY_DISCOVERY_DOC, discoveryDoc.docJson); } return json; } /** * Converts the authorization service configuration to a JSON string for storage or * transmission. */ public String toJsonString() { return toJson().toString(); } /** * Reads an Authorization service configuration from a JSON representation produced by the * {@link #toJson()} method or some other equivalent producer. * * @throws JSONException if the provided JSON does not match the expected structure. */ @NonNull public static AuthorizationServiceConfiguration fromJson(@NonNull JSONObject json) throws JSONException { checkNotNull(json, "json object cannot be null"); if (json.has(KEY_DISCOVERY_DOC)) { try { AuthorizationServiceDiscovery discoveryDoc = new AuthorizationServiceDiscovery( json.optJSONObject(KEY_DISCOVERY_DOC)); return new AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(discoveryDoc); } catch (AuthorizationServiceDiscovery.MissingArgumentException ex) { throw new JSONException("Missing required field in discovery doc: " + ex.getMissingField()); } } else { checkArgument(json.has(KEY_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT), "missing authorizationEndpoint"); checkArgument(json.has(KEY_TOKEN_ENDPOINT), "missing tokenEndpoint"); return new AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(JsonUtil.getUri(json, KEY_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT), JsonUtil.getUri(json, KEY_TOKEN_ENDPOINT), JsonUtil.getUriIfDefined(json, KEY_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT)); } } /** * Reads an Authorization service configuration from a JSON representation produced by the * {@link #toJson()} method or some other equivalent producer. * * @throws JSONException if the provided JSON does not match the expected structure. */ public static AuthorizationServiceConfiguration fromJson(@NonNull String jsonStr) throws JSONException { checkNotNull(jsonStr, "json cannot be null"); return AuthorizationServiceConfiguration.fromJson(new JSONObject(jsonStr)); } /** * Fetch an AuthorizationServiceConfiguration from an OpenID Connect issuer URI. * This method is equivalent to {@link #fetchFromUrl(Uri, RetrieveConfigurationCallback)}, * but automatically appends the OpenID connect well-known configuration path to the * URI. * * @param openIdConnectIssuerUri The issuer URI, e.g. "" * @param callback The callback to invoke upon completion. * * @see "OpenID Connect discovery 1.0 * <>" */ public static void fetchFromIssuer(@NonNull Uri openIdConnectIssuerUri, @NonNull RetrieveConfigurationCallback callback) { fetchFromUrl(buildConfigurationUriFromIssuer(openIdConnectIssuerUri), callback); } static Uri buildConfigurationUriFromIssuer(Uri openIdConnectIssuerUri) { return openIdConnectIssuerUri.buildUpon().appendPath(WELL_KNOWN_PATH) .appendPath(OPENID_CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE).build(); } /** * Fetch a AuthorizationServiceConfiguration from an OpenID Connect discovery URI, using * the {@link DefaultConnectionBuilder default connection builder}. * * @param openIdConnectDiscoveryUri The OpenID Connect discovery URI * @param callback A callback to invoke upon completion * * @see "OpenID Connect discovery 1.0 * <>" */ public static void fetchFromUrl(@NonNull Uri openIdConnectDiscoveryUri, @NonNull RetrieveConfigurationCallback callback) { fetchFromUrl(openIdConnectDiscoveryUri, callback, DefaultConnectionBuilder.INSTANCE); } /** * Fetch a AuthorizationServiceConfiguration from an OpenID Connect discovery URI. * * @param openIdConnectDiscoveryUri The OpenID Connect discovery URI * @param connectionBuilder The connection builder that is used to establish a connection * to the resource server. * @param callback A callback to invoke upon completion * * @see "OpenID Connect discovery 1.0 * <>" */ public static void fetchFromUrl(@NonNull Uri openIdConnectDiscoveryUri, @NonNull RetrieveConfigurationCallback callback, @NonNull ConnectionBuilder connectionBuilder) { checkNotNull(openIdConnectDiscoveryUri, "openIDConnectDiscoveryUri cannot be null"); checkNotNull(callback, "callback cannot be null"); checkNotNull(connectionBuilder, "connectionBuilder must not be null"); new ConfigurationRetrievalAsyncTask(openIdConnectDiscoveryUri, connectionBuilder, callback).execute(); } /** * Callback interface for configuration retrieval. * @see AuthorizationServiceConfiguration#fetchFromUrl(Uri,RetrieveConfigurationCallback) */ public interface RetrieveConfigurationCallback { /** * Invoked when the retrieval of the discovery doc completes successfully or fails. * * <p>Exactly one of `serviceConfiguration` or `ex` will be non-null. If * `serviceConfiguration` is `null`, a failure occurred during the request. This * can happen if a bad URL was provided, no connection to the server could be established, * or the retrieved JSON is incomplete or badly formatted. * * @param serviceConfiguration the service configuration that can be used to initialize * the {@link AuthorizationService}, if retrieval was successful; `null` otherwise. * @param ex the exception that caused an error. */ void onFetchConfigurationCompleted(@Nullable AuthorizationServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, @Nullable AuthorizationException ex); } /** * ASyncTask that tries to retrieve the discover document and gives the callback with the * values retrieved from the discovery document. In case of retrieval error, the exception * is handed back to the callback. */ private static class ConfigurationRetrievalAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, AuthorizationServiceConfiguration> { private Uri mUri; private ConnectionBuilder mConnectionBuilder; private RetrieveConfigurationCallback mCallback; private AuthorizationException mException; ConfigurationRetrievalAsyncTask(Uri uri, ConnectionBuilder connectionBuilder, RetrieveConfigurationCallback callback) { mUri = uri; mConnectionBuilder = connectionBuilder; mCallback = callback; mException = null; } @Override protected AuthorizationServiceConfiguration doInBackground(Void... voids) { InputStream is = null; try { HttpURLConnection conn = mConnectionBuilder.openConnection(mUri); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.connect(); is = conn.getInputStream(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(Utils.readInputStream(is)); AuthorizationServiceDiscovery discovery = new AuthorizationServiceDiscovery(json); return new AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(discovery); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.errorWithStack(ex, "Network error when retrieving discovery document"); mException = AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.NETWORK_ERROR, ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.errorWithStack(ex, "Error parsing discovery document"); mException = AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.JSON_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, ex); } catch (AuthorizationServiceDiscovery.MissingArgumentException ex) { Logger.errorWithStack(ex, "Malformed discovery document"); mException = AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.INVALID_DISCOVERY_DOCUMENT, ex); } finally { Utils.closeQuietly(is); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(AuthorizationServiceConfiguration configuration) { if (mException != null) { mCallback.onFetchConfigurationCompleted(null, mException); } else { mCallback.onFetchConfigurationCompleted(configuration, null); } } } }