Java tutorial
/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016-2019. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.common.util; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer; import net.minecraft.particles.ParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.Direction; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; /** * A class containing constants for magic numbers used in the minecraft codebase. * Everything here should be checked each update, and have a comment relating to where to check it. */ public class Constants { /** * NBT Tag type IDS, used when storing the nbt to disc, Should align with {@link net.minecraft.nbt.INBT#create} * and {@link net.minecraft.nbt.INBT#getTypeName} * * Main use is checking tag type in {@link net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT#contains(String, int)} * */ public static class NBT { public static final int TAG_END = 0; public static final int TAG_BYTE = 1; public static final int TAG_SHORT = 2; public static final int TAG_INT = 3; public static final int TAG_LONG = 4; public static final int TAG_FLOAT = 5; public static final int TAG_DOUBLE = 6; public static final int TAG_BYTE_ARRAY = 7; public static final int TAG_STRING = 8; public static final int TAG_LIST = 9; public static final int TAG_COMPOUND = 10; public static final int TAG_INT_ARRAY = 11; public static final int TAG_LONG_ARRAY = 12; public static final int TAG_ANY_NUMERIC = 99; } /** * The world event IDS, used when calling {@link IWorld#playEvent(int, BlockPos, int)}. <br> * Can be found from {@link net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer#playEvent}<br> * Some of the events use the {@code data} parameter. If this is the case, an explanation of what {@code data} does is also provided */ public static class WorldEvents { public static final int DISPENSER_DISPENSE_SOUND = 1000; public static final int DISPENSER_FAIL_SOUND = 1001; /** * Like DISPENSER_DISPENSE_SOUND, but for items that are fired (arrows, eggs, snowballs) */ public static final int DISPENSER_LAUNCH_SOUND = 1002; public static final int ENDEREYE_LAUNCH_SOUND = 1003; public static final int FIREWORK_SHOOT_SOUND = 1004; public static final int IRON_DOOR_OPEN_SOUND = 1005; public static final int WOODEN_DOOR_OPEN_SOUND = 1006; public static final int WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_OPEN_SOUND = 1007; public static final int FENCE_GATE_OPEN_SOUND = 1008; public static final int FIRE_EXTINGUISH_SOUND = 1009; /** * {@code data} is the item ID of the record you want to play */ public static final int PLAY_RECORD_SOUND = 1010; public static final int IRON_DOOR_CLOSE_SOUND = 1011; public static final int WOODEN_DOOR_CLOSE_SOUND = 1012; public static final int WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE_SOUND = 1013; public static final int FENCE_GATE_CLOSE_SOUND = 1014; public static final int GHAST_WARN_SOUND = 1015; public static final int GHAST_SHOOT_SOUND = 1016; public static final int ENDERDRAGON_SHOOT_SOUND = 1017; public static final int BLAZE_SHOOT_SOUND = 1018; public static final int ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR_WOOD_SOUND = 1019; public static final int ZOMBIE_ATTACK_DOOR_IRON_SOUND = 1020; public static final int ZOMBIE_BREAK_DOOR_WOOD_SOUND = 1021; public static final int WITHER_BREAK_BLOCK_SOUND = 1022; public static final int WITHER_BREAK_BLOCK = 1023; public static final int WITHER_SHOOT_SOUND = 1024; public static final int BAT_TAKEOFF_SOUND = 1025; public static final int ZOMBIE_INFECT_SOUND = 1026; public static final int ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED_SOUND = 1027; public static final int ANVIL_DESTROYED_SOUND = 1029; public static final int ANVIL_USE_SOUND = 1030; public static final int ANVIL_LAND_SOUND = 1031; public static final int PORTAL_TRAVEL_SOUND = 1032; public static final int CHORUS_FLOWER_GROW_SOUND = 1033; public static final int CHORUS_FLOWER_DEATH_SOUND = 1034; public static final int BREWING_STAND_BREW_SOUND = 1035; public static final int IRON_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE_SOUND = 1036; public static final int IRON_TRAPDOOR_OPEN_SOUND = 1037; public static final int PHANTOM_BITE_SOUND = 1039; public static final int ZOMBIE_CONVERT_TO_DROWNED_SOUND = 1040; public static final int HUSK_CONVERT_TO_ZOMBIE_SOUND = 1041; public static final int GRINDSTONE_USE_SOUND = 1042; public static final int ITEM_BOOK_TURN_PAGE_SOUND = 1043; /** * Spawns the composter particles and plays the sound event sound event<br> * {@code data} is bigger than 0 when the composter can still be filled up, and is smaller or equal to 0 when the composter is full. (This only effects the sound event) */ public static final int COMPOSTER_FILLED_UP = 1500; public static final int LAVA_EXTINGUISH = 1501; public static final int REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT = 1502; public static final int END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILL = 1503; /** * {@code data} is the {@link Direction#getIndex()} of the direction the smoke is to come out of. */ public static final int DISPENSER_SMOKE = 2000; /** * {@code data} is the {@link net.minecraft.block.Block#getStateId state id} of the block broken */ public static final int BREAK_BLOCK_EFFECTS = 2001; /** * {@code data} is the rgb color int that should be used for the potion particles<br> * This is the same as {@link Constants.WorldEvents#POTION_IMPACT} but uses the particle type {@link ParticleTypes#EFFECT} */ public static final int POTION_IMPACT_INSTANT = 2002; public static final int ENDER_EYE_SHATTER = 2003; public static final int MOB_SPAWNER_PARTICLES = 2004; /** * {@code data} is the amount of particles to spawn. If {@code data} is 0 then there will be 15 particles spawned */ public static final int BONEMEAL_PARTICLES = 2005; public static final int DRAGON_FIREBALL_HIT = 2006; /** * {@code data} is the rgb color int that should be used for the potion particles<br> * This is the same as {@link Constants.WorldEvents#POTION_IMPACT_INSTANT} but uses the particle type {@link ParticleTypes#INSTANT_EFFECT} */ public static final int POTION_IMPACT = 2007; public static final int SPAWN_EXPLOSION_PARTICLE = 2008; public static final int GATEWAY_SPAWN_EFFECTS = 3000; public static final int ENDERMAN_GROWL_SOUND = 3001; } /** * The flags used when calling * {@link, BlockState, int)}<br> * Can be found from {@link World#setBlockState(BlockPos, BlockState, int)}, * {@link World#markAndNotifyBlock}, and * {@link WorldRenderer#notifyBlockUpdate}<br> * Flags can be combined with bitwise OR */ public static class BlockFlags { /** * Calls * {@link Block#neighborChanged(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Block, BlockPos, boolean) * neighborChanged} on surrounding blocks (with isMoving as false). Also updates comparator output state. */ public static final int NOTIFY_NEIGHBORS = (1 << 0); /** * Calls {@link World#notifyBlockUpdate(BlockPos, BlockState, BlockState, int)}.<br> * Server-side, this updates all the path-finding navigators. */ public static final int BLOCK_UPDATE = (1 << 1); /** * Stops the blocks from being marked for a render update */ public static final int NO_RERENDER = (1 << 2); /** * Makes the block be re-rendered immediately, on the main thread. * If NO_RERENDER is set, then this will be ignored */ public static final int RERENDER_MAIN_THREAD = (1 << 3); /** * Causes neighbor updates to be sent to all surrounding blocks (including * diagonals). This in turn will call * {@link Block#updateDiagonalNeighbors(BlockState, IWorld, BlockPos, int) * updateDiagonalNeighbors} on both old and new states, and * {@link Block#updateNeighbors(BlockState, IWorld, BlockPos, int) * updateNeighbors} on the new state. */ public static final int UPDATE_NEIGHBORS = (1 << 4); /** * Prevents neighbor changes from spawning item drops, used by * {@link Block#replaceBlock(BlockState, BlockState, IWorld, BlockPos, int)}. */ public static final int NO_NEIGHBOR_DROPS = (1 << 5); /** * Tell the block being changed that it was moved, rather than removed/replaced, * the boolean value is eventually passed to * {@link Block#onReplaced(BlockState, World, BlockPos, BlockState, boolean)} * as the last parameter. */ public static final int IS_MOVING = (1 << 6); public static final int DEFAULT = NOTIFY_NEIGHBORS | BLOCK_UPDATE; public static final int DEFAULT_AND_RERENDER = DEFAULT | RERENDER_MAIN_THREAD; } }