Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.FilterGenotypeTable; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable; import static net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableBuilder; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils; import static net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.ImportUtils; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants; import static net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants.GAP_DIPLOID_ALLELE; import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.genotypecall.GenotypeCallTableBuilder; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; /** * A class to mask input files, hold information related to accuracy calculation, * and calculate accuracy for FILLINImputationPlugin * @author kls283 */ public class FILLINImputationAccuracy { private GenotypeTable maskKey = null; private GenotypeTable unimp = null; private GenotypeTable imputed = null; private GenotypeTable[] donor = null; private String outFile = null; private double propSitesMask = 0.01; private int depthToMask = 7; private double propDepthSitesToMask = 0.2; public int[] MAF = null; private double[][] all = null; //arrays held ("columns"): 0-maskedMinor, 1-maskedHet, 2-maskedMajor; each array ("rows"):0-to minor, 1-to het, 2-to major, 3-unimp, 4-total for known type private double[][][] mafAll = null;//sam as all, but first array holds MAF category private double[] MAFClass = null; private boolean verboseOutput = true; public FILLINImputationAccuracy(GenotypeTable unimp, GenotypeTable maskKey, GenotypeTable[] donors, double propSitesMask, int depthToMask, double propDepthSitesToMask, String outFileName, double[] MAFClass, boolean verbose) { this.unimp = unimp; this.maskKey = maskKey; this.donor = donors; this.propSitesMask = propSitesMask; this.depthToMask = depthToMask; this.propDepthSitesToMask = propDepthSitesToMask; this.MAFClass = MAFClass; this.verboseOutput = verbose; this.outFile = outFileName; } public FILLINImputationAccuracy(GenotypeTable unimp, GenotypeTable maskKey, String outFileName, boolean verbose) { this.unimp = unimp; this.maskKey = maskKey; this.verboseOutput = verbose; this.outFile = outFileName; } public FILLINImputationAccuracy(GenotypeTable unimp, GenotypeTable maskKey, GenotypeTable[] donor, String outFileName, boolean verbose) { this.unimp = unimp; this.maskKey = maskKey; this.donor = donor; this.verboseOutput = verbose; this.outFile = outFileName; } public FILLINImputationAccuracy(GenotypeTable unimp, GenotypeTable maskKey, GenotypeTable[] donor, double[] MAFClass, String outFileName, boolean verbose) { this.unimp = unimp; this.maskKey = maskKey; this.donor = donor; this.MAFClass = MAFClass; this.verboseOutput = verbose; this.outFile = outFileName; } public GenotypeTable initiateAccuracy() { if (this.MAFClass != null) {//if mafClass not null, assign MAF categories to sites in unimputed generateMAF(); this.mafAll = new double[this.MAFClass.length][3][5]; if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("Calculating accuracy within supplied MAF categories."); } //mask file if not already masked (depth or proportion) and generate key if (this.maskKey != null) { if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("File already masked. Use input key file for calculating accuracy"); boolean goodKey = true; if (Arrays.equals(this.maskKey.physicalPositions(), this.unimp.physicalPositions()) == false) goodKey = filterKeySites(); if (!goodKey && this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("Problem with input key file. Masking unimputed input"); else return this.unimp; } if (this.unimp.hasDepth() && this.depthToMask > 0) { boolean works = maskFileByDepth(); if (works) return this.unimp; } maskPropSites(); return this.unimp; } private boolean generateMAF() { this.MAF = new int[this.unimp.numberOfSites()]; for (GenotypeTable don : this.donor) { for (int site = 0; site < don.numberOfSites(); site++) { int unimpSite = this.unimp.positions().indexOf(don.positions().get(site)); if (unimpSite < 0) { this.MAF[unimpSite] = -1; continue; } int search = Arrays.binarySearch(this.MAFClass, don.minorAlleleFrequency(site)); this.MAF[unimpSite] = search < 0 ? Math.abs(search) - 1 : search; } } return true; } private boolean maskFileByDepth() { if (verboseOutput) System.out.println("Masking file using depth\nSite depth to mask: " + this.depthToMask + "\nProportion of depth sites to be masked: " + this.propDepthSitesToMask); GenotypeCallTableBuilder mask = GenotypeCallTableBuilder.getInstance(this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(), this.unimp.numberOfSites()); GenotypeCallTableBuilder key = GenotypeCallTableBuilder.getInstance(this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(), this.unimp.numberOfSites()); int cnt = 0; for (int taxon = 0; taxon < this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(); taxon++) { int taxaCnt = 0; mask.setBaseRangeForTaxon(taxon, 0, this.unimp.genotypeAllSites(taxon)); for (int site = 0; site < this.unimp.numberOfSites(); site++) { if (GenotypeTableUtils.isEqual(GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE, this.unimp.genotype(taxon, site))) continue; int[] currD = this.unimp.depthForAlleles(taxon, site); if (currD[0] + currD[1] != this.depthToMask) continue; if (Math.random() > this.propDepthSitesToMask) continue; else if ((this.unimp.isHeterozygous(taxon, site) == false) || (depthToMask > 3 && currD[0] > 1 && currD[1] > 1) || (depthToMask < 4)) { mask.setBase(taxon, site, GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE); key.setBase(taxon, site, this.unimp.genotype(taxon, site)); taxaCnt++; } } if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println(taxaCnt + " sites masked for " + this.unimp.taxaName(taxon)); cnt += taxaCnt; } if (cnt < 2000 && this.verboseOutput) { System.out.println("Insufficient sites masked with depth. Calculate accuracy by proportion"); return false; } if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println(cnt + " sites masked at a depth of " + this.depthToMask); this.maskKey = GenotypeTableBuilder.getInstance(, this.unimp.positions(), this.unimp.taxa()); this.unimp = GenotypeTableBuilder.getInstance(, this.unimp.positions(), this.unimp.taxa()); return true; } private boolean maskPropSites() { if (this.verboseOutput) System.out .println("Masking file without depth\nMasking " + this.propSitesMask + " proportion of sites"); GenotypeCallTableBuilder mask = GenotypeCallTableBuilder.getInstance(this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(), this.unimp.numberOfSites()); GenotypeCallTableBuilder key = GenotypeCallTableBuilder.getInstance(this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(), this.unimp.numberOfSites()); int presGenos = 0; for (int taxon = 0; taxon < this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(); taxon++) { presGenos += this.unimp.totalNonMissingForTaxon(taxon); } int expected = (int) (this.propSitesMask * (double) presGenos); int cnt = 0; for (int taxon = 0; taxon < this.unimp.numberOfTaxa(); taxon++) { int taxaCnt = 0; mask.setBaseRangeForTaxon(taxon, 0, this.unimp.genotypeAllSites(taxon)); for (int site = 0; site < this.unimp.numberOfSites(); site++) { if (Math.random() < this.propSitesMask && GenotypeTableUtils .isEqual(GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE, this.unimp.genotype(taxon, site)) == false) { mask.setBase(taxon, site, GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE); key.setBase(taxon, site, this.unimp.genotype(taxon, site)); taxaCnt++; } } cnt += taxaCnt; } if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println(cnt + " sites masked randomly not based on depth (" + expected + " expected at " + this.propSitesMask + ")"); this.maskKey = GenotypeTableBuilder.getInstance(, this.unimp.positions(), this.unimp.taxa()); this.unimp = GenotypeTableBuilder.getInstance(, this.unimp.positions(), this.unimp.taxa()); return true; } //filters for site position and chromosome. returns null if mask has fewer chromosomes or positions in chromosomes than unimp private boolean filterKeySites() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("Filtering user input key file...\nsites in original Key file: " + this.maskKey.numberOfSites()); ArrayList<String> keepSites = new ArrayList<>(); boolean working = true; if (Arrays.equals(this.unimp.chromosomes(), this.maskKey.chromosomes()) == false) working = matchChromosomes(); if (!working) { System.out.println("No overlapping chromosomes"); return false; } PositionList maskPos = this.maskKey.positions(); for (Position p : this.unimp.positions()) { if (maskPos.contains(p)) keepSites.add(p.getSNPID()); else { System.out.println("Not all sites in target imputation file contained in mask key. Not using mask"); return false; } } FilterGenotypeTable filter = FilterGenotypeTable.getInstance(this.maskKey, keepSites.toArray(new String[keepSites.size()])); this.maskKey = filter;//GenotypeTableBuilder.getGenotypeCopyInstance(filter); //Change this back when GenotypeCopyInstance fixed if (verboseOutput) System.out.println("Sites in new mask: " + this.maskKey.numberOfSites()); //check to see if all taxa in unimputed are in the mask file if (!this.maskKey.taxa().equals(this.unimp.taxa())) { if (this.maskKey.taxa().containsAll(this.unimp.taxa())) this.maskKey = FilterGenotypeTable.getInstance(this.maskKey, this.unimp.taxa()); else { System.out.println("Not all taxa in target imputation file contained in mask key. Not using mask"); return false; } } System.out.println("Filtering key took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " milliseconds"); return true; } private boolean matchChromosomes() { Chromosome[] unimpChr = this.unimp.chromosomes(); Chromosome[] keyChr = this.maskKey.chromosomes(); ArrayList<Integer> keepSites = new ArrayList<>(); for (Chromosome chr : unimpChr) { //if any of the chromosomes in input do not exist in key, return false (which then masks proportion) if (Arrays.binarySearch(keyChr, chr) < 0) return false; } for (Chromosome chr : keyChr) { //keep sites on key that are on matching chromosomes if (Arrays.binarySearch(unimpChr, chr) > -1) { int[] startEnd = this.maskKey.firstLastSiteOfChromosome(chr); for (int site = startEnd[0]; site <= startEnd[1]; site++) { keepSites.add(site); } } } FilterGenotypeTable filter = FilterGenotypeTable.getInstance(this.maskKey, ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(keepSites.toArray(new Integer[keepSites.size()]))); this.maskKey = filter;//GenotypeTableBuilder.getGenotypeCopyInstance(filter);//Change this back when GenotypeCopyInstance fixed if (verboseOutput) System.out.println(this.maskKey.numberOfSites() + " sites retained after chromsome filter"); return true; } //this is the sample multiple r2. private double pearsonR2(double[][] all, boolean verbose) { int size = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { size += (all[x][4] - all[x][3]); } double[][] xy = new double[2][size]; //0 is x, 1 is y int last = 0;//the last index filled for (double x = 0; x < 3; x++) { for (double y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (int fill = last; fill < last + all[(int) x][(int) y]; fill++) { xy[0][fill] = x; xy[1][fill] = y; } last = last + (int) all[(int) x][(int) y]; } } double meanX = 0; double meanY = 0; double varX = 0; double varY = 0; double covXY = 0; double r2 = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < xy[0].length; i++) { meanX += xy[0][i]; meanY += xy[1][i]; } meanX = meanX / (xy[0].length - 1); meanY = meanY / (xy[1].length - 1); double currX, currY; for (int i = 0; i < xy[0].length; i++) { currX = xy[0][i] - meanX; currY = xy[1][i] - meanY; varX += currX * currX; varY += currY * currY; covXY += currX * currY; } r2 = (covXY / (Math.sqrt(varX) * Math.sqrt(varY))) * (covXY / (Math.sqrt(varX) * Math.sqrt(varY))); if (verbose) System.out.println("Unadjusted R2 value for " + size + " comparisons: " + r2); return r2; } private void accuracyOut(double time) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.########"); double r2 = pearsonR2(this.all, this.verboseOutput); try { String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(this.outFile); File outputFile = new File(this.outFile.replace(ext, "Accuracy.txt")); DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))); outStream.writeBytes( "##Taxon\tTotalSitesMasked\tTotalSitesCompared\tTotalPropUnimputed\tNumMinor\tCorrectMinor\tMinorToHet\tMinorToMajor\tUnimpMinor" + "\tNumHets\tHetToMinor\tCorrectHet\tHetToMajor\tUnimpHet\tNumMajor\tMajorToMinor\tMajorToHet\tCorrectMajor\tUnimpMajor\tR2\n"); outStream.writeBytes("##TotalByImputed\t" + (this.all[0][4] + this.all[1][4] + this.all[2][4]) + "\t" + (this.all[0][4] + this.all[1][4] + this.all[2][4] - this.all[0][3] - this.all[1][3] - this.all[2][3]) + "\t" + ((this.all[0][3] + this.all[1][3] + this.all[2][3]) / (this.all[0][4] + this.all[1][4] + this.all[2][4])) + "\t" + this.all[0][4] + "\t" + this.all[0][0] + "\t" + this.all[0][1] + "\t" + this.all[0][2] + "\t" + this.all[0][3] + "\t" + this.all[1][4] + "\t" + this.all[1][0] + "\t" + this.all[1][1] + "\t" + this.all[1][2] + "\t" + this.all[1][3] + "\t" + this.all[2][4] + "\t" + this.all[2][0] + "\t" + this.all[2][1] + "\t" + this.all[2][2] + "\t" + this.all[2][3] + "\t" + r2 + "\n"); outStream.writeBytes("#Minor=0,Het=1,Major=2;x is masked(known), y is predicted\nx\ty\tN\tprop\n" + 0 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.all[0][0] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[0][0]) / (this.all[0][0] + this.all[0][1] + this.all[0][2])) + "\n" + 0 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.all[0][1] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[0][1]) / (this.all[0][0] + this.all[0][1] + this.all[0][2])) + "\n" + 0 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.all[0][2] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[0][2]) / (this.all[0][0] + this.all[0][1] + this.all[0][2])) + "\n" + .5 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.all[1][0] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[1][0]) / (this.all[1][0] + this.all[1][1] + this.all[1][2])) + "\n" + .5 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.all[1][1] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[1][1]) / (this.all[1][0] + this.all[1][1] + this.all[1][2])) + "\n" + .5 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.all[1][2] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[1][2]) / (this.all[1][0] + this.all[1][1] + this.all[1][2])) + "\n" + 1 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.all[2][0] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[2][0]) / (this.all[2][0] + this.all[2][1] + this.all[2][2])) + "\n" + 1 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.all[2][1] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[2][1]) / (this.all[2][0] + this.all[2][1] + this.all[2][2])) + "\n" + 1 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.all[2][2] + "\t" + df.format((this.all[2][2]) / (this.all[2][0] + this.all[2][1] + this.all[2][2])) + "\n"); outStream.writeBytes("#Proportion unimputed:\n#minor <- " + this.all[0][3] / this.all[0][4] + "\n#het<- " + this.all[1][3] / this.all[1][4] + "\n#major<- " + this.all[2][3] / this.all[2][4] + "\n"); outStream.writeBytes("#Time to impute and calculate accuracy: " + time + " seconds"); if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println( "##Taxon\tTotalSitesMasked\tTotalSitesCompared\tTotalPropUnimputed\tNumMinor\tCorrectMinor\tMinorToHet\tMinorToMajor\tUnimpMinor" + "\tNumHets\tHetToMinor\tCorrectHet\tHetToMajor\tUnimpHet\tNumMajor\tMajorToMinor\tMajorToHet\tCorrectMajor\tUnimpMajor\tR2"); if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("TotalByImputed\t" + (this.all[0][4] + this.all[1][4] + this.all[2][4]) + "\t" + (this.all[0][4] + this.all[1][4] + this.all[2][4] - this.all[0][3] - this.all[1][3] - this.all[2][3]) + "\t" + ((this.all[0][3] + this.all[1][3] + this.all[2][3]) / (this.all[0][4] + this.all[1][4] + this.all[2][4])) + "\t" + this.all[0][4] + "\t" + this.all[0][0] + "\t" + this.all[0][1] + "\t" + this.all[0][2] + "\t" + this.all[0][3] + "\t" + this.all[1][4] + "\t" + this.all[1][0] + "\t" + this.all[1][1] + "\t" + this.all[1][2] + "\t" + this.all[1][3] + "\t" + this.all[2][4] + "\t" + this.all[2][0] + "\t" + this.all[2][1] + "\t" + this.all[2][2] + "\t" + this.all[2][3] + "\t" + r2); if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("Proportion unimputed:\nminor: " + this.all[0][3] / this.all[0][4] + "\nhet: " + this.all[1][3] / this.all[1][4] + "\nmajor: " + this.all[2][3] / this.all[2][4]); if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println("#Minor=0,Het=1,Major=2;x is masked(known), y is predicted\nx\ty\tN\tprop\n" + 0 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.all[0][0] + "\t" + (this.all[0][0]) / (this.all[0][0] + this.all[0][1] + this.all[0][2]) + "\n" + 0 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.all[0][1] + "\t" + (this.all[0][1]) / (this.all[0][0] + this.all[0][1] + this.all[0][2]) + "\n" + 0 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.all[0][2] + "\t" + (this.all[0][2]) / (this.all[0][0] + this.all[0][1] + this.all[0][2]) + "\n" + .5 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.all[1][0] + "\t" + (this.all[1][0]) / (this.all[1][0] + this.all[1][1] + this.all[1][2]) + "\n" + .5 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.all[1][1] + "\t" + (this.all[1][1]) / (this.all[1][0] + this.all[1][1] + this.all[1][2]) + "\n" + .5 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.all[1][2] + "\t" + (this.all[1][2]) / (this.all[1][0] + this.all[1][1] + this.all[1][2]) + "\n" + 1 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.all[2][0] + "\t" + (this.all[2][0]) / (this.all[2][0] + this.all[2][1] + this.all[2][2]) + "\n" + 1 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.all[2][1] + "\t" + (this.all[2][1]) / (this.all[2][0] + this.all[2][1] + this.all[2][2]) + "\n" + 1 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.all[2][2] + "\t" + (this.all[2][2]) / (this.all[2][0] + this.all[2][1] + this.all[2][2]) + "\n"); outStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println(e); } } private void accuracyMAFOut() { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.########"); if (this.MAF != null && this.MAFClass != null) try { String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(this.outFile); File outputFile = new File(this.outFile.replace(ext, "MAFAccuracy.txt")); DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))); outStream.writeBytes( "##\tMAFClass\tTotalSitesMasked\tTotalSitesCompared\tTotalPropUnimputed\tNumHets\tHetToMinor\tHetToMajor\tCorrectHet\tUnimpHet\tNumMinor\tMinorToMajor\tMinorToHet\tCorrectMinor\t" + "UnimpMinor\tNumMajor\tMajorToMinor\tMajorToHet\tCorrectMajor\tUnimputedMajor\tr2\n"); for (int i = 0; i < this.MAFClass.length; i++) { outStream .writeBytes("##TotalByImputed\t" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + (this.mafAll[i][0][4] + this.mafAll[i][1][4] + this.mafAll[i][2][4]) + "\t" + (this.mafAll[i][0][4] + this.mafAll[i][1][4] + this.mafAll[i][2][4] - this.mafAll[i][0][3] - this.mafAll[i][1][3] - this.mafAll[i][2][3]) + "\t" + ((this.mafAll[i][0][3] + this.mafAll[i][1][3] + this.mafAll[i][2][3]) / (this.mafAll[i][0][4] + this.mafAll[i][1][4] + this.mafAll[i][2][4])) + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][4] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][0] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][1] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][2] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][3] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][4] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][0] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][1] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][2] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][3] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][4] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][0] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][1] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][2] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][3] + "\t" + pearsonR2(this.mafAll[i], false) + "\n"); } outStream.writeBytes( "#MAFClass,Minor=0,Het=1,Major=2;x is masked(known), y is predicted\nMAF\tx\ty\tN\tprop\n"); for (int i = 0; i < this.MAFClass.length; i++) { outStream.writeBytes(this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][0] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][0][0]) / (this.mafAll[i][0][0] + this.mafAll[i][0][1] + this.mafAll[i][0][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][1] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][0][1]) / (this.mafAll[i][0][0] + this.mafAll[i][0][1] + this.mafAll[i][0][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][2] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][0][2]) / (this.mafAll[i][0][0] + this.mafAll[i][0][1] + this.mafAll[i][0][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][0] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][1][0]) / (this.mafAll[i][1][0] + this.mafAll[i][1][1] + this.mafAll[i][1][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][1] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][1][1]) / (this.mafAll[i][1][0] + this.mafAll[i][1][1] + this.mafAll[i][1][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][2] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][1][2]) / (this.mafAll[i][1][0] + this.mafAll[i][1][1] + this.mafAll[i][1][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][0] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][2][0]) / (this.mafAll[i][2][0] + this.mafAll[i][2][1] + this.mafAll[i][2][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + .5 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][1] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][2][1]) / (this.mafAll[i][2][0] + this.mafAll[i][2][1] + this.mafAll[i][2][2])) + "\n" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + 1 + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][2] + "\t" + df.format((this.mafAll[i][2][2]) / (this.mafAll[i][2][0] + this.mafAll[i][2][1] + this.mafAll[i][2][2])) + "\n"); } outStream.writeBytes("#Proportion unimputed:\n#MAF\tminor\thet\tmajor\n"); for (int i = 0; i < this.MAFClass.length; i++) { outStream.writeBytes("#" + this.MAFClass[i] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][0][3] / this.mafAll[i][0][4] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][1][3] / this.mafAll[i][1][4] + "\t" + this.mafAll[i][2][3] / this.mafAll[i][2][4] + "\n"); } outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.verboseOutput) System.out.println(e); } } public double calcAccuracy(GenotypeTable imputed, double runtime) { this.imputed = imputed; this.all = new double[3][5]; byte diploidN = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE; boolean use = false; boolean mafOn = false; int maf = -1; if (this.mafAll != null) { use = true; mafOn = true; } for (int taxon = 0; taxon < this.imputed.numberOfTaxa(); taxon++) { int keyTaxon = maskKey.taxa().indexOf(this.imputed.taxaName(taxon));//if key file contains fewer taxa, or different numbers, or different order if (keyTaxon < 0) continue;//if doesn't exist, skip for (int site = 0; site < this.imputed.numberOfSites(); site++) { use = (mafOn && this.MAF[site] > -1) ? true : false; if (use) maf = this.MAF[site]; byte known = maskKey.genotype(keyTaxon, site); if (known == diploidN) continue; byte imp = this.imputed.genotype(taxon, site); if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(known) == true) { this.all[1][4]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][1][4]++; if (imp == diploidN) { this.all[1][3]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][1][3]++; } else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isEqual(imp, known) == true) { this.all[1][1]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][1][1]++; } else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(imp) == false && GenotypeTableUtils.isPartiallyEqual(imp, this.unimp.minorAllele(site)) == true) { this.all[1][0]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][1][0]++; } //to minor else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(imp) == false && GenotypeTableUtils.isPartiallyEqual(imp, this.unimp.majorAllele(site)) == true) { this.all[1][2]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][1][2]++; } else { this.all[1][4]--; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][1][4]--; } //implies >2 allele states at given genotype } else if (known == GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(this.unimp.minorAllele(site), this.unimp.minorAllele(site))) { this.all[0][4]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][0][4]++; if (imp == diploidN) { this.all[0][3]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][0][3]++; } else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isEqual(imp, known) == true) { this.all[0][0]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][0][0]++; } else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(imp) == true && GenotypeTableUtils.isPartiallyEqual(imp, known) == true) { this.all[0][1]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][0][1]++; } else { this.all[0][2]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][0][3]++; } } else if (known == GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(this.unimp.majorAllele(site), this.unimp.majorAllele(site))) { this.all[2][4]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][2][4]++; if (imp == diploidN) { this.all[2][3]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][2][3]++; } else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isEqual(imp, known) == true) { this.all[2][2]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][2][2]++; } else if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(imp) == true && GenotypeTableUtils.isPartiallyEqual(imp, known) == true) { this.all[2][1]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][2][1]++; } else { this.all[2][0]++; if (use) this.mafAll[maf][2][0]++; } } else continue; } } accuracyOut(runtime); if (this.MAFClass != null) accuracyMAFOut(); return pearsonR2(this.all, this.verboseOutput); } /** * Legacy approach for measuring accuracy, but need to maintain some tests. * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int[] compareAlignment(String origFile, String maskFile, String impFile, boolean noMask) { boolean taxaOut = false; GenotypeTable oA = ImportUtils.readGuessFormat(origFile); System.out.printf("Orig taxa:%d sites:%d %n", oA.numberOfTaxa(), oA.numberOfSites()); GenotypeTable mA = null; if (noMask == false) { mA = ImportUtils.readGuessFormat(maskFile); System.out.printf("Mask taxa:%d sites:%d %n", mA.numberOfTaxa(), mA.numberOfSites()); } GenotypeTable iA = ImportUtils.readGuessFormat(impFile); System.out.printf("Imp taxa:%d sites:%d %n", iA.numberOfTaxa(), iA.numberOfSites()); int correct = 0; int errors = 0; int unimp = 0; int hets = 0; int gaps = 0; for (int t = 0; t < iA.numberOfTaxa(); t++) { int e = 0, c = 0, u = 0, h = 0; int oATaxa = oA.taxa().indexOf(iA.taxaName(t)); for (int s = 0; s < iA.numberOfSites(); s++) { if (noMask || (oA.genotype(oATaxa, s) != mA.genotype(t, s))) { byte ib = iA.genotype(t, s); byte ob = oA.genotype(oATaxa, s); if ((ib == UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) || (ob == UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE)) { unimp++; u++; } else if (ib == GAP_DIPLOID_ALLELE) { gaps++; } else if (ib == ob) { correct++; c++; } else { if (isHeterozygous(ob) || isHeterozygous(ib)) { hets++; h++; } else { errors++; e++; // if(t==0) System.out.printf("%d %d %s %s %n",t,s,oA.getBaseAsString(oATaxa, s), iA.getBaseAsString(t, s)); } } } } if (taxaOut) System.out.printf("%s %d %d %d %d %n", iA.taxaName(t), u, h, c, e); } System.out.println("MFile\tIFile\tGap\tUnimp\tUnimpHets\tCorrect\tErrors"); System.out.printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d%n", maskFile, impFile, gaps, unimp, hets, correct, errors); return new int[] { gaps, unimp, hets, correct, errors }; } /** * Calculates proportion imputed, homozygous proportion right, heterozygous proportion right * @param impGT * @param keyGT * @return * @deprecated a similar method is need in the core part of accuracy. */ @Deprecated public static double[] compareAlignment(GenotypeTable impGT, GenotypeTable keyGT, String taxaPrefix) { int hetKeys = 0, hetCompared = 0, hetRight = 0; int homoKeys = 0, homoCompared = 0, homoRight = 0; //if(impGT.numberOfTaxa()!=keyGT.numberOfTaxa()) throw new InputMismatchException("Number of Taxa do not match"); if (impGT.numberOfSites() != keyGT.numberOfSites()) throw new InputMismatchException("Number of Sites do not match"); Random r = new Random(); for (int t = 0; t < impGT.numberOfTaxa(); t++) { if (taxaPrefix != null && !impGT.taxaName(t).startsWith(taxaPrefix)) continue; int tCompStart = homoCompared; int tHomoRightStart = homoRight; int key_t = keyGT.taxa().indexOf(impGT.taxaName(t)); if (key_t < 0) continue; //key_t=r.nextInt(impGT.numberOfTaxa()); //System.out.print(impGT.taxaName(t)+"\t"+keyGT.taxaName(t)); boolean report = impGT.taxaName(t).startsWith("XZ009E0126"); for (int s = 0; s < impGT.numberOfSites(); s++) { byte keyB = keyGT.genotype(key_t, s); if (keyB == UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) continue; byte impB = impGT.genotype(t, s); if (isHeterozygous(keyB)) { hetKeys++; if (impB != UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) { hetCompared++; if (keyB == impB) hetRight++; } } else { homoKeys++; if (impB != UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) { homoCompared++; if (keyB == impB) homoRight++; if (report) { if (keyB != impB) { System.out.print("Wrong\t"); } else { System.out.print("Right\t"); } System.out.printf("%s %d %s %s %n", impGT.chromosome(s).getName(), impGT.chromosomalPosition(s), NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideIUPAC(keyB), NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideIUPAC(impB)); } // if(keyB!=impB) System.out.printf("Wrong: %s %s %n", // NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideIUPAC(keyB), // NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideIUPAC(impB)); } } } //System.out.println("\t"+(homoCompared-tCompStart)+"\t"+(homoRight-tHomoRightStart)); } double totalKey = hetKeys + homoKeys; double propImp = (double) (hetCompared + homoCompared) / totalKey; double homoRightProp = (double) homoRight / (double) homoCompared; double hetRightProp = (double) hetRight / (double) hetCompared; return new double[] { propImp, homoRightProp, hetRightProp }; } }