Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Blake Dickie * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.landora.anidb.mylist; import net.landora.model.anidb.Anime; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeCategory; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeCategoryWeight; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeEpisode; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeFile; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeGroup; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeListItem; import net.landora.model.anidb.AnimeName; import net.landora.model.anidb.repo.AnimeCategoryRepository; import net.landora.model.anidb.repo.AnimeFileRepository; import net.landora.model.anidb.repo.AnimeGroupRepository; import net.landora.model.anidb.repo.AnimeRepository; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.xeustechnologies.jtar.TarEntry; import org.xeustechnologies.jtar.TarInputStream; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; /** * * @author bdickie */ @Component public class ListReader { @Autowired private AnimeRepository animeRepository; @Autowired private AnimeCategoryRepository animeCategoryRepository; @Autowired private AnimeGroupRepository animeGroupRepository; @Autowired private AnimeFileRepository animeFileRepository; public ListReader() { } private Map<String, String> values; public boolean download(URL input) throws Throwable { return download(input.openStream()); } public boolean download(InputStream input) throws Throwable { TarInputStream is = null; try { is = new TarInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(input)); TarEntry entry; while ((entry = is.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (!entry.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("mylist.xml")) { continue; } XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamReader(is); reader.nextTag(); reader.require(XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT, null, "my_anime_list"); values = new HashMap<>(); StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); while (reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) { reader.require(XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT, null, null); String tableName = reader.getLocalName(); values.clear(); while (reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) { String valueName = reader.getLocalName(); value.setLength(0); while ( != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) { switch (reader.getEventType()) { case XMLStreamReader.CDATA: case XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS: case XMLStreamReader.SPACE: value.append(reader.getText()); } } reader.require(XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT, null, valueName); values.put(valueName, value.toString()); } reader.require(XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT, null, tableName); handleTable(tableName); } reader.require(XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT, null, "my_anime_list"); saveLast(); } return true; } finally { if (is != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } else if (input != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); } } } private void saveLast() { saveLastAnime(); saveLastEpisode(); saveLastFile(); } private DateTime exportDate; private void handleTable(String tableName) throws ParseException { System.out.println(tableName); if (tableName.equals("anime")) { handleAnime(); } else if (tableName.equals("title")) { handleTitle(); } else if (tableName.equals("anime_category")) { handleAnimeCategory(); } else if (tableName.equals("episode")) { handleEpisode(); } else if (tableName.equals("file")) { handleFile(); } else if (tableName.equals("user_info")) { exportDate = getDateTime("ExportDate"); } } private String getString(String name) { String value = values.get(name); if (value == null) { return null; } return value.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("<br />"), "\n"); } private Integer getInt(String name) { String value = getString(name); if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("-")) { return null; } return Integer.parseInt(value); } private Long getLong(String name) { String value = getString(name); if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("-")) { return null; } return Long.parseLong(value); } private Float getFloat(String name) { String value = getString(name); if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("-")) { return null; } return Float.parseFloat(value); } private Boolean getBoolean(String name) { String value = getString(name); if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("-")) { return null; } return getString(name).equals("1"); } private final DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormat; private final DateTimeFormatter dateFormat; { dateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm").withZoneUTC(); dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd.MM.yyyy").withZoneUTC(); } public DateTime getDateTime(String name) throws ParseException { String value = getString(name); if (value == null || value.equals("0") || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("-") || value.equals("?")) { return null; } DateTime date; try { date = dateTimeFormat.parseDateTime(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { date = dateFormat.parseDateTime(value); } return date; } public LocalDate getLocalDate(String name) throws ParseException { String value = getString(name); if (value == null || value.equals("0") || value.length() == 0 || value.equals("-") || value.equals("?")) { return null; } LocalDate date; try { date = dateTimeFormat.parseLocalDate(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { date = dateFormat.parseLocalDate(value); } return date; } private Anime anime; private void handleAnime() throws ParseException { saveLast(); int animeId = getInt("AnimeID"); anime = animeRepository.findByAnimeId(animeId); if (anime == null) { anime = new Anime(); anime.setAnimeId(animeId); } anime.getNames().clear(); anime.getCategories().clear(); anime.setLastLoaded(exportDate); anime.setNameEnglish(getString("NameEnglish")); if (anime.getNameEnglish().length() == 0) { anime.setNameEnglish(null); } anime.setNameMain(getString("Name")); anime.setDescription(getString("AnimeDescription")); anime.setStartDate(getLocalDate("StartDate")); anime.setEndDate(getLocalDate("EndDate")); anime.setEpisodeCount(getInt("Eps")); anime.setType(getString("TypeName")); anime.setRatingPermanent(getFloat("Rating")); anime.setRatingPermanentVotes(anime.getRatingPermanent() == null ? null : getInt("Votes")); anime.setRatingTemporary(getFloat("TempRating")); anime.setRatingTemporaryVotes(anime.getRatingTemporary() == null ? null : getInt("TempVotes")); anime.setHentai(getBoolean("Hentai")); } private void handleTitle() throws ParseException { if (anime == null) { return; } AnimeName name = new AnimeName(); String language = getString("LanguageName"); String converted = LANGUAGE_CONVERT.get(language); name.setLanguage(converted == null ? language : converted); name.setType(getString("TitleTypeName")); name.setName(getString("Name")); anime.getNames().add(name); } private void handleAnimeCategory() throws ParseException { if (anime == null) { return; } int categoryId = getInt("CategoryID"); AnimeCategory category = animeCategoryRepository.findByCategoryId(categoryId); if (category == null) { category = new AnimeCategory(); category.setCategoryId(categoryId); category.setName(getString("CategoryName")); category.setHentai(getBoolean("CategoryHentai")); category =; } AnimeCategoryWeight categoryWeight = new AnimeCategoryWeight(); categoryWeight.setCategory(category); categoryWeight.setWeight(getInt("CategoryWeight") / 100); anime.getCategories().add(categoryWeight); } private void saveLastAnime() { if (anime == null) { return; }; anime = null; } private final static Map<String, String> LANGUAGE_CONVERT; static { LANGUAGE_CONVERT = new HashMap<>(); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("english", "en"); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("japanese", "ja"); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("japanese (transcription)", "x-jat"); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("spanish", "es"); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("arabic", "ar"); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("brazilian portuguese", "pt-BR"); LANGUAGE_CONVERT.put("chinese (simplified)", "zh-Hans"); } private AnimeEpisode episode; private void handleEpisode() throws ParseException { saveLast(); int animeId = getInt("AnimeID"); int episodeId = getInt("EpID"); Anime a = animeRepository.findByAnimeId(animeId); for (AnimeEpisode e : a.getEpisodes()) { if (e.getEpisodeId() == episodeId) { episode = e; break; } } if (episode == null) { episode = new AnimeEpisode(); episode.setEpisodeId(episodeId); episode.setAnime(a); } episode.setLength(getInt("EpLength")); episode.setRating(getFloat("EpRating")); episode.setRatingVotes(episode.getRating() == null ? null : getInt("EpVotes")); episode.setNameEnglish(getString("EpName")); episode.setNameKanji(getString("EpNameKanji")); episode.setNameRomaji(getString("EpNameRomaji")); episode.setAirDate(getLocalDate("EpAired")); episode.setEpisodeNumber(getString("EpNo")); a.getEpisodes().add(episode); } private void saveLastEpisode() { if (episode == null) { return; }; episode = null; } private AnimeFile file; private AnimeListItem listItem; private void handleFile() throws ParseException { saveLast(); int fileId = getInt("FID"); file = animeFileRepository.findByFileId(fileId); if (file == null) { file = new AnimeFile(); file.setFileId(fileId); Anime a = animeRepository.findByEpisodes_EpisodeId(getInt("EpID")); file.setEpisode(a.findEpisodeById(getInt("EpID"))); } boolean generic = getBoolean("Generic"); file.setGeneric(generic); if (!generic) { int groupId = getInt("GID"); if (groupId > 0) { AnimeGroup group = animeGroupRepository.findByGroupId(groupId); if (group == null) { group = new AnimeGroup(); group.setGroupId(groupId); group.setLongName(getString("GName")); group.setShortName(getString("GShortName")); group =; } file.setGroup(group); } file.setEd2k(getString("ed2kHash")); file.setSize(getLong("Size")); int state = getInt("State"); if ((state & 1) != 0) { file.setCrcValid(true); } else if ((state & 2) != 0) { file.setCrcValid(false); } file.setVersion(1); if ((state & 4) != 0) { file.setVersion(2); } else if ((state & 8) != 0) { file.setVersion(3); } else if ((state & 16) != 0) { file.setVersion(4); } else if ((state & 32) != 0) { file.setVersion(5); } if ((state & 64) != 0) { file.setCensored(false); } else if ((state & 128) != 0) { file.setCensored(false); } file.setVideoResolution(getString("ResName")); file.setFileType(getString("FileType")); file.setVideoCodec(getString("VCodecName")); file.setSource(getString("TypeName")); } else { file.setGroup(null); file.setCrcValid(null); file.setVersion(null); file.setCensored(null); file.setEd2k(null); file.setSize(null); file.setFileType(""); file.setVideoResolution(""); file.setVideoCodec(""); file.setSource(""); } listItem = file.getListItem(); if (listItem == null) { listItem = new AnimeListItem(); file.setListItem(listItem); } listItem.setStateId(getInt("MyState")); listItem.setFileStateId(getInt("MyFileState")); listItem.setViewDate(getDateTime("ViewDate")); listItem.setAddedDate(getDateTime("ListDate")); listItem.setStorage(getString("Storage")); listItem.setSource(getString("Source")); listItem.setOther(getString("Other")); } private void saveLastFile() { if (file == null) { return; } file =; file = null; listItem = null; } }