Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * 2012 Ivan Shubin * * This file is part of Oculus Frontend. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Oculus Frontend. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.service.issue; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.db.jdbc.MySimpleJdbcDaoSupport; import; import; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.db.BrowseResult; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.issue.Issue; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.issue.IssueCollation; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.issue.IssueCollationCondition; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.issue.IssueCollationTest; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.issue.IssueSearchData; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.domain.issue.IssueSearchFilter; import; import net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.service.customization.CustomizationUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class JdbcIssueDAO extends MySimpleJdbcDaoSupport implements IssueDAO { @Override public long createIssue(Issue issue) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = getConnection().prepareStatement( "insert into issues (name, link, summary, description, author_id, date, fixed, fixed_date, project_id, subproject_id) " + "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1, issue.getName()); ps.setString(2, issue.getLink()); ps.setString(3, issue.getSummary()); ps.setString(4, issue.getDescription()); ps.setLong(5, issue.getAuthorId()); ps.setTimestamp(6, new Timestamp(issue.getDate().getTime())); ps.setInt(7, issue.getFixed()); ps.setTimestamp(8, new Timestamp(issue.getFixedDate().getTime())); ps.setLong(9, issue.getProjectId()); ps.setLong(10, issue.getSubProjectId());; ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { return rs.getLong(1); } return 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Issue getIssue(Long issueId) throws Exception { List<Issue> list = (List<Issue>) query("select * from issues where id = :id", Issue.class, "id", issueId); if (list.size() > 0) { return list.get(0); } return null; } @Override public void updateIssue(Issue issue) throws Exception { update("update issues set name = :name, link = :link, summary = :summary, description = :description, subproject_id = :subProjectId where id = :id", "name", issue.getName(), "link", issue.getLink(), "summary", issue.getSummary(), "description", issue.getDescription(), "subProjectId", issue.getSubProjectId(), "id", issue.getId()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public BrowseResult<Issue> fetchIssues(String name, Integer page, Integer limit) throws Exception { BrowseResult<Issue> result = new BrowseResult<Issue>(); if (page == null || page < 1) page = 1; if (limit == null || limit < 1) limit = 10; name = "%" + name.replace("*", "%") + "%"; List<Issue> list = (List<Issue>) query( "select * from issues where name like :name or link like :name or summary like :name order by name, link asc limit " + ((page - 1) * 10) + ", " + limit, Issue.class, "name", name); Long count = count( "select count(*) from issues issues where name like :name or link like :name or summary like :name", "name", name); result.setLimit(limit); result.setNumberOfDisplayedResults((long) list.size()); result.setNumberOfResults(count); result.setPage(page); result.setResults(list); return result; } @Override public void linkTestRunsToIssue(Collection<TestRunSearchData> testRuns, Long issueId) throws Exception { StringBuffer ids = new StringBuffer(); boolean isComma = false; for (TestRunSearchData testRun : testRuns) { if (isComma) { ids.append(","); } isComma = true; ids.append(testRun.getTestRunId()); } update("update test_runs set issue_id = :issueId where id in (" + ids.toString() + ")", "issueId", issueId); } @Override public void linkTestRunToIssue(Long testRunId, Long issueId) throws Exception { update("update test_runs set issue_id = :issueId where id = " + testRunId, "issueId", issueId); } @Override public void linkTestsToIssue(IssueCollation issueCollation) throws Exception { /* * Inserting into issue_collations table first because then we will use * its generated index */ PreparedStatement ps = getConnection() .prepareStatement("insert into issue_collations (issue_id, reason_pattern) values (?,?)"); ps.setLong(1, issueCollation.getIssueId()); ps.setString(2, issueCollation.getReasonPattern());; ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { issueCollation.setId(rs.getLong(1)); } else throw new Exception("An error appeared while linking tests to issue"); /* * Inserting all tests into issue_collation_tests table */ for (IssueCollationTest test : issueCollation.getTests()) { update("insert into issue_collation_tests (issue_collation_id, test_id, test_name) values (" + issueCollation.getId() + "," + test.getTestId() + ", :testName)", "testName", test.getTestName()); } update("update issues set dependent_tests = dependent_tests + :size where id = :id", "size", issueCollation.getTests().size(), "id", issueCollation.getIssueId()); /* * Inserting all conditions into issue_collation_conditions table */ for (IssueCollationCondition condition : issueCollation.getConditions()) { update("insert into issue_collation_conditions (issue_collation_id, trm_property_id, value) values (:issueCollationId, :trmPropertyId, :value)", "issueCollationId", issueCollation.getId(), "trmPropertyId", condition.getTrmPropertyId(), "value", condition.getValue()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<IssueCollation> getIssueCollations(Long issueId) throws Exception { Collection<IssueCollation> collations = (Collection<IssueCollation>) query( "select * from issue_collations where issue_id = :issueId", IssueCollation.class, "issueId", issueId); for (IssueCollation collation : collations) { collation.setTests(getIssueCollationTests(collation.getId())); collation.getTests().addAll(getIssueCollationUnboundTests(collation.getId())); collation.setConditions(getIssueCollationConditions(collation.getId())); } return collations; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<IssueCollationTest> getIssueCollationTests(Long issueCollationId) throws Exception { return (Collection<IssueCollationTest>) query( "select, ict.issue_collation_id, ict.test_id, as test_name, as projectName, p.path as projectPath from issue_collation_tests ict left join tests t on left join projects p on = t.project_id where ict.issue_collation_id= :issueCollationId and ict.test_id>0", IssueCollationTest.class, "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); } /** * Returns issue collated tests which weren't bound to the existent tests * (test_id = 0). Such collated tests are checked by theirs name * * @param issueCollationId * @return * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection<IssueCollationTest> getIssueCollationUnboundTests(Long issueCollationId) throws Exception { return (Collection<IssueCollationTest>) query( "select * from issue_collation_tests ict where ict.issue_collation_id = :issueCollationId and ict.test_id=0", IssueCollationTest.class, "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<IssueCollationCondition> getIssueCollationConditions(Long issueCollationId) throws Exception { return (Collection<IssueCollationCondition>) query( "SELECT icc.*, as trmpName FROM issue_collation_conditions icc left join trm_properties trmp on = icc.trm_property_id where icc.issue_collation_id = :issueCollationId", IssueCollationCondition.class, "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); } @Override public void deleteIssueCollationTests(Long issueId, Long issueCollationId, Collection<IssueCollationTest> tests) throws Exception { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); boolean comma = false; for (IssueCollationTest test : tests) { if (comma) buff.append(","); comma = true; buff.append(test.getId()); } update("delete from issue_collation_tests where issue_collation_id = :issueCollationId and id in (" + buff.toString() + ")", "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); update("update issues set dependent_tests = dependent_tests - " + tests.size() + " where id = :issueId", "issueId", issueId); Long count = count( "select count(*) from issue_collation_tests where issue_collation_id = :issueCollationId", "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); if (count == 0) { deleteIssueCollation(issueCollationId); } } @Override public void deleteIssueCollation(Long issueCollationId) throws Exception { update("delete from issue_collations where id = :issueCollationId", "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); update("delete from issue_collation_tests where issue_collation_id = :issueCollationId", "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); update("delete from issue_collation_conditions where issue_collation_id = :issueCollationId", "issueCollationId", issueCollationId); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<IssueCollation> getIssueCollationsForTest(Long testId) throws Exception { return (Collection<IssueCollation>) query( "select ic.* from issue_collations ic left join issue_collation_tests ict on ict.issue_collation_id = where ict.test_id=" + testId, IssueCollation.class); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<IssueCollation> getIssueCollationsForTest(String name) throws Exception { return (Collection<IssueCollation>) query( "select ic.* from issue_collations ic left join issue_collation_tests ict on ict.issue_collation_id = where ict.test_name= :testName", IssueCollation.class, "testName", name); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public BrowseResult<IssueSearchData> searchIssues(IssueSearchFilter filter) throws Exception { String sqlTemplate = "from issues i " + "left join projects p on = i.project_id " + "left join projects sp on = i.subproject_id " + "left join users u on = i.author_id "; int pageLimit = 10; if (filter.getPageLimit() < IssueSearchFilter.PAGE_LIMITS.length) { pageLimit = IssueSearchFilter.PAGE_LIMITS[filter.getPageLimit()]; } String limit = " limit " + (filter.getPageOffset() - 1) * pageLimit + "," + pageLimit; SqlSearchCondition condition = new SqlSearchCondition(); /* * Preparing the conditions */ // Customizations sqlTemplate = CustomizationUtils.collectCustomizationSearchCondition("", "issue", sqlTemplate, filter.getCustomizations(), condition); // Issue Name { String name = filter.getName(); if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { if (name.contains(",")) { condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(name, "", "")); } else { condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(name, true, "", "")); } } } // Summary { String summary = filter.getSummary(); if (summary != null && !summary.isEmpty()) { condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(summary, true, "i.summary")); } } // Details { String details = filter.getDetails(); if (details != null && !details.isEmpty()) { condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(details, true, "i.details")); } } // User { String user = filter.getUser(); if (user != null && !user.isEmpty()) { if (user.contains(",")) { condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(user, "", "u.login")); } else { condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(user, true, "", "u.login")); } } } // Project { String project = filter.getProject(); if (project != null && !project.isEmpty()) { // checking whether it is an id of project or just a name if (StringUtils.isNumeric(project)) { // The id of a project was provided condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "", project)); } else { if (project.contains(",")) { condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(project, "")); } else { condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(project, true, "")); } } } } // SubProject { String subProject = filter.getSubProject(); if (subProject != null && !subProject.isEmpty()) { // checking whether it is an id of project or just a name if (StringUtils.isNumeric(subProject)) { // The id of a project was provided condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "", subProject)); } else { if (subProject.contains(",")) { condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(subProject, "", "sp.path")); } else { condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(subProject, true, "", "sp.path")); } } } } // Preparing the order by statement String order = ""; Integer orderBy = filter.getOrderByColumnId(); if (orderBy != null && orderBy >= 0) { SearchColumn column = filter.getColumnById(orderBy); if (column != null) { String direction; if (filter.getOrderDirection() >= 0) { direction = "asc"; } else direction = "desc"; order = " order by " + column.getSqlColumn() + " " + direction; } } String sqlSelectTemplate = "select " + " as uName, u.login as uLogin, " + " as sprName, sp.path as sprPath, " + " as prName, p.path as prPath, " + "i.* " + sqlTemplate; String sqlSelectCountTemplate = "select count(*) " + sqlTemplate; String sql = sqlSelectTemplate + condition + order + limit; String sqlCount = sqlSelectCountTemplate + condition; BrowseResult<IssueSearchData> result = new BrowseResult<IssueSearchData>(); List<IssueSearchData> list = (List<IssueSearchData>) query(sql, IssueSearchData.class); result.setResults(list); result.setNumberOfDisplayedResults(new Long(list.size())); result.setNumberOfResults(count(sqlCount)); return result; } }