Java tutorial
/* * from LicenseManager modified Monday, April 8, 2013 13:14:45 CDT (-0500). * * Copyright 2010-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import static*; /** * A command-line tool for generating a public/private key pair. Usage is as follows.<br /> * <br /> * To view usage and help:<br /> * <code>java ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator -help</code><br /> * <br /> * To use interactive mode:<br /> * <code>java ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator -interactive</code><br /> * <br /> * To specify all options at the command line:<br /> * <code>java ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator -password <password> -private <file|class name> -public <file|class name> [-privatePassword <password>] [-classes -passwordClass <class name> -privatePasswordClass <class name> [-privatePackage <package>] [-publicPackage <package>] [-passwordPackage <package>] [-privatePasswordPackage <package>]]</code><br /> * <br /> * Be sure to review the documentation for {@link}, * {@link} and {@link PublicKeyDataProvider} for * further instructions. * * @author Nick Williams * @since 1.0.0 * @version 1.0.0 */ public class ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator { private static final int CLI_WIDTH = 105; private static final String USAGE = " ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator -help\r\n" + " ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator -interactive\r\n" + " ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator -password <password> -private <file|class name> " + "-public <file|class name> [-privatePassword <password>] [-classes " + "-passwordClass <class name> -privatePasswordClass <class name> " + "[-privatePackage <package>] [-publicPackage <package>] " + "[-passwordPackage <package>] [-privatePasswordPackage <package>]]"; private static final Option HELP = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withDescription("Display this help message") .hasArg(false).create("help"); private static final Option INTERACTIVE = CliOptionsBuilder.get() .withDescription("Specify to use interactive mode and ignore command-line options").isRequired(false) .hasArg(false).create("interactive"); private static final Option GENERATE_CLASSES = CliOptionsBuilder.get() .withDescription("Specify to generate compilable Java classes instead of key files").isRequired(false) .hasArg(false).create("classes"); private static final Option PRIVATE_FILE = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("file|class name") .withDescription("The name of the private key file or class to generate (required unless in " + "interactive mode)") .isRequired(true).hasArg(true).create("private"); private static final Option PRIVATE_PACKAGE = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("package") .withDescription("The name of the package to use for the private key class (optional, ignored unless " + "generating classes)") .isRequired(false).hasArg(true).create("privatePackage"); private static final Option PUBLIC_FILE = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("file|class name") .withDescription("The name of the public key file or class to generate (required unless in " + "interactive mode)") .isRequired(true).hasArg(true).create("public"); private static final Option PUBLIC_PACKAGE = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("package") .withDescription("The name of the package to use for the public key class (optional, ignored unless " + "generating classes)") .isRequired(false).hasArg(true).create("publicPackage"); private static final Option PASSWORD = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("password").withDescription( "The password to use to encrypt the public and private keys (required unless in " + "interactive mode)") .isRequired(true).hasArg(true).create("password"); private static final Option PASSWORD_CLASS = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("class name").withDescription( "The name of the password storage class to generate (optional, ignored unless " + "generating classes)") .isRequired(false).hasArg(true).create("passwordClass"); private static final Option PASSWORD_PACKAGE = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("package") .withDescription("The name of the package to use for the password storage class (optional, ignored " + "unless generating classes)") .isRequired(false).hasArg(true).create("passwordPackage"); private static final Option PRIVATE_PASSWORD = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("password") .withDescription("A different password to use to encrypt the private key (optional)").isRequired(false) .hasArg(true).create("privatePassword"); private static final Option PRIVATE_PASSWORD_CLASS = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("class name") .withDescription("The name of the private key password storage class to generate (optional, ignored " + "unless generating classes)") .isRequired(false).hasArg(true).create("privatePasswordClass"); private static final Option PRIVATE_PASSWORD_PACKAGE = CliOptionsBuilder.get().withArgName("package") .withDescription("The name of the package to use for the private key password storage class (optional, " + "ignored unless generating classes)") .isRequired(false).hasArg(true).create("privatePasswordPackage"); private final RSAKeyPairGeneratorInterface generator; private final TextInterfaceDevice device; private final CommandLineParser cliParser; protected CommandLine cli = null; protected boolean interactive = false; protected ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator(RSAKeyPairGeneratorInterface generator, TextInterfaceDevice textInterfaceDevice, CommandLineParser cliParser) { this.generator = generator; this.device = textInterfaceDevice; this.cliParser = cliParser; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); this.device.printOutLn(); } protected void processCommandLineOptions(String[] arguments) { Options firstParseOptions = new Options(); firstParseOptions.addOption(HELP).addOption(INTERACTIVE).addOption(GENERATE_CLASSES); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(HELP).addOption(INTERACTIVE).addOption(GENERATE_CLASSES).addOption(PRIVATE_FILE) .addOption(PRIVATE_PACKAGE).addOption(PUBLIC_FILE).addOption(PUBLIC_PACKAGE).addOption(PASSWORD) .addOption(PASSWORD_CLASS).addOption(PASSWORD_PACKAGE).addOption(PRIVATE_PASSWORD) .addOption(PRIVATE_PASSWORD_CLASS).addOption(PRIVATE_PASSWORD_PACKAGE); try { this.cli = this.cliParser.parse(firstParseOptions, arguments, true); if (this.cli.hasOption("help")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); this.printHelp(formatter, options); this.device.exit(0); } else if (this.cli.hasOption("interactive")) { this.cli = null; this.interactive = true; } else { this.cli = this.cliParser.parse(options, arguments); } } catch (ParseException e) { this.device.printErrLn(e.getLocalizedMessage()); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); this.printHelp(formatter, options); this.device.exit(1); } } private void printHelp(HelpFormatter formatter, Options options) { OutputStreamWriter streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(this.device.out(), LicensingCharsets.UTF_8); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(streamWriter); formatter.printHelp(printWriter, CLI_WIDTH, USAGE, null, options, 1, 3, null, false); printWriter.close(); try { streamWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(this.device.err()); } } protected boolean promptToGenerateClasses() { this.device.printOutLn("Would you like to..."); this.device.printOutLn(" (1) Save the public and private keys to .key files?"); this.device.printOutLn(" (2) Generate compilable Java code with embedded keys?"); String input = this.device.readLine("Your selection (default 1)? "); this.device.printOutLn(); return input != null && input.trim().equals("2"); } protected boolean promptToUseDifferentPasswords() { this.device.printOutLn("Would you like to..."); this.device.printOutLn(" (1) Use the same password to encrypt both keys?"); this.device.printOutLn(" (2) Use a different password for each key?"); String input = this.device.readLine("Your selection (default 1)? "); this.device.printOutLn(); return input != null && input.trim().equals("2"); } protected String promptForString(String message) { String input = this.device.readLine(message); this.device.printOutLn(); return input != null && input.trim().length() > 0 ? input.trim() : null; } protected boolean checkAndPromptToOverwriteFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { String filePath; try { filePath = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { // in theory, if we got here, this is impossible filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); } if (!file.canRead() || !file.canWrite()) { this.device.printErrLn("The file " + filePath + " already exists and cannot be overwritten."); return false; } else { String answer = this.device .readLine("The file \"%s\" already exists. Overwrite it (YES/no)? ", filePath).trim(); return answer.length() == 0 || answer.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || answer.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"); } } return true; } protected class KeyPairGeneratorInternal { boolean generateClasses; boolean useDifferentPasswords; char[] password; char[] privatePassword; String privateOutputStore, privateClassPackage, publicOutputStore, publicClassPackage; String passwordClass, passwordPackage, privatePasswordClass, privatePasswordPackage; public void doGenerateAndSaveKeyPair() throws InterruptedException, IOException { device.printOut("Generating RSA key pair, 2048-bit long modulus"); Periods periods = new Periods(25, device.out()); new Thread(periods).start(); Thread.sleep(50); KeyPair keyPair = generator.generateKeyPair(); periods.stop(); device.printOutLn("+++"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOut("Key pair generated. Encrypting keys with 128-bit AES security"); periods = new Periods(25, device.out()); new Thread(periods).start(); Thread.sleep(50); if (this.generateClasses) { this.doGenerateClasses(keyPair, periods); } else { this.doGenerateFiles(keyPair, periods); } Arrays.fill(this.password, '\u0000'); if (this.useDifferentPasswords) Arrays.fill(this.privatePassword, '\u0000'); } public void doGenerateClasses(KeyPair keyPair, Periods periods) { GeneratedClassDescriptor privateDescriptor = new GeneratedClassDescriptor() .setClassName(this.privateOutputStore).setPackageName(this.privateClassPackage); GeneratedClassDescriptor publicDescriptor = new GeneratedClassDescriptor() .setClassName(this.publicOutputStore).setPackageName(this.publicClassPackage); if (this.useDifferentPasswords) generator.saveKeyPairToProviders(keyPair, privateDescriptor, publicDescriptor, this.privatePassword, this.password); else generator.saveKeyPairToProviders(keyPair, privateDescriptor, publicDescriptor, this.password); GeneratedClassDescriptor passwordDescriptor = new GeneratedClassDescriptor() .setClassName(this.passwordClass).setPackageName(this.passwordPackage); GeneratedClassDescriptor privatePasswordDescriptor = new GeneratedClassDescriptor() .setClassName(this.privatePasswordClass).setPackageName(this.privatePasswordPackage); if (this.passwordClass != null) generator.savePasswordToProvider(this.password, passwordDescriptor); if (this.useDifferentPasswords && this.privatePasswordClass != null) generator.savePasswordToProvider(this.privatePassword, privatePasswordDescriptor); periods.stop(); device.printOutLn("+++"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn("Private key provider:"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn(privateDescriptor.getJavaFileContents()); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn("Public key provider:"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn(publicDescriptor.getJavaFileContents()); if (this.passwordClass != null) { device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn( this.useDifferentPasswords ? "Public key password provider:" : "Key password provider:"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn(passwordDescriptor.getJavaFileContents()); } if (this.useDifferentPasswords && this.privatePasswordClass != null) { device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn("Private key password provider:"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn(privatePasswordDescriptor.getJavaFileContents()); } } public void doGenerateFiles(KeyPair keyPair, Periods periods) throws IOException { if (ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator.this.interactive) { if (!ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator.this.checkAndPromptToOverwriteFile(this.privateOutputStore) || !ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator.this.checkAndPromptToOverwriteFile(this.publicOutputStore)) { device.exit(81); return; } } else { } if (this.useDifferentPasswords) generator.saveKeyPairToFiles(keyPair, this.privateOutputStore, this.publicOutputStore, this.privatePassword, this.password); else generator.saveKeyPairToFiles(keyPair, this.privateOutputStore, this.publicOutputStore, this.password); periods.stop(); device.printOutLn("+++"); device.printOutLn(); device.printOutLn("Private key written to " + this.privateOutputStore); device.printOutLn("Public key written to " + this.publicOutputStore); } } protected void doInteractive() throws Exception { KeyPairGeneratorInternal internal = new KeyPairGeneratorInternal(); internal.generateClasses = this.promptToGenerateClasses(); internal.useDifferentPasswords = this.promptToUseDifferentPasswords(); internal.password = this.device.promptForValidPassword(6, 32, internal.useDifferentPasswords ? "the public key" : "both keys"); this.device.printOutLn("Passwords match."); if (internal.useDifferentPasswords) this.device.printOutLn(); if (internal.useDifferentPasswords) { internal.privatePassword = this.device.promptForValidPassword(6, 32, "the private key"); this.device.printOutLn("Passwords match."); } else internal.privatePassword = null; this.device.printOutLn(); while (internal.publicOutputStore == null) { internal.publicOutputStore = this.promptForString( internal.generateClasses ? "Please enter the name of a Java class to embed the public key in: " : "Please enter the name of a file to store the public key in: "); } internal.publicClassPackage = internal.generateClasses ? this.promptForString("Enter an optional package name for the public key class: ") : null; while (internal.privateOutputStore == null) { internal.privateOutputStore = this.promptForString( internal.generateClasses ? "Please enter the name of a Java class to embed the private key in: " : "Please enter the name of a file to store the private key in: "); } internal.privateClassPackage = internal.generateClasses ? this.promptForString("Enter an optional package name for the private key class: ") : null; if (internal.generateClasses) { String publicKeyWord = internal.useDifferentPasswords ? "public key" : "key"; internal.passwordClass = this.promptForString("If you wish to embed the " + publicKeyWord + " password in a Java " + "class, enter the class name now: "); if (internal.passwordClass != null) internal.passwordPackage = this.promptForString( "You can optionally enter a package name for the " + publicKeyWord + " storage class: "); if (internal.useDifferentPasswords) { internal.privatePasswordClass = this .promptForString("If you wish to embed the private key password in a Java " + "class, enter the class name now: "); if (internal.privatePasswordClass != null) internal.privatePasswordPackage = this.promptForString( "You can optionally enter a package name for the " + "private key storage class: "); } } internal.doGenerateAndSaveKeyPair(); } protected void doCommandLine() throws Exception { KeyPairGeneratorInternal internal = new KeyPairGeneratorInternal(); internal.generateClasses = this.cli.hasOption("classes"); internal.useDifferentPasswords = this.cli.hasOption("privatePassword"); internal.password = this.cli.getOptionValue("password").toCharArray(); internal.privatePassword = internal.useDifferentPasswords ? this.cli.getOptionValue("privatePassword").toCharArray() : null; internal.publicOutputStore = this.cli.getOptionValue("public"); internal.publicClassPackage = this.cli.getOptionValue("publicPackage"); internal.privateOutputStore = this.cli.getOptionValue("private"); internal.privateClassPackage = this.cli.getOptionValue("privatePackage"); if (internal.generateClasses) { internal.passwordClass = this.cli.getOptionValue("passwordClass"); internal.passwordPackage = this.cli.getOptionValue("passwordPackage"); if (internal.passwordPackage != null && internal.passwordPackage.trim().length() == 0) internal.passwordPackage = null; if (internal.useDifferentPasswords) { internal.privatePasswordClass = this.cli.getOptionValue("privatePasswordClass"); internal.privatePasswordPackage = this.cli.getOptionValue("privatePasswordPackage"); if (internal.privatePasswordPackage != null && internal.privatePasswordPackage.trim().length() == 0) internal.privatePasswordPackage = null; } } internal.doGenerateAndSaveKeyPair(); } public void run(String[] arguments) { this.processCommandLineOptions(arguments); try { if (this.interactive) { this.device.printOutLn("Using interactive mode..."); this.device.printOutLn(); this.doInteractive(); } else { this.doCommandLine(); } } catch (RSA2048NotSupportedException e) { this.device.printErrLn(e.getLocalizedMessage()); if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchAlgorithmException) this.device.exit(51); else this.device.exit(52); return; } catch (AlgorithmNotSupportedException e) { this.device.printErrLn(e.getLocalizedMessage() + " Contact your system administrator for assistance."); this.device.exit(41); return; } catch (InappropriateKeyException e) { this.device.printErrLn(e.getLocalizedMessage() + " Contact your system administrator for assistance."); this.device.exit(42); return; } catch (InappropriateKeySpecificationException e) { this.device.printErrLn(e.getLocalizedMessage() + " Contact your system administrator for assistance."); this.device.exit(43); return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // in theory, this error wouldn't actually get reached in this circumstance, // but we'll catch it just in case this.device.printErrLn("The system was interrupted while waiting for events to complete."); this.device.exit(44); return; } catch (IOException e) { this.device.printErrLn("An error occurred writing the key files to the file system. Analyze the error " + "below to determine what went wrong and fix it!"); this.device.printErrLn(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); this.device.exit(21); return; } catch (Throwable t) { this.device.printErrLn(t.toString()); t.printStackTrace(); this.device.exit(-1); return; } this.device.exit(0); } public static void main(String... arguments) { TextInterfaceDevice device = TextInterfaceDevice.CONSOLE; ConsoleUtilities.configureInterfaceDevice(device); new ConsoleRSAKeyPairGenerator(new RSAKeyPairGenerator(), device, new GnuParser()).run(arguments); } }