Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Tim Telcik <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopyFields; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPageEvent; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.SimpleBookmark; import com.lowagie.toolbox.plugins.HtmlBookmarks; import com.lowagie.toolbox.plugins.InspectPDF; import com.lowagie.toolbox.plugins.XML2Bookmarks; /** * Book Publisher. * * TODO: Review process to create NUP PDF books with TOC and embedded bookmarks. * * @author Tim Telcik <> * * @see com.lowagie.toolbox.plugins.Handouts * @see com.lowagie.toolbox.plugins.NUp * @see HtmlBookmarks * @see InspectPDF * @see SimpleBookmark * @see XML2Bookmarks */ public class BookPublisher { private static final String PDF_PUBLISHER_TOOLS_IDENT = "PDF Publisher Tools"; private static final String PDF_FILE_PLUS_TOC_SUFFIX = "-plus-toc"; private static final String DEFAULT_TOC_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "toc-template"; private static final String DEFAULT_TOC_FILE_NAME = "toc"; private static final String DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE_NAME = "bookmark"; private static final String DEFAULT_PDF_BOOK_FILE_NAME = "book"; private BookPublisherConfig config = new BookPublisherConfig(); public BookPublisher() { getConfig().setServerContext(new OpenOfficeServerContext()); getConfig().setPageSize(PageSize.A4); } public BookPublisher(Rectangle pageSize) { getConfig().setServerContext(new OpenOfficeServerContext()); getConfig().setPageSize(pageSize); } public BookPublisher(OpenOfficeServerContext serverContext, Rectangle pageSize) { getConfig().setServerContext(serverContext); getConfig().setPageSize(pageSize); } public void setConfig(BookPublisherConfig config) { if (config == null) { this.config = new BookPublisherConfig(); } else { this.config = config; } } public BookPublisherConfig getConfig() { return this.config; } /** * Publishes OpenOffice source documents into a single PDF booklet. * * This method chains together the OpenOffice to PDF conversion process and PDF book assembly. * * TODO: refactor * * @param sourceDir * @param outputDir * @param outputBookFile * @param progresMonitor * @throws Exception */ public void publish(File sourceDir, File outputDir, File outputBookFile) throws Exception { if (isVerboseEnabled()) { verbose("Publishing from \"" + sourceDir + " to \"" + outputDir + "\" as book \"" + outputBookFile + "\" ..."); } if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("sourceDir: " + sourceDir); debug("outputDir: " + outputDir); debug("outputBookFile: " + outputBookFile); debug("progressMonitor: " + getConfig().getProgressMonitor()); } // Init doc converter OpenOfficeDocConverter openOfficeDocConverter = createOpenOfficeDocConverter(); // Convert Open Office documents to PDF openOfficeDocConverter.convertDocuments(sourceDir, outputDir, OpenOfficeDocConverter.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF); // Build PDF book TocBuilder tocBuilder = null; if (getConfig().isBuildTocEnabled()) { tocBuilder = new TocBuilder(); } if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("tocBuilder: " + tocBuilder); } File pdfSourceDir = outputDir; buildPdfBook(pdfSourceDir, outputBookFile, tocBuilder); // Update book with TOC if (getConfig().isBuildTocEnabled()) { Toc toc = tocBuilder.getToc(); if (isVerboseEnabled()) { verbose("Output PDF Table Of Contents contains " + toc.getTocRowCount() + " entries"); } if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("Output PDF Table Of Contents is " + toc); TocTracer.traceToc(toc); } updatePdfBookWithToc(openOfficeDocConverter, toc, outputBookFile); } // Update book with meta-data updatePdfBookWithMeta(outputBookFile); } /** * Build PDF book. * * @param sourceDir * @param outputFile * @throws Exception */ private void buildPdfBook(File sourceDir, File outputFile, TocBuilder tocBuilder) throws Exception { PdfBookBuilderConfig pdfConfig = new PdfBookBuilderConfig(); PdfPageEvent pdfPageEventListener = new PdfPageEventLogger(); PdfBookBuilder pdfBookBuilder = new PdfBookBuilder(); pdfConfig.setPageSize(getConfig().getPageSize()); pdfConfig.setVerboseEnabled(getConfig().isVerboseEnabled()); pdfConfig.setMetaTitle(getConfig().getMetaTitle()); pdfConfig.setMetaAuthor(getConfig().getMetaAuthor()); pdfConfig.setProgressMonitor(getConfig().getProgressMonitor()); pdfConfig.setTocRowChangeListener(tocBuilder); pdfConfig.setPdfPageEventListener(pdfPageEventListener); pdfConfig.setNup(getConfig().getNup()); pdfBookBuilder.setConfig(pdfConfig); pdfBookBuilder.buildBook(sourceDir, outputFile); } /** * Create Open Office Document Converter. * * @return * @throws Exception */ private OpenOfficeDocConverter createOpenOfficeDocConverter() throws Exception { OpenOfficeDocConverter openOfficeDocConverter = new OpenOfficeDocConverter(getConfig().getServerContext()); openOfficeDocConverter.setDebugEnabled(isDebugEnabled()); openOfficeDocConverter.setVerboseEnabled(isVerboseEnabled()); openOfficeDocConverter.setProgressMonitor(getConfig().getProgressMonitor()); return openOfficeDocConverter; } /** * Build TOC PDF document. * * @param inputPdfFile * @throws Exception */ private void buildTocPdf(OpenOfficeDocConverter openOfficeDocConverter, Toc toc, File outputFile) throws Exception { // find template file File tocTemplateFile = resolveTocTemplateFile(); debug("tocTemplateFile: " + tocTemplateFile); // build TOC doc using template and TOC data File tocDocFile = File.createTempFile(DEFAULT_TOC_FILE_NAME, FileExtensionConstants.OPEN_DOC_TEXT_EXTENSION); debug("tocDocFile: " + tocDocFile); buildTocDoc(tocTemplateFile, toc, tocDocFile); // convert TOC doc to PDF openOfficeDocConverter.convertDocument(tocDocFile, outputFile, OpenOfficeDocConverter.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF); } /** * TODO: refactor to PdfTocPageBuilder * * @param openOfficeDocConverter * @param toc * @param outputBookFile * @throws Exception */ private void updatePdfBookWithToc(OpenOfficeDocConverter openOfficeDocConverter, Toc toc, File inputBookFile) throws Exception { debug("openOfficeDocConverter: " + openOfficeDocConverter); debug("toc: " + toc); debug("inputBookFile: " + inputBookFile); File outputBookFile = inputBookFile; debug("outputBookFile: " + outputBookFile); // Build TOC PDF document File tocPdfFile = File.createTempFile(DEFAULT_TOC_FILE_NAME, FileExtensionConstants.PDF_EXTENSION); debug("tocPdfFile: " + tocPdfFile); buildTocPdf(openOfficeDocConverter, toc, tocPdfFile); // Count pages in TOC PDF document int tocDocPageCount = countPdfPages(tocPdfFile); debug("tocDocPageCount: " + tocDocPageCount); // Merge TOC PDF doc with PDF book if (isVerboseEnabled()) { verbose("Merging TOC with book"); } File firstPdf = tocPdfFile; File secondPdf = outputBookFile; String concatName = FileNameHelper.rewriteFileNameSuffix(outputBookFile, PDF_FILE_PLUS_TOC_SUFFIX, FileExtensionConstants.PDF_EXTENSION); File concatPdf = new File(outputBookFile.getParent(), concatName); concatPdf(firstPdf, secondPdf, concatPdf); debug("concatPdf: " + concatPdf); if (concatPdf.exists()) { FileUtils.copyFile(concatPdf, outputBookFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(concatPdf); } debug("outputBookFile: " + outputBookFile); // Add TOC bookmarks to PDF book File inputPdfFile = outputBookFile; File bookmarkPdfFile = File.createTempFile(DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE_NAME, FileExtensionConstants.OPEN_DOC_TEXT_EXTENSION); debug("bookmarkPdfFile: " + bookmarkPdfFile); List<HashMap<String, Object>> bookmarks = TocToPdfBookmarkListConverter.convert(toc); debug("bookmarks: " + bookmarks); debug("shifting page numbers by " + tocDocPageCount + " pages"); SimpleBookmark.shiftPageNumbers(bookmarks, tocDocPageCount, null); debug("bookmarks: " + bookmarks); PdfBookmarkBuilder pdfBookmarkBuilder = new PdfBookmarkBuilder(); pdfBookmarkBuilder.addBookmarks(inputPdfFile, bookmarks, bookmarkPdfFile); if (bookmarkPdfFile.exists()) { FileUtils.copyFile(bookmarkPdfFile, outputBookFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(bookmarkPdfFile); } } /** * Update PDF book with meta-data. * * @see * @see com.lowagie.examples.general.copystamp.AddWatermarkPageNumbers */ private void updatePdfBookWithMeta(File pdfBookFile) throws IOException, DocumentException { info("updating PDF book with meta ..."); File inputPdfFile = pdfBookFile; String inputPdfFilename = inputPdfFile.getAbsolutePath(); File outputPdfFile = File.createTempFile(DEFAULT_PDF_BOOK_FILE_NAME, FileExtensionConstants.PDF_EXTENSION); debug("outputPdfFile: " + outputPdfFile); String outputPdfFilename = outputPdfFile.getAbsolutePath(); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(inputPdfFilename); PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(outputPdfFilename)); HashMap metaMap = new HashMap(); String metaTitle = config.getMetaTitle(); addNonEmptyMapValue(metaMap, PdfMetaKeys.TITLE, metaTitle); String metaSubject = config.getMetaSubject(); addNonEmptyMapValue(metaMap, PdfMetaKeys.SUBJECT, metaSubject); String metaKeywords = config.getMetaKeywords(); addNonEmptyMapValue(metaMap, PdfMetaKeys.KEYWORDS, metaKeywords); String metaCreator = PDF_PUBLISHER_TOOLS_IDENT + " with " + Document.getVersion(); addNonEmptyMapValue(metaMap, PdfMetaKeys.CREATOR, metaCreator); String metaAuthor = config.getMetaAuthor(); addNonEmptyMapValue(metaMap, PdfMetaKeys.AUTHOR, metaAuthor); String metaVersionId = config.getMetaVersionId(); addNonEmptyMapValue(metaMap, PdfMetaKeys.VERSION_ID, metaVersionId); debug("updating PDF book with meta map: " + metaMap); stamper.setMoreInfo(metaMap); stamper.close(); if (outputPdfFile.exists()) { FileUtils.copyFile(outputPdfFile, pdfBookFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(outputPdfFile); } } // TODO - review template file resolution and temp file allocation private File resolveTocTemplateFile() throws IOException { File tocTemplateFile = null; String templatePath = getConfig().getTocTemplatePath(); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("templatePath: " + templatePath); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(templatePath)) { templatePath = BookPublisherConfig.DEFAULT_TOC_TEMPLATE_PATH; if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("templatePath: " + templatePath); } URL tocTemplateUrl = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(templatePath); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("tocTemplateUrl: " + tocTemplateUrl); } if (tocTemplateUrl != null) { tocTemplateFile = File.createTempFile(DEFAULT_TOC_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME, FileExtensionConstants.OPEN_DOC_TEXT_EXTENSION); tocTemplateFile.deleteOnExit(); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(tocTemplateUrl, tocTemplateFile); } } else { tocTemplateFile = new File(templatePath); } if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("tocTemplateFile: " + tocTemplateFile); } return tocTemplateFile; } private void buildTocDoc(File tocTemplateFile, Toc toc, File tocOutputFile) throws Exception { if (isVerboseEnabled()) { verbose("Building TOC doc"); verbose("Template file is " + tocTemplateFile); verbose("TOC output file is " + tocOutputFile); } // assertions if (tocTemplateFile == null) { throw new Exception("TOC template file is null"); } if (tocOutputFile == null) { throw new Exception("TOC output file is null"); } if ((tocTemplateFile != null) && (tocOutputFile != null)) { if (tocTemplateFile.exists()) { Map tocTemplateDataMap = TocToTemplateDataMapConverter.convert(toc); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("tocTemplateDataMap: " + tocTemplateDataMap); debug("Generating TOC report"); } OpenOfficeReportBuilder reportBuilder = new OpenOfficeReportBuilder(); reportBuilder.setDebugEnabled(isDebugEnabled()); reportBuilder.setVerboseEnabled(isVerboseEnabled()); reportBuilder.buildReport(tocTemplateFile, tocTemplateDataMap, tocOutputFile); } else { error("Template file " + tocTemplateFile + " does not exist - skipping TOC build phase"); } } } /** * Returns the number of pages in a PDF file. * * @param pdfFileName * @return * @throws IOException * * @see */ private int countPdfPages(File file) throws IOException { String filename = file.getCanonicalPath(); int pageCount = countPdfPages(filename); return pageCount; } /** * Returns the number of pages in a PDF file. * * @param pdfFileName * @return * @throws IOException * * @see */ private int countPdfPages(String filename) throws IOException { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(filename); int pageCount = reader.getNumberOfPages(); reader.close(); return pageCount; } /** * TODO: review concat process and compare to PdfCopy. */ public void concatPdf(File firstPdf, File secondPdf, File concatPdf) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug("firstPdf: " + firstPdf); debug("secondPdf: " + secondPdf); debug("concatPdf: " + concatPdf); debug("concat PDFs"); } PdfReader firstReader = new PdfReader(firstPdf.getPath()); PdfReader secondReader = new PdfReader(secondPdf.getPath()); PdfCopyFields copy = new PdfCopyFields(new FileOutputStream(concatPdf.getPath())); copy.addDocument(firstReader); copy.addDocument(secondReader); copy.close(); } // TODO - move to CollectionHelper private void addNonEmptyMapValue(Map<String, String> map, String key, String value) { if (map != null) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(key)) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { map.put(key, value); } } } } private boolean isDebugEnabled() { return getConfig().isDebugEnabled(); } private boolean isVerboseEnabled() { return getConfig().isVerboseEnabled(); } private void debug(String msg) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { System.out.println("-- " + msg); } } private void info(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } private void verbose(String msg) { if (isVerboseEnabled()) { System.out.println(msg); } } private void error(String msg) { if (msg != null) { System.err.println(msg); } } private void error(String msg, Exception exception) { if (msg != null) { System.err.println(msg); if (exception != null) { exception.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } }