Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Myrrix Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.myrrix.common.math; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import; import net.myrrix.common.ClassUtils; import net.myrrix.common.collection.FastByIDFloatMap; import net.myrrix.common.collection.FastByIDMap; import net.myrrix.common.collection.FastIDSet; /** * Contains utility methods for dealing with matrices, which are here represented as * {@link FastByIDMap}s of {@link FastByIDFloatMap}s, or of {@code float[]}. * * @author Sean Owen * @since 1.0 */ public final class MatrixUtils { private static final int PRINT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 12; // This hack saves a lot of time spent copying out data from Array2DRowRealMatrix objects private static final Field MATRIX_DATA_FIELD; private static final LinearSystemSolver MATRIX_INVERTER; static { MATRIX_DATA_FIELD = ClassUtils.loadField(Array2DRowRealMatrix.class, "data"); String lssClassName = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("common.matrix.nativeMath", "false")) ? "net.myrrix.common.math.JBlasLinearSystemSolver" : "net.myrrix.common.math.CommonsMathLinearSystemSolver"; MATRIX_INVERTER = ClassUtils.loadInstanceOf(lssClassName, LinearSystemSolver.class); } private MatrixUtils() { } /** * Efficiently increments an entry in two parallel, sparse matrices. * * @param row row to increment * @param column column to increment * @param value increment value * @param RbyRow matrix R to update, keyed by row * @param RbyColumn matrix R to update, keyed by column */ public static void addTo(long row, long column, float value, FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> RbyRow, FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> RbyColumn) { addToByRow(row, column, value, RbyRow); addToByRow(column, row, value, RbyColumn); } /** * Efficiently increments an entry in a row-major sparse matrix. * * @param row row to increment * @param column column to increment * @param value increment value * @param RbyRow matrix R to update, keyed by row */ private static void addToByRow(long row, long column, float value, FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> RbyRow) { FastByIDFloatMap theRow = RbyRow.get(row); if (theRow == null) { theRow = new FastByIDFloatMap(); RbyRow.put(row, theRow); } theRow.increment(column, value); } /** * Efficiently removes an entry in two parallel, sparse matrices. * * @param row row to remove * @param column column to remove * @param RbyRow matrix R to update, keyed by row * @param RbyColumn matrix R to update, keyed by column */ public static void remove(long row, long column, FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> RbyRow, FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> RbyColumn) { removeByRow(row, column, RbyRow); removeByRow(column, row, RbyColumn); } /** * Efficiently removes an entry from a row-major sparse matrix. * * @param row row to remove * @param column column to remove * @param RbyRow matrix R to update, keyed by row */ private static void removeByRow(long row, long column, FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> RbyRow) { FastByIDFloatMap theRow = RbyRow.get(row); if (theRow != null) { theRow.remove(column); if (theRow.isEmpty()) { RbyRow.remove(row); } } } /** * @return {@link LinearSystemSolver#isNonSingular(RealMatrix)} */ public static boolean isNonSingular(RealMatrix M) { return MATRIX_INVERTER.isNonSingular(M); } /** * @return {@link LinearSystemSolver#getSolver(RealMatrix)} */ public static Solver getSolver(RealMatrix M) { return MATRIX_INVERTER.getSolver(M); } /** * @param M small {@link RealMatrix} * @param S wide, short matrix * @return M * S as a newly allocated matrix */ public static FastByIDMap<float[]> multiply(RealMatrix M, FastByIDMap<float[]> S) { FastByIDMap<float[]> result = new FastByIDMap<float[]>(S.size()); double[][] matrixData = accessMatrixDataDirectly(M); for (FastByIDMap.MapEntry<float[]> entry : S.entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), matrixMultiply(matrixData, entry.getValue())); } return result; } public static RealMatrix multiplyXYT(FastByIDMap<float[]> X, FastByIDMap<float[]> Y) { int Ysize = Y.size(); int Xsize = X.size(); RealMatrix result = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(Xsize, Ysize); for (int row = 0; row < Xsize; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Ysize; col++) { result.setEntry(row, col,, Y.get(col))); } } return result; } /** * @param matrix an {@link Array2DRowRealMatrix} * @return its "data" field -- not a copy */ public static double[][] accessMatrixDataDirectly(RealMatrix matrix) { try { return (double[][]) MATRIX_DATA_FIELD.get(matrix); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new IllegalStateException(iae); } } public static double[] multiply(RealMatrix matrix, float[] V) { double[][] M = accessMatrixDataDirectly(matrix); int rows = M.length; int cols = V.length; double[] out = new double[rows]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { double total = 0.0; double[] matrixRow = M[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { total += V[j] * matrixRow[j]; } out[i] = total; } return out; } /** * @param M matrix * @param V column vector * @return column vector M * V */ private static float[] matrixMultiply(double[][] M, float[] V) { int rows = M.length; int cols = V.length; float[] out = new float[rows]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { double total = 0.0; double[] matrixRow = M[i]; for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { total += V[j] * matrixRow[j]; } out[i] = (float) total; } return out; } /** * @param M tall, skinny matrix * @return MT * M as a dense matrix */ public static RealMatrix transposeTimesSelf(FastByIDMap<float[]> M) { if (M == null || M.isEmpty()) { return null; } RealMatrix result = null; for (FastByIDMap.MapEntry<float[]> entry : M.entrySet()) { float[] vector = entry.getValue(); int dimension = vector.length; if (result == null) { result = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(dimension, dimension); } for (int row = 0; row < dimension; row++) { float rowValue = vector[row]; for (int col = 0; col < dimension; col++) { result.addToEntry(row, col, rowValue * vector[col]); } } } Preconditions.checkNotNull(result); return result; } /** * @param M matrix to print * @return a print-friendly rendering of a sparse matrix. Not useful for wide matrices. */ public static String matrixToString(FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> M) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); long[] colKeys = unionColumnKeysInOrder(M); appendWithPadOrTruncate("", result); for (long colKey : colKeys) { result.append('\t'); appendWithPadOrTruncate(colKey, result); } result.append("\n\n"); long[] rowKeys = keysInOrder(M); for (long rowKey : rowKeys) { appendWithPadOrTruncate(rowKey, result); FastByIDFloatMap row = M.get(rowKey); for (long colKey : colKeys) { result.append('\t'); float value = row.get(colKey); if (Float.isNaN(value)) { appendWithPadOrTruncate("", result); } else { appendWithPadOrTruncate(value, result); } } result.append('\n'); } result.append('\n'); return result.toString(); } private static long[] keysInOrder(FastByIDMap<?> map) { FastIDSet keys = new FastIDSet(map.size()); LongPrimitiveIterator it = map.keySetIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { keys.add(it.nextLong()); } long[] keysArray = keys.toArray(); Arrays.sort(keysArray); return keysArray; } private static long[] unionColumnKeysInOrder(FastByIDMap<FastByIDFloatMap> M) { FastIDSet keys = new FastIDSet(1000); for (FastByIDMap.MapEntry<FastByIDFloatMap> entry : M.entrySet()) { LongPrimitiveIterator it = entry.getValue().keySetIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { keys.add(it.nextLong()); } } long[] keysArray = keys.toArray(); Arrays.sort(keysArray); return keysArray; } private static void appendWithPadOrTruncate(long value, StringBuilder to) { appendWithPadOrTruncate(Long.toString(value), to); } private static void appendWithPadOrTruncate(float value, StringBuilder to) { String stringValue = Float.toString(value); if (value >= 0.0f) { stringValue = ' ' + stringValue; } appendWithPadOrTruncate(stringValue, to); } private static void appendWithPadOrTruncate(CharSequence value, StringBuilder to) { int length = value.length(); if (length >= PRINT_COLUMN_WIDTH) { to.append(value, 0, PRINT_COLUMN_WIDTH); } else { for (int i = length; i < PRINT_COLUMN_WIDTH; i++) { to.append(' '); } to.append(value); } } }