Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Coins * * Copyright (C) 2017 Beelzebu * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.nifheim.beelzebu.coins.common.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import net.nifheim.beelzebu.coins.common.CoinsCore; import; /** * * @author Beelzebu */ public class FileManager { private final CoinsCore core; private final File messagesFolder; private final Map<String, File> messagesFiles; private final File configFile; private final File logsFolder; public FileManager(CoinsCore c) { core = c; messagesFolder = new File(core.getDataFolder(), "messages"); messagesFiles = new HashMap<>(); messagesFiles.put("default", new File(messagesFolder, "messages.yml")); messagesFiles.put("es", new File(messagesFolder, "messages_es.yml")); messagesFiles.put("zh", new File(messagesFolder, "messages_zh.yml")); messagesFiles.put("cz", new File(messagesFolder, "messages_cz.yml")); messagesFiles.put("hu", new File(messagesFolder, "messages_hu.yml")); messagesFiles.put("ru", new File(messagesFolder, "messages_ru.yml")); configFile = new File(core.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); logsFolder = new File(core.getDataFolder(), "logs"); } public void copy(InputStream in, File file) { try { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } out.close(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger(FileManager.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Can''t copy the file {0} to the plugin data folder. {1}", new Object[] { file.getName(), e.getMessage() }); } } private void updateConfig() { try { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(configFile, Charsets.UTF_8); int index; if (core.getConfig().getInt("version") == 13) { core.log("The config file is up to date."); } else { switch (core.getConfig().getInt("version")) { case 9: index = lines.indexOf("MySQL:") - 2; lines.addAll(index, Arrays.asList( "# Here you can enable Vault to make this plugin manage all the Vault transactions.", "Vault:", " Use: false", " # Names used by vault for the currency.", " Name:", " Singular: 'Coin'", " Plural: 'Coins'", "")); index = lines.indexOf("version: 9"); lines.set(index, "version: 10"); core.log("Configuraton file updated to v10"); break; case 10: index = lines.indexOf(" Close:") + 1; lines.addAll(index, Arrays.asList( " # To see all possible values check", " Material: REDSTONE_BLOCK", " Name: '&c&lClose'", " Lore:", " - ''", " - '&7Click me to close this gui'")); index = lines.indexOf("version: 10"); lines.set(index, "version: 11"); core.log("Configuraton file updated to v11"); break; case 11: index = lines.indexOf(" Executor Sign:") + 5; lines.addAll(index, Arrays.asList( " # If you want the users to be created when they join to the server, enable this,", " # otherwise the players will be created when his coins are modified or consulted", " # to the database for the first time (recommended for big servers).", " Create Join: false")); index = lines.indexOf("version: 11"); lines.set(index, "version: 12"); core.log("Configuration file updated to v12"); break; case 12: index = lines.indexOf("version: 12"); lines.set(index, "version: 13"); core.log("Configuration file updated to v13"); break; default: core.log( "Seems that you hava a too old version of the config or you canged this to another number >:("); core.log( "We can't update it, if is a old version you should try to update it slow and not jump from a version to another, keep in mind that we keep track of the last 3 versions of the config to update."); break; } } FileUtils.writeLines(configFile, lines); core.getConfig().reload(); } catch (IOException ex) { core.log("An unexpected error occurred while updating the config file."); core.debug(ex.getMessage()); } } private void updateMessages() { try { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(messagesFiles.get("default"), Charsets.UTF_8); int index; if (core.getMessages("").getInt("version") == 6) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 6"); lines.set(index, "version: 7"); index = lines.indexOf("Multipliers:"); lines.remove(index); index = lines.indexOf(" Menu:"); lines.add(index, "Multipliers:"); core.log("Updated messages.yml file to v7"); } if (core.getMessages("").getInt("version") == 7) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 7"); lines.set(index, "version: 8"); index = lines.indexOf(" Menu:") + 2; lines.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(" Confirm:", " Title: '&8Are you sure?'", " Accept: '&aYES!'", " Decline: '&cNope'", " Multipliers:", " Name: '&6Multiplier &cx%amount%'", " Lore:", " - ''", " - '&7Amount: &c%amount%'", " - '&7Server: &c%server%'", " - '&7Minutes: &c%minutes%'", " - ''", " - '&7ID: &c#%id%'", " No Multipliers:", " Name: '&cYou don''t have any multiplier :('", " Lore:", " - ''", " - '&7You can buy multipliers in our store'", " - '&6&'")); core.log("Updated messages.yml file to v8"); } if (core.getMessages("").getInt("version") == 8) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 8"); lines.set(index, "version: 9"); lines.removeAll(Arrays.asList("# Coins messages file.", "# If you need support or find a bug open a issuse in", "# the official github repo", "", "# The version of this file, don't edit!")); lines.addAll(0, Arrays.asList("# Coins messages file.", "# If you need support or find a bug open a issuse in", "# the official github repo", "", "# The version of this file, is used to auto update this file, don't change it", "# unless you know what you do.")); core.log("Updated messages.yml file to v9"); } if (core.getMessages("").getInt("version") == 9) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 9"); lines.set(index, "version: 10"); index = lines.indexOf( " Multiplier Create: '" + core.getMessages("").getString("Help.Multiplier Create") + "'") + 1; lines.add(index, " Multiplier Set: '%prefix% &cPlease use &f/coins multiplier set <amount> <enabler> <minutes> (server)'"); lines.addAll(Arrays.asList(" Set:", " - '%prefix% A multiplier with the following data was set for %server%'", " - ' &7Enabler: &c%enabler%'", " - ' &7Amount: &c%amount%'", " - ' &7Minutes: &c%minutes%'")); core.log("Updated messages.yml file to v10"); } FileUtils.writeLines(messagesFiles.get("default"), lines); } catch (IOException ex) { core.log("An unexpected error occurred while updating the messages.yml file."); core.debug(ex.getMessage()); } try { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(messagesFiles.get("es"), Charsets.UTF_8); int index; if (core.getMessages("es").getInt("version") == 6) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 6"); lines.set(index, "version: 7"); index = lines.indexOf("Multipliers:"); lines.remove(index); index = lines.indexOf(" Menu:"); lines.add(index, "Multipliers:"); core.log("Updated messages_es.yml file to v7"); } if (core.getMessages("es").getInt("version") == 7) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 7"); lines.set(index, "version: 8"); index = lines.indexOf(" Menu:") + 2; lines.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(" Confirm:", " Title: '&8Ests seguro?'", " Accept: '&aSI!'", " Decline: '&cNo'", " Multipliers:", " Name: '&6Multiplicador &cx%amount%'", " Lore:", " - ''", " - '&7Cantidad: &c%amount%'", " - '&7Servidor: &c%server%'", " - '&7Minutos: &c%minutes%'", " - ''", " - '&7ID: &c#%id%'", " No Multipliers:", " Name: '&cNo tienes ningn multiplicador :('", " Lore:", " - ''", " - '&7Puedes comprar multiplicadores en nuestra tienda'", " - '&6&'")); core.log("Updated messages_es.yml file to v8"); } index = lines.indexOf(" - '&6&'\""); if (index != -1) { lines.set(index, " - '&6&'"); } if (core.getMessages("es").getInt("version") == 8) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 8"); lines.set(index, "version: 9"); lines.removeAll(Arrays.asList("# Coins messages file.", "# If you need support or find a bug open a issuse in", "# the official github repo", "", "# The version of this file, don't edit!")); lines.addAll(0, Arrays.asList("# Coins messages file.", "# Si necesitas soporte o encuentras un error por favor abre un ticket en el", "# repositorio oficial de github", "", "# La versin de este archivo, es usado para actualizarlo automticamente, no lo cambies", "# a menos que sepas lo que haces.")); core.log("Updated messages_es.yml file to v9"); } if (core.getMessages("es").getInt("version") == 9) { index = lines.indexOf("version: 9"); lines.set(index, "version: 10"); index = lines.indexOf( " Multiplier Create: '" + core.getMessages("es").getString("Help.Multiplier Create") + "'") + 1; lines.add(index, " Multiplier Set: '%prefix% &cPor favor usa &f/coins multiplier set <cantidad> <activador> <minutos> (server)'"); lines.addAll(Arrays.asList(" Set:", " - '%prefix% Un multiplicador con la siguiente informacin fue establecido en %server%'", " - ' &7Activador: &c%enabler%'", " - ' &7Cantidad: &c%amount%'", " - ' &7Minutos: &c%minutes%'")); core.log("Updated messages_es.yml file to v10"); } if (lines.get(0).startsWith(" Multiplier Set:")) { lines.remove(0); index = lines.indexOf( " Multiplier Create: '" + core.getMessages("es").getString("Help.Multiplier Create") + "'") + 1; lines.add(index, " Multiplier Set: '%prefix% &cPor favor usa &f/coins multiplier set <cantidad> <activador> <minutos> (server)'"); } FileUtils.writeLines(messagesFiles.get("es"), lines); } catch (IOException ex) { core.log("An unexpected error occurred while updating the messages_es.yml file."); core.debug(ex.getMessage()); } } public void copyFiles() { if (!core.getDataFolder().exists()) { core.getDataFolder().mkdirs(); } if (!messagesFolder.exists()) { messagesFolder.mkdirs(); } { File[] files = core.getDataFolder().listFiles(); for (File f : files) { if (f.isFile() && f.getName().startsWith("messages")) { try { Files.move(f.toPath(), new File(messagesFolder, f.getName()).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FileManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "An error has ocurred while moving messages files to the new messages folder.", ex); } } } } messagesFiles.keySet().forEach(filename -> { File messages = messagesFiles.get(filename); if (!messages.exists()) { copy(core.getResource(messages.getName()), messages); } }); if (!configFile.exists()) { copy(core.getResource("config.yml"), configFile); } } public void updateFiles() { checkLogs(); updateMessages(); core.getConfig().reload(); updateConfig(); } private void checkLogs() { if (!logsFolder.exists()) { logsFolder.mkdirs(); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); File latestLog = new File(logsFolder, "latest.log"); if (latestLog.exists()) { try { int filen = 1; while (new File(logsFolder, sdf.format(latestLog.lastModified()) + "-" + filen + ".log.gz") .exists()) { filen++; } gzipFile(Files.newInputStream(latestLog.toPath()), logsFolder + "/" + sdf.format(latestLog.lastModified()) + "-" + filen + ".log.gz"); latestLog.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FileManager.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "An unexpected error has ocurred while trying to compress the latest log file. {0}", ex.getMessage()); } } File[] fList = logsFolder.listFiles(); // Auto purge for old logs for (File file : fList) { if (file.isFile() && file.getName().contains(".gz") && (System.currentTimeMillis() - file.lastModified()) >= core.getConfig().getInt("General.Purge.Logs.Days") * 86400000L) { file.delete(); } } } private void gzipFile(InputStream in, String to) throws IOException { GZIPOutputStream out = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(to)); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } in.close(); out.close(); } }