Java tutorial
/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.common.model.animation; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import*; import*; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResource; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResourceManager; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.common.animation.Event; import net.minecraftforge.common.animation.ITimeValue; import net.minecraftforge.common.animation.TimeValues; import net.minecraftforge.common.model.IModelState; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.JsonUtils; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class AnimationStateMachine implements IAnimationStateMachine { private final ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters; private final ImmutableMap<String, IClip> clips; private final ImmutableList<String> states; private final ImmutableMultimap<String, String> transitions; @SerializedName("start_state") private final String startState; private transient boolean shouldHandleSpecialEvents; private transient String currentStateName; private transient IClip currentState; private transient float lastPollTime; private static final LoadingCache<Triple<? extends IClip, Float, Float>, Pair<IModelState, Iterable<Event>>> clipCache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().maximumSize(100).expireAfterWrite(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .build(new CacheLoader<Triple<? extends IClip, Float, Float>, Pair<IModelState, Iterable<Event>>>() { public Pair<IModelState, Iterable<Event>> load(Triple<? extends IClip, Float, Float> key) throws Exception { return Clips.apply(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()); } }); @Deprecated public AnimationStateMachine(ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters, ImmutableMap<String, IClip> clips, ImmutableList<String> states, ImmutableMap<String, String> transitions, String startState) { this(parameters, clips, states, ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(Multimaps .newSetMultimap(Maps.transformValues(transitions, new Function<String, Collection<String>>() { public Collection<String> apply(String input) { return ImmutableSet.of(input); } }), new Supplier<Set<String>>() { public Set<String> get() { return Sets.newHashSet(); } })), startState); } public AnimationStateMachine(ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters, ImmutableMap<String, IClip> clips, ImmutableList<String> states, ImmutableMultimap<String, String> transitions, String startState) { this.parameters = parameters; this.clips = clips; this.states = states; this.transitions = transitions; this.startState = startState; } /** * post-loading initialization hook. */ void initialize() { if (parameters == null) { throw new JsonParseException("Animation State Machine should contain \"parameters\" key."); } if (clips == null) { throw new JsonParseException("Animation State Machine should contain \"clips\" key."); } if (states == null) { throw new JsonParseException("Animation State Machine should contain \"states\" key."); } if (transitions == null) { throw new JsonParseException("Animation State Machine should contain \"transitions\" key."); } shouldHandleSpecialEvents = true; lastPollTime = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // setting the starting state IClip state = clips.get(startState); if (!clips.containsKey(startState) || !states.contains(startState)) { throw new IllegalStateException("unknown state: " + startState); } currentStateName = startState; currentState = state; } public Pair<IModelState, Iterable<Event>> apply(float time) { if (lastPollTime == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { lastPollTime = time; } Pair<IModelState, Iterable<Event>> pair = clipCache .getUnchecked(Triple.of(currentState, lastPollTime, time)); lastPollTime = time; boolean shouldFilter = false; if (shouldHandleSpecialEvents) { for (Event event : ImmutableList.copyOf(pair.getRight()).reverse()) { if (event.event().startsWith("!")) { shouldFilter = true; if (event.event().startsWith("!transition:")) { String newState = event.event().substring("!transition:".length()); transition(newState); } else { System.out.println("Unknown special event \"" + event.event() + "\", ignoring"); } } } } if (!shouldFilter) { return pair; } return Pair.of(pair.getLeft(), Iterables.filter(pair.getRight(), new Predicate<Event>() { public boolean apply(Event event) { return !event.event().startsWith("!"); } })); } public void transition(String newState) { IClip nc = clips.get(newState); if (!clips.containsKey(newState) || !states.contains(newState)) { throw new IllegalStateException("unknown state: " + newState); } if (!transitions.containsEntry(currentStateName, newState)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no transition from current clip \"" + currentStateName + "\" to the clip \"" + newState + "\" found."); } currentStateName = newState; currentState = nc; } public String currentState() { return currentStateName; } public void shouldHandleSpecialEvents(boolean value) { shouldHandleSpecialEvents = true; } /** * Load a new instance if AnimationStateMachine at specified location, with specified custom parameters. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IAnimationStateMachine load(IResourceManager manager, ResourceLocation location, ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> customParameters) { try { ClipResolver clipResolver = new ClipResolver(); ParameterResolver parameterResolver = new ParameterResolver(customParameters); Clips.CommonClipTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.setClipResolver(clipResolver); TimeValues.CommonTimeValueTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.setValueResolver(parameterResolver); IResource resource = manager.getResource(location); AnimationStateMachine asm = asmGson.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(resource.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"), AnimationStateMachine.class); clipResolver.asm = asm; parameterResolver.asm = asm; asm.initialize(); //String json = asmGson.toJson(asm); //System.out.println(location + ": " + json); return asm; } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, e, "Exception loading Animation State Machine %s, skipping", location); return missing; } catch (JsonParseException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, e, "Exception loading Animation State Machine %s, skipping", location); return missing; } finally { Clips.CommonClipTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.setClipResolver(null); TimeValues.CommonTimeValueTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.setValueResolver(null); } } private static final AnimationStateMachine missing = new AnimationStateMachine( ImmutableMap.<String, ITimeValue>of(), ImmutableMap.of("missingno", (IClip) Clips.IdentityClip.INSTANCE), ImmutableList.of("missingno"), ImmutableMultimap.<String, String>of(), "missingno"); static { missing.initialize(); } public static AnimationStateMachine getMissing() { return missing; } private static final class ClipResolver implements Function<String, IClip> { private AnimationStateMachine asm; public IClip apply(String name) { return asm.clips.get(name); } } private static final class ParameterResolver implements Function<String, ITimeValue> { private final ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> customParameters; private AnimationStateMachine asm; public ParameterResolver(ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> customParameters) { this.customParameters = customParameters; } public ITimeValue apply(String name) { if (asm.parameters.containsKey(name)) { return asm.parameters.get(name); } return customParameters.get(name); } } private static final Gson asmGson = new GsonBuilder() .registerTypeAdapter(ImmutableList.class, JsonUtils.ImmutableListTypeAdapter.INSTANCE) .registerTypeAdapter(ImmutableMap.class, JsonUtils.ImmutableMapTypeAdapter.INSTANCE) .registerTypeAdapterFactory(Clips.CommonClipTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE) //.registerTypeAdapterFactory(ClipProviders.CommonClipProviderTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE) .registerTypeAdapterFactory(TimeValues.CommonTimeValueTypeAdapterFactory.INSTANCE) .registerTypeAdapterFactory(TransitionsAdapterFactory.INSTANCE).setPrettyPrinting() .enableComplexMapKeySerialization().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); private enum TransitionsAdapterFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory { INSTANCE; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) { if (type.getRawType() != ImmutableMultimap.class || !(type.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType)) { return null; } final Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) type.getType()).getActualTypeArguments(); if (typeArguments.length != 2 || typeArguments[0] != String.class || typeArguments[1] != String.class) { return null; } final TypeAdapter<Map<String, Collection<String>>> mapAdapter = gson .getAdapter(new TypeToken<Map<String, Collection<String>>>() { }); final TypeAdapter<Collection<String>> collectionAdapter = gson .getAdapter(new TypeToken<Collection<String>>() { }); return (TypeAdapter<T>) new TypeAdapter<ImmutableMultimap<String, String>>() { @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, ImmutableMultimap<String, String> value) throws IOException { mapAdapter.write(out, value.asMap()); } @Override public ImmutableMultimap<String, String> read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { ImmutableMultimap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); in.beginObject(); while (in.hasNext()) { String key = in.nextName(); switch (in.peek()) { case STRING: builder.put(key, in.nextString()); break; case BEGIN_ARRAY: builder.putAll(key,; break; default: throw new JsonParseException("Expected String or Array, got " + in.peek()); } } in.endObject(); return; } }; } } }