Java tutorial
/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016-2018. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.libraries; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion; import; import; import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeVersion; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler; public class LibraryManager { public static final boolean DISABLE_EXTERNAL_MANIFEST = Boolean .parseBoolean(System.getProperty("forge.disable_external_manifest", "false")); public static final boolean ENABLE_AUTO_MOD_MOVEMENT = Boolean .parseBoolean(System.getProperty("forge.enable_auto_mod_movement", "false")); private static final String LIBRARY_DIRECTORY_OVERRIDE = System.getProperty("forge.lib_folder", null); private static final List<String> skipContainedDeps = Arrays .asList(System.getProperty("fml.skipContainedDeps", "").split(",")); //TODO: Is this used by anyone in the real world? TODO: Remove in 1.13. private static final FilenameFilter MOD_FILENAME_FILTER = (dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(".zip"); //TODO: Disable support for zip in 1.13 private static final Comparator<File> FILE_NAME_SORTER_INSENSITVE = (o1, o2) -> o1.getName() .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).compareTo(o2.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); public static final Attributes.Name MODSIDE = new Attributes.Name("ModSide"); private static final Attributes.Name MODCONTAINSDEPS = new Attributes.Name("ContainedDeps"); private static final Attributes.Name MAVEN_ARTIFACT = new Attributes.Name("Maven-Artifact"); private static final Attributes.Name TIMESTAMP = new Attributes.Name("Timestamp"); private static final Attributes.Name MD5 = new Attributes.Name("MD5"); private static Repository libraries_dir = null; private static Set<File> processed = new HashSet<File>(); public static void setup(File minecraftHome) { File libDir = findLibraryFolder(minecraftHome); FMLLog.log.debug("Determined Minecraft Libraries Root: {}", libDir); Repository old = Repository.replace(libDir, "libraries"); if (old != null) FMLLog.log.debug(" Overwriting Previous: {}", old); libraries_dir = Repository.get("libraries"); File mods = new File(minecraftHome, "mods"); File mods_ver = new File(mods, ForgeVersion.mcVersion); ModList memory = null; if (!ENABLE_AUTO_MOD_MOVEMENT) { Repository repo = new LinkRepository(new File(mods, "memory_repo")); memory = new MemoryModList(repo); ModList.cache.put("MEMORY", memory); Repository.cache.put("MEMORY", repo); } for (File dir : new File[] { mods, mods_ver }) cleanDirectory(dir, ENABLE_AUTO_MOD_MOVEMENT ? ModList.create(new File(dir, "mod_list.json"), minecraftHome) : memory, mods_ver, mods); for (ModList list : ModList.getKnownLists(minecraftHome)) { Repository repo = list.getRepository() == null ? libraries_dir : list.getRepository(); List<Artifact> artifacts = list.getArtifacts(); // extractPacked adds artifacts to the list. As such, we can't use an Iterator to traverse it. for (int i = 0; i < artifacts.size(); i++) { Artifact artifact = artifacts.get(i); Artifact resolved = repo.resolve(artifact); if (resolved != null) { File target = repo.getFile(resolved.getPath()); if (target.exists()) extractPacked(target, list, mods_ver, mods); } } } } private static File findLibraryFolder(File minecraftHome) { if (LIBRARY_DIRECTORY_OVERRIDE != null) { FMLLog.log.error("System variable set to override Library Directory: {}", LIBRARY_DIRECTORY_OVERRIDE); return new File(LIBRARY_DIRECTORY_OVERRIDE); } CodeSource source = ArtifactVersion.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource(); if (source == null) { FMLLog.log.error("Unable to determine codesource for {}. Using default libraries directory.", ArtifactVersion.class.getName()); return new File(minecraftHome, "libraries"); } try { File apache = new File(source.getLocation().toURI()); if (apache.isFile()) apache = apache.getParentFile(); //Get to a directory, this *should* always be the case... apache = apache.getParentFile(); //Skip the version folder. In case we ever update the version, I don't want to edit this code again. String comp = apache.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replace('\\', '/'); if (!comp.endsWith("/")) comp += '/'; if (!comp.endsWith("/org/apache/maven/maven-artifact/")) { FMLLog.log.error( "Apache Maven library folder was not in the format expected. Using default libraries directory."); FMLLog.log.error("Full: {}", new File(source.getLocation().toURI())); FMLLog.log.error("Trimmed: {}", comp); return new File(minecraftHome, "libraries"); } // maven-artifact /maven /apache /org /libraries return apache.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { FMLLog.log.error(FMLLog.log.getMessageFactory().newMessage( "Unable to determine file for {}. Using default libraries directory.", ArtifactVersion.class.getName()), e); } return new File(minecraftHome, "libraries"); //Everything else failed, return the default. } private static void cleanDirectory(File dir, ModList modlist, File... modDirs) { if (!dir.exists()) return; FMLLog.log.debug("Cleaning up mods folder: {}", dir); for (File file : dir.listFiles(f -> f.isFile() && f.getName().endsWith(".jar"))) { Pair<Artifact, byte[]> ret = extractPacked(file, modlist, modDirs); if (ret != null) { Artifact artifact = ret.getLeft(); Repository repo = modlist.getRepository() == null ? libraries_dir : modlist.getRepository(); File moved = repo.archive(artifact, file, ret.getRight()); processed.add(moved); } } try { if (modlist.changed()); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.log.error( FMLLog.log.getMessageFactory().newMessage("Error updating modlist file {}", modlist.getName()), e); } } private static Pair<Artifact, byte[]> extractPacked(File file, ModList modlist, File... modDirs) { if (processed.contains(file)) { FMLLog.log.debug("File already proccessed {}, Skipping", file.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } JarFile jar = null; try { jar = new JarFile(file); FMLLog.log.debug("Examining file: {}", file.getName()); processed.add(file); return extractPacked(jar, modlist, modDirs); } catch (IOException ioe) { FMLLog.log.error("Unable to read the jar file {} - ignoring", file.getName(), ioe); } finally { try { if (jar != null) jar.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return null; } private static Pair<Artifact, byte[]> extractPacked(JarFile jar, ModList modlist, File... modDirs) throws IOException { Attributes attrs; if (jar.getManifest() == null) return null; JarEntry manifest_entry = jar.getJarEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME); if (manifest_entry == null) manifest_entry = .filter(e -> JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equals(e.getName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH))).findFirst() .get(); //We know that getManifest returned non-null so we know there is *some* entry that matches the manifest file. So we dont need to empty check. attrs = jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes(); String modSide = attrs.getValue(LibraryManager.MODSIDE); if (modSide != null && !"BOTH".equals(modSide) && !FMLLaunchHandler.side().name().equals(modSide)) return null; if (attrs.containsKey(MODCONTAINSDEPS)) { for (String dep : attrs.getValue(MODCONTAINSDEPS).split(" ")) { if (!dep.endsWith(".jar")) { FMLLog.log.error("Contained Dep is not a jar file: {}", dep); throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid contained dep, Must be jar: " + dep); } if (jar.getJarEntry(dep) == null && jar.getJarEntry("META-INF/libraries/" + dep) != null) dep = "META-INF/libraries/" + dep; JarEntry depEntry = jar.getJarEntry(dep); if (depEntry == null) { FMLLog.log.error("Contained Dep is not in the jar: {}", dep); throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid contained dep, Missing from jar: " + dep); } String depEndName = new File(dep).getName(); // extract last part of name if (skipContainedDeps.contains(dep) || skipContainedDeps.contains(depEndName)) { FMLLog.log.error("Skipping dep at request: {}", dep); continue; } Attributes meta = null; byte[] data = null; byte[] manifest_data = null; JarEntry metaEntry = jar.getJarEntry(dep + ".meta"); if (metaEntry != null) { manifest_data = readAll(jar.getInputStream(metaEntry)); meta = new Manifest(new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest_data)).getMainAttributes(); } else { data = readAll(jar.getInputStream(depEntry)); try (ZipInputStream zi = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))) //We use zip input stream directly, as the current Oracle implementation of JarInputStream only works when the manifest is the First/Second entry in the jar... { ZipEntry ze = null; while ((ze = zi.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (ze.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)) { manifest_data = readAll(zi); meta = new Manifest(new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest_data)).getMainAttributes(); break; } } } } if (meta == null || !meta.containsKey(MAVEN_ARTIFACT)) //Ugh I really don't want to do backwards compatibility here, I want to force modders to provide information... TODO: Remove in 1.13? { boolean found = false; for (File dir : modDirs) { File target = new File(dir, depEndName); if (target.exists()) { FMLLog.log.debug("Found existing ContainDep extracted to {}, skipping extraction", target.getCanonicalPath()); found = true; } } if (!found) { File target = new File(modDirs[0], depEndName); FMLLog.log.debug("Extracting ContainedDep {} from {} to {}", dep, jar.getName(), target.getCanonicalPath()); try { Files.createParentDirs(target); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(target); InputStream in = data == null ? jar.getInputStream(depEntry) : new ByteArrayInputStream(data)) { ByteStreams.copy(in, out); } FMLLog.log.debug("Extracted ContainedDep {} from {} to {}", dep, jar.getName(), target.getCanonicalPath()); extractPacked(target, modlist, modDirs); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.log.error("An error occurred extracting dependency", e); } } } else { try { Artifact artifact = readArtifact(modlist.getRepository(), meta); File target = artifact.getFile(); if (target.exists()) { FMLLog.log.debug( "Found existing ContainedDep {}({}) from {} extracted to {}, skipping extraction", dep, artifact.toString(), target.getCanonicalPath(), jar.getName()); if (!ENABLE_AUTO_MOD_MOVEMENT) { Pair<?, ?> child = extractPacked(target, modlist, modDirs); //If we're not building a real list we have to re-build the dep list every run. So search down. if (child == null && metaEntry != null) //External meta with no internal name... If there is a internal name, we trust that that name is the correct one. { modlist.add(artifact); } } } else { FMLLog.log.debug("Extracting ContainedDep {}({}) from {} to {}", dep, artifact.toString(), jar.getName(), target.getCanonicalPath()); Files.createParentDirs(target); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(target); InputStream in = data == null ? jar.getInputStream(depEntry) : new ByteArrayInputStream(data)) { ByteStreams.copy(in, out); } FMLLog.log.debug("Extracted ContainedDep {}({}) from {} to {}", dep, artifact.toString(), jar.getName(), target.getCanonicalPath()); if (artifact.isSnapshot()) { SnapshotJson json = SnapshotJson.create(artifact.getSnapshotMeta()); json.add(new SnapshotJson.Entry(artifact.getTimestamp(), meta.getValue(MD5))); json.write(artifact.getSnapshotMeta()); } if (!DISABLE_EXTERNAL_MANIFEST) { File meta_target = new File(target.getAbsolutePath() + ".meta"); Files.write(manifest_data, meta_target); } Pair<?, ?> child = extractPacked(target, modlist, modDirs); if (child == null && metaEntry != null) //External meta with no internal name... If there is a internal name, we trust that that name is the correct one. { modlist.add(artifact); } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { FMLLog.log.error(FMLLog.log.getMessageFactory().newMessage( "An error occurred extracting dependency. Invalid Timestamp: {}", meta.getValue(TIMESTAMP)), nfe); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.log.error("An error occurred extracting dependency", e); } } } } if (attrs.containsKey(MAVEN_ARTIFACT)) { Artifact artifact = readArtifact(modlist.getRepository(), attrs); modlist.add(artifact); return Pair.of(artifact, readAll(jar.getInputStream(manifest_entry))); } return null; } private static Artifact readArtifact(Repository repo, Attributes meta) { String timestamp = meta.getValue(TIMESTAMP); if (timestamp != null) timestamp = SnapshotJson.TIMESTAMP.format(new Date(Long.parseLong(timestamp))); return new Artifact(repo, meta.getValue(MAVEN_ARTIFACT), timestamp); } private static byte[] readAll(InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int read = -1; byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 16]; while ((read =, 0, data.length)) != -1) out.write(data, 0, read); out.flush(); return out.toByteArray(); } public static List<Artifact> flattenLists(File mcDir) { List<Artifact> merged = new ArrayList<>(); for (ModList list : ModList.getBasicLists(mcDir)) { for (Artifact art : list.flatten()) { Optional<Artifact> old =; if (!old.isPresent()) { merged.add(art); } else if (old.get().getVersion().compareTo(art.getVersion()) < 0) { merged.add(merged.indexOf(old.get()), art); merged.remove(old.get()); } } } return merged; } public static List<File> gatherLegacyCanidates(File mcDir) { List<File> list = new ArrayList<>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> args = (Map<String, String>) Launch.blackboard.get("launchArgs"); String extraMods = args.get("--mods"); if (extraMods != null) {"Found mods from the command line:"); for (String mod : extraMods.split(",")) { File file = new File(mcDir, mod); if (!file.exists()) {" Failed to find mod file {} ({})", mod, file.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (!list.contains(file)) { FMLLog.log.debug(" Adding {} ({}) to the mod list", mod, file.getAbsolutePath()); list.add(file); } else if (!list.contains(file)) { FMLLog.log.debug(" Duplicte command line mod detected {} ({})", mod, file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } for (String dir : new String[] { "mods", "mods" + File.separatorChar + ForgeVersion.mcVersion }) { File base = new File(mcDir, dir); if (!base.isDirectory() || !base.exists()) continue;"Searching {} for mods", base.getAbsolutePath()); for (File f : base.listFiles(MOD_FILENAME_FILTER)) { if (!list.contains(f)) { FMLLog.log.debug(" Adding {} to the mod list", f.getName()); list.add(f); } } } ModList memory = ModList.cache.get("MEMORY"); if (!ENABLE_AUTO_MOD_MOVEMENT && memory != null && memory.getRepository() != null) memory.getRepository().filterLegacy(list); list.sort(FILE_NAME_SORTER_INSENSITVE); return list; } public static Repository getDefaultRepo() { return libraries_dir; } }