Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 pjv (and others) * * This file is part of ActionBarPoirot. * * ActionBarPoirot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ActionBarPoirot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ActionBarPoirot. If not, see <>. */ package net.lp.actionbarpoirot.actions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import net.lp.actionbarpoirot.PoirotWindow; import net.lp.actionbarpoirot.helpers.ActivityHelper.ActivityHelperUser; import net.lp.actionbarpoirot.util.UiUtilities; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; /** * Handles attachment of {@link UiAction}s to {@link Activity}s. * * @author pjv * */ public class UiActionManager<C extends FragmentActivity & PoirotWindow & ActivityHelperUser> { /** * Represents an {@link Activity} that has action items and uses the {@link UiActionManager}. It also has call-throughs "lifecycle" methods for the Fragment to send through (for action items) to the Activity. */ public static interface ActionManagerUser extends ActivityHelperUser { public void onFragmentPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu); public void onFragmentCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu); public boolean onFragmentContextItemSelectedWithMultipleSelection(MenuItem item, LinkedHashSet<Uri> mSelectedSessionPositionsUris); public int addAndManageActionItem(UiAction action); public int removeClientActionItems(String clientReference); public void onFragmentActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data); public UiActionManager getUiActionManager(); } /** * Represents an {@link Activity} that has a CAB (or context menu) and uses the {@link UiActionManager}. */ public interface ActionModeUser { public boolean onCreateContextMenuInner(Menu menu, Uri uri, ArrayList<Uri> multipleUris); public Uri getContextItemUri(int position); public UiActionManager getUiActionManager(); public String getContextualActionBarTitle(int numSelected); } /** * Represents an {@link Activity} that has a CAB with multiple selection possibility. */ public interface MultiChoiceModeUser { public boolean onContextItemSelectedWithMultipleSelection(MenuItem item, LinkedHashSet<Uri> mSelectedSessionPositionsUris); } /** * Represents an {@link Activity} that has a search bar. */ public interface SearchUser { public String getLocalClassName(); } /** * Start value for counting the index (order for requestCode). */ public static final int I_START = Menu.FIRST + 3; /* * Key to save the action's class type in the instance state. */ public static final String KEY_UI_ACTION_CLASS = "ui_action_class"; /* * Key to save the list of actions in the instance state. */ public static final String KEY_UI_ACTION_LIST = "ui_action_bundle_list"; public static final String TAG = PoirotWindow.TAG + "UiActionManager"; /** * List of current managed actions. */ public ArrayList<UiAction<C>> actions = new ArrayList<UiAction<C>>(); /** * List of previously managed actions, that might still need to be cleaned up. */ public ArrayList<UiAction<C>> oldActions = new ArrayList<UiAction<C>>(); /** * Field to keep track at which index (order for requestCode) we are at. */ public int i = I_START; /** * Constructor. * * Without Up-navigation. */ public UiActionManager() { } /** * Constructor. * * With Up-navigation. * * @param clientClassName */ public UiActionManager(String clientClassName) { // Always add custom UpNav action using the HoneycombICSUpNavigator for // >=11. if (UiUtilities.hasAcceptableNativeActionBar()) { final NavigateUpUiAction<C> upAction = new NavigateUpUiAction<C>(clientClassName); upAction.setOrder(; actions.add(upAction); } } /** * Start managing a {@link UiAction}, if appropriate. * * It will be added to a list of actions. * * @param action The action to be managed. * @return The index (order for requestCode usage) to use for the next {@link UiAction}. Returns 0 if not appropriate. */ public int addAndManage(UiAction<C> action) { if (!action.isAppropriate(this)) { if (PoirotWindow.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "refused adding UiAction: " + action.toString()); return 0; } int iOld = i; int nextOrder = action.setOrder(i); i = nextOrder; if (PoirotWindow.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "added UiAction: " + action.toString() + " order=" + i); return (actions.add(action) ? iOld : 0); } /** * Destructor. Destroys and clears the managed {@link UiAction}s. */ public void destruct() { for (Iterator<UiAction<C>> iterator = actions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { UiAction<C> action =; iterator.remove(); action.destruct(); } actions.clear(); for (Iterator<UiAction<C>> iterator = oldActions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { UiAction<C> action =; iterator.remove(); action.destruct(); } oldActions.clear(); } /** * Set all managed {@link UiAction}s as visible. * * @param menu Menu (CAB) to set them visible for. */ public void enableAllActionItems(Menu menu) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { action.setActionItemVisible(menu, true); } } /** * Set only the managed {@link UiAction}s that fit in with multiple selection CAB as visible. The rest invisible. * * @param menu Menu (CAB) to set them visible for. */ public void enableOnlyActionItemsForMultipleSelection(Menu menu) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { if (action.shouldShowWhenMultipleSelected()) { action.setActionItemVisible(menu, true); } else { action.setActionItemVisible(menu, false); } } } /** * Whether this other {@link UiAction} is already managed. * * @param otherAction * @return */ public boolean has(UiAction<C> otherAction) { // actions then for (Iterator<UiAction<C>> iterator = actions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { UiAction<C> action =; if (action.equals(otherAction)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Pass on what should happen in onActivityResult to the matching {@link UiAction}. * * "Lifecycle" method onActivityResult from Activity should call-through to here. * * @param requestCode * @param resultCode * @param data * @param context */ public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data, C context) { if ((actions.size() > 1 && UiUtilities.hasAcceptableNativeActionBar()) || (actions.size() > 0 && !UiUtilities.hasAcceptableNativeActionBar())) {// NavigateUpUiAction // is almost always // there for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { action.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data, context); } } else { for (UiAction<C> action : oldActions) { action.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data, context); } } } /** * Pass on what should happen in onContextItemSelected to the matching {@link UiAction}, in case of multiple selection. * * "Lifecycle" method onContextItemSelected from Activity should call-through to here. * * @param item * @param context * @param mSelectedSessionPositionsUris * @return */ public boolean onContextItemSelectedWithMultipleSelection(MenuItem item, C context, LinkedHashSet<Uri> mSelectedSessionPositionsUris) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { if (action.onContextItemSelectedWithMultipleSelection(item, context, mSelectedSessionPositionsUris)) return true; } return false; } /** * Pass on what should happen in onCreateOptionsMenu to the matching {@link UiAction}. * * "Lifecycle" method onCreateOptionsMenu from Activity should call-through to here. * * @param menu * @param context */ public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, C context) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { action.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, context); } } /** * For onCreateOptionsMenu, generate the category-alternative intent-based items. * * @param menu * @param context * @param uri * @param component * @param extraCategories */ public void onCreateAlternativeOptionsMenu(Menu menu, C context, Uri uri, Class<? extends C> component, List<String> extraCategories) { // Generate any additional actions that can be performed on the // overall list. In a normal install, there are no additional // actions found here, but this allows other applications to extend // our menu with their own actions. Intent intent = new Intent(null, uri); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE); if (extraCategories != null) { for (String extraCategory : extraCategories) { intent.addCategory(extraCategory); } } menu.addIntentOptions(Menu.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE, 0, UiAction.ORDER_SIXTH_OR_ALTERNATIVE, new ComponentName(context, component), null, intent, 0, null); } /** * Pass on what should happen in onKeyUp to the matching {@link UiAction}. * * "Lifecycle" method onKeyUp from Activity should call-through to here. * * @param keyCode * @param event * @param context * @return */ public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event, C context) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { if (action.onKeyUp(keyCode, event, context)) return true; } return false; } /** * Pass on what should happen in onOptionsItemSelected to the matching {@link UiAction}. * * "Lifecycle" method onOptionsItemSelected from Activity should call-through to here. * * @param item * @param context * @return */ public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item, C context) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { if (action.onOptionsItemSelected(item, context)) return true; } return false; } /** * Pass on what should happen in onPrepareOptionsMenu to the matching {@link UiAction}. * * "Lifecycle" method onPrepareOptionsMenu from Activity should call-through to here. * * @param menu * @param context */ public void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu, C context) { for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { action.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu, context); } } /** * Again add all action items to the action bar. It will clear the action bar first. * * Compat and LeftNavBar only. This is for such state-based action bars only, not for an action bar that queries which items it should show, like the native action bar. */ public void readdAllActionItems(C context) { context.getActivityHelper().clearCompatActionBarActionItems(); context.getActivityHelper().clearLeftNavBarActionItems(); for (UiAction<C> action : actions) { // LeftNavBar if (UiUtilities.hasHoneycombOrUp() && UiUtilities.isGoogleTV(context) && action.getNavBarZoneType() != UiAction.ZONE_NONE && action.isAppropriate(((UiActionManager.ActionManagerUser) context).getUiActionManager())) { action.addActionItemToLeftNavBar(context); } // CompatActionBar if (!UiUtilities.hasHoneycombOrUp()) { context.getActivityHelper().addActionItemToCompatActionBar(action); } } } /** * Remove the {@link UiAction}s with this clientReference. In effect, this allows to remove actions that were added from one Activity or Fragment. Useful when the Fragment is swapped out. * * @param clientReference * @return */ public int remove(String clientReference) { // old actions first for (Iterator<UiAction<C>> iterator = oldActions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { UiAction<C> action =; if (action.getClientReference().equals(clientReference)) { iterator.remove(); action.destruct(); } } // actions then int count = 0; for (Iterator<UiAction<C>> iterator = actions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { UiAction<C> action =; if (action.getClientReference().equals(clientReference)) { oldActions.add(action); iterator.remove(); if (PoirotWindow.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "removed UiAction: " + action.toString() + " clientReference=" + clientReference); count++; } } return count; } /** * Start counting the index (order for requestCode) from the start value again. * * @return */ public int resetCount() { i = I_START; return i; } /** * Get actions list for non-configuration instance state. * * @return actions */ public ArrayList<UiAction<C>> retainNonConfigurationInstance() { return actions; } //TODO: incorporate onCreateContextMenu() both for single and multiple. }