Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2014 Juan Diego Navarre Gonzalez * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.impl; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.exceptions.AlreadyOnSourceException; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.exceptions.IllegalOrphanException; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.exceptions.NonexistentEntityException; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.helper.ComplexId; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.helper.impl.JPAHelper; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.entities.NormalizedEntity; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.entities.ReferenceMode; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.entities.impl.WorkRequestLocations; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.entities.impl.WorkRequestLocationsPK; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.entities.impl.WorkRequests; import net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.entities.impl.WorkRequestsPK; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.impl Class class * LocationsDataAccess. Description: * * @author Juan Diego Navarre Gonzalez - (${authorMail}) * @version 1.0 * @since 2/09/2014 09:31:42 PM */ @Repository("locationsDAO") @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON) public class LocationsDataAccess extends JPAHelper<WorkRequestLocations> implements IDataAccess<WorkRequestLocations> { /** * Instantiates a new locations data access. * * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ public LocationsDataAccess() { storage = StorageFactory.buildStorage(); } /** * entity manager. * * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @PersistenceContext(unitName = "ClickNDone-PU") private EntityManager entityManager; /** * storage. * * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ private Storage storage; /** * Creates the. * * @param workRequestLocations * the work request locations * @return the work request locations * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public WorkRequestLocations create(WorkRequestLocations workRequestLocations) { preConstruct(workRequestLocations); entityManager.persist(workRequestLocations); entityManager.flush(); workRequestLocations = getByLogicalId(workRequestLocations.getNormalizedId()); postConstruct(workRequestLocations); return workRequestLocations; } /** * Pre construct. * * @param entity * the entity * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public void preConstruct(WorkRequestLocations entity) { if (entity.getWorkRequestLocationsPK() == null) { entity.setWorkRequestLocationsPK(new WorkRequestsPK()); } entity.getWorkRequestLocationsPK() .setIdWorkRequests(entity.getWorkRequests().getWorkRequestsPK().getIdWorkRequests()); entity.getWorkRequestLocationsPK() .setCategoryId(entity.getWorkRequests().getWorkRequestsPK().getCategoryId()); List<String> illegalOrphanMessages = null; WorkRequests workRequestsOrphanCheck = entity.getWorkRequests(); if (workRequestsOrphanCheck != null) { WorkRequestLocations oldWorkRequestLocationsOfWorkRequests = workRequestsOrphanCheck .getWorkRequestLocations(); if (oldWorkRequestLocationsOfWorkRequests != null) { if (illegalOrphanMessages == null) { illegalOrphanMessages = new ArrayList<String>(); } illegalOrphanMessages.add("The WorkRequests " + workRequestsOrphanCheck + " already has an item of type WorkRequestLocations whose workRequests column cannot be null. Please make another selection for the workRequests field."); } } if (illegalOrphanMessages != null) { String finalMessage = ""; for (String msg : illegalOrphanMessages) { finalMessage += msg + " "; } throw new AlreadyOnSourceException(finalMessage); } WorkRequests workRequests = entity.getWorkRequests(); if (workRequests != null) { workRequests = entityManager.getReference(workRequests.getClass(), workRequests.getWorkRequestsPK()); entity.setWorkRequests(workRequests); storage.storeReference(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.NEW_REFERENCE, workRequests); } } /** * Post construct. * * @param location * the location * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public void postConstruct(WorkRequestLocations location) { WorkRequests workRequests; if (storage.validateReference(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.NEW_REFERENCE)) { workRequests = (WorkRequests) storage.extractReference(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.NEW_REFERENCE); workRequests.setWorkRequestLocations(location); workRequests = entityManager.merge(workRequests); } } /** * Edits the. * * @param workRequestLocations * the work request locations * @return the work request locations * @throws IllegalOrphanException * the illegal orphan exception * @throws NonexistentEntityException * the nonexistent entity exception * @throws Exception * the exception * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public WorkRequestLocations edit(WorkRequestLocations workRequestLocations) throws IllegalOrphanException, NonexistentEntityException, Exception { preEdit(workRequestLocations); workRequestLocations = entityManager.merge(workRequestLocations); entityManager.flush(); postEdit(workRequestLocations); return workRequestLocations; } /** * Delete by id. * * @param id * the id * @return the work request locations * @throws NonexistentEntityException * the nonexistent entity exception * @throws IllegalOrphanException * the illegal orphan exception * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public WorkRequestLocations deleteById(Serializable id) throws NonexistentEntityException, IllegalOrphanException { WorkRequestLocations deleted = preDelete((WorkRequestLocationsPK) id); entityManager.remove(deleted); return deleted; } /** * Pre delete. * * @param toDelete * the to delete * @return the work request locations * @throws NonexistentEntityException * the nonexistent entity exception * @throws IllegalOrphanException * the illegal orphan exception * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public WorkRequestLocations preDelete(Number toDelete) throws NonexistentEntityException, IllegalOrphanException { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /** * Pre delete. * * @param toDelete * the to delete * @return the work request locations * @throws NonexistentEntityException * the nonexistent entity exception * @throws IllegalOrphanException * the illegal orphan exception * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public WorkRequestLocations preDelete(ComplexId toDelete) throws NonexistentEntityException, IllegalOrphanException { WorkRequestLocations workRequestLocations; try { workRequestLocations = entityManager.getReference(WorkRequestLocations.class, toDelete); } catch (EntityNotFoundException enfe) { throw new NonexistentEntityException( "The workRequestLocations with id " + toDelete.resume() + " no longer exists.", enfe); } WorkRequests workRequests = workRequestLocations.getWorkRequests(); if (workRequests != null) { workRequests.setWorkRequestLocations(null); workRequests = entityManager.merge(workRequests); } return workRequestLocations; } /** * Pre edit. * * @param toEdit * the to edit * @throws NonexistentEntityException * the nonexistent entity exception * @throws IllegalOrphanException * the illegal orphan exception * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public void preEdit(WorkRequestLocations toEdit) throws NonexistentEntityException, IllegalOrphanException { toEdit.getWorkRequestLocationsPK() .setIdWorkRequests(toEdit.getWorkRequests().getWorkRequestsPK().getIdWorkRequests()); toEdit.getWorkRequestLocationsPK() .setCategoryId(toEdit.getWorkRequests().getWorkRequestsPK().getCategoryId()); try { WorkRequestLocations persistentWorkRequestLocations = entityManager.find(WorkRequestLocations.class, toEdit.getWorkRequestLocationsPK()); WorkRequests workRequestsOld = persistentWorkRequestLocations.getWorkRequests(); WorkRequests workRequestsNew = toEdit.getWorkRequests(); List<String> illegalOrphanMessages = null; if (workRequestsNew != null && !workRequestsNew.equals(workRequestsOld)) { WorkRequestLocations oldWorkRequestLocationsOfWorkRequests = workRequestsNew .getWorkRequestLocations(); if (oldWorkRequestLocationsOfWorkRequests != null) { if (illegalOrphanMessages == null) { illegalOrphanMessages = new ArrayList<String>(); } illegalOrphanMessages.add("The WorkRequests " + workRequestsNew + " already has an item of type WorkRequestLocations whose workRequests column cannot be null. Please make another selection for the workRequests field."); } } if (illegalOrphanMessages != null) { throw new IllegalOrphanException(illegalOrphanMessages); } if (workRequestsNew != null) { workRequestsNew = entityManager.getReference(workRequestsNew.getClass(), workRequestsNew.getWorkRequestsPK()); toEdit.setWorkRequests(workRequestsNew); } } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); if (msg == null || msg.length() == 0) { WorkRequestsPK id = toEdit.getWorkRequestLocationsPK(); if (findByComplexId(entityManager, id, WorkRequestLocations.class) == null) { throw new NonexistentEntityException( "The workRequestLocations with id " + id + " no longer exists."); } } throw ex; } } /** * Post edit. * * @param entity * the entity * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public void postEdit(WorkRequestLocations entity) { WorkRequests workRequestsOld, workRequestsNew; if (storage.compareReferences(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.OLD_REFERENCE)) { workRequestsOld = (WorkRequests) storage.extractReference(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.OLD_REFERENCE); workRequestsOld.setWorkRequestLocations(null); workRequestsOld = entityManager.merge(workRequestsOld); } if (storage.compareReferences(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.NEW_REFERENCE)) { workRequestsNew = (WorkRequests) storage.extractReference(LocationsStorageKeys.ORDER, ReferenceMode.NEW_REFERENCE); workRequestsNew.setWorkRequestLocations(entity); workRequestsNew = entityManager.merge(workRequestsNew); } storage.clean(); } /** * Gets the all. * * @return the all * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public List<WorkRequestLocations> getAll() { return super.getAllbyQuery(entityManager, WorkRequestLocations.class); } /** * Gets the by logical id. * * @param idEntity * the id entity * @return the by logical id * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public WorkRequestLocations getByLogicalId(Serializable idEntity) { TypedQuery<WorkRequestLocations> query = entityManager.createNamedQuery( "WorkRequestLocations." + NormalizedEntity.NAMED_QUERY_ID, WorkRequestLocations.class); query.setParameter("idService", ((WorkRequestsPK) idEntity).getIdWorkRequests()); query.setParameter("categoryPrefix", ((WorkRequestsPK) idEntity).getCategoryId()); return query.getSingleResult(); } /** * Delete all. * * @throws NonexistentEntityException * the nonexistent entity exception * @throws IllegalOrphanException * the illegal orphan exception * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public void deleteAll() throws NonexistentEntityException, IllegalOrphanException { for (WorkRequestLocations location : getAll()) { deleteById(location.getNormalizedId()); } } /** * net.navasoft.madcoin.backend.model.controller.impl Enum enum * LocationsStorageKeys. Description: * * @author Juan Diego Navarre Gonzalez - (${authorMail}) * @version 1.0 * @since 2/09/2014 09:31:42 PM */ private enum LocationsStorageKeys implements StorageKeys { /** * order. * * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ ORDER("workRequests"); /** * final key. * * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ private String finalKey; /** * Instantiates a new locations storage keys. * * @param key * the key * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ private LocationsStorageKeys(String key) { finalKey = key; } /** * Gets the key. * * @return the key * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ public String getKey() { return finalKey; } } /** * Count. * * @return the int * @since 2/09/2014, 09:31:42 PM */ @Override public int count() { return super.getQuantity(entityManager, WorkRequestLocations.class); } }