Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************\ * Copyright 2016 [Lyonlancer5] * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * \***************************************************************************/ package net.lyonlancer5.mcmp.karasu.client.gui; import java.util.List; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.lyonlancer5.mcmp.karasu.lib.BlockData; import net.lyonlancer5.mcmp.karasu.lib.BlockPos; import net.lyonlancer5.mcmp.karasu.lib.IBlockMetadata; import net.lyonlancer5.mcmp.karasu.lib.WorldUtils; import net.lyonlancer5.mcmp.karasu.util.Constants; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; /** * Debug screen found on Minecraft 1.8+ * * A lot of work still need to be done with its current state */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiOverlayDebug extends Gui { private static final FrameTimer frametimer = new FrameTimer(); private final Minecraft mc; private final FontRenderer fontRenderer; public GuiOverlayDebug(Minecraft mc) { = mc; this.fontRenderer = mc.fontRenderer; } public void renderDebugInfo(ScaledResolution scaledResolutionIn) {"debug"); GL11.glPushMatrix(); this.renderDebugInfoLeft(); this.renderDebugInfoRight(scaledResolutionIn); if (doDisplayLagometer()) { this.renderLagometer(scaledResolutionIn); } GL11.glPopMatrix();; } private boolean isReducedDebug() { //return ||; return false; } private boolean doDisplayLagometer() { return false; } protected void renderDebugInfoLeft() { List<String> list =; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { String s = (String) list.get(i); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { int j = this.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT; int k = this.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(s); int i1 = 2 + j * i; drawRect(1, i1 - 1, 2 + k + 1, i1 + j - 1, -1873784752); this.fontRenderer.drawString(s, 2, i1, 14737632); } } } protected void renderDebugInfoRight(ScaledResolution p_175239_1_) { List<String> list = this.getDebugInfoRight(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { String s = (String) list.get(i); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { int j = this.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT; int k = this.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(s); int l = p_175239_1_.getScaledWidth() - 2 - k; int i1 = 2 + j * i; drawRect(l - 1, i1 - 1, l + k + 1, i1 + j - 1, -1873784752); this.fontRenderer.drawString(s, l, i1, 14737632); } } } protected List<String> call() { //BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(,,; BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(,,; if (this.isReducedDebug()) { return Lists.newArrayList(new String[] { "Minecraft 1.7.10 (" + Loader.MC_VERSION + "/" + ClientBrandRetriever.getClientModName() + ")",,,, "P: " + + ". T: " +,, "", String.format("Chunk-relative: %d %d %d", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getX() & 15), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getY() & 15), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getZ() & 15) }) }); } else { int i4 = MathHelper.floor_double((double) ( * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3; Entity entity =; //EnumFacing enumfacing = entity.getHorizontalFacing(); String s = "Invalid"; String[] directions = new String[] { "SOUTH", "WEST", "NORTH", "EAST" }; switch (i4) { case 0: s = "Towards positive Z"; break; case 1: s = "Towards negative X"; break; case 2: s = "Towards negative Z"; break; case 3: s = "Towards positive X"; } List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList(new String[] { "Minecraft 1.7.10 (" + Loader.MC_VERSION + "/" + ClientBrandRetriever.getClientModName() + ")",,,, "P: " + + ". T: " +,, "", String.format("XYZ: %.3f / %.5f / %.3f", new Object[] { Double.valueOf(, Double.valueOf(, Double.valueOf( }), String.format("Block: %d %d %d", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getX()), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getY()), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getZ()) }), String.format("Chunk: %d %d %d in %d %d %d", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getX() & 15), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getY() & 15), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getZ() & 15), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getX() >> 4), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getY() >> 4), Integer.valueOf(blockpos.getZ() >> 4) }), String.format("Facing: %s (%s) (%.1f / %.1f)", new Object[] { directions[i4], s, Float.valueOf(MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_float(entity.rotationYaw)), Float.valueOf(MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_float(entity.rotationPitch)) }) }); if ( != null && WorldUtils.isBlockLoaded(, blockpos)) { Chunk chunk =, blockpos.getZ()); list.add("Biome: " + chunk.getBiomeGenForWorldCoords(blockpos.getX() & 15, blockpos.getZ() & 15,; list.add("Light: " + chunk.func_150808_b(blockpos.getX() & 15, blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ() & 15) + " (" + chunk.getSavedLightValue(EnumSkyBlock.Sky, blockpos.getX() & 15, blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ() & 15) + " sky, " + chunk.getSavedLightValue(EnumSkyBlock.Block, blockpos.getX() & 15, blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ() & 15) + " block)"); //DifficultyInstance difficultyinstance =; EnumDifficulty diff =; if ( && != null) { //EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp =; EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = .func_152612_a(; if (entityplayermp != null) { //difficultyinstance = entityplayermp.worldObj.getDifficultyForLocation(new BlockPos(entityplayermp)); diff = entityplayermp.worldObj.difficultySetting; } } //list.add(String.format("Local Difficulty: %.2f (Day %d)", new Object[] {Float.valueOf(diff.getDifficultyId()), Long.valueOf( / 24000L)})); list.add(String.format("Local Difficulty: %s (Day %d)", new Object[] { StatCollector.translateToLocal(diff.getDifficultyResourceKey()), Long.valueOf( / 24000L) })); } if ( != null && { list.add("Shader: " +; } //if ( != null && == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK && != null) if ( != null && == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { BlockPos blockpos1 = new BlockPos(; list.add(String.format("Looking at: %d %d %d", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(blockpos1.getX()), Integer.valueOf(blockpos1.getY()), Integer.valueOf(blockpos1.getZ()) })); } return list; } } protected List<String> getDebugInfoRight() { long i = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); long j = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); long k = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long l = j - k; List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList(new String[] { String.format("Java: %s %dbit", new Object[] { System.getProperty("java.version"), Integer.valueOf( ? 64 : 32) }), String.format("Mem: % 2d%% %03d/%03dMB", new Object[] { Long.valueOf(l * 100L / i), Long.valueOf(bytesToMb(l)), Long.valueOf(bytesToMb(i)) }), String.format("Allocated: % 2d%% %03dMB", new Object[] { Long.valueOf(j * 100L / i), Long.valueOf(bytesToMb(j)) }), "", String.format("CPU: %s", new Object[] { getCpu() }), "", String.format("Display: %dx%d (%s)", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(Display.getWidth()), Integer.valueOf(Display.getHeight()), GL11.glGetString(GL11.GL_VENDOR) }), GL11.glGetString(GL11.GL_RENDERER), GL11.glGetString(GL11.GL_VERSION) }); list.add(""); //Compute start List<String> lst = Lists.newArrayList(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getBrandings(false)); List<String> lst2 = lst.subList(0, lst.size() - 1); lst2.add("Project Karasu v" + Constants.VERSION); List<String> lst3 = lst.subList(lst.size() - 1, lst.size()); lst2.addAll(lst3); //Compute end list.addAll(lst2); if (this.isReducedDebug()) { return list; } else { if ( != null && == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(; BlockData state = WorldUtils.getBlockState(, blockpos); list.add(""); list.add(String.valueOf(Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(state.getBlock()))); list.add("Metadata: " + String.valueOf(state.getMetadata())); if (state.getBlock() instanceof IBlockMetadata.Implementor) { IBlockMetadata.Implementor type = (IBlockMetadata.Implementor) state.getBlock(); list.add("Variant: " + type.getMetaInfo(state.getMetadata()).getName()); } //for (Entry<IProperty, Comparable> entry : iblockstate.getProperties().entrySet()) //{ // String s = ((Comparable)entry.getValue()).toString(); // if (entry.getValue() == Boolean.TRUE) // { // s = EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + s; // } // else if (entry.getValue() == Boolean.FALSE) // { // s = EnumChatFormatting.RED + s; // } // // list.add(((IProperty)entry.getKey()).getName() + ": " + s); //} } return list; } } //Lagometer Render private void renderLagometer(ScaledResolution scaledresolution) { //GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH); int i = frametimer.func_181749_a(); int j = frametimer.func_181750_b(); long[] along = frametimer.func_181746_c(); int k = i; int l = 0; drawRect(0, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60, 240, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight(), -1873784752); while (k != j) { int i1 = frametimer.func_181748_a(along[k], 30); int j1 = this.func_181552_c(MathHelper.clamp_int(i1, 0, 60), 0, 30, 60); this.drawVerticalLine(l, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight(), scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - i1, j1); ++l; k = frametimer.func_181751_b(k + 1); } drawRect(1, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 30 + 1, 14, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 30 + 10, -1873784752); this.fontRenderer.drawString("60", 2, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 30 + 2, 14737632); this.drawHorizontalLine(0, 239, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 30, -1); drawRect(1, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60 + 1, 14, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60 + 10, -1873784752); this.fontRenderer.drawString("30", 2, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60 + 2, 14737632); this.drawHorizontalLine(0, 239, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60, -1); this.drawHorizontalLine(0, 239, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 1, -1); this.drawVerticalLine(0, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight(), -1); this.drawVerticalLine(239, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight(), -1); if ( <= 120) { this.drawHorizontalLine(0, 239, scaledresolution.getScaledHeight() - 60 + / 2, -16711681); } //GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH); } private int func_181552_c(int p_181552_1_, int p_181552_2_, int p_181552_3_, int p_181552_4_) { return p_181552_1_ < p_181552_3_ ? this.func_181553_a(-16711936, -256, (float) p_181552_1_ / (float) p_181552_3_) : this.func_181553_a(-256, -65536, (float) (p_181552_1_ - p_181552_3_) / (float) (p_181552_4_ - p_181552_3_)); } private int func_181553_a(int p_181553_1_, int p_181553_2_, float p_181553_3_) { int i = p_181553_1_ >> 24 & 255; int j = p_181553_1_ >> 16 & 255; int k = p_181553_1_ >> 8 & 255; int l = p_181553_1_ & 255; int i1 = p_181553_2_ >> 24 & 255; int j1 = p_181553_2_ >> 16 & 255; int k1 = p_181553_2_ >> 8 & 255; int l1 = p_181553_2_ & 255; int i2 = MathHelper.clamp_int((int) ((float) i + (float) (i1 - i) * p_181553_3_), 0, 255); int j2 = MathHelper.clamp_int((int) ((float) j + (float) (j1 - j) * p_181553_3_), 0, 255); int k2 = MathHelper.clamp_int((int) ((float) k + (float) (k1 - k) * p_181553_3_), 0, 255); int l2 = MathHelper.clamp_int((int) ((float) l + (float) (l1 - l) * p_181553_3_), 0, 255); return i2 << 24 | j2 << 16 | k2 << 8 | l2; } //Lagometer Render end private static long bytesToMb(long bytes) { return bytes / 1024L / 1024L; } private static String getCpu() { return "<>"; } public static class RenderTicker { private RenderTicker() { ; } @SubscribeEvent public void renderDebugOverlay(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event) { if (event.type == RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.DEBUG) { (new GuiOverlayDebug(Minecraft.getMinecraft())).renderDebugInfo(event.resolution); event.setCanceled(true); } } public static void register() { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new RenderTicker()); } } public static class TickMonitor { private long lastTick = 0; private TickMonitor() { ; } @SubscribeEvent public void onTickAll(TickEvent event) { long k = System.nanoTime(); GuiOverlayDebug.frametimer.func_181747_a(k - this.lastTick); this.lastTick = k; } public static void register() { FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new TickMonitor()); } } public static class FrameTimer { private final long[] field_181752_a = new long[240]; private int field_181753_b; private int field_181754_c; private int field_181755_d; public void func_181747_a(long p_181747_1_) { this.field_181752_a[this.field_181755_d] = p_181747_1_; ++this.field_181755_d; if (this.field_181755_d == 240) { this.field_181755_d = 0; } if (this.field_181754_c < 240) { this.field_181753_b = 0; ++this.field_181754_c; } else { this.field_181753_b = this.func_181751_b(this.field_181755_d + 1); } } public int func_181748_a(long p_181748_1_, int p_181748_3_) { double d0 = (double) p_181748_1_ / 1.6666666E7D; return (int) (d0 * (double) p_181748_3_); } public int func_181749_a() { return this.field_181753_b; } public int func_181750_b() { return this.field_181755_d; } public int func_181751_b(int p_181751_1_) { return p_181751_1_ % 240; } public long[] func_181746_c() { return this.field_181752_a; } } }