Java tutorial
package net.massbank.validator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import massbank.MassBankEnv; import massbank.admin.DatabaseAccess; import massbank.admin.FileUtil; import massbank.FileUpload; import massbank.GetConfig; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; // <%@ include file="../jsp/Common.jsp"%> public class RecordValidator { /** */ private final static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS"); /** */ private final static String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** ??ZIP */ private final static String UPLOAD_RECDATA_ZIP = ""; /** zip? */ private final static String ZIP_EXTENSION = ".zip"; /** ??MSBK */ private final static String UPLOAD_RECDATA_MSBK = "*.msbk"; /** msbk? */ private final static String MSBK_EXTENSION = ".msbk"; /** ?? */ private final static String RECDATA_DIR_NAME = "recdata"; /** ? */ private final static String REC_EXTENSION = ".txt"; /** */ private final static String DEFAULT_VALUE = "N/A"; /** OK */ private final static String STATUS_OK = "ok"; /** */ private final static String STATUS_WARN = "warn"; /** */ private final static String STATUS_ERR = "error"; /** * HTML * * @param msg * * @return */ private static String msgInfo(String msg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<i>info</i> : <span class=\"msgFont\">"); sb.append(msg); sb.append("</span><br>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * HTML * * @param msg * * @return */ private static String msgWarn(String msg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<i>warn</i> : "); sb.append(msg); sb.append("</span><br>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * HTML * * @param msg * * @return */ private static String msgErr(String msg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<i>error</i> : "); sb.append(msg); sb.append("</span><br>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * ?? * * @param db * DB * @param op * PrintWriter? * @param dataPath * ? * @param registPath * * @param ver * ? * @return ??Map<??, ?> * @throws IOException * */ private static TreeMap<String, String> validationRecord(DatabaseAccess dbx, PrintStream op, String dataPath, String registPath, int ver) throws IOException { if (ver == 1) { op.println(msgInfo("check record format version is [version 1].")); } final String[] dataList = (new File(dataPath)).list(); TreeMap<String, String> validationMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); if (dataList.length == 0) { op.println(msgWarn("no file for validation.")); return validationMap; } // ---------------------------------------------------- // ??? // ---------------------------------------------------- String[] requiredList = new String[] { // Ver.2 "ACCESSION: ", "RECORD_TITLE: ", "DATE: ", "AUTHORS: ", "LICENSE: ", "CH$NAME: ", "CH$COMPOUND_CLASS: ", "CH$FORMULA: ", "CH$EXACT_MASS: ", "CH$SMILES: ", "CH$IUPAC: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ", "AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ", "AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: ION_MODE ", "PK$NUM_PEAK: ", "PK$PEAK: " }; if (ver == 1) { // Ver.1 requiredList = new String[] { "ACCESSION: ", "RECORD_TITLE: ", "DATE: ", "AUTHORS: ", "COPYRIGHT: ", "CH$NAME: ", "CH$COMPOUND_CLASS: ", "CH$FORMULA: ", "CH$EXACT_MASS: ", "CH$SMILES: ", "CH$IUPAC: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ", "AC$ANALYTICAL_CONDITION: MODE ", "PK$NUM_PEAK: ", "PK$PEAK: " }; } for (int i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { String name = dataList[i]; String status = ""; StringBuilder detailsErr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder detailsWarn = new StringBuilder(); // ???? File file = new File(dataPath + name); if (file.isDirectory()) { // ?? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("[" + name + "] is directory."); validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + detailsErr.toString()); continue; } else if (file.isHidden()) { // ??? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("[" + name + "] is hidden."); validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + detailsErr.toString()); continue; } else if (name.lastIndexOf(REC_EXTENSION) == -1) { // ???? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("file extension of [" + name + "] is not [" + REC_EXTENSION + "]."); validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + detailsErr.toString()); continue; } // ?? boolean isEndTagRead = false; boolean isInvalidInfo = false; boolean isDoubleByte = false; ArrayList<String> fileContents = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean existLicense = false; // LICENSE?Ver.1 ArrayList<String> workChName = new ArrayList<String>(); // RECORD_TITLE??CH$NAME??Ver.1? String workAcInstrumentType = ""; // RECORD_TITLE??AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE??Ver.1? String workAcMsType = ""; // RECORD_TITLE??AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: // MS_TYPE??Ver.2 String line = ""; BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (isEndTagRead) { if (!line.equals("")) { isInvalidInfo = true; } } // if (line.startsWith("//")) { isEndTagRead = true; } fileContents.add(line); // LICENSE?Ver.1 if (line.startsWith("LICENSE: ")) { existLicense = true; } // CH$NAME?Ver.1? else if (line.startsWith("CH$NAME: ")) { workChName.add(line.trim().replaceAll("CH\\$NAME: ", "")); } // AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE?Ver.1? else if (line.startsWith("AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ")) { workAcInstrumentType = line.trim().replaceAll("AC\\$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ", ""); } // AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE?Ver.2 else if (ver != 1 && line.startsWith("AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ")) { workAcMsType = line.trim().replaceAll("AC\\$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ", ""); } // ? if (!isDoubleByte) { byte[] bytes = line.getBytes("MS932"); if (bytes.length != line.length()) { isDoubleByte = true; } } } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger("global").severe("file read failed." + NEW_LINE + " " + file.getPath()); e.printStackTrace(); op.println(msgErr("server error.")); validationMap.clear(); return validationMap; } finally { try { if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } if (isInvalidInfo) { // ????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("invalid after the end tag [//]."); } if (isDoubleByte) { // ????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("double-byte character included."); } if (ver == 1 && existLicense) { // LICENSE???Ver.1 if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("[LICENSE: ] tag can not be used in record format [version 1]."); } // ---------------------------------------------------- // ???? // ---------------------------------------------------- boolean isNameCheck = false; int peakNum = -1; for (int j = 0; j < requiredList.length; j++) { String requiredStr = requiredList[j]; ArrayList<String> valStrs = new ArrayList<String>(); // boolean findRequired = false; // boolean findValue = false; // boolean isPeakMode = false; // for (int k = 0; k < fileContents.size(); k++) { String lineStr = fileContents.get(k); // ????RELATED_RECORD?????? if (lineStr.startsWith("//")) { // Ver.1? break; } else if (ver == 1 && lineStr.startsWith("RELATED_RECORD:")) { // Ver.1 break; } // ????? else if (isPeakMode) { findRequired = true; if (!lineStr.trim().equals("")) { valStrs.add(lineStr); } } // ?????? else if (lineStr.indexOf(requiredStr) != -1) { // findRequired = true; if (requiredStr.equals("PK$PEAK: ")) { isPeakMode = true; findValue = true; valStrs.add(lineStr.replace(requiredStr, "")); } else { // String tmpVal = lineStr.replace(requiredStr, ""); if (!tmpVal.trim().equals("")) { findValue = true; valStrs.add(tmpVal); } break; } } } if (!findRequired) { // ?????? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("no required item [" + requiredStr + "]."); } else { if (!findValue) { // ????? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("no value of required item [" + requiredStr + "]."); } else { // ??? // ---------------------------------------------------- // ?? // ---------------------------------------------------- String val = (valStrs.size() > 0) ? valStrs.get(0) : ""; // ACESSIONVer.1? if (requiredStr.equals("ACCESSION: ")) { if (!val.equals(name.replace(REC_EXTENSION, ""))) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] not correspond to file name."); } if (val.length() != 8) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is 8 digits necessary."); } } // RECORD_TITLEVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("RECORD_TITLE: ")) { if (!val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (val.indexOf(";") != -1) { String[] recTitle = val.split(";"); if (!workChName.contains(recTitle[0].trim())) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], compound name is not included in the [CH$NAME]."); } if (!workAcInstrumentType.equals(recTitle[1].trim())) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], instrument type is different from [AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE]."); } if (ver != 1 && !workAcMsType.equals(recTitle[2].trim())) { // Ver.2 if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], ms type is different from [AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE]."); } } else { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not record title format."); if (!workChName.contains(val)) { detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], compound name is not included in the [CH$NAME]."); } if (!workAcInstrumentType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], instrument type is different from [AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE]."); } if (ver != 1 && !workAcMsType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { // Ver.2 detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], ms type is different from [AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE]."); } } } else { if (!workAcInstrumentType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], instrument type is different from [AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE]."); } if (ver != 1 && !workAcMsType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { // Ver.2 if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], ms type is different from [AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE]."); } } } // DATEVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("DATE: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { val = val.replace(".", "/"); val = val.replace("-", "/"); try { DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.JAPAN).parse(val); } catch (ParseException e) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not date format."); } } // CH$COMPOUND_CLASSVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("CH$COMPOUND_CLASS: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (!val.startsWith("Natural Product") && !val.startsWith("Non-Natural Product")) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not compound class format."); } } // CH$EXACT_MASSVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("CH$EXACT_MASS: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { try { Double.parseDouble(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } } // AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPEVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (val.trim().indexOf(" ") != -1) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is space included."); } if (val.trim().indexOf(" ") != -1) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is space included."); } } // AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPEVer.2 else if (ver != 1 && requiredStr.equals("AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { boolean isMsType = true; if (val.startsWith("MS")) { val = val.replace("MS", ""); if (!val.equals("")) { try { Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { isMsType = false; } } } else { isMsType = false; } if (!isMsType) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not \"MSn\"."); } } // AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: // ION_MODEVer.2?AC$ANALYTICAL_CONDITION: MODEVer.1 else if ((ver != 1 && requiredStr.equals("AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: ION_MODE ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) || (ver == 1 && requiredStr.equals("AC$ANALYTICAL_CONDITION: MODE ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE))) { if (!val.equals("POSITIVE") && !val.equals("NEGATIVE")) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not \"POSITIVE\" or \"NEGATIVE\"."); } } // PK$NUM_PEAKVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("PK$NUM_PEAK: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { try { peakNum = Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } } // PK$PEAK:Ver.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("PK$PEAK: ")) { if (valStrs.size() == 0 || !valStrs.get(0).startsWith("m/z int.")) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "value of required item [PK$PEAK: ] , the first line is not \"PK$PEAK: m/z int.\"."); } else { boolean isNa = false; String peak = ""; String mz = ""; String intensity = ""; boolean mzDuplication = false; boolean mzNotNumeric = false; boolean intensityNotNumeric = false; boolean invalidFormat = false; HashSet<String> mzSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (int l = 0; l < valStrs.size(); l++) { peak = valStrs.get(l).trim(); // N/A if (peak.indexOf(DEFAULT_VALUE) != -1) { isNa = true; break; } if (l == 0) { continue; } // m/z int. if (peak.indexOf(" ") != -1) { mz = peak.split(" ")[0]; if (!mzSet.add(mz)) { mzDuplication = true; } try { Double.parseDouble(mz); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { mzNotNumeric = true; } intensity = peak.split(" ")[1]; try { Double.parseDouble(intensity); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { intensityNotNumeric = true; } } else { invalidFormat = true; } if (mzDuplication && mzNotNumeric && intensityNotNumeric && invalidFormat) { break; } } if (isNa) {// PK$PEAK:?N/A?? if (peakNum != -1) { // PK$NUM_PEAK:N/A?? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [PK$NUM_PEAK: ] is mismatch or \"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\"."); } if (valStrs.size() - 1 > 0) { // PK$PEAK:???????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append( "value of required item [PK$NUM_PEAK: ] is invalid peak information exists."); } } else { if (mzDuplication) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "mz value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is duplication."); } if (mzNotNumeric) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "mz value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } if (intensityNotNumeric) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("intensity value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } if (invalidFormat) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not peak format."); } if (peakNum != 0 && valStrs.size() - 1 == 0) { // ?????N/A????PK$NUM_PEAK:?0??????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append( "value of required item [PK$PEAK: ] is no value. at that time, please add \"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\". "); } if (peakNum != valStrs.size() - 1) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [PK$NUM_PEAK: ] is mismatch or \"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\"."); } } } } } } } String details = detailsErr.toString() + detailsWarn.toString(); if (status.equals("")) { status = STATUS_OK; details = " "; } validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + details); } // // ---------------------------------------------------- // // ???? // // ---------------------------------------------------- // // ?ID?DB // HashSet<String> regIdList = new HashSet<String>(); // String[] sqls = { "SELECT ID FROM SPECTRUM ORDER BY ID", // "SELECT ID FROM RECORD ORDER BY ID", // "SELECT ID FROM PEAK GROUP BY ID ORDER BY ID", // "SELECT ID FROM CH_NAME ID ORDER BY ID", // "SELECT ID FROM CH_LINK ID ORDER BY ID", // "SELECT ID FROM TREE WHERE ID IS NOT NULL AND ID<>'' ORDER BY ID" }; // for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) { // String execSql = sqls[i]; // ResultSet rs = null; // try { // rs = db.executeQuery(execSql); // while ( { // String idStr = rs.getString("ID"); // regIdList.add(idStr); // } // } catch (SQLException e) { // Logger.getLogger("global").severe(" sql : " + execSql); // e.printStackTrace(); // op.println(msgErr("database access error.")); // return new TreeMap<String, String>(); // } finally { // try { // if (rs != null) { // rs.close(); // } // } catch (SQLException e) { // } // } // } // // ?ID? // final String[] recFileList = (new File(registPath)).list(); // for (int i = 0; i < recFileList.length; i++) { // String name = recFileList[i]; // File file = new File(registPath + File.separator + name); // if (!file.isFile() || file.isHidden() // || name.lastIndexOf(REC_EXTENSION) == -1) { // continue; // } // String idStr = name.replace(REC_EXTENSION, ""); // regIdList.add(idStr); // } // // ?? // for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : validationMap.entrySet()) { // String statusStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[0]; // if (statusStr.equals(STATUS_ERR)) { // continue; // } // String nameStr = e.getKey(); // String idStr = e.getKey().replace(REC_EXTENSION, ""); // String detailsStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[1]; // if (regIdList.contains(idStr)) { // statusStr = STATUS_WARN; // detailsStr += "id [" // + idStr + "] of file name [" // + nameStr // + "] already registered."; // validationMap.put(nameStr, statusStr + "\t" + detailsStr); // } // } return validationMap; } /** * ??? * * @param op * PrintWriter? * @param resultMap * ?? * @return ? * @throws IOException */ private static boolean dispResult(PrintStream op, TreeMap<String, String> resultMap) throws IOException { // ---------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------- NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); int okCnt = 0; int warnCnt = 0; int errCnt = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : resultMap.entrySet()) { String statusStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[0]; if (statusStr.equals(STATUS_OK)) { okCnt++; } else if (statusStr.equals(STATUS_WARN)) { warnCnt++; } else if (statusStr.equals(STATUS_ERR)) { errCnt++; } } op.println(nf.format(okCnt) + " ok"); op.println(nf.format(warnCnt) + " warn"); op.println(nf.format(errCnt) + " error / " + nf.format(resultMap.size()) + " files"); op.println("Status"); op.println("Details"); // ---------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------- for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : resultMap.entrySet()) { String nameStr = e.getKey(); String statusStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[0]; String detailsStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[1].trim(); op.println(nameStr + " "); op.println(statusStr + ""); op.println(detailsStr + ""); } return true; } public static void printHelp(Options lvOptions) { HelpFormatter lvFormater = new HelpFormatter(); lvFormater.printHelp("Programm_Name", lvOptions); } public static void main(String[] args) { RequestDummy request; PrintStream out = System.out; Options lvOptions = new Options(); lvOptions.addOption("h", "help", false, "show this help."); lvOptions.addOption("r", "recdata", true, "points to the recdata directory containing massbank records. Reads all *.txt files in there."); CommandLineParser lvParser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine lvCmd = null; try { lvCmd = lvParser.parse(lvOptions, args); if (lvCmd.hasOption('h')) { printHelp(lvOptions); return; } } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException pvException) { System.out.println(pvException.getMessage()); } String recDataPath = lvCmd.getOptionValue("recdata"); // --------------------------------------------- // ???? // --------------------------------------------- final String baseUrl = MassBankEnv.get(MassBankEnv.KEY_BASE_URL); final String dbRootPath = "./"; final String dbHostName = MassBankEnv.get(MassBankEnv.KEY_DB_HOST_NAME); final String tomcatTmpPath = "."; final String tmpPath = (new File(tomcatTmpPath + sdf.format(new Date()))).getPath() + File.separator; GetConfig conf = new GetConfig(baseUrl); int recVersion = 2; String selDbName = ""; Object up = null; // Was: file Upload boolean isResult = true; String upFileName = ""; boolean upResult = false; DatabaseAccess db = null; try { // ---------------------------------------------------- // ??? // ---------------------------------------------------- // if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { // (new File(tmpPath)).mkdir(); // String os = System.getProperty(""); // if (os.indexOf("Windows") == -1) { // isResult = FileUtil.changeMode("777", tmpPath); // if (!isResult) { // out.println(msgErr("[" + tmpPath // + "] chmod failed.")); // return; // } // } // up = new FileUpload(request, tmpPath); // } // ---------------------------------------------------- // ?DB???? // ---------------------------------------------------- List<String> dbNameList = Arrays.asList(conf.getDbName()); ArrayList<String> dbNames = new ArrayList<String>(); dbNames.add(""); File[] dbDirs = (new File(dbRootPath)).listFiles(); if (dbDirs != null) { for (File dbDir : dbDirs) { if (dbDir.isDirectory()) { int pos = dbDir.getName().lastIndexOf("\\"); String dbDirName = dbDir.getName().substring(pos + 1); pos = dbDirName.lastIndexOf("/"); dbDirName = dbDirName.substring(pos + 1); if (dbNameList.contains(dbDirName)) { // DB???massbank.conf???DB???? dbNames.add(dbDirName); } } } } if (dbDirs == null || dbNames.size() == 0) { out.println(msgErr("[" + dbRootPath + "] directory not exist.")); return; } Collections.sort(dbNames); // ---------------------------------------------------- // ? // ---------------------------------------------------- // if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { // HashMap<String, String[]> reqParamMap = new HashMap<String, // String[]>(); // reqParamMap = up.getRequestParam(); // if (reqParamMap != null) { // for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> req : reqParamMap // .entrySet()) { // if (req.getKey().equals("ver")) { // try { // recVersion = Integer // .parseInt(req.getValue()[0]); // } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // } // } else if (req.getKey().equals("db")) { // selDbName = req.getValue()[0]; // } // } // } // } else { // if (request.getParameter("ver") != null) { // try { // recVersion = Integer.parseInt(request // .getParameter("ver")); // } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // } // } // selDbName = request.getParameter("db"); // } // if (selDbName == null || selDbName.equals("") // || !dbNames.contains(selDbName)) { // selDbName = dbNames.get(0); // } // --------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------- out.println("Database: "); for (int i = 0; i < dbNames.size(); i++) { String dbName = dbNames.get(i); out.print("dbName"); if (dbName.equals(selDbName)) { out.print(" selected"); } if (i == 0) { out.println("------------------"); } else { out.println(dbName); } } out.println("Record Version : "); out.println(recVersion); out.println("Record Archive :"); // --------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------- // HashMap<String, Boolean> upFileMap = up.doUpload(); // if (upFileMap != null) { // for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> e : upFileMap.entrySet()) { // upFileName = e.getKey(); // upResult = e.getValue(); // break; // } // if (upFileName.equals("")) { // out.println(msgErr("please select file.")); // isResult = false; // } else if (!upResult) { // out.println(msgErr("[" + upFileName // + "] upload failed.")); // isResult = false; // } else if (!upFileName.endsWith(ZIP_EXTENSION) // && !upFileName.endsWith(MSBK_EXTENSION)) { // out.println(msgErr("please select [" // + UPLOAD_RECDATA_ZIP // + "] or [" // + UPLOAD_RECDATA_MSBK + "].")); // up.deleteFile(upFileName); // isResult = false; // } // } else { // out.println(msgErr("server error.")); // isResult = false; // } // up.deleteFileItem(); // if (!isResult) { // return; // } // --------------------------------------------- // ??? // --------------------------------------------- // final String upFilePath = (new File(tmpPath + File.separator // + upFileName)).getPath(); // isResult = FileUtil.unZip(upFilePath, tmpPath); // if (!isResult) { // out.println(msgErr("[" // + upFileName // + "] extraction failed. possibility of time-out.")); // return; // } // --------------------------------------------- // ?? // --------------------------------------------- final String recPath = (new File(dbRootPath + File.separator + selDbName)).getPath(); File tmpRecDir = new File(recDataPath); if (!tmpRecDir.isDirectory()) { tmpRecDir.mkdirs(); } // --------------------------------------------- // ??? // --------------------------------------------- // data? // final String recDataPath = (new File(tmpPath + File.separator // + RECDATA_DIR_NAME)).getPath() // + File.separator; // // if (!(new File(recDataPath)).isDirectory()) { // if (upFileName.endsWith(ZIP_EXTENSION)) { // out.println(msgErr("[" // + RECDATA_DIR_NAME // + "] directory is not included in the up-loading file.")); // } else if (upFileName.endsWith(MSBK_EXTENSION)) { // out.println(msgErr("The uploaded file is not record data.")); // } // return; // } // --------------------------------------------- // DB // --------------------------------------------- // db = new DatabaseAccess(dbHostName, selDbName); // isResult =; // if (!isResult) { // db.close(); // out.println(msgErr("not connect to database.")); // return; // } // --------------------------------------------- // ?? // --------------------------------------------- TreeMap<String, String> resultMap = validationRecord(db, out, recDataPath, recPath, recVersion); if (resultMap.size() == 0) { return; } // --------------------------------------------- // ? // --------------------------------------------- isResult = dispResult(out, resultMap); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null) { db.close(); } File tmpDir = new File(tmpPath); if (tmpDir.exists()) { FileUtil.removeDir(tmpDir.getPath()); } } } /** * ?? * * @param db * DB * @param op * PrintWriter? * @param dataPath * ? * @param registPath * * @param ver * ? * @return ??Map<??, ?> * @throws IOException * */ private static TreeMap<String, String> validationRecordOnline(DatabaseAccess db, PrintStream op, String dataPath, String registPath, int ver) throws IOException { op.println(msgInfo("validation archive is [" + UPLOAD_RECDATA_ZIP + "] or [" + UPLOAD_RECDATA_MSBK + "].")); if (ver == 1) { op.println(msgInfo("check record format version is [version 1].")); } final String[] dataList = (new File(dataPath)).list(); TreeMap<String, String> validationMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); if (dataList.length == 0) { op.println(msgWarn("no file for validation.")); return validationMap; } // ---------------------------------------------------- // ??? // ---------------------------------------------------- String[] requiredList = new String[] { // Ver.2 "ACCESSION: ", "RECORD_TITLE: ", "DATE: ", "AUTHORS: ", "LICENSE: ", "CH$NAME: ", "CH$COMPOUND_CLASS: ", "CH$FORMULA: ", "CH$EXACT_MASS: ", "CH$SMILES: ", "CH$IUPAC: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ", "AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ", "AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: ION_MODE ", "PK$NUM_PEAK: ", "PK$PEAK: " }; if (ver == 1) { // Ver.1 requiredList = new String[] { "ACCESSION: ", "RECORD_TITLE: ", "DATE: ", "AUTHORS: ", "COPYRIGHT: ", "CH$NAME: ", "CH$COMPOUND_CLASS: ", "CH$FORMULA: ", "CH$EXACT_MASS: ", "CH$SMILES: ", "CH$IUPAC: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT: ", "AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ", "AC$ANALYTICAL_CONDITION: MODE ", "PK$NUM_PEAK: ", "PK$PEAK: " }; } for (int i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { String name = dataList[i]; String status = ""; StringBuilder detailsErr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder detailsWarn = new StringBuilder(); // ???? File file = new File(dataPath + name); if (file.isDirectory()) { // ?? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("[" + name + "] is directory."); validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + detailsErr.toString()); continue; } else if (file.isHidden()) { // ??? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("[" + name + "] is hidden."); validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + detailsErr.toString()); continue; } else if (name.lastIndexOf(REC_EXTENSION) == -1) { // ???? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("file extension of [" + name + "] is not [" + REC_EXTENSION + "]."); validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + detailsErr.toString()); continue; } // ?? boolean isEndTagRead = false; boolean isInvalidInfo = false; boolean isDoubleByte = false; ArrayList<String> fileContents = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean existLicense = false; // LICENSE?Ver.1 ArrayList<String> workChName = new ArrayList<String>(); // RECORD_TITLE??CH$NAME??Ver.1? String workAcInstrumentType = ""; // RECORD_TITLE??AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE??Ver.1? String workAcMsType = ""; // RECORD_TITLE??AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: // MS_TYPE??Ver.2 String line = ""; BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (isEndTagRead) { if (!line.equals("")) { isInvalidInfo = true; } } // if (line.startsWith("//")) { isEndTagRead = true; } fileContents.add(line); // LICENSE?Ver.1 if (line.startsWith("LICENSE: ")) { existLicense = true; } // CH$NAME?Ver.1? else if (line.startsWith("CH$NAME: ")) { workChName.add(line.trim().replaceAll("CH\\$NAME: ", "")); } // AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE?Ver.1? else if (line.startsWith("AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ")) { workAcInstrumentType = line.trim().replaceAll("AC\\$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ", ""); } // AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE?Ver.2 else if (ver != 1 && line.startsWith("AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ")) { workAcMsType = line.trim().replaceAll("AC\\$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ", ""); } // ? if (!isDoubleByte) { byte[] bytes = line.getBytes("MS932"); if (bytes.length != line.length()) { isDoubleByte = true; } } } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger("global").severe("file read failed." + NEW_LINE + " " + file.getPath()); e.printStackTrace(); op.println(msgErr("server error.")); validationMap.clear(); return validationMap; } finally { try { if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } if (isInvalidInfo) { // ????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("invalid after the end tag [//]."); } if (isDoubleByte) { // ????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("double-byte character included."); } if (ver == 1 && existLicense) { // LICENSE???Ver.1 if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("[LICENSE: ] tag can not be used in record format [version 1]."); } // ---------------------------------------------------- // ???? // ---------------------------------------------------- boolean isNameCheck = false; int peakNum = -1; for (int j = 0; j < requiredList.length; j++) { String requiredStr = requiredList[j]; ArrayList<String> valStrs = new ArrayList<String>(); // boolean findRequired = false; // boolean findValue = false; // boolean isPeakMode = false; // for (int k = 0; k < fileContents.size(); k++) { String lineStr = fileContents.get(k); // ????RELATED_RECORD?????? if (lineStr.startsWith("//")) { // Ver.1? break; } else if (ver == 1 && lineStr.startsWith("RELATED_RECORD:")) { // Ver.1 break; } // ????? else if (isPeakMode) { findRequired = true; if (!lineStr.trim().equals("")) { valStrs.add(lineStr); } } // ?????? else if (lineStr.indexOf(requiredStr) != -1) { // findRequired = true; if (requiredStr.equals("PK$PEAK: ")) { isPeakMode = true; findValue = true; valStrs.add(lineStr.replace(requiredStr, "")); } else { // String tmpVal = lineStr.replace(requiredStr, ""); if (!tmpVal.trim().equals("")) { findValue = true; valStrs.add(tmpVal); } break; } } } if (!findRequired) { // ?????? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("no required item [" + requiredStr + "]."); } else { if (!findValue) { // ????? status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("no value of required item [" + requiredStr + "]."); } else { // ??? // ---------------------------------------------------- // ?? // ---------------------------------------------------- String val = (valStrs.size() > 0) ? valStrs.get(0) : ""; // ACESSIONVer.1? if (requiredStr.equals("ACCESSION: ")) { if (!val.equals(name.replace(REC_EXTENSION, ""))) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] not correspond to file name."); } if (val.length() != 8) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is 8 digits necessary."); } } // RECORD_TITLEVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("RECORD_TITLE: ")) { if (!val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (val.indexOf(";") != -1) { String[] recTitle = val.split(";"); if (!workChName.contains(recTitle[0].trim())) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], compound name is not included in the [CH$NAME]."); } if (!workAcInstrumentType.equals(recTitle[1].trim())) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], instrument type is different from [AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE]."); } if (ver != 1 && !workAcMsType.equals(recTitle[2].trim())) { // Ver.2 if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], ms type is different from [AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE]."); } } else { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not record title format."); if (!workChName.contains(val)) { detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], compound name is not included in the [CH$NAME]."); } if (!workAcInstrumentType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], instrument type is different from [AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE]."); } if (ver != 1 && !workAcMsType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { // Ver.2 detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], ms type is different from [AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE]."); } } } else { if (!workAcInstrumentType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], instrument type is different from [AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE]."); } if (ver != 1 && !workAcMsType.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { // Ver.2 if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "], ms type is different from [AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE]."); } } } // DATEVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("DATE: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { val = val.replace(".", "/"); val = val.replace("-", "/"); try { DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.JAPAN).parse(val); } catch (ParseException e) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not date format."); } } // CH$COMPOUND_CLASSVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("CH$COMPOUND_CLASS: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (!val.startsWith("Natural Product") && !val.startsWith("Non-Natural Product")) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not compound class format."); } } // CH$EXACT_MASSVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("CH$EXACT_MASS: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { try { Double.parseDouble(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } } // AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPEVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { if (val.trim().indexOf(" ") != -1) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is space included."); } if (val.trim().indexOf(" ") != -1) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is space included."); } } // AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPEVer.2 else if (ver != 1 && requiredStr.equals("AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: MS_TYPE ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { boolean isMsType = true; if (val.startsWith("MS")) { val = val.replace("MS", ""); if (!val.equals("")) { try { Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { isMsType = false; } } } else { isMsType = false; } if (!isMsType) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not \"MSn\"."); } } // AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: // ION_MODEVer.2?AC$ANALYTICAL_CONDITION: MODEVer.1 else if ((ver != 1 && requiredStr.equals("AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY: ION_MODE ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) || (ver == 1 && requiredStr.equals("AC$ANALYTICAL_CONDITION: MODE ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE))) { if (!val.equals("POSITIVE") && !val.equals("NEGATIVE")) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not \"POSITIVE\" or \"NEGATIVE\"."); } } // PK$NUM_PEAKVer.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("PK$NUM_PEAK: ") && !val.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { try { peakNum = Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } } // PK$PEAK:Ver.1? else if (requiredStr.equals("PK$PEAK: ")) { if (valStrs.size() == 0 || !valStrs.get(0).startsWith("m/z int.")) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "value of required item [PK$PEAK: ] , the first line is not \"PK$PEAK: m/z int.\"."); } else { boolean isNa = false; String peak = ""; String mz = ""; String intensity = ""; boolean mzDuplication = false; boolean mzNotNumeric = false; boolean intensityNotNumeric = false; boolean invalidFormat = false; HashSet<String> mzSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (int l = 0; l < valStrs.size(); l++) { peak = valStrs.get(l).trim(); // N/A if (peak.indexOf(DEFAULT_VALUE) != -1) { isNa = true; break; } if (l == 0) { continue; } // m/z int. if (peak.indexOf(" ") != -1) { mz = peak.split(" ")[0]; if (!mzSet.add(mz)) { mzDuplication = true; } try { Double.parseDouble(mz); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { mzNotNumeric = true; } intensity = peak.split(" ")[1]; try { Double.parseDouble(intensity); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { intensityNotNumeric = true; } } else { invalidFormat = true; } if (mzDuplication && mzNotNumeric && intensityNotNumeric && invalidFormat) { break; } } if (isNa) {// PK$PEAK:?N/A?? if (peakNum != -1) { // PK$NUM_PEAK:N/A?? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [PK$NUM_PEAK: ] is mismatch or \"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\"."); } if (valStrs.size() - 1 > 0) { // PK$PEAK:???????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append( "value of required item [PK$NUM_PEAK: ] is invalid peak information exists."); } } else { if (mzDuplication) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "mz value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is duplication."); } if (mzNotNumeric) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "mz value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } if (intensityNotNumeric) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append("intensity value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not numeric."); } if (invalidFormat) { status = STATUS_ERR; detailsErr.append( "value of required item [" + requiredStr + "] is not peak format."); } if (peakNum != 0 && valStrs.size() - 1 == 0) { // ?????N/A????PK$NUM_PEAK:?0??????? if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn.append( "value of required item [PK$PEAK: ] is no value. at that time, please add \"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\". "); } if (peakNum != valStrs.size() - 1) { if (status.equals("")) status = STATUS_WARN; detailsWarn .append("value of required item [PK$NUM_PEAK: ] is mismatch or \"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\"."); } } } } } } } String details = detailsErr.toString() + detailsWarn.toString(); if (status.equals("")) { status = STATUS_OK; details = " "; } validationMap.put(name, status + "\t" + details); } // ---------------------------------------------------- // ???? // ---------------------------------------------------- // ?ID?DB HashSet<String> regIdList = new HashSet<String>(); String[] sqls = { "SELECT ID FROM SPECTRUM ORDER BY ID", "SELECT ID FROM RECORD ORDER BY ID", "SELECT ID FROM PEAK GROUP BY ID ORDER BY ID", "SELECT ID FROM CH_NAME ID ORDER BY ID", "SELECT ID FROM CH_LINK ID ORDER BY ID", "SELECT ID FROM TREE WHERE ID IS NOT NULL AND ID<>'' ORDER BY ID" }; for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) { String execSql = sqls[i]; ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = db.executeQuery(execSql); while ( { String idStr = rs.getString("ID"); regIdList.add(idStr); } } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.getLogger("global").severe(" sql : " + execSql); e.printStackTrace(); op.println(msgErr("database access error.")); return new TreeMap<String, String>(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } } // ?ID? final String[] recFileList = (new File(registPath)).list(); for (int i = 0; i < recFileList.length; i++) { String name = recFileList[i]; File file = new File(registPath + File.separator + name); if (!file.isFile() || file.isHidden() || name.lastIndexOf(REC_EXTENSION) == -1) { continue; } String idStr = name.replace(REC_EXTENSION, ""); regIdList.add(idStr); } // ?? for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : validationMap.entrySet()) { String statusStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[0]; if (statusStr.equals(STATUS_ERR)) { continue; } String nameStr = e.getKey(); String idStr = e.getKey().replace(REC_EXTENSION, ""); String detailsStr = e.getValue().split("\t")[1]; if (regIdList.contains(idStr)) { statusStr = STATUS_WARN; detailsStr += "id [" + idStr + "] of file name [" + nameStr + "] already registered."; validationMap.put(nameStr, statusStr + "\t" + detailsStr); } } return validationMap; } }