Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Lin.k N.V. All rights reserved.
 * Lin.k N.V. proprietary/confidential. Use is subject to license terms.


import java.util.List;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.ReadableDateTime;
import org.opensaml.saml1.core.*;
import org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject;
import org.opensaml.xml.schema.XSAny;

 * SAML v2.0 utility class
public abstract class Saml1Utils extends SamlUtils {

     * Checks whether the assertion is well formed and validates against some given data.
     * @param assertion        the assertion to validate
     * @param now              Check whether the assertion is valid at this instant.
     * @param expectedAudience expected audience matching the optional audience restriction
     * @throws ValidationFailedException validation failed.
    public static void validateAssertion(@NotNull Assertion assertion, @Nullable ReadableDateTime now,
            @Nullable String expectedAudience) throws ValidationFailedException {

        Conditions conditions = assertion.getConditions();
        DateTime notBefore = conditions.getNotBefore();
        DateTime notOnOrAfter = conditions.getNotOnOrAfter();

        logger.dbg("now: %s", now);
        logger.dbg("notBefore: %s", notBefore);
        logger.dbg("notOnOrAfter : %s", notOnOrAfter);

        if (now != null) {
            if (now.isBefore(notBefore)) {
                // time skew
                DateTime nowDt = now.toDateTime();
                if (nowDt.plusMinutes(5).isBefore(notBefore) || nowDt.minusMinutes(5).isAfter(notOnOrAfter))
                    throw new ValidationFailedException("SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience
                            + " : invalid SAML message timeframe");
            } else if (now.isBefore(notBefore) || now.isAfter(notOnOrAfter))
                throw new ValidationFailedException("SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience
                        + " : invalid SAML message timeframe");
        if (assertion.getAuthenticationStatements().isEmpty())
            throw new ValidationFailedException(
                    "SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience + " : missing AuthnStatement");
        AuthenticationStatement authnStatement = assertion.getAuthenticationStatements().get(0);

        Subject subject = authnStatement.getSubject();
        if (null == subject)
            throw new ValidationFailedException(
                    "SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience + " : missing Assertion Subject");

        SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation = subject.getSubjectConfirmation();

        if (null == authnStatement.getAuthenticationMethod())
            throw new ValidationFailedException(
                    "SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience + " : missing AuthenticationMethod");

        if (expectedAudience != null)
            // Check whether the audience of the response corresponds to the original audience restriction
            validateAudienceRestriction(conditions, expectedAudience);

     * Validates the audience restriction in specified {@link Conditions} against the specified audience..
     * @param conditions       conditions to validate
     * @param expectedAudience audience expected to be found.
     * @throws ValidationFailedException validation failed.
    public static void validateAudienceRestriction(@NotNull Conditions conditions, @NotNull String expectedAudience)
            throws ValidationFailedException {

        List<AudienceRestrictionCondition> audienceRestrictions = conditions.getAudienceRestrictionConditions();
        if (audienceRestrictions.isEmpty())
            throw new ValidationFailedException("SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience
                    + " : no Audience Restrictions found in response assertion");

        AudienceRestrictionCondition audienceRestriction = audienceRestrictions.get(0);
        List<Audience> audiences = audienceRestriction.getAudiences();
        if (audiences.isEmpty())
            throw new ValidationFailedException("SAML2 assertion validation audience=" + expectedAudience
                    + " : no Audiences found in AudienceRestriction");

        Audience audience = audiences.get(0);
        if (!expectedAudience.equals(audience.getUri()))
            throw new ValidationFailedException("SAML2 assertion validation: audience name not correct, expected: "
                    + expectedAudience + " was: " + audience.getUri());

     * Generates an XML {@link XSAny} object filled with specified value.
     * @param attributeValue attribute value to convert
     * @return converted {@link XMLObject}
    public static XMLObject toAttributeValue(Object attributeValue) {

        return toAttributeValue(AttributeValue.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME, attributeValue);