Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 1&1 Internet AG, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.oneandone.stool.setup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.oneandone.inline.Console; import net.oneandone.stool.cli.Import; import net.oneandone.stool.cli.Main; import net.oneandone.stool.configuration.Bedroom; import net.oneandone.stool.configuration.StageConfiguration; import net.oneandone.stool.configuration.StoolConfiguration; import net.oneandone.stool.util.Environment; import net.oneandone.stool.util.Logging; import net.oneandone.stool.util.Session; import net.oneandone.sushi.fs.file.FileNode; import net.oneandone.sushi.util.Diff; import net.oneandone.sushi.util.Separator; import net.oneandone.sushi.util.Strings; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class UpgradeBuilder { private final Environment environment; private final Console console; private final Home home; private final FileNode from; // assigned during upgrade: private StoolConfiguration stoolRaw; private Session session = null; private String currentStage = null; /** maps names to ids */ private Map<String, String> stages = new HashMap<>(); public UpgradeBuilder(Environment envivonment, Console console, Home home, FileNode from) { this.environment = envivonment; this.console = console; this.home = home; this.from = from; } public String version() throws IOException { return from.join("version").readString().trim(); } public void run(boolean withConfig) throws IOException { String oldVersion; String newVersion; Upgrade stage33_34; newVersion = Main.versionString(from.getWorld()); oldVersion = version(); if (!oldVersion.startsWith("3.3.")) { throw new IOException("don't know how to upgrade " + oldVersion + " -> " + newVersion); }"upgrade " + oldVersion + " -> " + newVersion); stage33_34 = stage33_34(); all(withConfig, stool33_34(stage33_34), stage33_34); } private void all(boolean withConfig, Upgrade stoolMapper, Upgrade stageMapper) throws IOException { String id; FileNode stage; Logging logging; Import i; if (withConfig) { stool(from, stoolMapper); } else { stoolRaw = StoolConfiguration.load(home.gson(), home.dir); } logging = Logging.forHome(home.dir, environment.detectUser()); session = Session.load(false, home.dir, logging, "upgrade", console, home.dir.getWorld(), null, null); if (!session.listWithoutSystem().isEmpty()) {"warning: ports of existing and not imported stages get lost."); } for (FileNode oldBackstage : from.join("backstages").list()) { id = getId(oldBackstage.join("config.json")); currentStage = oldBackstage.getName(); stages.put(currentStage, id); // always add, because ports file need everything if (home.dir.join("backstages", id).isDirectory()) {"stage already imported, ignored: " + currentStage + " (" + id + ")"); continue; } if ("dashboard".equals(currentStage)) {"not imported: " + currentStage); continue; }"import " + oldBackstage); stage = oldBackstage.join("anchor").resolveLink(); i = new Import(session); i.setUpgradeId(id); i.dirs(stage.getAbsolute()); i.doRun(); transform(oldBackstage.join("config.json"), stage.join(".backstage/config.json"), stageMapper); } ports(); bedroom(); } private void ports() throws IOException { List<String> entries; List<String> out; String name; String id; out = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : from.join("run/ports").readLines()) { entries = Separator.SPACE.split(line); name = entries.get(2); id = stages.get(name); if (id == null) {"note: garbage-collected from ports: " + name); } else { entries.add(3, id); out.add(Separator.SPACE.join(entries)); } } home.dir.join("run/ports").writeLines(out); } private void bedroom() throws IOException { Gson gson; Bedroom old; Bedroom next; String id; gson = home.gson(); old = Bedroom.loadOrCreate(gson, from); next = Bedroom.loadOrCreate(gson, home.dir); for (String name : old) { id = stages.get(name); if (id == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(name); } next.add(gson, id); } } private static String getId(FileNode config) throws IOException { JsonObject json; try (Reader src = config.newReader()) { json = new JsonParser().parse(src).getAsJsonObject(); return json.get("id").getAsString(); } } private void stool(FileNode from, Upgrade stoolMapper) throws IOException { String in; String without; String preliminary; // without the defaults in = from.join("config.json").readString(); without = Transform.transform(in, new Upgrade() { void defaultsRemove() { } }); preliminary = Transform.transform(without, stoolMapper); stoolRaw = home.gson().fromJson(preliminary, StoolConfiguration.class); transform(in, home.dir.join("config.json"), stoolMapper); } private void transform(FileNode src, FileNode dest, Upgrade mapper) throws IOException { transform(src.readString(), dest, mapper); } private void transform(String in, FileNode dest, Upgrade mapper) throws IOException { String out; console.verbose.println("upgrade " + dest.getAbsolute()); out = Transform.transform(in, mapper); if (!in.equals(out)) {"M " + dest.getAbsolute());, out), " ")); dest.writeString(out); } } //-- public Upgrade stool33_34(Upgrade stage33_34) { return new Upgrade() { void promptRemove() { } JsonElement defaultsTransform(JsonElement element) { JsonObject result; JsonObject obj; String url; JsonObject defaults; result = new JsonObject(); obj = element.getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet()) { url = entry.getKey(); defaults = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject(); result.add(url.isEmpty() ? "" : "svn:" + url, migrate(defaults)); } return result; } String contactAdminRename() { return "admin"; } //-- private JsonObject migrate(JsonObject e) { String str; str = Transform.transform(Transform.toString(e), stage33_34); return new JsonParser().parse(str).getAsJsonObject(); } }; } public Upgrade stage33_34() { return new Upgrade() { JsonElement extensionsTransform(JsonElement e) { JsonObject extensions; JsonObject logstash; if (session == null) { // in defaults -- handled in globals below throw new IllegalStateException(); } // in stage extensions = e.getAsJsonObject(); extensions.remove("-pustefix.editor"); extensions.remove("+pustefix.editor"); logstash = new JsonObject(); logstash.add("output", new JsonPrimitive("")); logstash.add("link", new JsonPrimitive("")); extensions.add("-logstash", logstash); return e; } void idRemove() { } void sslUrlRemove() { } void tomcatPermRemove() { } String suffixesRename() { return "url"; } JsonElement suffixesTransform(JsonElement e) { String hostpath; JsonArray array; hostpath = "%h:%p"; if (session == null) { // upgrade defaults - contains a string, not an array array = new JsonArray(); for (String str : Separator.COMMA.split(e.getAsString())) { array.add(str); } } else { array = e.getAsJsonArray(); } if (stoolRaw != null && stoolRaw.vhosts) { hostpath = "%a.%s." + hostpath; } hostpath = hostpath + allSuffixes(array); return new JsonPrimitive("(http|https)://" + hostpath); } JsonElement untilTransform(JsonElement e) { String str; str = e.getAsString(); if ("reserved".equals(str)) { return new JsonPrimitive("never"); } else { return e; } } String untilRename() { return "expire"; } void global(JsonObject src, JsonObject dest) { JsonArray array; if (session == null) { // this call is to upgrade defaults dest.remove("pustefix.editor.version"); dest.remove("pustefix.editor.userdata"); } else { array = new JsonArray(); array.add(new JsonPrimitive(StageConfiguration.NOTIFY_MAINTAINER)); array.add(new JsonPrimitive(StageConfiguration.NOTIFY_CREATOR)); dest.add("notify", array); dest.add("quota", new JsonPrimitive(10000)); dest.add("name", new JsonPrimitive(currentStage)); } } }; } public static String allSuffixes(JsonArray array) { int count; String str; StringBuilder builder; builder = new StringBuilder(); count = 0; for (JsonElement e : array) { str = e.getAsString(); if (str.contains("[]")) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't know how to upgrade suffixes '" + str + "'"); } if (count > 0) { builder.append('|'); } builder.append(str); count++; } return count < 2 ? builder.toString() : "(" + builder.toString() + ")"; } }