Java tutorial
/** * DNet eBusiness Suite * Copyright: 2013 Nan21 Electronics SRL. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package net.nan21.dnet.core.presenter.action.query; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Parameter; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import net.nan21.dnet.core.api.Constants; import net.nan21.dnet.core.api.action.query.IFilterRule; import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints; import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; public class QueryBuilderWithJpql<M, F, P> extends AbstractQueryBuilder<M, F, P> { public static final String OP_LIKE = "like"; public static final String OP_NOT_LIKE = "not like"; public static final String OP_EQ = "="; public static final String OP_NOT_EQ = "<>"; public static final String OP_LT = "<"; public static final String OP_LT_EQ = "<="; public static final String OP_GT = ">"; public static final String OP_GT_EQ = ">="; public static final String OP_BETWEEN = "between"; private static final String OP_IN = "in"; private static final String OP_NOT_IN = "not in"; final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryBuilderWithJpql.class); protected String defaultWhere; protected StringBuffer where; protected String defaultSort; protected StringBuffer sort; protected String baseEql; protected String baseEqlCount; /** * Dirty work-around to avoid eclipselink bug when using fetch-groups with * Cursor * */ protected boolean forExport; private String entityAlias = "e"; public String getBaseEql() { return baseEql; } public void setBaseEql(String baseEql) { this.baseEql = baseEql; } public String getBaseEqlCount() { return baseEqlCount; } public void setBaseEqlCount(String baseEqlCount) { this.baseEqlCount = baseEqlCount; } /** * Create the query statement to fetch the result data which match the * filter criteria.<br> * Can be customized through the <code>before</code>, <code>on</code> and * <code>after</code> methods. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String buildQueryStatement() throws Exception { beforeBuildQueryStatement(); String qs = onBuildQueryStatement(); afterBuildQueryStatement(qs); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("JQPL to execute: {}", qs); } return qs; } /** * Template method to override with custom implementation. Fragments used in * onBuildQueryStatement can be overriden. * * @throws Exception */ protected void beforeBuildQueryStatement() throws Exception { } /** * Creates the JPQL query statement used to fetch the result data. It adds * to <code>baseEql</code> the jpql fragments according to filter criteria, * sort information and meta information provided by the model class. * Customize it with the <code>before</code> and <code>after</code> methods * or you can entirely override. * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected String onBuildQueryStatement() throws Exception { StringBuffer eql = new StringBuffer(this.baseEql); this.addFetchJoins(eql); this.buildWhere(); this.attachWhereClause(eql); this.buildSort(); this.attachSortClause(eql); return eql.toString(); } /** * Post query string creation code. * * @param builtQueryStatement * : The query statement which has been built. * @throws Exception */ protected void afterBuildQueryStatement(String builtQueryStatement) throws Exception { } /** * Create the count query statement to count the total number of results * which match the filter criteria.<br> * Can be customized through the <code>before</code>, <code>on</code> and * <code>after</code> methods. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String buildCountStatement() throws Exception { beforeBuildCountStatement(); String qs = onBuildCountStatement(); afterBuildCountStatement(qs); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("count JQPL to execute: {}", qs); } return qs; } protected void beforeBuildCountStatement() throws Exception { } protected String onBuildCountStatement() throws Exception { StringBuffer eql = new StringBuffer(this.baseEqlCount); this.addFetchJoins(eql); this.attachWhereClause(eql); return eql.toString(); } protected void afterBuildCountStatement(String builtQueryStatement) throws Exception { } /** * Append fetch joins based on the model descriptor. * * @param eql */ private void addFetchJoins(StringBuffer eql) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Adding fetch joins ... "); } if (this.getDescriptor().getFetchJoins() != null) { Iterator<String> it = this.getDescriptor().getFetchJoins().keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String p =; String type = this.getDescriptor().getFetchJoins().get(p); if (type != null && type.equals("left")) { eql.append(" left join fetch " + p); } else { eql.append(" join fetch " + p); } } } } /** * Append where clause. Use the default where as well as the calculated one * based on the filter criteria. * * @param eql */ private void attachWhereClause(StringBuffer eql) { if ((this.where != null && !this.where.equals("")) || (this.defaultWhere != null && !this.defaultWhere.equals(""))) { eql.append(" where "); if (this.defaultWhere != null && !this.defaultWhere.equals("")) { eql.append(this.defaultWhere); } if (where != null && !where.equals("")) { if (this.defaultWhere != null && !this.defaultWhere.equals("")) eql.append(" and "); eql.append(where); } } } /** * Append order by. If there is an explicit order by use that one otherwise * use the default one if any. * * @param eql */ private void attachSortClause(StringBuffer eql) { if (this.sort != null) { String orderBy = sort.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Attaching calculated order by: " + orderBy); } eql.append(" order by " + orderBy); } else { if (defaultSort != null && !defaultSort.equals("")) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Attaching default order by: " + defaultSort); } eql.append(" order by " + defaultSort); } } } /** * Build order by information. */ private void buildSort() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Building JPQL order by ..."); } String[] sortColumnNames = this.getSortColumnNames(); String[] sortColumnSense = this.getSortColumnSense(); if (sortColumnNames != null && sortColumnNames.length > 0) { this.sort = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < sortColumnNames.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { this.sort.append(","); } if (this.getDescriptor().getOrderBys().containsKey(sortColumnNames[i])) { String[] fields = this.getDescriptor().getOrderBys().get(sortColumnNames[i]); for (int k = 0, l = fields.length; k < l; k++) { if (k > 0) { this.sort.append(","); } this.sort.append(this.entityAlias + "." + fields[k] + " " + sortColumnSense[i]); } } else { this.sort.append( this.entityAlias + "." + this.getDescriptor().getRefPaths().get(sortColumnNames[i]) + " " + sortColumnSense[i]); } } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (this.sort != null) { logger.debug(" -> order-by: " + this.sort.toString()); } } } private void buildWhere() throws Exception { beforeBuildWhere(); onBuildWhere(); afterBuildWhere(); } protected void beforeBuildWhere() throws Exception { } protected void onBuildWhere() throws Exception { this.processFilter(); this.processAdvancedFilter(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (this.where != null) { logger.debug(" -> where: " + this.where.toString()); } } } private void appendFilterRule1(String source, FilterRule filterRule, int cnt) throws Exception { String key = filterRule.getFieldName() + "_" + cnt; addFilterCondition(entityAlias + "." + source + " " + filterRule.getOperation() + " :" + key); String op = filterRule.getOperation(); if (op.equals(OP_IN) || op.equals(OP_NOT_IN)) { String[] inVals = filterRule.getValue1().split(","); this.defaultFilterItems.put(key, Arrays.asList(inVals)); } else { this.defaultFilterItems.put(key, filterRule.getConvertedValue1()); } } private void appendFilterRule2(String source, FilterRule filterRule, int cnt) throws Exception { String key1 = filterRule.getFieldName() + "_" + cnt + "_1"; String key2 = filterRule.getFieldName() + "_" + cnt + "_2"; addFilterCondition( entityAlias + "." + source + " " + filterRule.getOperation() + " :" + key1 + " and :" + key2); this.defaultFilterItems.put(key1, filterRule.getConvertedValue1()); this.defaultFilterItems.put(key2, filterRule.getConvertedValue2()); } private List<String> operations1 = null; private List<String> operations2 = null; private void appendJpqlFragmentForFilterRule(FilterRule filterRule, String refPath, int cnt) throws Exception { String op = filterRule.getOperation(); if (operations1.contains(op)) { appendFilterRule1(refPath, filterRule, cnt); } if (operations2.contains(op)) { appendFilterRule2(refPath, filterRule, cnt); } } protected void processAdvancedFilter() throws Exception { if (this.filterRules == null || this.filterRules.size() == 0) { return; } operations1 = Arrays.asList(new String[] { OP_LIKE, OP_NOT_LIKE, OP_EQ, OP_NOT_EQ, OP_LT, OP_LT_EQ, OP_GT, OP_GT_EQ, OP_IN, OP_NOT_IN }); operations2 = Arrays.asList(new String[] { OP_BETWEEN }); Map<String, String> refpaths = this.getDescriptor().getRefPaths(); Class<?> clz = this.getModelClass(); Method m = null; int cnt = 0; for (IFilterRule ifr : this.filterRules) { FilterRule fr = (FilterRule) ifr; String fieldName = fr.getFieldName(); if (this.shouldProcessFilterField(fieldName, fieldName)) { // get the filter getter cnt++; try { m = clz.getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName)); fr.setDataTypeFQN(m.getReturnType().getCanonicalName()); this.appendJpqlFragmentForFilterRule(fr, refpaths.get(fieldName), cnt); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new Exception("Invalid field name: " + fieldName); } } } } protected void processFilter() throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Building JPQL where ..."); } Map<String, String> refpaths = this.getDescriptor().getRefPaths(); Map<String, String> jpqlFilterRules = this.getDescriptor().getJpqlFieldFilterRules(); this.defaultFilterItems = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Class<?> clz = this.getFilterClass(); // The filter object could be a dedicated filter class or the // data-source model. // Ensure we do not apply filter on the framework specific properties List<String> excludes = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "_entity_", "__clientRecordId__" }); while (clz != null) { Field[] fields = clz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { String fieldName = field.getName(); if (this.isValidFilterField(field, excludes)) { String filterFieldName = fieldName; FilterFieldNameAndRangeType fnrt = this.resolveRealFilterFieldNameAndRangeType(field); fieldName = fnrt.getName(); if (this.shouldProcessFilterField(fieldName, filterFieldName)) { // get the filter getter Method m = null; try { m = clz.getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(filterFieldName)); } catch (Exception e) { // break; } // get the value Object fv = m.invoke(getFilter()); if (fv != null) { if (m.getReturnType() == java.lang.String.class) { if (jpqlFilterRules.containsKey(fieldName)) { // if this field has a special filter // condition use it addFilterCondition(jpqlFilterRules.get(fieldName)); } else { // build the default condition on the mapped // entity field in case it is mapped if (refpaths.containsKey(fieldName)) { String _op = "like"; if ("id".equals(fieldName) || "refid".equals(fieldName) || "clientId".equals(fieldName)) { _op = "="; } addFilterCondition(entityAlias + "." + refpaths.get(fieldName) + " " + _op + " :" + fieldName); } } // add the value anyway , maybe it is used in // the ds-level where clause. // If there is no field-level filter condition, the field is not mapped to an entity field, // and there is no filter condition at data-source level to use this field as parameter // it should be forced to null anywhere in pre-query phase. this.defaultFilterItems.put(fieldName, (String) fv); } else { if (fnrt.getType() != FilterFieldNameAndRangeType.NO_RANGE) { if (fnrt.getType() == FilterFieldNameAndRangeType.RANGE_FROM) { this.addFilterCondition(entityAlias + "." + refpaths.get(fieldName) + " >= :" + filterFieldName); } else { this.addFilterCondition(entityAlias + "." + refpaths.get(fieldName) + " < :" + filterFieldName); } this.defaultFilterItems.put(filterFieldName, fv); } else { if (jpqlFilterRules.containsKey(fieldName)) { addFilterCondition(jpqlFilterRules.get(fieldName)); } else { this.addFilterCondition( entityAlias + "." + refpaths.get(fieldName) + " = :" + fieldName); } this.defaultFilterItems.put(fieldName, fv); } } } } } } clz = clz.getSuperclass(); } } protected void afterBuildWhere() throws Exception { } public void addFilterCondition(String filter) { if (this.where == null) { this.where = new StringBuffer(); } if (this.where.length() > 0) { this.where.append(" and "); } this.where.append(filter); } protected void addCustomFilterItem(String key, Object value) { if (this.customFilterItems == null) { this.customFilterItems = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } this.customFilterItems.put(key, value); } private void bindFilterParams(Query q) throws Exception { if (this.defaultFilterItems != null) { for (String key : this.defaultFilterItems.keySet()) { Object value = this.defaultFilterItems.get(key); try { if (value instanceof java.lang.String) { q.setParameter(key, ((String) value).replace('*', '%')); } else { q.setParameter(key, value); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } } } } if (this.customFilterItems != null) { for (String key : this.customFilterItems.keySet()) { Object value = this.customFilterItems.get(key); if (value instanceof java.lang.String) { q.setParameter(key, ((String) value).replace('*', '%')); } else { q.setParameter(key, value); } } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Bound filter params:"); for (Parameter<?> p : q.getParameters()) { try { logger.debug(" -> " + p.getName() + " = " + q.getParameterValue(p)); } catch (Exception e) { // maybe a parameter has not been bound } } } } protected void addFetchGroup(Query q) { // see the reason of forExport flag boolean disableFecthGroups = this.getSettings().getAsBoolean(Constants.PROP_DISABLE_FETCH_GROUPS); if (this.forExport || disableFecthGroups) return; logger.debug("Adding fetchGroup..."); FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup("default"); fg.setShouldLoad(true); if (this.getDescriptor().getRefPaths() != null) { Map<String, String> refPaths = this.getDescriptor().getRefPaths(); Iterator<String> it = refPaths.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String p =; fg.addAttribute(refPaths.get(p)); } q.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg); } } public Query createQuery() throws Exception { String jpql = this.buildQueryStatement(); Query q = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(jpql); createQuery_(q); return q; } public <E> TypedQuery<E> createQuery(Class<E> resultType) throws Exception { String jpql = this.buildQueryStatement(); TypedQuery<E> q = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(jpql, resultType); createQuery_(q); return q; } private void createQuery_(Query q) throws Exception { if (this.getDescriptor().getQueryHints() != null) { Map<String, Object> queryHints = this.getDescriptor().getQueryHints(); Iterator<String> it = queryHints.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String p =; q.setHint(p, queryHints.get(p)); } } addFetchGroup(q); bindFilterParams(q); } public Query createQueryCount() throws Exception { Query q = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(this.buildCountStatement()); bindFilterParams(q); return q; } public String getDefaultWhere() { return defaultWhere; } public void setDefaultWhere(String defaultWhere) { this.defaultWhere = defaultWhere; } public String getDefaultSort() { return defaultSort; } public void setDefaultSort(String defaultSort) { this.defaultSort = defaultSort; } public boolean isForExport() { return forExport; } public void setForExport(boolean forExport) { this.forExport = forExport; } }