Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of OpenByte IDE, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) TorchPowered 2016 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * Created by JFormDesigner on Tue Jan 05 19:21:12 ICT 2016 */ package net.openbyte.gui; import net.lingala.zip4j.core.ZipFile; import net.openbyte.Launch; import; import; import; import; import; import net.openbyte.enums.MinecraftVersion; import net.openbyte.enums.ModificationAPI; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import; import org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnector; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.*; /** * @author Gary Lee */ public class CreateProjectFrame extends JFrame { private JFrame previousFrame; private File projectFolder; private String projectName; private MinecraftVersion version; private ModificationAPI api; private final ProgressMonitor monitor = new ProgressMonitor(this, "Setting up your project...", "Creating project directory...", 0, 100);; public CreateProjectFrame(JFrame previousFrame) { this.previousFrame = previousFrame; initComponents(); } private void button2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setVisible(false); previousFrame.setVisible(true); } private void button1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!(Launch.nameToSolution.get(textField1.getText()) == null)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Project has already been created.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } ModificationAPI modificationAPI = ModificationAPI.MINECRAFT_FORGE; String apiName = (String) comboBox1.getSelectedItem(); if (apiName.equals("MCP")) { modificationAPI = ModificationAPI.MCP; } if (apiName.equals("Bukkit")) { modificationAPI = ModificationAPI.BUKKIT; } MinecraftVersion minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.BOUNTIFUL_UPDATE; if (((String) comboBox2.getSelectedItem()).equals("1.7.10")) { minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.THE_UPDATE_THAT_CHANGED_THE_WORLD; } if (modificationAPI == ModificationAPI.MCP) { minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.COMBAT_UPDATE; String version = (String) comboBox2.getSelectedItem(); if (version.equals("1.8.9")) { minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.BOUNTIFUL_UPDATE; } if (version.equals("1.7.10")) { minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.THE_UPDATE_THAT_CHANGED_THE_WORLD; } } if (modificationAPI == ModificationAPI.BUKKIT) { minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.COMBAT_UPDATE; } this.version = minecraftVersion; this.api = modificationAPI; setVisible(false); //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "We're working on setting up the project. When we are ready, a window will show up.", "Working on project creation", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); this.projectName = textField1.getText(); SwingWorker<Void, Void> worker = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { doOperations(); return null; } }; monitor.setMillisToPopup(0); monitor.setMillisToDecideToPopup(0); monitor.setProgress(1); worker.execute(); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { projectFolder.delete(); new File(Files.WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY, projectName + ".openproj").delete(); return; } } public void doOperations() { createProjectFolder(); monitor.setProgress(20); monitor.setNote("Creating solution for project..."); createSolutionFile(); monitor.setNote("Creating library solution for project..."); createLibrarySolution(); monitor.setProgress(60); monitor.setNote("Cloning API..."); cloneAPI(); monitor.setProgress(90); monitor.setNote("Decompiling Minecraft..."); if (this.api == ModificationAPI.MCP) { if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c decompile.bat", null, projectFolder); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { CommandLine commandLine = CommandLine.parse("python " + new File(new File(projectFolder, "runtime"), "").getAbsolutePath() + " $@"); File runtimePythonDirectory = new File(projectFolder, "runtime"); File decompilePython = new File(runtimePythonDirectory, ""); CommandLine authPy = CommandLine.parse("chmod 755 " + decompilePython.getAbsolutePath()); DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); executor.setWorkingDirectory(projectFolder); executor.execute(authPy); executor.execute(commandLine); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (this.api == ModificationAPI.MINECRAFT_FORGE) { GradleConnector.newConnector().forProjectDirectory(projectFolder).connect().newBuild() .setJvmArguments("-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit").forTasks("setupDecompWorkspace").run(); } monitor.close(); WelcomeFrame welcomeFrame = new WelcomeFrame(); welcomeFrame.setVisible(true); } private void createProjectFolder() { this.projectFolder = new File(Files.WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY, projectName); projectFolder.mkdir(); } private void createSolutionFile() { File solutionFile = new File(Files.WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY, projectName + ".openproj"); Files.createNewFile(projectName + ".openproj", Files.WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY); OpenProjectSolution solution = OpenProjectSolution.getProjectSolutionFromFile(solutionFile); solution.setProjectFolder(this.projectFolder); solution.setProjectName(projectName); solution.setModificationAPI(this.api); } private void createLibrarySolution() { File libraryFile = new File(this.projectFolder, "libraries.json"); try { libraryFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } LibraryDataFormat format = new LibraryDataFormat(); format.libraries = new ArrayList<LibraryEntry>(); try { LibrarySerializer.serialize(libraryFile, format); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void cloneAPI() { if (this.api == ModificationAPI.MINECRAFT_FORGE) { String link; if (this.version == MinecraftVersion.BOUNTIFUL_UPDATE) { // too old -> link = ""; link = ""; } else { link = ""; } File forgeZip = new File(projectFolder, ""); try { URL url = new URL(link); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, forgeZip); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(forgeZip); zipFile.extractAll(projectFolder.getAbsolutePath()); forgeZip.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this.api == ModificationAPI.MCP) { String link = ""; ; if (this.version == MinecraftVersion.BOUNTIFUL_UPDATE) { link = ""; } if (this.version == MinecraftVersion.THE_UPDATE_THAT_CHANGED_THE_WORLD) { link = ""; } File mcpZip = new File(projectFolder, ""); try { URL url = new URL(link); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, mcpZip); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(mcpZip); zipFile.extractAll(projectFolder.getAbsolutePath()); mcpZip.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this.api == ModificationAPI.BUKKIT) { String link = ""; File apiFolder = new File(projectFolder, "api"); apiFolder.mkdirs(); File apiJar = new File(apiFolder, "bukkit.jar"); try { URL url = new URL(link); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, apiJar); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } File src = new File(projectFolder, "src"); File main = new File(src, "main"); File java = new File(main, "java"); File resources = new File(main, "resources"); src.mkdir(); main.mkdir(); java.mkdir(); resources.mkdir(); } } private void comboBox1ItemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { if (comboBox1.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { // mcp if (!System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Python is required for MCP, please make sure you have Python installed.", "Notification", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } String[] versions = new String[] { "1.9", "1.8.9", "1.7.10" }; DefaultComboBoxModel mcpModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(versions); comboBox2.setModel(mcpModel); return; } if (comboBox1.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { // mcforge String[] versions = new String[] { "1.8.9", "1.7.10" }; DefaultComboBoxModel forgeModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(versions); comboBox2.setModel(forgeModel); return; } if (((String) comboBox1.getSelectedItem()).equals("Bukkit")) { // bukkit JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Bukkit is solely ONLY the API, not the implementation!", "Notification", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); String[] versions = new String[] { "1.9" }; DefaultComboBoxModel bukkitModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(versions); comboBox2.setModel(bukkitModel); return; } } } private void initComponents() { // JFormDesigner - Component initialization - DO NOT MODIFY //GEN-BEGIN:initComponents // Generated using JFormDesigner Evaluation license - Gary Lee button1 = new JButton(); textField1 = new JTextField(); label1 = new JLabel(); comboBox1 = new JComboBox<>(); label2 = new JLabel(); comboBox2 = new JComboBox<>(); label3 = new JLabel(); button2 = new JButton(); //======== this ======== setTitle("Project Creation"); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); setResizable(false); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(null); //---- button1 ---- button1.setText("Create project"); button1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { button1ActionPerformed(e); } }); contentPane.add(button1); button1.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(340, 170), button1.getPreferredSize())); contentPane.add(textField1); textField1.setBounds(10, 25, 245, textField1.getPreferredSize().height); //---- label1 ---- label1.setText("Project Name"); contentPane.add(label1); label1.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(10, 5), label1.getPreferredSize())); //---- comboBox1 ---- comboBox1.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<>(new String[] { "Minecraft Forge", "MCP", "Bukkit" })); comboBox1.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { comboBox1ItemStateChanged(e); } }); contentPane.add(comboBox1); comboBox1.setBounds(10, 70, 245, comboBox1.getPreferredSize().height); //---- label2 ---- label2.setText("Modification API"); contentPane.add(label2); label2.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(10, 50), label2.getPreferredSize())); //---- comboBox2 ---- comboBox2.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<>(new String[] { "1.8.9", "1.7.10" })); contentPane.add(comboBox2); comboBox2.setBounds(10, 120, 245, comboBox2.getPreferredSize().height); //---- label3 ---- label3.setText("Minecraft Version"); contentPane.add(label3); label3.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(10, 100), label3.getPreferredSize())); //---- button2 ---- button2.setText("Cancel"); button2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { button2ActionPerformed(e); } }); contentPane.add(button2); button2.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(10, 170), button2.getPreferredSize())); { // compute preferred size Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(); for (int i = 0; i < contentPane.getComponentCount(); i++) { Rectangle bounds = contentPane.getComponent(i).getBounds(); preferredSize.width = Math.max(bounds.x + bounds.width, preferredSize.width); preferredSize.height = Math.max(bounds.y + bounds.height, preferredSize.height); } Insets insets = contentPane.getInsets(); preferredSize.width += insets.right; preferredSize.height += insets.bottom; contentPane.setMinimumSize(preferredSize); contentPane.setPreferredSize(preferredSize); } setSize(480, 240); setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()); // JFormDesigner - End of component initialization //GEN-END:initComponents } // JFormDesigner - Variables declaration - DO NOT MODIFY //GEN-BEGIN:variables // Generated using JFormDesigner Evaluation license - Gary Lee private JButton button1; private JTextField textField1; private JLabel label1; private JComboBox<String> comboBox1; private JLabel label2; private JComboBox<String> comboBox2; private JLabel label3; private JButton button2; // JFormDesigner - End of variables declaration //GEN-END:variables }